Exactly this ^
For me personally, I hadn't done much erect stretching prior to half way through this year.
Plus my log/routine was all over the place for a LONG TIME, meaning I never cemented any crazy results/work.
Which I would say is why my flaccid has gone up and my erect hasn't as much.
In my opinion, it's way easier/likely for you to gain flaccid length FIRST than erect length. Well for me anyways.
Girth work however seems to effect both, as my flaccid + erect are now thicker than it used to be, which is always great.
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Adding Erect Stretches:
This year has been the only time I've
actually taken PE seriously and stuck to it and seen benefits from doing so.
I started to do erect stretches when possible and the difference in tension/pull that you get is really great, you'll feel it the next day for sure.
If you look back a few logs I posted > May 30, 2020 I mentioned doing
hanging rotary swings while erect and how it puts a whole level of stretch/pull on top of my regular stretching/
BE CAREFULL when you do them?
Never over strain yourself, find your limits and stick to them.
This goes for all PE exercises not just Erect stretching.
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A note regarding Fat/Fatpads:
My body fat atm is around 20-24% , I also have about 1.5" of fatpad which, you guessed it, hides 1.5" or so of my flaccid/erect.
Even when I measure (straight down the top/middle), there's only so much that I can push the ruler into the fat to get a Bone Pressed erect measurement if you get what I mean. So my erect length isn't something I'm worried about right now and I already know I'm 8"+, so I'm quite happy just cruising along with my Journey until I hit my goal of 9"+ BPEL.
So don't forget there's a lot that plays into PE, and
you shouldn't only be doing PE work, if you in the 20% + bodyfat range I'd urge you to also get working out too for the best/ideal results. The less fat on you, the more you're gonna show.
Each to their own though, if you don't wanna work out and supplement your PE Journey, then that's completely fine.
Just don't expect to see/get the optimal results.
Same goes for PE, don't expect a huge dick if you're not gonna stick to a routine every week/month/year.
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