[size=+2]THE Penis Enlargement Survey RESULTS:[/size]
The Penis Enlargement Survey was a survey created on www.advancedsurvey.com. The survey was advertised on the free forums of Thunders Place and [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. It was opened in April, and was closed down in July – opened for nearly three months.
957 men took The Penis Enlargement Survey. However, due to “duplicated results,” and for the best accuracy only 545 of these men were able to be used in the analysis.
Below are the top 15 things the Penis Enlargement Survey found. The FULL analysis of each question is not shown, but they will be posted in-detail on a website I am creating for the Penis Enlargement survey results as soon as possible. The survey was analyzed in volume.

Disclaimer: The results are not the opinion of the author. Nor is the author stating the results are 100 percent truth. Everything below is what the data SUGGESTS, not the author, and should not be passed as facts. As with all science, multiple tests have to be completed until something becomes factual.

1. How much do we actually gain?
The average gains for men who have been exercising their penis for at least three months is 1 inch in length, and a half an inch in girth (1" X .51"). Translating this into volume*, on average the men who exercise their penises for three months or more have increased their penis size by 42 percent -- nearly half a size bigger than what they started with! [Questions 6 – 9, asking for PRE and POST stats]

2. Does Penis Enlargement work?
Out of 545 men who have performed penis exercises at least once, only 7 people (approximately one percent) believed penis enlargement does not work. [Question 3 – Do you think natural penis enlargement works?]

3. Where do you acquire your knowledge?
The two groups who gained the least were the men who acquired most of their knowledge from [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Matters of Size[/words] and other discussion site.
The "middle group" was the people who acquired most of their knowledge from a combination of two of the following: other discussion site, [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words], and the original Penis Enlargement forums
The top two gaining groups were the very few men who acquired their knowledge from the original Penis Enlargement forums and other sources;
Although the results clearly state the highest gainers were those who acquired most of their Penis Enlargement knowledge from the Original Penis Enlargement forums, and Other Sources we should not be quick in parading to "other penis exercising sites" and requesting the original Penis Enlargement forums back. The skewed results are most likely due to the highly uneven number of votes and the more time spent exercising the penis in the highest two groups. [Question 5 – Where do you acquire most of your knowledge regarding Penis Enlargement?]

4. The Masturbation affect:
The results suggest that men who masturbate less gain more. This is extremely evident when comparing the people who masturbated once a month or less (average gain of 6.22 cubic inches) to the people who masturbated a few times a month or more (average girth gain of 3.87 cubic inches). Meaning, the people who masturbated once a month or less gained 60 percent more cubic inches than the people who masturbated a few times a month or more. [Question 12 – On average, how often do you masturbate?]

5. The Ejaculation affect:
Question 19 takes the Masturbation affect one step further, suggesting it is not masturbating that affects gains, but masturbating and ejaculating shortly after a Penis Enlargement session that does. The group that ejaculated within an hour after a Penis Enlargement session, increased their penis size a third less than the groups that did not. [Question 19 - Within an hour after a normal Penis Enlargement session do you masturbate? If yes, do you ejaculate? Please select the answer that fits you best (meaning if you masturbate and ejaculate 70 percent of the time, then check "Yes, and I Ejaculate."]
In summary, the data theorizes that masturbating and withholding ejaculation might not hurt gains, however masturbating and ejaculating could.

6. The erection affect:
The majority of men who exercise their penis experience stronger and harder erections. [Question 18 – Since you started Penis Enlargement has your erections been affected?]

7. Does exercising the penis cause discoloration?
Approximately 60 percent of the people who voted experienced some sort of discoloration caused by Penis Enlargement. The majority of these people reported having a darker penis (46 percent over all reported having a darker penis). [Question 17 – After you began using Penis Enlargement did your penis discolor? – check all that apply ]

8. Does a warm-up reduce the darkening affects?
Using a warm-up does not reduce the darkening affects caused by Penis Enlargement. [Question 17 – After you began using Penis Enlargement did your penis discolor? – check all that apply ]

9. Do gains slow down with after a few months?
There is a complete correlation with more time & experience exercising the penis and more gains. No where do the results suggest gains "stall" or "die out" after a certain amount of time. [Question 2 – Approximately, how long have you been using natural penis enlargement techniques, TOTAL?]

10. Does it matter how much time I spend on a Penis Enlargement session?
According to the results, your penis will expand and grow according to how much time you put into a Penis Enlargement session. The more time spent exercising the penis, the more it will grow. However, there are obvious conditions. If you are a beginner, do not jump into a hanging session that consists of “multiple hours.” That is a path leading to 'Injury Lane.' Slowly increase the length of time you spend on your penis workout. In the end, anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour, 4-5 days a week will probably give you the best results. [Question 20 – On average, how much time do you spend on a Penis Enlargement session?]

11. Do [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Penis Enlargement pills[/words] help?
The people who use [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]penis enlargement pills[/words] combined with exercises gained 43 percent more cubic inches than those who do not, which suggests that [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]penis enlargement pills[/words] do help gains. [Question 14 – Did you use [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]penis enlargement pills[/words] during the time you exercised your penis?]

12. How do most people find out about Penis Enlargement?
The majority of men who exercise their penis learned about it by searching for it on the web. [Question 4 - Where did you first learn/hear about natural Penis Enlargement?]

13. Does exercising the penis lead to curvature?
Over 90 percent of men do not obtain a penis curve caused by Penis Enlargement. [Question 16 - Does your penis have a curve in it that was not there before you started using natural penis enlargement?]

14. Does exercising the penis lead to a change in erection level?
The majority of men do not experience or notice any change in their erection level caused by exercising the penis. [Question 15 - While Penis Enlargementing, did your angle of erection change? If yes - how so?]

15. Does a warm-up help with gains?
The data suggests that using a warm-up prior to a penis exercising routine had no connection with increased gains (opposed to not using a warm-up).
However, this does not mean we should all throw away our heating pads and infrared lamps. Using a warm-up is the safest known way to exercise the penis. Without a warm-up, there is most likely a greater chance of injuring yourself. Additionally, using a warm-up is believed to cause less bruising and skin problems. Question 13 - Do you use a warm-up before your Penis Enlargement routine?

Confusions & Controversies:
Without a doubt, the biggest confusions and controversies revolve around these two topics:
Penis enlargement pills (number 11) – Popularly believed to be a scam, having no affect on gains. The data suggests otherwise.
Masturbation (numbers 4 and 5) – This is a two-sided argument. Many men believe it affects gains, while others strongly believe it does not. The data suggests that ejaculating, and masturbation leads to fewer gains.

The best way to receive this information is with an open-mind. The data from the Penis Enlargement survey is quite consistent. Instead of everyone stating the results are wrong, wrong, wrong! We should all ask the question, where is the truth behind the Penis Enlargement survey claims? Why does the data suggest ejaculating leads to decreased gains; and [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]penis enlargement pills[/words] help gains? After all, that is what we are all here for – to help each other learn more about Penis Enlargement.

Again, the complete survey results will be up on a website I am creating for the survey results. You will be able to download the actual data for critiquing, and who knows maybe you can find something that I missed! Or that I calculated wrong!
This needs to be stickied.

This is a really awesome post, there's a lot of good stuff in there. Plus it really gets my hopes up "1 inch in three months." I don't know if that's true, but I sure as hell know I'm going to be working a lot harder for the next few months!
Awsome post dude- looks like I'm gonna have to stop ejaculating after my girth workouts! God damn thats going to be hard while I'm checking out all the adult entertainment, but I do feel a shrinking affect happen after I ejaculate that doesnt happen if I don't. I've heard many say that it doesn't matter, but from my recent experiences and from your survey, I've come to my own conclusion.

Great job again man!
The masturbation thing has me puzzled,if a man has a sex drive that is so low that he only does it once a month or less then why would he feel the need to do Penis Enlargement,just my opinion from reading this forum and others is men who want a bigger dick tend to have a high sex drive.
prince Albert said:
The masturbation thing has me puzzled,if a man has a sex drive that is so low that he only does it once a month or less then why would he feel the need to do Penis Enlargement,just my opinion from reading this forum and others is men who want a bigger dick tend to have a high sex drive.

Actually, this makes some sense. (I've been reading a lot about Tantra and nonejaculatory orgasms and there's some really smart stuff mixed in with the esoteric.) First of all, think about how tired many of us feel after ejaculation; this is of course, completly natural, but still it's been known for a while that ejaculation can have a deleterious effect on the body, at least in the short term. Setting that aside, you also have to take into consideration the fact that most men completly lose interest in sex after ejaculation; just looking at that it would stand to reason that there would be less blood flow to both the penis and the glands in the brain responsible for sex and sexuality.

One thing that I did take away from Tantra is this, and I never thought about it before: The primary function of ejaculation is to make a woman pregnant, to create another life. When you cum (Read: Ejaculate) your body is putting every ounce of energy into creating another life, which is why we so often feel completly exhausted, sometimes for several hours, after ejaculation.

There's a lot more, of course, and a lot of good books out there on this. Once I've got a full deck of cards on this topic I'll make a full topical post.
harmonic169 said:
Actually, this makes some sense. (I've been reading a lot about Tantra and nonejaculatory orgasms and there's some really smart stuff mixed in with the esoteric.) First of all, think about how tired many of us feel after ejaculation; this is of course, completly natural, but still it's been known for a while that ejaculation can have a deleterious effect on the body, at least in the short term. Setting that aside, you also have to take into consideration the fact that most men completly lose interest in sex after ejaculation; just looking at that it would stand to reason that there would be less blood flow to both the penis and the glands in the brain responsible for sex and sexuality.

One thing that I did take away from Tantra is this, and I never thought about it before: The primary function of ejaculation is to make a woman pregnant, to create another life. When you cum (Read: Ejaculate) your body is putting every ounce of energy into creating another life, which is why we so often feel completly exhausted, sometimes for several hours, after ejaculation.

There's a lot more, of course, and a lot of good books out there on this. Once I've got a full deck of cards on this topic I'll make a full topical post.

Your on about ejaculating,i'm on about the actual urge to have sex/masturbate.

Putting aside masturbating to orgasm,i find it strange that a healthy man would go as long as a month or longer without becoming aroused.

If i go longer than a day i start to feel frustrated.
Thanks guys.
The project was a big one. I couldn't have done it without everyone who took the survey.

I again, thank everyone who took part in the Penis Enlargement survey.

The results are definetly interesting. There is a lot of theories that can, and hopefully will evolve from this..
prince Albert said:
...If i go longer than a day i start to feel frustrated.
I'm the same way. Sometimes I can't go more than a few hours before the frustrated horny me starts darting around the house humping random objects.
This is a great thread. The survey seems to have concluded the same things that I have over the last few years. Mainly the two stand out issues concerning masturbation and penis pills.

I've certainly found that ejaculating after a Penis Enlargement workout not only makes my hang the next day smaller but also gets rid of a lot of my 'pump' from the workout. Also when I took penis pills for about 4 months, I did notice a better flacid hang along with harder erections and more vascular looking penis.

Remek, were there any results on days on and days off affecting flacid hang? i.e 3 on 1 off? Or any about physical exercise affecting flacid hang?

Thank you Remek for doing this survey.
Nice perseverance, remek. The undying scientist in me feels compelled to remind peole that self-reporting is conisderably less viable than a 3rd party report (blind and double-blind studies). At worst, surveys show what people say, and not what they do (or have).

I would like to formalize these kinds of studies. It would take some money but I think it would be worthwhile.
Im agreeing with orbital, this is a self report test done over the net..., also it's been shown here how common glory sizing/delusion/wishful thinking occurs in the Penis Enlargement world.

Part of my course at the moment is on how to keep experiments/surveys/observations both reliable and valid, and this particular survey would rate about a 4/10 on those scales. The questions need huge re-wording, some need chucking out and others need to be put in, the sample group needs changing and enlarging.

Even if you made it perfect it would still fall victim the confounding variables of any survey.
yea, great survey. I'm going to try hard not to cum after my workouts, but it'll be hard. When I edge, I usually get closer and closer to actually cumming until I usually just let go. guess I still need to work on my control
Insearchof9, TomD, orbital -- Thank you.

Orbital, Shithead --

Yes, this is an online Penis Enlargement survey. Surveys will never carry the same weight as experiments. However, at the moment this is the closest things we have to empirical research.

Me, and the men of TP will be creating a second survey -- it is a big group project in the making. The next survey will help build some more theories.

After that, I definetly have some ideas for actual experiments.
Shithead said:
Im agreeing with orbital, this is a self report test done over the net..., also it's been shown here how common glory sizing/delusion/wishful thinking occurs in the Penis Enlargement world.

Part of my course at the moment is on how to keep experiments/surveys/observations both reliable and valid, and this particular survey would rate about a 4/10 on those scales. The questions need huge re-wording, some need chucking out and others need to be put in, the sample group needs changing and enlarging.

Even if you made it perfect it would still fall victim the confounding variables of any survey.

I've done a lot of statistics and I'd have to say that shithead is correct.
those are some good stats...

this is also a good pic
remek said:
[size=+2]THE Penis Enlargement Survey RESULTS:[/size]
The Penis Enlargement Survey was a survey created on www.advancedsurvey.com. The survey was advertised on the free forums of Thunders Place and [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. It was opened in April, and was closed down in July – opened for nearly three months.
957 men took The Penis Enlargement Survey. However, due to “duplicated results,” and for the best accuracy only 545 of these men were able to be used in the analysis.
Below are the top 15 things the Penis Enlargement Survey found. The FULL analysis of each question is not shown, but they will be posted in-detail on a website I am creating for the Penis Enlargement survey results as soon as possible. The survey was analyzed in volume.

Disclaimer: The results are not the opinion of the author. Nor is the author stating the results are 100 percent truth. Everything below is what the data SUGGESTS, not the author, and should not be passed as facts. As with all science, multiple tests have to be completed until something becomes factual.

1. How much do we actually gain?
The average gains for men who have been exercising their penis for at least three months is 1 inch in length, and a half an inch in girth (1" X .51"). Translating this into volume*, on average the men who exercise their penises for three months or more have increased their penis size by 42 percent -- nearly half a size bigger than what they started with! [Questions 6 – 9, asking for PRE and POST stats]

2. Does Penis Enlargement work?
Out of 545 men who have performed penis exercises at least once, only 7 people (approximately one percent) believed penis enlargement does not work. [Question 3 – Do you think natural penis enlargement works?]

3. Where do you acquire your knowledge?
The two groups who gained the least were the men who acquired most of their knowledge from [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Matters of Size[/words] and other discussion site.
The "middle group" was the people who acquired most of their knowledge from a combination of two of the following: other discussion site, [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words], and the original Penis Enlargement forums
The top two gaining groups were the very few men who acquired their knowledge from the original Penis Enlargement forums and other sources;
Although the results clearly state the highest gainers were those who acquired most of their Penis Enlargement knowledge from the Original Penis Enlargement forums, and Other Sources we should not be quick in parading to "other penis exercising sites" and requesting the original Penis Enlargement forums back. The skewed results are most likely due to the highly uneven number of votes and the more time spent exercising the penis in the highest two groups. [Question 5 – Where do you acquire most of your knowledge regarding Penis Enlargement?]

4. The Masturbation affect:
The results suggest that men who masturbate less gain more. This is extremely evident when comparing the people who masturbated once a month or less (average gain of 6.22 cubic inches) to the people who masturbated a few times a month or more (average girth gain of 3.87 cubic inches). Meaning, the people who masturbated once a month or less gained 60 percent more cubic inches than the people who masturbated a few times a month or more. [Question 12 – On average, how often do you masturbate?]

5. The Ejaculation affect:
Question 19 takes the Masturbation affect one step further, suggesting it is not masturbating that affects gains, but masturbating and ejaculating shortly after a Penis Enlargement session that does. The group that ejaculated within an hour after a Penis Enlargement session, increased their penis size a third less than the groups that did not. [Question 19 - Within an hour after a normal Penis Enlargement session do you masturbate? If yes, do you ejaculate? Please select the answer that fits you best (meaning if you masturbate and ejaculate 70 percent of the time, then check "Yes, and I Ejaculate."]
In summary, the data theorizes that masturbating and withholding ejaculation might not hurt gains, however masturbating and ejaculating could.

6. The erection affect:
The majority of men who exercise their penis experience stronger and harder erections. [Question 18 – Since you started Penis Enlargement has your erections been affected?]

7. Does exercising the penis cause discoloration?
Approximately 60 percent of the people who voted experienced some sort of discoloration caused by Penis Enlargement. The majority of these people reported having a darker penis (46 percent over all reported having a darker penis). [Question 17 – After you began using Penis Enlargement did your penis discolor? – check all that apply ]

8. Does a warm-up reduce the darkening affects?
Using a warm-up does not reduce the darkening affects caused by Penis Enlargement. [Question 17 – After you began using Penis Enlargement did your penis discolor? – check all that apply ]

9. Do gains slow down with after a few months?
There is a complete correlation with more time & experience exercising the penis and more gains. No where do the results suggest gains "stall" or "die out" after a certain amount of time. [Question 2 – Approximately, how long have you been using natural penis enlargement techniques, TOTAL?]

10. Does it matter how much time I spend on a Penis Enlargement session?
According to the results, your penis will expand and grow according to how much time you put into a Penis Enlargement session. The more time spent exercising the penis, the more it will grow. However, there are obvious conditions. If you are a beginner, do not jump into a hanging session that consists of “multiple hours.” That is a path leading to 'Injury Lane.' Slowly increase the length of time you spend on your penis workout. In the end, anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour, 4-5 days a week will probably give you the best results. [Question 20 – On average, how much time do you spend on a Penis Enlargement session?]

11. Do [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Penis Enlargement pills[/words] help?
The people who use [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]penis enlargement pills[/words] combined with exercises gained 43 percent more cubic inches than those who do not, which suggests that [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]penis enlargement pills[/words] do help gains. [Question 14 – Did you use [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]penis enlargement pills[/words] during the time you exercised your penis?]

12. How do most people find out about Penis Enlargement?
The majority of men who exercise their penis learned about it by searching for it on the web. [Question 4 - Where did you first learn/hear about natural Penis Enlargement?]

13. Does exercising the penis lead to curvature?
Over 90 percent of men do not obtain a penis curve caused by Penis Enlargement. [Question 16 - Does your penis have a curve in it that was not there before you started using natural penis enlargement?]

14. Does exercising the penis lead to a change in erection level?
The majority of men do not experience or notice any change in their erection level caused by exercising the penis. [Question 15 - While Penis Enlargementing, did your angle of erection change? If yes - how so?]

15. Does a warm-up help with gains?
The data suggests that using a warm-up prior to a penis exercising routine had no connection with increased gains (opposed to not using a warm-up).
However, this does not mean we should all throw away our heating pads and infrared lamps. Using a warm-up is the safest known way to exercise the penis. Without a warm-up, there is most likely a greater chance of injuring yourself. Additionally, using a warm-up is believed to cause less bruising and skin problems. Question 13 - Do you use a warm-up before your Penis Enlargement routine?

Confusions & Controversies:
Without a doubt, the biggest confusions and controversies revolve around these two topics:
Penis enlargement pills (number 11) – Popularly believed to be a scam, having no affect on gains. The data suggests otherwise.
Masturbation (numbers 4 and 5) – This is a two-sided argument. Many men believe it affects gains, while others strongly believe it does not. The data suggests that ejaculating, and masturbation leads to fewer gains.

The best way to receive this information is with an open-mind. The data from the Penis Enlargement survey is quite consistent. Instead of everyone stating the results are wrong, wrong, wrong! We should all ask the question, where is the truth behind the Penis Enlargement survey claims? Why does the data suggest ejaculating leads to decreased gains; and [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]penis enlargement pills[/words] help gains? After all, that is what we are all here for – to help each other learn more about Penis Enlargement.

Again, the complete survey results will be up on a website I am creating for the survey results. You will be able to download the actual data for critiquing, and who knows maybe you can find something that I missed! Or that I calculated wrong!

Thats a negative. The overall results of the Pills questions was kind of vague. I was not satisfied. I am currently working with a great group of dedicated Penis Enlargementers in building a survey/study to gather significant data.
Im confused about the number of times mastubating per month question. Is it speaking strictly masturbation or ejactulation from sex as well? Like someone said earlier, if your only using it once a month whats the point, and not only that in a few years you may have some ED issues (as the saying goes use it or lose it).
After i cum my dick hangs lower and is alot thicker. Does anyone know why? It really bugs me because everyone is the opposite of me when it comes to this issue.
wow, i've always believed ejaculating after a workout would enhance my gains in a positive way. seems i'll have to hold it up for a month or so then :p
penis pills work because the ingredients in it promote erection. you can easily get the same result by just buying the herbs in it bulk. alot cheaper also :p
prince Albert said:
The masturbation thing has me puzzled,if a man has a sex drive that is so low that he only does it once a month or less then why would he feel the need to do Penis Enlargement,just my opinion from reading this forum and others is men who want a bigger dick tend to have a high sex drive.

I agree wholeheartedly with you, Prince Albert. I doubt very much that men with low sex drives would be yanking on their dicks every day.

It does make sense that if you ejaculate right after your session, it might be counterproductive. You want to keep it engorged as long as possible after a workout.

I wonder if there is a coorelation between men who masturbate often and success at Penis Enlargement?????
prince Albert said:
The masturbation thing has me puzzled,if a man has a sex drive that is so low that he only does it once a month or less then why would he feel the need to do Penis Enlargement,just my opinion from reading this forum and others is men who want a bigger dick tend to have a high sex drive.

Maybe it's called having self-control since they know it would impair their Penis Enlargement gains.

Very true. I've said this many times: The Penis Enlargement Survey isn't showing causation, just correlations. Through many experiments, hopefully we can see if these correlations are causations.

Also, I have a newly updated version of the Penis Enlargement survey results. Here is the link: www.exercisingthepenis.com/survey.php?page=results The task bar on the left hand side makes it much easier to move between the individual analyses.

Very nice job on your website! I'm impressed with the quality and readability. You seem to have adhered to some pretty decent science, and I think this is about as meaningful as surveys can get.
4. The Masturbation affect:
The results suggest that men who masturbate less gain more. This is extremely evident when comparing the people who masturbated once a month or less (average gain of 6.22 cubic inches) to the people who masturbated a few times a month or more (average girth gain of 3.87 cubic inches). Meaning, the people who masturbated once a month or less gained 60 percent more cubic inches than the people who masturbated a few times a month or more. [Question 12 – On average, how often do you masturbate?]

This is soooo not good especially when ur hypersexual and need to get off @least 7-8 times a day <:(
DWTS00 said:
This is soooo not good especially when ur hypersexual and need to get off @least 7-8 times a day <:(

The masturbation/sex thing is very debatable there are plenty of lads who have made gains while still getting there load of on a regular basis.
Hey Remek,

Interesting survey and you deserve congratulations for your initiative. There are some interesting findings that pave the way for future study.

I’m wondering about your conclusions – particularly those concerning penis pills. I’m wondering if you’ve accounted for other factors such as simultaneous manual Penis Enlargement work or for participant exaggeration. If not the conclusions could be a false attribution.

I’m also wondering if respondents were instructed on accurate measurement of the penis and used a consistent measurement throughout the study. If not, the results have a serious validity limitation. Perhaps future studies could provide this information, be longitudinal, and stress the need for consistent measurement throughout.

I’m also very curious about the accuracy of the self-reports on this question. No Penis Enlargement pill has ever demonstrated a significant impact on penis size in a controlled study. Could wishful thinking be factor in the respondent’s replies? For example, the cost of the pills could influence the respondent to believe that results have occurred – the thought of money being spent for nothing is a bit hard to take.

None of this is a slight against the work you’ve done – just ideas to make subsequent studies more accurate.
With regard to the masturbation – I’m not sure why people are concluding that limited masturbation = lower sex drive. That makes no sense. The survey hasn’t asked about intercourse frequency, erection frequency, or sex drive.

As for the study’s conclusions, for all we know this could indicate a personality trait such as “discipline” that may influence the intensity and regularity of the workouts the individual is doing. So it may not be the hormones, blodd etc. but something else altogether that’s represented but less masturbation.

Unless we can control for the intensity of workout we can’t make any definitive conclusions…
I have a question on the whole masturbation issue. Are you talking about only masturbation right after a Penis Enlargement session or masturbation in general??
Re: the masturbation/ejaculation issue, I remember reading a medical paper several years ago that was talking about Viagra.

In the article I'm sure it speculated that after ejaculation some sort of hormone is released by the body into the penis to restrict it's blood flow, and allow it to go flaccid again.

I think what it was saying was the Brain somehow caused more PDE5 to appear at the penis after ejaculation. PDE5 is the thing that restricts the blood flow to your penis and keeps it flaccid. It's only when you get sexually aroused that the Brain releases another chemical to restrict the PDE5, which then allows you to get an erection (Viagra does a similar thing artificially).

Now, this may have been TOTAL speculation, and I can't remember where I read it. However, if it is true that more PDE5 (or some similar-acting thing) appears at the Penis to restrict it's blood flow after ejaculation, it may explain some things. A restricted blood flow is not what one desires when doing Penis Enlargement and could be the factor that (according to the Penis Enlargement survey) causes those who ejaculate regularly to have slower growth.

Again, this only speculation. I do not know if it's true. Moreover, since it was a small sample-size of persons who did not ejaculate often, the statistical anomaly may be explained by other means. Perhaps those who do not masturbate to ejactulation have more self-control, and are therefore more able to stick to routines in a regular fashion.

However if a chemical is involved, it may explain it. Is there a PDE5 expert in the house? Is there any evidence that this, or something similar, increases in the body after ejaculation?
Very great read Al dog, i have never heard anything about it. But, i think you may have found something very important on this issue. But iv noticed every time i get off my dick pumps up more(Longer, thicker) when its flaccid then it normally would if i didn't get off. Do you know any reason for this, it really stagers me.?:(
aldog said:
Re: the masturbation/ejaculation issue, I remember reading a medical paper several years ago that was talking about Viagra.

In the article I'm sure it speculated that after ejaculation some sort of hormone is released by the body into the penis to restrict it's blood flow, and allow it to go flaccid again.

I think what it was saying was the Brain somehow caused more PDE5 to appear at the penis after ejaculation. PDE5 is the thing that restricts the blood flow to your penis and keeps it flaccid. It's only when you get sexually aroused that the Brain releases another chemical to restrict the PDE5, which then allows you to get an erection (Viagra does a similar thing artificially).

Now, this may have been TOTAL speculation, and I can't remember where I read it. However, if it is true that more PDE5 (or some similar-acting thing) appears at the Penis to restrict it's blood flow after ejaculation, it may explain some things. A restricted blood flow is not what one desires when doing Penis Enlargement and could be the factor that (according to the Penis Enlargement survey) causes those who ejaculate regularly to have slower growth.

Again, this only speculation. I do not know if it's true. Moreover, since it was a small sample-size of persons who did not ejaculate often, the statistical anomaly may be explained by other means. Perhaps those who do not masturbate to ejactulation have more self-control, and are therefore more able to stick to routines in a regular fashion.

However if a chemical is involved, it may explain it. Is there a PDE5 expert in the house? Is there any evidence that this, or something similar, increases in the body after ejaculation?

This is very interesting. I will have to do some research on this.
Very great read Al dog, i have never heard anything about it. But, i think you may have found something very important on this issue. But iv noticed every time i get off my dick pumps up more(Longer, thicker) when its flaccid then it normally would if i didn't get off. Do you know any reason for this, it really stagers me.?:(

Very great read Al dog, i have never heard anything about it. But, i think you may have found something very important on this issue. But iv noticed every time i get off my dick pumps up more(Longer, thicker) when its flaccid then it normally would if i didn't get off. Do you know any reason for this, it really stagers me.?:(

BB05, the reason for that is simple. When you get an errection, your penis is engorged with blood and stretched to near maximum expansion (obviously). When you ejaculate, unless you manually squeeze the blood out, a good amount of blood remains flowing in the penile chambers and you hang lower and heavier flacid than you would if you hadn't had that expansion.

In relation to what this thread states, I'm not sure about the PDE5, but I do recall reading that after you ejaculate, your testostrone levels drastically crash, and following that, all of the body's connective tissue tightens and contracts, which would in turn hurt length gains for sure. Knowing a bit about the tunica would make you understand how this would hinder girth gains as well.
Thanx for the Info vaseline knight. I believe that ejaculating is bad on gains, iv read alot of science on it and it has made me convinced. I gained around an inch from Penis Enlargement and i got off nearly every day. But, that dosnt mean if i wouldnt of got off i would have gained more.
Thanx for the Info vaseline knight. I believe that ejaculating is bad on gains, iv read alot of science on it and it has made me convinced. I gained around an inch from Penis Enlargement and i got off nearly every day. But, that dosnt mean if i wouldnt of got off i would have gained more.

Would you feed me with that science you,ve read? ;)

I'd like to know the scientific side of this affirmation ( masturbating slowing your gains)

Thanks BB 05 ;)
Here is a conversation from some of the members. And iv read science from other places on this site and sites on the web. If i can find more ill bring it up.
These threads made me conclude that ejaculation was bad on gains.

By Vaseline Knight

Ya definately. I'm already on my 27th day of not 'ejaculating.' i dont understand the difference between ejaculation and masturbation. Is there such a thing as masturbation without ejaculating? I think, if im not mistaken, thats called 'Edging' and if anything its good for you.

So yes I'm a willing member for this experiment, (at the expense of my gf goin nuts again )

Reports of my gains during periods of not ejaculating have been great. Although I MUST stress that there is a huge difference between sexual inactivity and sexual abstinance. Sexual inactivity will most likely have no affects if not itself hindering your growths. However, if you're stimulating yourself to near ejaculation or to an aroused state and THEN refrain, then you are seeing the benefits of this 'torture.'

I'm also a compteting natural bodybuilder so I can offer my input on the effect of ejaculation on the body.

The male hormone, Testrostrone, is what makes us aggressive, physically and mentally. When doing a bulk up routine, to see gains, you need the mental edge just as much as the physical edge. So masturbation or sex for that matter is not recomended. I dont know about you guys but when I cum, i dont give a flying fuck about anythinngggg for a good 5 min, and i seem to justify things being perfectly fine the way they are. This is because of the drop in testrostrone which happens right after ejaculation. Your male nature has accomplished its objective and has no furthur obligations to fullfill.

so that is the mental part which i think is one of the most important things both in BB and Penis Enlargement.

Furthermore, when you have such a dramatic drop in testostrone levels, ALL your connective tissue retracts which is why you're alot more injury prone if you engage in physical activity right after a sexual episode. I'm presuming that such retraction will limit size gains comming from a Penis Enlargement session, both LENGTH AND GIRTH. This is mho but in having gone from 4.5" girth to 6 1/8" I've noticed that just as you work hard in the gym to grow when you rest, you gain the most girth, not during but after your Penis Enlargement session. The remaining blood in your member helps rebuild the micro level damages and hence fills up the space just created, whereas if you had ejaculated, prolactin will be secreted and very little blood will be left in the penile chambers.

Scientifically, what I just said is basically summorized as follows:

The superhormone DHT grows your penis and stimulate your penile cells to multiplcate; neurotransmitter acetylcholine and its derivative Nitric Oxide (NO) constantly dilate the penile arteries for a constant penile blood circulation to supply testosterone/DHT, oxygen and 5-alpha reductase enzyme to the penile tissue; Prostaglandin E-1 allows your penile tissue, nerves and blood vessels to expand and stretch without inducing collagen release; Oxytocin stimulates the testicular function to produce more testosterone and DHT; the cardiosvacular system has to work harder and pump more blood into your penis. Ejaculation will hinder this process.

Now. Whats SOOOOOO IMPORTANTTTTTTTTT my bored felow Penis Enlargement'ers, is that the testostrone curve is a gaussian distribution around the 7th day. what this means is that your testostrone after ejaculation will start to dramatically build up, until the 7th day, and will start to drop off again. Which is again,... bad. So based on this theory some would recomend that its best to ejaculate (with you gf, or with Handrea, Palmla, and Writina) once a week, just make sure it is at least 4-8 hours before or after your Penis Enlargement session.

By: Nystrongstroke2

think its true actually well i know it is for me.My gf and have a 2 year old son and i actually had the most gains while she was pregnant.We couldnt have sex at all because she had goll stones.Everytime she tried to go down on me she threw up.when it was time to have reg sex she threw,shit when she ate-woke up she threw up.I didnt go out on her once or jerk off at all--and i seen dramtic results.Funny i actually told her today that i cant buss till sat--because although the kegals and water are helping my sex drive isnt giving me the ummf for the gains i need.2 days is to long for me to go without releasin so its gonna be a long week for me.I did tell her though that she can still go down on me now(tease it)and we can have sex--i just cant cum for a couple of days.

By: Albertabeef

From what I understand the prolactin causes valves to close that allow blood to into the CC & CS. It is a protection mechanism built in for the penis to keep it from some kind of erection exhaustion causing damage I think. Someone would have to take the time to look into it but that is the basics of it. The lack of blood circulation is probably why gains are limited by masterbation. I can't see why this would hold true for stretching exercises though.

By: goldmember

I know that there is a surge of prolactin in the penis following an ejaculation (which is what causes the refraction of the erection). I'm not sure if this has any play in why ejaculation affects gains


By: spinner2

There is a valid reason why this seems to be true. Some type of hormone is produced during eaculation that limits tissue growth. I can't remember the specifics, though.

By: Vaselin Knight
YES. I have. I have gained ALLL, i repeat ALL of my length gains, during bursts of time when i CHOSE to Penis Enlargement and not ejaculate no matter what the desire. I agree it takes quite the bit of dicipline. On average I would gain 1/4-1/2" per month of doing so. and since i was inconsistent with Penis Enlargement I would be happy with the gains and stop Penis Enlargement'ing for a while.

I've been consistent with Penis Enlargement (havent missed a day other than the intended rests) from July of 05. While I have made some girth gains, my length gains have been ZIP. and i have nothing else to conclude but that ejaculation keeps my length gains at bay. Now there may very well be some newbie's that make newbie gains while still masturbating. I guess it is then the question of 'would they have gained more had they not masturbated.'

Also, if you read the history of many LARGE GAINERS (veterans) they almost all got into Penis Enlargement because they had problems getting hard. therefore they kept sex/masturbation to a minimum (not cause they wanted to ofcourse).

There is also Scientific evidence that has been pubslished in relation to sports injuries. It is recommended that they don't ejaculate 24 hours prior to a competitive match because the testostrone drop due to an ejaculative discharge causes the ligaments and connecting tissues to retract and stiffen, which in turn can make them prone to injury. I think there is a correlation there with Penis Enlargement as was found by the survey and my DIRECT personal experience with this matter.

Originally Posted by spinner2
There is a valid reason why this seems to be true. Some type of hormone is produced during eaculation that limits tissue growth. I can't remember the specifics, though.

spinner, I think you're referring to DHA/DHEA (IPGN4 ??? ?) and metabolites that are deposited in the CC and CS during an errection.

By: priceAlbert
There is also Scientific evidence that has been pubslished in relation to sports injuries. It is recommended that they don't ejaculate 24 hours prior to a competitive match because the testostrone drop due to an ejaculative discharge causes the ligaments and connecting tissues to retract and stiffen, which in turn can make them prone to injury. I think there is a correlation there with Penis Enlargement as was found by the survey and my DIRECT personal experience with this matter.


VK don't suppose you can remember were you read that,any links thanks.

For every person who makes gains from abstaining there are just as many who make gains from ejaculating.

Ive always had sex or masturbated once or twice a day since my teens ive always had a high sex drive and it hasn't stopped me making gains,i had a long spell were i saw no gains and did try going without for a two month period only cumming once a week and it made no difference,apart from making me irritable as hell.


lmao...... its like any other theory. not tried or tested well im gonna see how long i can keep it up, the science behind it sounds good. p.s. 1/2 inch in a month is pretty awesome!! were those newbie gains?

By: Vaseline Knight

no no. not newbie gains. i went from 7 1/8 to 7 5/8. my newbie gains got me from 5.8 to 6.5 and then stalled. then i went from 6.5 to 7 in a month. and then 7 to 7 1/8 in a month (where i did masturbate), and 7 1/8 to 7 5/8 in approximately a month ( lil less than 4 weeks)


thats pretty impressive, what routine were u using at the time?

By: Vaseline Knight

3 sets of hanging with the sock hanger
45 mins of jelqing in the bathroom with no adult entertainment, so it was softer jelqs at maybe 65%. who knows many thats what got me the length. cuz usually i like jelqing when im slightly harder. like at least at 70-80%

Here is the thread by supra on the theory of Edging and Balloning.

Scientific Basis of the exercise

This exercise has more merit on a scientific basis than what is relized.

Durring the ballooning phase, I believe it works by releasing (in essence) more cAMP in the penis wich is responsible for relaxing the smooth muscle in your penis to bring in more blood. cAMP is is released the more horny you get...wich happens whenever your are "ballooning and edge".

This also flood your penis with DHT, Testosterone and all of the other hormones that runs though your penis at a pre/post orgasm state, which is what edging is!!

Ironman was doing a big article about the interset in Penis Enlargement and the rising popularity about it.
I remember reading an article in IRONMAN magazine about ballooning and edging and other penis enlargement methods and it mentioned something about how cAMP is increased whenever you "ballooning and the edding".

So, if you start off with , then that "primes" and accelerates the following exercise's effectivenss for new and faster growth and accelerated gains. Which is why I started this exercises of with Ballooning then edging.


All info about cAMP
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Those study are basically saying they don't have a clue about the relation between prostate cancer and jacking off in front of internet adult entertainment...