Can anyone provide a pic of them using the Captn's Wench for manual stretches? I would like to see the stretch I can get with it as well as the ease of using it from looking at the pics. As a matter of fact, can anyone provide a step by step tutorial on how to build a Captn's Wench that has pics for each step? Sort of like"How To Build A Captn's Wench For Dummies" book.
ok, i made this thing, used the exact items its perfect.. but it falls off.. maybe its not tight enough? its right above the head. should i have a semi erection?

Never any kind of semi, partly, or hint of an erection while hanging for safety's sake please! If it is falling off, it is too loose. Are you using the cableclamp with it? You really have to crank down on it - the more weight, the tighter the clamp. Try tightening the clamp more, watch the head for dark color and cold to the touch feeling. Report back. Hanging is very much trial and error in the beginning, so keep trying and reporting so we can get it right!
Originally posted by PirateSteve

Never any kind of semi, partly, or hint of an erection while hanging for safety's sake please! If it is falling off, it is too loose. Are you using the cableclamp with it? You really have to crank down on it - the more weight, the tighter the clamp. Try tightening the clamp more, watch the head for dark color and cold to the touch feeling. Report back. Hanging is very much trial and error in the beginning, so keep trying and reporting so we can get it right!

thanx, will do..

should the clamp be worn at the base of the shfat, no?
haha, nvm about the clamp question, i totally missed the pic with the clamp.. i wasnt wearing it around the wench.. i was wearing it around the base.. sorry for my confusion... im goin to hang peace :)
ok im stumped, how (generally) would one use the wench as an [words=]ADS[/words]??

A complete guide is in the works. It should be here almost any day now. If you can hold your breath a bit, the answer you seek will be revealed! And I promise you will be amazed and delighted at the simplicity and low cost of the thing, as well as how nicely it actually works. I have the prototype, and it is the most usable [words=]ADS[/words] I have ever owned. It is also way safer than the others I have tried. I really can wear it all day, something I have never actually accomplished with at least a half-dozen other [words=]ADS[/words] I have bought over the years - not one of them costing less than $170.

Since I have taken a Pirate's Oath with the Captn, all I can say for now is don't throw away those long pieces of Velcro left over from the Wench construction, and save a buck for a trip to the dollar store...
I am making my own very simple back to basics homemade Captains wrench.
I will post here when Ihave it done...when that will be I dunno??? hopefully by nect week anyway.
I aimt to make a design that anyone can build in 10 minutes from shit around the home, and still be as safe and strong as a captains wrench.
I went 30 minutes fulcrum hanging lastnight with it...went well indeed cant belive I didnt do this before its so fucking quick to set up.

All I used was a strong table wipe, string and a medium sizezed cable clamp - ofcourse a 5lb weight.

I will release more info'' here later on with pix of the device.
Waiting for this manual from Captn Hook is like waiting for a late christmas present that you really want. I come and check on this forum multiple times daily with the excitment of a child thinking"Is it here yet?" Man this is a long wait but I know it is going to be worth it. Does anyone know the date when CaptNHook will be done with it?
Originally posted by KingD
Waiting for this manual from Captn Hook is like waiting for a late christmas present that you really want. I come and check on this forum multiple times daily with the excitment of a child thinking"Is it here yet?" Man this is a long wait but I know it is going to be worth it. Does anyone know the date when CaptNHook will be done with it?

King, I know what you mean! I imagine Hook is quite busy right now because he has children and they are off school for the holidays. He told me at our last Pirate Union meeting that he had hoped to get it done before the holidays started, but Christmas is a busy time of year for a family man. I think most kids start back at school this coming week, so with any luck he might finish it up and end all our breath holding in a few days.

Plus, to be honest, he assigned me to writing part of the manual and I only turned in my work Friday (I know, I am a bad Pirate - but I had a Hell of a time getting good photographs). With my part in, and me nagging him several times every day, and with his kids back at school - it should be really soon now. Did I mention I am nagging him?

I myself am having a lot of difficulty waiting. From what he has told me, it should be pretty "awesome". I was hoping he would have me check it for errors, but alas I have seen no beta copy. And so I too, a collaborator myself, must wait. Ah, the indignity of it all!
I have released the pictures of my simple homemade hanger.
Its based on the captains is that except can be made quicker by cheap skates like me ;) the poor mans captains wrench I suppose.

Anyway my diagrams AINT NO WAY GREAT....well their pix.

I used a Milk chocolate tub as the penis.

The pix should give you all an idea onto how this is made.

Simply you need these things to make it

#1: A strong wash cloth - a thickish one that will stand weight.
#2: String, like that from shoe laces.

Thats all you need to make this simple hanger.

This is how to make it.

#1: get ya sexy washcloth and fold it in half.
This should now be big enough to go around your penis - if not get a bigger cloth.

#2: Get a knife, scissors and at the top of the cloth near the edge but NOT right at the edge...leave a 1/2 inch.....jab a hole in it....make this hole so its center wise along the line.
Do the same thing....two more holes 3/4 of an inch to the right and left of the center hole.

This is for our will go in and out of these holes....making sure the pressure from the hang doesnt rip the cloth and also so the weight is evenly balanced out.

#3: Get the string and push thru'' the center hole.
Than down thru the left hole, come up thru'' the right hole and than back down the left hole.
Finally come up again thru'' the center hole.
Do this at least this many times....but you can do it quite a few times if the string is any longer.

#4: Tie a double knot at the center hole.
Pull the string and monitor the cloth at the holes.
The force should pull all looks okay...continue.

#5: simply get 5lbs of weight to start with or whatever ya hang, I have gone upto 15lbs with this thing and no probz....dunno any weight over that.
Tie the string thru'' the holes of the weights and knot...simple as.

#6: Now to fasten it to the penis.
Make sure ya flaccid.
Get the cloth so the knotted center is on top of the penis just under the head.
Wrap the cloth around the should now have the holes at the top of the penis not far away from the head with the ends of the cloth under the penis.

#7: Get a medium sized clamp.
Clamp off say 2 inches away from the base....just make it so its not quite mid-shaft....this is to ensure safety.
Clamp as tight as you can, circulation will be alright as the cloth will minimize some of the torniquet effect from the clamp - like a barrier.

Now your ready to hang.
20 minutes is usually the norm'' for a session.

I like this hanger alot.
My pictures in the Zipped attatcHydromaxent should help you more.


any questions than fire away.
1st hanging set ever did 5 pounds BTC without a problem, makes me wonder what all of the talk of hanging being a pain is! LOL
Instead of the grippers I used mouse pad glued to pieces of paint stick (in right measurements of course). I think this might be more effective than the grippers, as the hard surface spreads the pressure more length wise, and the soft rubber hugs the shaft more, spreading the pressure around the shaft.

Great idea with the mousepad on the paint stick! I have used gel insoles on paint sticks, and I am thinking the mousepad would be every bit as good if not even better! Great thinking there, I am going to try that out myself once I get my hands on a mousepad. I can hang without wrapping with the gel insoles for a set or two, I am thinking the mousepad might just increase that. Your name might be tough, but your brain is sharp...

Supra, I hang comfortably at 15 pounds regularly now. I have tried the Wench for sets at up to 25 pounds just to test various crazy ideas and theories. It has been comfortable even then.
Originally posted by REDZULU2003
huh, no comments ya ungrateful trats, fuck ya than ;)

Can't see the pictures. What program do you use to open them? I tried wordpad, notepad, word, etc. unsuccessfully :(
Just a couple comments:

I have built a wench and think it is absolutely great. I at first was skeptical b/c it kept slipping and didn't feel right, but after some adjustments and breaking it in a bit, the thing is amazing. I followed PirateSteves idea and used insoles instead of the grippers, and they work very well. I also have trimmed off a lot of the extra Velcor and my Wench is now only about 6-7 inches long (I was having troubling clamping it using a medium clamp)

First of all for all those who need parts you can find all of them at walmart if you use the insoles instead of the grippers

Velcro = Crafts

Clamp *3 pack of small, med, large*= Hardware (tricky to find at the one i went to, kinda hanging off to the side and not really part of the aisle so keep a lookout for them)

Nylon Strap = camping/hunting/fishing section

Insoles = pharmacy

**Btw, i did find beige colored grippers that were 1*2 at Target in the hardware area

I was able to put the whole thing together in less than 20 and after trying it and finding it a bit uncomfortable at first i manually tried breaking the Velcro in with my hands. I basically rolled it up, twisted it, bent it and everything else just to loosen it up a bit, and it worked pretty well and made it much more comfortable with my next use.

For those wondering about weight, the pirate took care of that saying that he can use up to 25lbs, i have done 15lbs and its worked comfortably for me

Red - what you made looks to be very cost efficient and uses items that are readily available. The only thing i see that wont work as well as the Wench is that from the pics it doesnt look like you have the side 'grippers' These i believe are important for those using more weight as the Captain had said somewhere it will take pressure off the dorsal nerves. But nice job nonetheless

Capt - EXCELLENT creation, I commend you. This is a great device. Been using it for 3 days now, and I can already tell I will get great gains. My penis is already exhausted

Pirate - very nice ideas for the [words=]ADS[/words] and the insoles, you have taken this fantastic idea to a new level. I commend both pirates

Cheers to both of you:clank:
Thank you for the kind words. I hope you get what want.

I thought I would take the opportunity to highlight a few classic rules for everyone to keep in mind:

you owe it to yourself to be extremely careful. Respect that what you are doing is unusual and your body knows it.

Be Alert:
Pay very close attention to what you are doing, how much you are doing, and for how long you are doing it. At all times!
Never exceed the 20 minute mark and always keep in physical touch with your unit.

Enough is Enough:
Obey your body. Listen when it tells you it has had enough. Your body does not lie.
Be willing to hang up the hanger and hang another day.

Pain Is Bad:
Pain is never, ever acceptable. Do not try to work through pain.
Other than a mild tugging sensation, you should be able to do a full set without being severely distracted by your weight.
The only acception to this is when stretching skin, and even then you should not feel the need to stop a set. If so, stop the set.

Time and Patience:
The only people who gain via hanging are the patient ones. All others quit, move on to other methods, or hurt themselves.

Time and Patience are the key to gains.

Man oh man DLD! You are like an encyclopedia when it comes to long forgotten country tunes.
I ain't heard that old heart [words=]tugger[/words] since me and Ma packed up the ol' pick up and left fer the big city!

Hang Another Day
(By Stretch Longhorn)

I have lived life like a rich man
I lived on a park bench
I tried every known device on earth
From a doorknob to a Wench

But when my gains get hard to get
I'm careful not to stray
I just hang up my old hanger
and hang another day....

roflrofl rofl
Originally posted by CaptnHook
Man oh man DLD! You are like an encyclopedia when it comes to long forgotten country tunes.
I ain't heard that old heart [words=]tugger[/words] since me and Ma packed up the ol' pick up and left fer the big city!

Hang Another Day
(By Stretch Longhorn)

I have lived life like a rich man
I lived on a park bench
I tried every known device on earth
From a doorknob to a Wench

But when my gains get hard to get
I'm careful not to stray
I just hang up my old hanger
and hang another day....

roflrofl rofl
LOL, you should audition for American Idol singing that tune hehe

Another bonus of the Wench is this: halfway through the set, pick up the weight, unclamp and for about 15-20s repeatedly squeeze the head till it goes back to normal colour. This might prevent tissue death/numbness. That would probably be too hard to do with other hangers...
Yeah Valerie .... take a peek over to the picture proof section and GLARE at the size of the monsters LOL, ya boy can have meat that we prepare here at this butchers shop LOL .... pork sausages and salami are common here.

Yes. You will notice that you can peel the plastic strip from the back of both male and female bands to expose the sticky (glue) adhesive. Marry these two surfaces together, essentially creating one solid band of Velcro with opposite male/female sides.

Be careful: That stuff is very sticky.

It is really important to accurately match these two strips when sticking them together. For some, it might require more than one try - but you should have enough Velcro to make a mistake and start over.

Wow, this is the holy grail of stretchers. I had hell finding most of the parts for this device today. Can someone specify what the grippers are actually for, and what isle they would be found in? Also same for the clamps, I must have clamps.

You guys rule, ACESHIGH
The intended purpose of the Waxman Grippers is to provide a non-skid buffer between heavy furniture and hardwood floors. They are made of a very firm rubber and have a nice mild texture on one side.
I and others have consistently found them at Lowe's Hardware stores in the hardware section (nuts, bolts, screws, etc).
Others have found them at Walmart. Save yourself time and print the "supplies" pic and take it along to show sales help. They'll know what it is.

The clamps have been found at Walmart, Lowe's, and HomeDepot. If that doesn't pan out, check into the company homepage - you can buy them there or they may direct you to where else you might find them. Also, do a search here on the forum. A lot of guys use them for other purposes, so I'm sure their must be a link somewhere here at [words=]MoS[/words]:

Thank you very much for you reply. I found grippers, and constructed a wench today. I must say it is everything it is made out to be, to me it is the holy grail of home made hangers. I need the clamps for more than just this too, like the others. I thinK I will have better luck tommarow.

You truely have helped out this man.
I agree that this looks like a great device. I was toying around with a similar design using those stretchy velcro straps that hold my ski's together. The idea about gluing the velcro back to back is great.

BTW wouldn't a better name be CApt'ns WINCH? LOL - "To the winch wench!"
Thank you much. Your feedback is valuable, so anything you can say - pro or con - will be welcome.
I hope you get something out of it.

I had a bunch of names floating through my warped brain but the Wench stuck.
A lot of people mistake the name for the Captns Wrench - which always gives me a good laugh.

Thanks for the kind words.

there was a mention of a manual for the wench. i don't see it anywhere though. was it ever completed and posted? thanks.

ok I decided to be adventurous, and pick up the materials I need to make the Captain's Wench. I got everything except the grippers. Home Depot doesn't have them. Neither does [words=]Ace[/words] Hardware, or Walmart.

Is there a subsitute I can use. If not I will just see if I can order it from Lowe's website.

I can't wait to start using this Wench ;)
I am picking up extra material to make more than one. I heard DLD doesn't even have one of these. So I will make one for him.

Hey Cap did you ever create the stretcher's thread to show different types of stretches you can do?

I would be curious to see that, and any feedback from people who have used the Wench.
This is really cool. I've been thinking about an easy way to hang and this seems perfect. Even if i'm not hanging I can use it for an easy way of manual stretching. Work sucks right now so whenever I have time off i'm gonna go pick up the supplies. I'll keep posting on the success