I do believe when any Penis Enlargement’er has Penis Enlargement’d as long as me way over 10 years, that in order to maintain normal erection quality even stopping everything cold turkey would be counterproductive, and what at least needs to be done is light stretching and jelqing for 20 mins at least three times a week.
The penis gets use to the directional assistance and since stopping cold turkey I believe the tissue would take it’s own being approach or route upon healing, so however it healed would be the final outcome, unless Penis Enlargement was continued lightly promoting blood flow and nutrients to the micro torn tissues, or the normal routine was resumed and in time the injury would heal itself as it grew.
I think I should have kept Penis Enlargementing lightly and I would have had better results, but at 7 1/2 inches flaccid with a 8 3/4 to 9 inch erection I cannot complain, but I am working on getting back to my routine.
I remember before the extending, hanging, pumping, stretches when I was jelqing I had this small curve to the left before I had corrected it. I could honestly say the stretching, hanging, extending, pumping really offered my unit the directional assistance to become extremely straight.
Where I am now is a sidewinding curve to the upper left but I am noticing improvement the more I work in it, so I can certainly say getting my unit conditioned again is showing me that is the answer it’s just a lot if work.
I’m pleased everyone has great informative information on here as it certainly helps. Thanks bro’s
Update....noose style extending with intense heat during my sessions so far is working like a charm
Making good progress using a noose style
extender for an hour or two a day.
Anyone have any answers for top base pain? It’s deep in my abdomen or right above my shaft.
It’s a throbbing feeling on top of my shaft that jolts deep inside my abdomen starting directly on top of my inner top shaft. Boy I feel it like its a bruise? Deformation?
Extending upwards then switching downwards alternating.
Yea, although my unit is straighter, it’s still swollen but not red anymore not too warm either, but relaxed very relaxed and erections look real good.
Now after heat and noose extending for an hour then the weird feeling at the tip of my unit….now I have a straight as can be unit. What’s going on? And why? Is the penis a muscle? Did I heat the scar tissue enough that it gave way?
Can anyone elaborate?