So PINKYXXX (yes I know I post about her a lot) has a new video about with the return of Mz. Booty and Ms. Cleo.

Now if you don't know who Mz. Booty is, she is a 2010 decade urban adult entertainment star from Texas, dark-skinned, very-short, with an ENORMOUS (can't stress that enough) ASS. She disappeared from adult entertainment for a year or two.

Ms. Cleo is an urban adult entertainment legend. She is about 6'0. Back in her prime (she started in the 90's) if you were to ask for the definition of an African Amazon, she would be a prime example. She dissappeared as well, but she did adult entertainment and escort services. I read through other forums from guys who have slept with her (escorting). One guy, who provided pictures, says that he is very confident in his size and it was hard for him to cum because of how loose Cleo's pussy was. . . He said if you are not packing AT LEAST 8" you will not enjoy her (escort) services besides looking at her ass bounce doggy style.

So that brings me to the video. . . which is not on a streaming site but when it gets uploaded I will post it here.

Pinky's new actor cut a scene with these two ladies. . . It was enjoyable but almost not. This guy is the equivalent of Shane Diesel/Jack Napier. . . . with excellent erection quality.

He literally had them running and tapping out the entire scene.

So if what that guy said about Cleo's pussy was true. . .and Jovan Johnson (Pinky's actor) had her saying it's too big, it is clear that girth should definitely be on everyone's mind when it comes to PE. This guy looks about 8-8.5. He has a two-hander and a head but his girth is probably around 7.5.

I am going to take a step back and look at where I am now with my gains and look at whats more attainable. I'd love to have my wife running like this LOL! Girth gains were always in the back of my mind but now it's definitely in the front lol.


Check out the previews:

Pinky & Jovan:

Mz. Booty and Ms. Cleo
Isn't Shane 7.25" in girth? I remember reading in another thread that he was, and he looks way thicker than home boy Jovan.
Pinkyxxx clearly can't close her hand around him, but remember her telling on that other video she had small hands?

So, I think he's not THAT thick.
Last edited:
yea, would agree. That dick looks very fat for sure, but def. not 7,5ish. More like 6,5.
And what did this guy who was with Cleo mean with 8 inches? girth?? Yea, sure...I'd call that bullshit. It's much more likely that he just has a pencil dick or at least average girth of 4,5. or so. In tat case, of course, he'll pull absolutely exaggerated numbers when it comes to Mz Cleo's "needs". Just an ego thing. I'm surprised that you put so much faith in these rumors (cuz that's what they are, nothing more)

Other than that: I've never understood the obsession with length while girth is way more important to most women and is much more likely to make 'em scream. I'd prefer a 7/7 dick to a 9/5 in any case.
ok, then it doesn't seem exaggerated but what has length to do with filling up a loose pussy? Loose pussies need thick cocks, not necessarily long ones.
either way, imo you're right in putting emphasis on girth.
I think the point that guy was trying to make is that you need a big dick period if you want to actually enjoy her pussy instead of enjoying the nostalgia of, "I'm fucking Ms. Cleo right now."

The point I was making is that since he said she was loose and we can pretty much assume that since she does adult entertainment AND escorts on the side. . . .Despite all of that, a penis possibly 7-7.5 inches in girth made her tap out. I remember reading in several articles that anything about 8.5-9 is overkill and most women have orgasms from thicker dicks.

I think this Jovan guy is 8.5x7 at least. I have 2.5x1.6 to go, I think that is very attainable within the next year or so, especially if I lean out like I plan to.
Length is important to men while women tend to want girth more. I think that both are important and one should always go for symmetry in size. Being too long and thin is not symmetrical nor is being too short and thick. A good balance would be one that gives both parties what they want. I think the perfect size in this case is 8 x 6, and this is a size that most men should be able to achieve. It is about an inch more than what women want in length and the girth is slightly more than most women want.
doublelongdaddy;620676 said:
Length is important to men while women tend to want girth more. I think that both are important and one should always go for symmetry in size. Being too long and thin is not symmetrical nor is being too short and thick. A good balance would be one that gives both parties what they want. I think the perfect size in this case is 8 x 6, and this is a size that most men should be able to achieve. It is about an inch more than what women want in length and the girth is slightly more than most women want.

AMEN! 8 x 6 is now the divine proportion! rofl! :)
Zambrodom3;620705 said:
AMEN! 8 x 6 is now the divine proportion! rofl! :)

I agree and I think it gives most men a realistic goal to achieve. If enough men realize this is the best proportion it will make their journey getting there so much faster. Too many guys come looking for ridiculous size and I think they base this on what the uneducated media spews out. Having the Brotherhood agree that 8 x 6 is the golden number will allow many more to achieve it.
Big Al;620750 said:
Consider that an inch in girth adds far more to penile volume than an inch in length does.

Very true. That's why I'm always so skeptical about overblown expectations with respect to girth growth. 1 inch in girth is a lot and def. not easy to achieve within short time. And it's also one reason why I'd prefer 7/7 to 9/5.rofl
Gravik;620790 said:
So once a girl gets fucked by a dick that size, how could she ever want to fuck another guy any smaller?

how? very simple: cuz not every girl enjoys sizes like that. That "The bigger, the better" holds true in any case is a myth created by men (and the sex industry which primarily targets a male audience)
Gravik;620790 said:
So once a girl gets fucked by a dick that size, how could she ever want to fuck another guy any smaller?

Size doesn't equate to good sex.

Someone may never be able to meet their expectations of someone if they set them too high.
If a girl got fucked by someone w/ a 9" dick and got dumped, she would have to date around for a while until she ever met someone to live up to those expectations.

You have to change your view on a relationship. You've been duped by size expectations. People just need to work on not being lousy fucks in and out of the bedroom.
smerc;620798 said:
Size doesn't equate to good sex.

Someone may never be able to meet their expectations of someone if they set them too high.
If a girl got fucked by someone w/ a 9" dick and got dumped, she would have to date around for a while until she ever met someone to live up to those expectations.

You have to change your view on a relationship. You've been duped by size expectations. People just need to work on not being lousy fucks in and out of the bedroom.
good words..DLD got an 11 eleven inches dick and the girl left him hahah
shortdick;620808 said:
good words..DLD got an 11 eleven inches dick and the girl left him hahah

Well she left me when I was 10.5" :)
Zambrodom3;620879 said:
Indeed! It is because you were not eleven that she left you... rofl, kidding ofc! :)

Yeah, I hit the 10.75" mark after she left.
I definitely believe that 8 by 6 is the magic number. I myself am 7.75 nbpel and 8.75 bpel and a little shy of 5.5 girth. I've been with about 20 women and I was able to bottom everyone of them pit so the length was there but I felt the majority could've handled more girth. I've been struggling to gain this half inch on girth but it feels good to know I'm only a half inch away from that perfect size
youngstallion;620958 said:
I definitely believe that 8 by 6 is the magic number. I myself am 7.75 nbpel and 8.75 bpel and a little shy of 5.5 girth. I've been with about 20 women and I was able to bottom everyone of them pit so the length was there but I felt the majority could've handled more girth. I've been struggling to gain this half inch on girth but it feels good to know I'm only a half inch away from that perfect size

I can imagine how good that feels and I think most of us agree the 8 x 6 is the magic number worldwide. I think it also gives hope to many guys that they don't need a 10" penis, nor do 99.9% of the women out there. Knowing that 8 x 6 is the golden ratio allows guys to shoot for a goal that is realistic and attainable. I look forward to you attaining this and inspiring the Brotherhood with your creation!
The only thing is this half inch in girth is very elusive for me. I've tried clamping and I never got any expansion, I bought a vacutech flared cylinder and the only expansion I get seems to be fluid retention. I'm thinking about getting a [words=]bathmate[/words] but I don't wanna waste money on something else that might not work for me.
youngstallion;621190 said:
The only thing is this half inch in girth is very elusive for me. I've tried clamping and I never got any expansion, I bought a vacutech flared cylinder and the only expansion I get seems to be fluid retention. I'm thinking about getting a [words=]bathmate[/words] but I don't wanna waste money on something else that might not work for me.

i just got my [words=]bathmate[/words] [words=]goliath[/words] 2 days ago and im definately impressed .... but for now you should try slammers and when you uli move it up the base by 1 inch to receive even greater expansion
I'd recommend SSJs and [words=]SRT[/words] size blasters (they're working wonders for me girthwise!!). Imo the most powerful girth exercises
ill use them once i receieve fluid retention i throw a couple in but i dont focus on ssjs when using the [words=]bm[/words] , i do ssjs later in the day in my slammer session , i also use sizeblaster in my erect streching portion
samuriajack;621192 said:
i just got my [words=]bathmate[/words] [words=]goliath[/words] 2 days ago and im definately impressed .... but for now you should try slammers and when you uli move it up the base by 1 inch to receive even greater expansion

CORRECT! And also when holding that uli, push downward your dick, you'll get even MORE expansion.
Satyr;621208 said:
I'd recommend SSJs and [words=]SRT[/words] size blasters (they're working wonders for me girthwise!!). Imo the most powerful girth exercises

I am so jealous for you guys who can successfully perform [words=]SRT[/words] size blasters :(
Perestroyka;621237 said:
I am so jealous for you guys who can successfully perform [words=]SRT[/words] size blasters :(

What is your problem with them Perestroyka?
doublelongdaddy;621257 said:
What is your problem with them Perestroyka?

Bro, I have a feeling, that I am only pulling skin, not internal penis, because I don't feel that inner penis is stretching, I've worked them about 30 times all, and only few times it was successful, not even expansion of shaft is visible,nothing, and I know the [words=]SRT[/words] SB is AWESOME exercise, but it seems that I don't have enough knowledge for them, maybe I am just wrong, but I would be happy if I am wrong, maybe it's just that in my head, but my luck is not that good :(
Perestroyka;621549 said:
Bro, I have a feeling, that I am only pulling skin, not internal penis, because I don't feel that inner penis is stretching, I've worked them about 30 times all, and only few times it was successful, not even expansion of shaft is visible,nothing, and I know the [words=]SRT[/words] SB is AWESOME exercise, but it seems that I don't have enough knowledge for them, maybe I am just wrong, but I would be happy if I am wrong, maybe it's just that in my head, but my luck is not that good :(

I see what the problem is. I believe you have a few options:

1- Do some skin stretches before you start your length session. This will get your skin ready to go and get more stretched. I am giving you this advice based on my experience on PE. I have a Bib hanger (starter) and I hang with it. When I put it on- the 1st set I always feel my skin burning (especially at the base of the penis). I do 6, 20 minute sets of hanging, after the 1st set, I take the hanger off, do some dry jelqs to get some fresh blood in my penis and resume my hanging session. When I start my 2nd set- I really feel like the "burning" sensation is gone and I have my penis stretched instead of my skin. It is a pain in the ass stretcging your skin, but consider this as an option.

2- Just keep on doing your stretches and over time your skin will be stretched and conditioned enough for you to go for the actual penis stretching.

3- If you are uncircumcized- you can just pull your foreskin back and then grip behind the glans. I am having this problem and when I pull my foreskin back- I definitely feel the stretch! Sadly- it is pretty uncomfortable until you get used to it, but once you do- you'll have your penis properly stretched! :)
Zambrodom3;621553 said:
I see what the problem is. I believe you have a few options:

1- Do some skin stretches before you start your length session. This will get your skin ready to go and get more stretched. I am giving you this advice based on my experience on PE. I have a Bib hanger (starter) and I hang with it. When I put it on- the 1st set I always feel my skin burning (especially at the base of the penis). I do 6, 20 minute sets of hanging, after the 1st set, I take the hanger off, do some dry jelqs to get some fresh blood in my penis and resume my hanging session. When I start my 2nd set- I really feel like the "burning" sensation is gone and I have my penis stretched instead of my skin. It is a pain in the ass stretcging your skin, but consider this as an option.

2- Just keep on doing your stretches and over time your skin will be stretched and conditioned enough for you to go for the actual penis stretching.

3- If you are uncircumcized- you can just pull your foreskin back and then grip behind the glans. I am having this problem and when I pull my foreskin back- I definitely feel the stretch! Sadly- it is pretty uncomfortable until you get used to it, but once you do- you'll have your penis properly stretched! :)

Look, the problem is bro that I feel my base skin is moving upward instead of penis, no matter how stron the grip is at the base, I feel only skin going upward and the penis stays in place, and I do RK during stretch and fucking dick remain in that zone AGAIN! I am really pissed of though, nothing is going as I want to go, always have to be some sort of obstacle that stoping me, Jesus... rofl
Perestroyka;621555 said:
Look, the problem is bro that I feel my base skin is moving upward instead of penis, no matter how stron the grip is at the base, I feel only skin going upward and the penis stays in place, and I do RK during stretch and fucking dick remain in that zone AGAIN! I am really pissed of though, nothing is going as I want to go, always have to be some sort of obstacle that stoping me, Jesus... rofl

Have you tried pulling the skin back as much as you can and have the excess skin down at your extreme base. Then grip above it and try to stretch that way. Have you tried that?
Zambrodom3;621557 said:
Have you tried pulling the skin back as much as you can and have the excess skin down at your extreme base. Then grip above it and try to stretch that way. Have you tried that?

Hmmm, no! Thanks for that idea, Perestroyka will try it, and one more thing, did you have your flaccid size DECREASED at some moments? I have looked today and yesterday it was thinner than few weeks ago, that bothers me too.
Perestroyka;621560 said:
Hmmm, no! Thanks for that idea, Perestroyka will try it, and one more thing, did you have your flaccid size DECREASED at some moments? I have looked today and yesterday it was thinner than few weeks ago, that bothers me too.

1- You changed your sig! Congrats! КАЖЕТЕ НЕ НА РАСИЗМА!!! Bulgarian language power! rofl!
2- Yes, make sure to try it and tell me how you feel about it.
3- I love how you refer to yourself as "Perestroyka" ("Perestroyka will try it" instead of "I will try it"). rofl!
4- It is important for you not to pay too much attention to your flaccid. It is strngly influenced by:
4.1- temperature (the colder you feel the smaller it gets aka "turtling")
4.2- mood (if you are somewhat depressed or angry chances are it won't be at its normal size)
4.3- blood circulation (especially after you do some type of sport activity- your body mechanisms send blood to the muscles you have "damaged" on a micro level- this is why I always turtle big time after a cardio session!)
4.4- where you are (whenever I go and jump in a pool (and pools are just full of chlorum)- the chlorum somehow makes me turtle a lot!)
4.5- horniness (I have done the mistake of measuring myself at around 5% EQ and since I am a "grower"- it makes some difference, next time I measure fully flaccid- I get the feeling it has shrunk).

And a lot more, so no worries, don't pay so much attention to flaccid, plus, last time I remember you saying you're turtling quite a lot, cause of the f***ing weather in Russia! rofl! :)
Zambrodom3;621567 said:
1- You changed your sig! Congrats! КАЖЕТЕ НЕ НА РАСИЗМА!!! Bulgarian language power! rofl!
2- Yes, make sure to try it and tell me how you feel about it.
3- I love how you refer to yourself as "Perestroyka" ("Perestroyka will try it" instead of "I will try it"). rofl!
4- It is important for you not to pay too much attention to your flaccid. It is strngly influenced by:
4.1- temperature (the colder you feel the smaller it gets aka "turtling")
4.2- mood (if you are somewhat depressed or angry chances are it won't be at its normal size)
4.3- blood circulation (especially after you do some type of sport activity- your body mechanisms send blood to the muscles you have "damaged" on a micro level- this is why I always turtle big time after a cardio session!)
4.4- where you are (whenever I go and jump in a pool (and pools are just full of chlorum)- the chlorum somehow makes me turtle a lot!)
4.5- horniness (I have done the mistake of measuring myself at around 5% EQ and since I am a "grower"- it makes some difference, next time I measure fully flaccid- I get the feeling it has shrunk).

And a lot more, so no worries, don't pay so much attention to flaccid, plus, last time I remember you saying you're turtling quite a lot, cause of the f***ing weather in Russia! rofl! :)

Hahaha I love you brother! Yes I've changed signature, I hate racism, I am nationalist, but no hater, respect others defend yours!

As for flaccid, I know that size depends on few factors, cold, mood and other things, that's why that bothers me, at this moment I am next to the furnace and I am completely relaxed, but my dick is thinner...I know when it is cold it turtles, but what the hell is happening? It can't be that I am losing size, I pray to God that's not the case, that would kill me rofl
Perestroyka;621571 said:
Hahaha I love you brother! Yes I've changed signature, I hate racism, I am nationalist, but no hater, respect others defend yours!

As for flaccid, I know that size depends on few factors, cold, mood and other things, that's why that bothers me, at this moment I am next to the furnace and I am completely relaxed, but my dick is thinner...I know when it is cold it turtles, but what the hell is happening? It can't be that I am losing size, I pray to God that's not the case, that would kill me rofl

Don't overthink it. I see your point though- it happens to me all the time as well and I used to be pretty bothered in the beggining, but I no longer pay attention. :)
I see you belong to [words=]MOS[/words] since March 2013, what's your stats if it isnot secret? rofl
Perestroyka;621580 said:
I see you belong to [words=]MOS[/words] since March 2013, what's your stats if it isnot secret? rofl

I am planning on opening a thread soon and I might give all the info there. :)
Zambrodom3;621601 said:
I am planning on opening a thread soon and I might give all the info there. :)

Drum role please......:)
You only need 7-8 erect length and 5.5-6 erect girth and you can satisfy any women,if you have this size you should know how to use it properly and have good [words=]stamina[/words] then your set.
8incyclops;622580 said:
You only need 7-8 erect length and 5.5-6 erect girth and you can satisfy any women,if you have this size you should know how to use it properly and have good [words=]stamina[/words] then your set.

Agreed, most women, meaning 99% of them, would see this size as being huge. If men could get their head around what a women really sees as being huge I think their goals would be smaller and easier to attain. I am unique in this as it is my job to gain and to create ways of making that happen so I will continue to go hard not for women but for the spirit of inventiveness.
8incyclops;620774 said:
Becides jelqing what do you think the best girth exersices are Big Al???

I'd go with "The Squeeze".

The Squeeze works best with an erection degree of about 70-80%. Some trainees have seen great benefits squeezing at higher degrees of erection (90%+), but it should be noted that the intensity of squeezing a penis that erect must go up exponentially- and so do the risks of injury. We don't recommend attempting that unless you've fully mastered the exercise at lower erection levels (and are prepared for the greater risk of injury). If you're new to the Squeeze, you may want to start at 50-70% erect just to get the hang of it.


Step 1: With one hand at the base (with your thumb and forefinger in "OK" sign as if milking) and the other hand (same way) positioned just behind the head of the penis- SQUEEZE! (Your penis should look VERY swollen and veiny.) You can make this exercise even more intense by attempting to bring your hands together while you squeeze (this would be the "advanced version" of the squeeze).

Step 2: Hold this position for five seconds.

Step 3: Release, and start over.

Goal: Start with 5 and work up to 50+ total reps, resting a bit every 10 reps or so (this is a hard exercise!)

Note: This exercise is UNRELATED to kegels!

Some very advanced trainees have seen benefits to squeezing for 10 seconds or longer per rep.
it feels so great to hold your THICK FAT DICK in your hand when you put a cockring and all the blood is trapped. Your penis becomes twice its size, making me really horny looking at my own
pogzee;626938 said:
it feels so great to hold your THICK FAT DICK in your hand when you put a cockring and all the blood is trapped. Your penis becomes twice its size, making me really horny looking at my own

Try getting in some squeezes during these sessions, it will help girth grow big time. Once blood is in the penis and there is expansion the best thing to do is manipulate that expansion and cause tissue to grow. This is the whole basis behind SlowSquashJelqs. You could actually do the [words=]SSJ[/words] with the ring on leaving both hands available to manipulate your penis.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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