Advice to those entering the P.E circle

Mentality :
# P.E is not a Magic Pill that will make you grow inches within 3 months , 6 months or 1 year. It is a lifestyle much like any other goal oriented activity you are aware of such as body building, stretches etc. Dedication , consistancy and gaining experience throughout the stages of P.E will not only make you gain in length and girth but will also give you the satisfaction, the confidence and the motivation that made you decide to get into the P.E circle in the first place, increase ten folds.

# KEEP it deeply rooted into your mind this is something you are DOING FOR YOURSELF, not for ANYONE else. You are doing it for your SELF CONFIDENCE , your SELF ESTEEM not for a girl whether she is your wife or your girl friend. This will keep you away from being frustrated on a habitual basis since body manipulation is not everyones cup of tea. Rome wasn't built in a day , nor was greatness achieved by just one random act. It takes TIME , PATIENCE and DEDICATION to grow even 1 cm. So work hard and reap the rewards.

# Another thing one must realise is that if you are in a loving relationship, your GIRL will NOT STOP LOVING YOU if you have an average penis. Many of us become insecure to the point where we start treating our love harshly by means of being less intimate with them just because you have concerns over your cock size whether she will feel less satisfied and start cheating on you. Women are 100 % emotional unlike men. Treat her right , make her feel special and loved and step by step enhance your intimacy with her with your slowly enlarging cock. Explore her , have fun with her , intimacy and sex is not limited to penetration alone. So give her all the pleasures in the world but in various stages and forms and experiment with them.

# Last but not the least. Penis Enlargement WORKS ... KNOW IT ... BELIEVE IT ... and see the EFFECTS.


# Before starting any routine. : READ , RESEARCH and UNDERSTAND the principles behind the exercises, understand the terminalogies being used and the entire process of doing it. Dont blindly follow a routine from a member who has achieved success. Rather analyse what worked for him and test if it works for you or not which leads to the next important step.

# FIND OUT your L.O.T ... Initially I was not a believer of this theory but now I AM a believer. I have a low LOT hence why I learned that I get the most of my work out aiming for straight out and straight up stretches. But that doesn't mean I ignore my ligs but I have found success if I put my heart and soul into the stretches according to my L.O.T.

# When measuring , FOCUS on your BP length and when taking regular measurements compare the new results with it. Measuring NBP can be quite frustrating unless you are a really skinny person with zero FAT PAD. I am telling you this because it helps a LOT with your motivation. reason being that you might have gained an inch of length during the course of a month but have also gained some weight and fat. So while measuring your NBP you realise you have no gain , hardly half an inch , but are you aware that you have also gained half inch of fat pad that had hidden your true gains. Wouldn''t be the case if you measured BP ... IMAGINE how AWESOME it would feel to realise you have GAINED an INCH ..... instead of going half an inch :( ....

# Treat your workout as theraputic. ENJOY it ... FEEL it ... gain EXPenis EnlargementRIENCE from it. Its just like body building , stretching ... tai chi and what not !!! DONT RUSH into it ...HASTE MAKES WASTE ... even during stretches ... pull out your cock in a gradual pace till you reach the maximum stretch ... only then PUT YOUR FULL BLOODY FORCE INTO IT... and hence forth.

# Learn how to REVERSE KEGEL ... and apply that method everytime you stretch out ... (AS IN STRETCH OUT TO THE MAX WHILE REVERSE KEGALLING) ITS REALLY AMAZING ...this will also help you to associate a stretch with a reverse kegal which will be your ticket to success to EXTRA gains when doing the DLD Blasters.

# Make sure to warm up before and after a workout .

# Keep telling yourself that P.E is a journey and NOT A RACE ... RESULTS WILL COME but will come with time and patience.

I will trying to post more that I can think of soon :) I have gained but I dont want to make myself all hyper about it. This site was an ingredient to what I have strived for. If you have found my advice sensible please apply it if you find me a phony with no pics to show , that is your personal choice :) ... I have decided to contribute knowing there are so many like me who are insecure and dont know how to start and what to expect.

Thanks again :) Think of it as a P.E community service :p

**NOTE : I have used CAPS just to emphasize the points mentioned , not for shouting or screaming :) ***
good post...didnt read its entirity but you might wanna add worry bout your own dick not everyone elses. weather tey lying etc. lol
Good post, all those who have just started and wanting to start should read this

And remember those who usually boast about thier dick size are usually lying about it.
No two penises are the same, so don't try to make yours the same as someone elses cos it wont happen
I would be thankful if the experienced members chipped in their thoughts as well :)

Mentality :

*YOUR COCK will always look smaller to you ... and other cocks will appear huge. Why ? Because you tend to have the habit of comparing your cock to adult entertainment stars ? Or better yet on these forums. With regards to adult entertainment stars they are made to look bigger with fish eye lenses , their cock being zoomed upclose and what not. Like wise with pics. If you dont believe me , try taking a shot of your cock through different angles and zooms and you will find out how at some angles your cock looks bigger than your usual size. Bottom line MEASURE your success by simply measuring :p .. and not with the picture comparison. Leave your wife, girl friend to be the observer and the one to remark in awe and what not.

# Measure your cock at intervals ranging from 1 month , 3 months , 6 months or even a YEAR. Men are born cocky and arrogant and even the slightest gain can make us greedy and hyper , giving our brain the illusion that every time I P.E my cock keeps enlarging and you end up being a maniac measurer. TRUTH is ... you will have phases :
PHASE 1 : Conditioning your penis : This is the phase where your penis is exposed to the world of P.E. Since this is the beginning phase chances of having gains are really HIGH, but BEWARNED this is also the phase where INJURY RATE IS HIGH. So take it SLOW, TAKE IT EASY ... Let your cock become accustomed to the exercises, let it gain its "BEGINNERS LUCK" gains. Make sure you also have REST DAYS with LOADS of WARM UPS and WARM downs. This is also the phase where your cock will be RIGID , making it hard for you to do the stretches ... DONT WORRY ... in due time and due practice your cock will become limper , softer , easier to hold and can be stretched to the MAX

Another Important fact of PHASE 1 is HAVING the RIGHT MIND to continue what you are BEST AT. Some are REALLY GOOD at STRETCHING , some are at JELQING. INITIALLY take your STRONG POINT and FOCUS ON it ... for example , I found Jelqing to be a DELIGHT and stretching a NUISANCE ... so I focused mainly on jelqing ... till I feel like I have perfected it like none other, got the gains and wanted more. So I asked myself let me try my hand at stretching ... if it doesn't satisfy me I can JELQ all my life to satisfy my gains. So keeping as JELQING as my strength and back up I focused slowly on Stretching until I even started to LOVE length exercises, all those months of jelqing has made my cock more easier to grap , better flacid hang in retrospective to the time at the beginning where my cock was very RIGID and hard to stretch.

PHASE 2 : The Plateau STAGE : This is the stage usually after months of P.E , your cock is used to the training , you will feel as if your cock has rebelled against you , no matter what you do , how you do , your cock simply wont grow , how hard you stretch , no effect what so ever. THE MISTAKE Penis EnlargementOPLE MAKE IS INCREASE THE REPS OF JELQS and Stretch themselves into OBLIVION ... There are Two Approaches for both aspects

JELQ :1) Instead of increasing the no. of reps in jelqing , DECREASE THE REPS and INCREASE THE INTENSITY OF THE JELQS ... for example , do 6 reps of SLOW 3-5 sec JELQ STROKES. YOUR Penis EnlargementNIS IS MORE LIKE A BAG FILLED WITH BLOOD so TRY TO EXPAND it with SLOW , Intensifying and at times Orgasmic (at least for me) jelqs.

2) If you have to increase the REPS ... Try to break your jelq routine into intervals instead doing it at one go. Example 300 JELQS in the afternoon , 300 JELQS at nite.

Stretch : Try to alternate stretches between LONG INTERVAL stretches and SHORT OUT BURSTS. Each time remembering to REVERSE KEGAL. Keep your Penis EnlargementNIS STRETCHED MAX. and REVERSE KEGAL and RELEASE FEEL the INNER Penis EnlargementNIS Pull out, mm by mm.

Another thing you can do is DO STRETCHES IMMEDIATELY after a WORK OUT. Your cock will be exhausted , limp , weak ... AT YOUR MERCY ... TO BE MANIPULATED HIT IT HARD at that TIME and see the DIFFERENCE .... your ligs and your tunica already exhausted will stretch beyond its normal limit when you do the exercises after Girth work.

PHASE 3 : MASTER of JELQ and STRETCH : This is the time you EXPLORE other alternative variations to make your journey interesting. BTW If you are onto [words=]MOS[/words] program, you could start PHASE 2 (YES PHASE 2 up till now you were a BEGINNER) and onwards, explore CLAMPING , PUMPING, HANGING as an option etc.

If you are 6 inches BP dont start P.E aiming for 9 to 10 inches. This is the biggest nonsense as you think unrealistically and end up giving up your mission since you are frustrated to the bone. DLD decided to go for 10 inches after he reached 8 inches , he never made the decision of being 10 inches when he was 6 inches. so keep REALISTIC GOALS .. that way , your success will make you content and will make you motivated to go further.

Guess thats the phases when on the P.E Journey :)
FEELING of JELQ : "As if you are pusing meat out of a sausage". Do them slowly and feel the engorgement rather than doing it in a rapid manner (save that for flacid jelqing).

How much should you JELQ ? : Start of with 150 JELQS (Number derived counting one jelq for each hand) , observe how your cock feels ? If it is exhausted and sore and you are on the verge of orgasming , that is your LIMIT. DONT GO BEYOND THAT. INFACT keep jelqing at 150 reps till your penis will tell you it is no longer exhausted, at that point increase your reps by 50 till the point you reach 300 to 600 and NO MORE. If you are increasing the REPS then do it at Different intervals. Example 300 at day 300 at nite (STRICTLY NOT FOR BEGINNERS)

Preparation for JELQ : Warm up , LUBE and a HAIR BAND to KEEP your BALLS intact (Incase if you have a turkey neck it messes up your jelq)

STATE of Penis EnlargementNIS when Jelqing : Your Penis should feel SPONGY, ENGORGED but not HARD. More precisely like a LIMP , SWOLLEN Sausage. If you cant get this state try jelqing slowly from base to the spot close to the head, train to reach this state. THE FEELING IS MORE PRECISELY LIKE A BAG WITH A LIQUID FILLED and you you are Mushing it forwards to the head. (Just try it and you will understand) DO NOT JELQ AT 100%

I want my MOMMY ... I GOT RED SPOTS : RELAX its as NORMAL as anything IT WILL GO AWAY. IF IT DOESN"T take a DAY OFF. My saying in this : CONTINUE because your penis will eventually get used to it. BUT IF YOUR Penis EnlargementNIS STINGS and IS SORE to TOUCH then you are at FAULT for going all excited on your cock and not following instructions. AGAIN TAKE IT SLOW AND TAKE IT EASY

HOW MANY REPS I SHOULD DO ? Well it DEPenis EnlargementNDS ON YOUR HORNYNESS LEVEL and your ERECTION ... if you are horny and quite sensitive to erection Jelq 25 reps for SETS in accordance to your final rep of 150 or 300. As time goes by , you will need stimulation because you mind is used to the exercises and what not, in that case try doing 10 reps for SETS in accordance to your final rep of 150 or 300. As time goes by try increasing the intensity by doing 6 reps in SETS accordingly


Last but NOT THE LEAST , JELQING IS UNDERATED but I PROMISE you IT IS THE BEST EXERCISE IN THE WORLD it will GIVE YOU IMMENSE GAINS IF YOU Penis EnlargementRFECT THE JELQ so strive for it , perfect it , fashion it , tailor it according to you taste, JELQ upwards , JELQ STRAIGHT OUT ... JELQ DOWNWARDS ... see what WORKS for you and FOCUS on it .... Dont just follow other members and give up when you find no results
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If you are good at it , FOCUS your entire efforts into it then slowly focus on JELQING.

WHERE TO GRAB ? EXPenis EnlargementRIMENT ... try grabbing the head and pull try grabbing the space inbetween the head and circumcition scar and pull or grab on the circumsition scar and pull ... for uncircumcized people make sure to PULL back the skin before grabbing and stretching

How does stretching feel : As if the Penis EnlargementNIS INSIDE you is being pulled , not the skin outside. more like a plunger being pulled out from suction :p

How hard should I pull : To the point where you have a good , pleasurable feeling on the LIGS and your TUNICA (for some this could be achieved if you use 50% of your strength , for some 100% of your strength and for some 200%)

What about INJURING myself with the MAXIMUM stretching ? : If you start to think you will get injured then you will get injured, BOTTOM LINE your Penis EnlargementNIS is AT YOUR MERCY , it can withstand ANY STRESS , TENSION , EVEN TORQUE :p ...

Timmy : what if I stretch to the point where it HURTS BAD !!! :D

*SLAPS TIMMY* WTF wrong with you .. !! Why will you stretch in that manner. STRETCH in a manner that will make u want to stretch again later and go further than before. ITS LIKE DOING THE SPLITS .. YOU DONT SPLIT YOUR LEGS and FALL on your BUTT it takes TIME ... PRACTICE ...DEDICATION and VOILA ... Balls to the floor. Like wise . start stretching moderately ,dont get frustrated if you feel like you haven't achieved much from the session, as your grip gets stronger, so does your stretch and one day you will reach the point where the stretch is so intense you pop your ligs (FEELS SO DAMN GOOD) so TAKE IT SLOW AGAIN and Keep increasing the pace.


STRETCHING should be more consistent than JELQING (REST DAYS are a MUST) because even if you tend to stretch just 90 secs each day its BETTER than stretching like a MANIAC for a day , get SORE and BLISTERS and Give up by resting for a week until healed.

FURTHER NOTE .. as you keep stretching , your penis will become less rigid , making you stretch even further, will give u a better hang , and further more will enable you to start doing DLD BLASTERS because it will be tuff to do such a feat if u just have a turtle neck hang.

Penis EnlargementACE OUT :) ... CHIU CHIUUU CHIU CHIUUUUU ... YEAAAAHhhhhhhhhh USHA USHA ..( Dont blame me 4 am , sleepy and hysterical)
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And remember those who usually boast about thier dick size are usually lying about it.

Hey ,just first off have to say that was one of the best posts I've ever read anywhere! I have a couple questions though if you don't mind: 1. Do you have to go to that fatigue point when jelquing to get the best expansion ,and potential gains, for that particular workout? Or can you just do some jelqs till you get some expansion and still get gains from it? 2. For stretching with the reverse kegels, if I was doing a 30 second stretch downwards let's say, would I do the reverse kegels from the very beginning or just for a few seconds of the 30 seconds stretch? Where precisely would I incorporate these into the stretching routine? Thank you.
1. Do you have to go to that fatigue point when jelquing to get the best expansion ,and potential gains, for that particular workout? Or can you just do some jelqs till you get some expansion and still get gains from it?

You get gains from both actually intially it will be
do some jelqs till you get some expansion and still get gains from it
and after months of jelqing it will be
you have to go to that fatigue point when jelquing to get the best expansion ,and potential gains
Your cock will literally metamorphosize from your beginner stage to your advanced stage , hence your priorities change and you would be the best JUDGE at that time what is the next necessary step.

2. For stretching with the reverse kegels , if I was doing a 30 second stretch downwards let's say, would I do the reverse kegels from the very beginning or just for a few seconds of the 30 seconds stretch? Where
precisely would I incorporate these into the stretching routine

reverse kegalling is like a nitro boost to a maxed out stretch, do this experiment for me and you will understand when to do it and how to do it and how long you want it and how many times you want it. STRETCH your cock out MAX while reverse kegalling(DONT Hold your breath.. breathe normally and calmly). now with your cock being stretched so much so you feel like you cant stretch any longer ... TRY reverse kegalling again .. and SEE that PULL on our LIGS and TUNICA ... like a sudden BURST ...(BTW when all of this is happen you are still pulling on your cock like a mad man) so when doing a thirty second hold when ever you feel like your stretch needs an extra boost reverse kegal ... with practice you can perform like 10 slow reverse kegals while stretching ... and just see how SORE your unit becomes from JUST A mere 30 second stretch !!

On a SIDE NOTE : I have advised on Reverse Kegalling when stretching to give u an advantage for DLD blasters later on. MANY have GAINED from JUST BASIC Stretching in the traditional manner. SO dont panic , see what works out for you. A beginner mind set is usually one where it wants to FOLLOW SETS OF INSTRUCTIONS and a ROUTINE and TECHNIQUES .. I completely respect that since I was once like that too, just in due time you make little tid bits changes to suit your needs because not everyone is the same :)

I want you honestly say to STICK TO BASIC DLD JELQS and BASIC DLD Stretches for MONTHS ... GET THE MOST OUT OF IT ... you will GAIN , an inch .. or more depending on your efforts and dedication .. spasmodic efforts never gave anyone anything. Once you are a MASTER of the BASICS even the advanced exercises will be at your mercy.
Amazing post, and I've been Penis Enlargementing over a year lol. Everything you say is true! Any beginner out there, read every post this guy has written in the thread. I have learnt alot today! thank you :)
good post a lot of guys come in to pe thinking they are gonna put on 2 inches in a few months if it was that easy we would all be walking around looking like mandingo..
So when you say reverse Kegel 10 time for that 30 seconds won't you have to Kegel first and then reverse? If that is the case then do you let up on the stretch when you Kegel? I usually just reverse kegel the whole time.

Also, any body have a layman’s explanation to LOT and how to determine what you have?

Well bro .. the reason why I mention reverse kegalling is because it enables to stretch your penis beyond its limits. When stretching kegalling and tug back almost becomes an involuntary reaction at the beginning , so its okay to kegal while you were stertching and reverse kegalling ... Its very hard to describe the process in words because each one has the unique ability to adapt to a certain exercise that works best for them so the only advice I can give u is to experiment. If by what you are doing gives you the ultimate satisfaction then go for it.
Updates for the New Bies :

MENTALITY : So you finally jumped onto the bandwagon. What could your reason be ? Want a big cock so you could fuck virtually any girl ? Your GF's ex had an 8 incher and you wanna out bid him in the length and size department ? On a summer vacation and you suddenly decided to magically grow an inch or two so that you can surprise your Gf , wife, partner with your miracle wonder? Well if those were one of the reasons why you decided to P.E ... then I just got two simple words ... "PISS OFF" and Stay OUT ....
Why the harshness ? You might ask ? Well Timmy fact of the matter is ... P.E is not a ONE Night stand that you just wanna commit to experience the other side .. the dark side. But But But Koli ... I have read people gaining two inches in 6 months ... 4 months HECK DLD gained 2 inches JUST doing the NEW BIE routine ... if he could so could I ... Well if that was a YES or NO question then my answer would be YES and NO. YES because enlarging your penis is POSSIBLE through P.E and NO because its practically and realistically to think you can gain 2 inches in 6 months ... BASED on the fact you have NEVER been exposed to the work outs ... the mind set ...WOOPTIE DOO if you have been lurking in the forums and doing research .. its easier to talk the talk than walk the walk. How did DLD get 2 inches in 6 months ... well its because of the following and you BETTER IMPRINT them onto your freaking immature illogical mind ...

1) DLD is the GURU of dedication . I dont say this to butter him up but if you read his posts and his mind set towards his exercise I would say he gained the extra 1 inch JUST USING HIS MIND and not his hands. Oh la la what nonsense am I blabbering you might ask , well slap onto your face and LISTEN to the fact .. YOU MUST believe in what you do. Have confidence in yourself and the exercise ... keep telling yourself everytime I WORKOUT MY Penis EnlargementNIS IS BECOMING LONGER , BIGGER, FATTER, STRONGER ... more like a rhytHydromaxic chant till the point where it becomes second nature to you. To your conscious mind you will look like a moron because it will tell you "YEAH right timmy your weener will never be a German Sausage rather a cocktail weenie 4 EVAaaaaaa MUhahaahahah" and honestly there will be times where you want to give it all up because you dont seem to get any bigger then what you were 2 weeks ago ... but fear not little one .. lest you forget you have something in you that is your fuel , your man power to your exercises, your SUB conscious ... its been listening to you all this time , even when you decided to give up and elope with your conscious mind ... and what happens ? You get gains a time when you LEAST EXPenis EnlargementCTED IT. ITs the FREAKING TRUTH ...

CASE SCENARIo ... HEllo I am Timmy ... I decided to P.E heheheh ...My My I am so pumped .. I cant wait for the day where I use my own pecker as a diving board for Ze Ladies ... Grrrrr ...

Starts to P.E deligently ... LOVES it so bad ... does it quite often ... due to your penis being exposed it reacts in a positive manner boosting your confidence .. you cant WAIT to brag and show off your GAINS .. you think you are GODs special child because HOW EASILY you managed to make your penis 1\4 inch bigger in girth or length ... YOU ARE ON TOP of the WORLD your confident is blown to the roof .... Weeks pass by ... your penis seems to be getting used to the exercises ... BUT WHY ... IF jelqing 300 worked for me and gave me 1\4 inch girth if I repeat the same step I will get 1\4 inch everytime I do it .. I MEAN COMMON its common sense right ? Hmmmm ... well I been peeing NON stop for a WHOLE MONTH :D ... and that too with the ROUTINE that gave me 1\4 inch girth so I must have been doing something right ;) ... Takes out the ruler and tape .... FINDS OUT instead of gaining ... TIMMY lost some size ... couldn't even get a proper erection ...WTF ... WHAT HAPPenis EnlargementNED ?? OMG ... Logs onto [words=]MOS[/words] ... posts a Thread TITLED " Penis Enlargement SUCKS ITS FAKE .. it RUINED my erection" ... bla bla bla ... boo hoo hoo ... end thread

Disheartened and frustrated .. TIMMY QUITS P.E ... Even taking an oath to ABOLISH all NATURAL P.E Promoting Sites and gurus because ITS ALL A SHAM can you call it penis enlargement when your penis instead of growing reduced in size and gave you weak ass boners .... He jumps to his bed shedding tears ... thinking he will alas die a virgin ... sniff snifff ...
A week goes by ... Timmy seems to be getting ROCK HARD erections OUT OF THE BLUE (o_0) ... His morning woods seem to be EXPLOSIVE ... he feels like a steel was implanted into his urethra because this is RIDICULOUS ... while taking a Penis EnlargementE he feels his cock looks different .. HEALTHY... MANLY ... ummm why not measure it shall we ? OMG (0_o) half and inch INCREASE .. HOW THE ? WHAT THE ?? *FARTS* ... P.E WORKS .. BY GOD P.E WORKS ...

MORAL OF THE STORY : YOU GET THE GAINS when you LEAST expect it. When you have gone through HELL and BACK you get GAINS .. .MANY just read DLD's Story of success but have you ever bothered reading through what he went through MENTALLY and Emotionally just to get those 2 inches.

THINK AGAIN ... 0.5 inch in a MONTH might seem less ... but when you decide to make P.E a part of your life that will seem sweet to you because if you can manage to have a goal of 0.5 inch in a month for the rest of your LIFE the chances of you reaching your goal is ACHIEVABLE ... hoping for 2 inches in months is like wanting to gain 30 pounds of muscles in 1 month ... THINK REALISTIC .... THINK FOR REAL ...
ADVICE No. TWO : STOP LOOKING AT THE PICTURE PROOF and start comparing that cock to YOURS ... FOR REAL this is one habit that I have honestly come out of ... because the pictures in that thread are mostly from P.E VETS (except people who post their starting size) They have achieved THAT cock through SHEER hard work and dedication ... Penis EnlargementRIOD.

Yeah they mite say things "BIGGER IS BETTER ... people who say size doesn't matter are bull shit " they have EARNED that line to be honest .... they too were once like us ... insecure and incompetent (self imposed) What should we do when we come across a line like that ? Threads about HUNG guys getting LAID ... about their Enormous cocks being the object of admiration .. well you could look at the whole scenario in the following manner ....

1) BE HAPPY FOR THEm ... for FUK's sake ... why be envious of your bro . HE BUSTED his arse for it .. let him enjoy the fruit with being casted with any curses from newbies ... INFACT take it as a motivation .. that one day I too shall have a day like that ... its more like a NEW employee into a company and looking at the manager and telling himself one day I will have his post and the manager on the other hand looks at the CEO and utters the same thought. P.E soldiers baby ... you are not SMALL .. its your freaking mind that RESTRICTS you and the guys with HUGE cocks have BROKEN that BARRIER and THIS IS YOUR TURN to break yours.

2) Listen to yourself .. THINK rationally ... every person is different .. NOT everyone wants 8 inch cocks not everyone want HUGE girths ... WHY ? because every girl is different ... they have different vaginal depths (I know many say they need working up to get 8 inches in ... but I bet many could swear that they have bottomed a girl at just 6 inches etc and what not) so think of your goals based on your preference. because the last thing you would want is to have a BIG COCK but that medal of honor for you is your girls worst enemy because all she gets is PAIN from it .. even to the point where she will cringe at the thought of penetration.

Secondly .... REAL LIFE is NOTHING like adult entertainment .. DONT visualise SEX as you with a HUGE cock RAMMING the girl LEFT right and centre and then ending it with a facial , money shot or internal what ever you guys fancy. SEX to a woman is 80% mental and 10% physical and 10% again after sex mentality. You guys do know that foreplay for a man could be something in minutes or even seconds but for a woman it can be as long as 24 hrs and then just watch her RIP you to shreds .... having a Huge cock is ONLY a minor part of the foreplay process ...majority is how you treat her .. how you touch her ... how you make her feel special , comfy and loved. My views mite clash with other guy's view (someone even bragged about fuking girl left right and centre and what not... dude ... props to you being a playa ... but even if its a hooker learn to respect women .. unless you forget your mother and your sister are women too .. bet it would boil your blood if someone else spoke about them like that ..)

LAST advice to ma Penis EnlargementEPS ... P.E is a WAR .. some battles will be won ... some battle will be lost (Mental block .... Lack of interest ... Frustration etc) but with (I repeat) DEDICATION ... CONSISTANCY ... YOU WILL WIN THE FREAKING WAR ....

Penis EnlargementACE :)
Now THIS GUY NEEDS TO BE MADE A MODERATOR! Excellent post based FULLY IN REALITY and, being so, is the most comforting and encouraging post on here for newbies or anyone else who falls for the "big cock" bullshit in adult entertainment.

Kolimuddin, your Penis Enlargement routine and BPenis EnlargementL/Erect Girths gains, please!
Awww shucks :blush: just helping out ma Bruvas thaz all :)

Dont take it as an offence bro .. but I can tell you I have gained , whether you want to believe it or not I leave that to you ... I am not being cocky and stubborn , as a newbie it had deeply affected me and I somewhat started this annoying habit of following someone who has had success with his routine instead of focusing on myself and my needs and I want to convey the same message to my other P.E braz.

But I can tell you I have been Penis Enlargementing for close to 5 years and I intend to do it for life.
I have mentioned in the posts above about taking one's strength and then focusing on the next .. so for me .. I was good at jelqing so I tried all forms and norms of jelqing. DLD style , Straight out , Flacid and eventually 100% erect jelqs till the point where I started getting sick of it ... but I wanted MORE .. so i ventured into stretching. At first it was the WORST thing ever but now I would prefer stretching than any other relaxing activity :p

To make things more easy for you :p I am on PHASE 1 routine of [words=]MOS[/words] for 5 years. Made changes in terms of intensity and reps based on my feelings and thoughts. Right now I am focusing on length trough stretches only and I seem to love it so bad I could cry :p

Hope that answered your questions :)
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I have briefly mentioned about grip issues in the posts above but I decided to elaborate on what to be done and what not to be done.

ISSUES OF GRIP : This is something that will always come across a new bies mind before starting the stretches. I can say that upon asking various members about their IDEAL grip the suggestion can be narrowed down as follows.

1) Grabbing hold of the head and pulling it.

2) Gripping and torquing the area of your penis scar (circumsized) and pulling it.

3) Gripping and torquing the space between the head and the penis scar (circumsuzed) or the area between the head till the point where your penis skin is stretched.

BOTTOM LINE you must feel the INNER Penis being Pulled ... as far how the feeling goes read the post about based on the grips I am more inclined towards describing what is STRETCHING TO A NEWBIE

BEGINNING STAGE : You are pumped up for P.E (as usual) and decide to stretch ... but whats this ? You have never tried stretching your penis for 30 seconds ... well it looks easy and simple ... But how hard should I stretch is the question on my mind ? HEY why not ask the members ... Interesting so I can narrow down the answers into the following :

1) Stretch gradually and slowly as long as u feel a slight pull (good feeling pull .. which sometimes results in your cock getting a bit spongy)

2) Pull the mother junction like you own that piece of shit

So what does a new bie do ? Go for step 2 since its what majority of the member will say.... AFTER MATH ?? A FREAKING SORE Penis EnlargementNIS ... not the good kinda sore but the STINGING .. .CARPenis EnlargementT Brushed feeling ? and on top of that your HANDS HURT like crazy ... all you can sense now is your sore cock as if you have applied a coat of Deep heat on it.
What should you do then ? How can I reach a stage where I can pull the heck out of my cock ? Well the GOOD NEWS is ... YOU CAN ACHIEVE that stage 100% guranteed without any pain involved .. BAD news is .. IT takes TIME AND PATIENCE (ta da da daaaaaaa)

STEPS for a newbie before getting SERIOUS on stretches ...

1) Your cock should be conditioned slowly and gradually when many of us start to P.E our flacid is NEXT TO NOTHING compared to the 5-6 inch flacids of P.E VETS ... so why TRY their approach when ur flacid is roughly 2 inches and forget about getting a suitale grip. What you need to DO in the BEGINNING is to Grab hold of your HEAD (cock ofcourse silly) and pull it straight out gently (straight down whatever) and reach to a point where you feel a good soreness .. a feeling that tells you that you have stretched your cock beyond its capacity but not so much as to cause u any sort of discomfort, E.G (example not Erect Girth you dum dums) ... when measuring your cock if u found out that your flacid stretches to 6 inches ... try to stretch it to 6.1 inches and HOLD it in that STATE .. at the beginning keeping count of 30 seconds is VERY HARD .. based on the fact your FORE ARM and your GRIP has not been conditioned as well (DARNED how many freaking times am I gonna use the term "conditioned") anyways .. HOLD it for 15 secs and let go ... and repeat it in sets as much as you want but I would stay stick to three. Within a week or two you will feel your cock somewhat laid back (as in the flacid hang is noticable) back then when your cock seemd to be shy and turtle up now seems to have gained enough courage to stick its head out of the shell and explore beyond ... its something you will feel as words seem very hard to express this .. I can give a practical example ... when you search through vids of members doing stretching ... you see their cocks and you could swear they must have been erect when doing them but there ACTUALLY were flacid ? This is because their cock was subjected to tension and stress on a regular basis that it becomes second nature for them to hang that low. THIS IS WHAT YOUR GOAL SHOULD BE IN THE BEGINNING ... DONT DREAM OF A 6 inch FLACID at the begiing when your starting flacid is 2 inches ... DREAM OF A 3 inch flacid and KEEP to it till you get that GOAL.When you get the perfect flacid penis that you can get a grip onto NOW IS THE TIME TO FOCUS ON STRETCHING YOUR INNER Penis EnlargementNIS, by applying grip methods 1 ,2 or 3. After weeks or days of practicing you will be able to grip hold of your cock so well and stretch it to the max ... LIG POPS .. BEtter HANG after the session and what not. WHY am i telling all this because I used to hate streching because I never felt satisfied till I tried the steps I told above .. I now love stretching so much it makes me cry :) secondly ... to make sure you get to have a better GRIP on that area between the head and the scar take one hand and hold the shaft (where the scar is) and with the other hand grab hold of your dick head and play a game of tug o war ... INITIALLY I had problems of PINCHING skin causing discomfort but doing the above made my skin stretched out there I seem to get a better grip (KINDA like when you want to do the splits you hamstrings are killing you ... but your SKIN also burns like hell ..not talking about the ligs just the skin stretch but when you continually stretch the skin you come to a point where the focus completely goes on the ligs and not the skin anymore) so like wise.

Cheers guys and again .. I want to share because I seem to have gotten success and want to share ... BELIEVING and accepting all this as fact or CRAP is upto you because AGAIN as usual am ALWAYS giving you the OPTION to decide matters by YOURSELF and not FOLLOW blindly :)
SCENARIO ... WAaaaaaaah !!! WAaaaah !! I cant grab hold of my cock WHAT SHOULD I DO .. HELP ME !!! SOMEONE .. .ANYONE !!!

I SAVE YOUuuuu .... Tiz I CAPTAIN BABY POWDEr .... Just Smother me on GRIPS positions 1,2 and 3 and stretch away ....

No No I SAVE YOU ...tiz I LATEX GLOVE MAN ... SLIP me onto your hand and stretch away .... dont forget about your side kick LEATHER GRIP BOY too ...

No No No ... NINJA CHALK POWDEr man will come and save the day although I must warn you getting clean after a workout will be messy with me :blush:

No MATTER what you decide to choose ... Its not the aspect of pulling your cock and stretching .. ITS THE ISSUE OF HAVING A FIRM GRIP onto your cock so as to make you feel of grabbing HOLD OF THE INNER Penis EnlargementNIS and feeling the PULL on the inner penis when stretching I realised why DLD was so fixated on the concept of SKIN on SKIN when pulling the cock ... NOTICE how he GRABS hold of the area exactly in between his head and scar. FOLLOW that man ... if u cant succed TRY again ... initially you will get gains just grabbing your head and pulling sometimes getting RUG BURNS and Skin Pulls ... but when you master the art of gripping the inner cock ... you can stretch as long as you want till your hands give up on you .... WATCH .. OBSERVE .. .ANALYZE the STRETCHING videos to under stand ... AGAIN I leave you with the option of explore and implementing. Some are cut and some are uncut ... some have perfect circumsition ... some had it messed up (i am one of the victims :( ) so find the ideal grip BUT AGAIN WHEN YOU PULL ... YOU AINT PULLING ON NO SKIN ... YOU are PULLING ON THE Penis EnlargementNIS WITHIN ... Oh ma Brothas TESTIFYYyyyyyyyyyyyyy
How to make Basic Stretching INTERESTING :

You know ... its only when something that you are passionate about becomes repitative you lose interest no matter how hard you have to motivate yourself beforehand. Stretching is something that falls into the category, this is not jelqing where you fancies are tickled via adult entertainment or something stimulating ... as in your BODY TO MIND connection is so strongly bonded that unless you are tired of stimulation your commitment to your mind is still intact. But what about stretching ? Sure the first week or two , your iron will to get a long cock will make you stretch beyond the skies but after a week or two , you will feel sluggish and lazy ... complaining about how your fore arm hurts ... or how your grip seems to have weakened over the past couple of days ... you think that is something that actually happend ? NO you dumb bell ... ITS YOUR MIND THAT HAS GIVEN YOU THAT ILLUSION ... ITS YOUR MIND that is BETRAYING YOUR THOUGHTs ... DONT LET IT TAKE CONTROL .. CONQUER OVER IT so as to make STRETCHING an ENJOYABLE THERAPUTIC Ecstacy .... HEREs How ...

1) Everyone watches T.V ... i mean unless you live on mars or venus ... why not try doing some stretches while watching your fav. Show ... I mean if you are able to focus your mind on the show while continously stretching with regular breaks it would be a GREAT addiction till the point it becomes second nature. Its kinda like the way when you decide to go to the gym and you find people on the Tread mills ... they know they will have to go 30-40 minutes on it .. why not keep the mind distracted by watching TV ( it kinda works too)
Sticking to the same theme of point no. 1 ... Stretching should be categorized into TWO : the first would be the DISCIPLINED way .. where you warm up and do the basic stretch routine ... OR ... you could just do stretches Spread through out the day. I would recommend doing both because not only do you get the best of both worlds .. you cock will be under constant stress which will really aid in the flacid hang department. Intially it will be troublesome but after months or weeks .. you will find your hand automatically reaching for your cock and pulling it every time you seem to have free time on your hand (Remind me to put that into my... YOU KNOW YOU P.E WHEN ... joke list)

2) Like listening to music ? Anything that makes you all pumped up and charged ? Wanna bang your head or smash your knuckles against the wall ... or wanna lift so much weights that you wanna be a Genetic Freak .... well why not channel that feeling towards stretching .... just that EXACT mindset to pull on your cock and get excited about it. We humans need constant excitement to make sure we have stability in what we are doing or else we will find ways to sulk about the matter at hand and find ways and excuses.

3) Make it a habit to have what [words=]MOS[/words] has made popular called "PISS PULLS" where you simply have a little stretching session after taking a piss. It might not be the most effective way to lengthen your cock but its a small step towards getting the cock length you ever desired.

4) When you are at a stage where you have tried all directions of stretching and feeling you want some MORE (dont we all ... selfish aren't we) TRY ISOLATING the STRETCHES .. like for example instead of planning to do all directions at one go .. FOCUS on only one direction and GIVE YOU ALL to it ... either choose one or go with the Antigonistic Pair for example ... I go for STRAIGHT OUT STRETCH .. and IMMEDIATE LY GO FOR STRAIGHT DOWN ... the first stretch required my fore arm and grip power and when that is pushed to the max I just switch the stretch and go straight down where I can just my own body weight to push down on my cock ... so not only does that keep things interesting but cuts back on time which is something that will make you very satisfied.

LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST DONT GO OVER BOARD WITH THE STRETCHES ... being CONSISTANT and STRETCHING DAILY WILL GIVE U BETTER RESULTS in comparison to STRETCHING YOUR COCK to the MAX AND INJURING IT AND MISSING DAYS OF WORKOUTS still hoping to get some gains ... NOPenis Enlargement you will get your chance to stretch to the max but as a NEW BIE keep it simple and keep it safe.

Obviously Grip Power is going to be the KEY PLAYER to your stretching sessions but what if you start complaining about how your grip is weak .. how will I improve it ... what should I do ? Do grip exercises ? Lift weights ? Slap my girl ? OH WHAT SHOULD I DO ... well Timmy the answer is actually very simple .. and the best part of the bargain is that you do not have to do anything EXTRA to get that GRIP POWER of your dreams.... Here's a simple experiment you are going to do for a week or two .. depending on when you feel satisfied....

SCENARIO : Timmy is a NEWBIE ... He wants to stretch ... He tried it for a couple of times .. he found out he can only do roughly 30 second hold and feels threathened by the fact he has 2 more sets to go ...Well Timmy can train his grip in a manner that is so simple it would wanna make you slap yourself. Here;s what you should DO ...

Take a week off from your P.E Stretching SESSION (this will help you from trying to get the best out of your work outs and sulk if it fails) Now what you need to do .. is do a regular 30 second STRETCH in what ever direction. When it goes to 30secs ... DONT LOOSEN YOUR GRIP ... KEEP STRETCHING ... YOU GRIP will START TO BURN ... LET THAT MOTHER JUNCTION BURN .. USE YOUR MIND ... THINK YOU are in FEAR FACTOR and just holding that position for 30 MORE SECONDs will get you 50 GRANDS ... until the point where your grip gives up on you and gets LOCKED .. dont GIVE UP. When every things said and done ... gently massage your hand ... clench your fist open and closed... relax the muscles till its A O K ... if you got the BALLS for it .. you might want to give it another try ... if not its understandable **cough*WUSS*cough*** ....
Try doing this routine for a week ... daily ... and I can gurantee you by the end of the week ... holding your cock for 30 seconds is NOTHING ... keep PUSHING YOUR BODY to the limit ... HELL IF U BELIEVED IN STRETCHING YOUR COCK BEYOND THE LIMIT AND EXPenis EnlargementCT IT TO GROW WHY CANT YOU PUSH YOUR GRIP TO THE LIMIT AND EXPenis EnlargementCT IT TO BECOME STRONGER EACH DAY ... not to mention get those SICK VEINS all over ;)
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Mindset during stretches

Stretching you penis for a count of 30 secs in sets of 3 can be a little dull if your mind is not into your routine. Whats even more annoying is the fact that you would have to change your mindset from time to time and apply different strategies ... to make sure the exercises you are performing are exciting and enjoyable. Lets look at some of the strategies that we can apply to stretches ...

1) Start a rhythemic chant in your head when ever you are pulling on your cock. It could go something like this " MY cock is becoming longer ... Bigger ... everytime I stretch ... Everytime i am pulling my cock it just keeps growing" while breathing deeply and calmly. What happens with this approach is that you are directing your mind to do what you want ... its only when your mind to body connection is established you can feel the difference to your stretching sessions in comparison to just pulling on your cock for 30 secs. (ENTIRE CREDIT GOES TO DLD for introducing the mental aspect to P.E)

2) Be adventurous when it comes to stretching your cock ? How can that be ? Well you could do something like the following ... e.g if you are going to perform DOWN WARD Stretches ... While grabbing onto your cock and pulling it down .. CLOSE your eyes and imagine the head of your penis ... look at it with your inner mind .. VISUALIZE .. GIVE LIFE TO IT ... and when you do ... as you stretch and apply force ... VISUALIZE your head is being pulled downwards ... NOW YOUR MISSION SOLDIER IS TO TOUCH THE HEAD OF YOUR Penis EnlargementNIS TO THE FLOOR ... Now as you try to increase your intensity .. try to visualize your penis head slowly approaching towards the floor. Likewise you could make up other games like .. having fantasies where you are with the girl of your dreams (wife or girl) and visualize them with their mouth wide open .. ready to give one heck of a time .. BUT WHATS THIS ... YOUR Penis EnlargementE Penis EnlargementE is not long enough to reach her .. dont worry JUST STRETCH it towards her mouth and with increasing intensity visualize the penis head reaching her mouth ... etc (Whole concept of visualization again goes to DLD and other P.E vets in the forum Big Al and the rest.)

3) THE LAST MINDSET is something that comes in handy for me especially when you are stretching on a daily basis .. you dont want to visualize every freaking day of the week now do you ... this mindset is termed "WHO GIVES A RAT'S ARSE" mindset. This is usually done while watching TV or anything that keeps ur mind distracted ... all you need to consciously keep aware is the tension of the pull ... the soreness and the intensity. There are circumstances where if u dont think about an activity you just get done with it and with flying colours too. Your mind already knows how an intense stretch feels to why bother it by introducing it to imagination every day. Just let go .. WATCH your fav show and pull the little man into OBLIVION

Peace :)
I dont mean to sound like an attention whore but it would be very appreciated if I get feed backs from the VETS or even the Newbies.. i am want to learn and any criticism towards what I have mentioned will be appreciated so that I could learn from the mistakes and work towards it.

Peace :)
im a newbie. been doing the beginners exercises for about 3 months. i find your posts in this thread really helpful, especially the stuff about dealing with the mental ups and downs of Penis Enlargement.

thanks for some good advice kolimuddin