Does this deal come with the 16 way Comfort System and / or the extension spare parts?

The list of items included in the package doesn't mention about the Comfort System nor the spare rods, only says it includes the Size Genetic Device, Luxury Leather Case, PenisHealth Online Access, Instruction DVD and one month worth of MaleExtra, so I just wanna get clarification.

I am looking to do Penis Enlargement more consistently so I will be thinking of getting a stretcher....
I have just ordered it.. cannot wait to get it ;)

The whole process was really fast. I just entered credit card informations and 15s later I was given the usrname and password for PenisHealth memebers area. So far its amazing :) Will post some more when I recive the thing.
now this is amazing I recieved it within 24h ;)

Well I recived 1 box of MaleExtra (90 pills)
PenisHealth DVD
SG Box containing
->4 large bars
-> 2 medium
-> 2 small
-> 1 foam
-> some black cloth.. probablly for wraping or cleaning
-> the device of course
-> DVD
-> key
Faber;448692 said:
now this is amazing I recieved it within 24h ;)

Well I recived 1 box of MaleExtra (90 pills) PenisHealth DVD SG Box containing
->4 large bars
-> 2 medium
-> 2 small
-> 1 foam
-> some black cloth.. probablly for wraping or cleaning
-> the device of course
-> DVD
-> key

Yup, it is the best deal going! I still find it hard to believe we get so much for the price!
Not only did I get 61% off... this sucker was delivered in 23 hours. Yep... less than 24 hours. Crazy.

Plus I have been using a cheap extender from amazon. WOW, what a difference. The construction, quality, and comfort are ten times better than the cheapo!

Thanks for the discount DLD
nomad1;449056 said:
Not only did I get 61% off... this sucker was delivered in 23 hours. Yep... less than 24 hours. Crazy.

Plus I have been using a cheap extender from amazon. WOW, what a difference. The construction, quality, and comfort are ten times better than the cheapo!

Thanks for the discount DLD

They are extremely fast on the deliveries! Most guys are saying they receive in a day! That is awesome. I am happy you have a cheap extender to make a comparison, the SizeGenetics is of the best quality. Happy Gains!
I found out that if you apply SGEXP1 you get additional 5% off.
when I want to order the size genetics I see a site with 4 steps on it. step 3 is payment but I do not see paypal as an option only cards.
but I do not own a card I only have paypal.
chico on fire;455109 said:
when I want to order the size genetics I see a site with 4 steps on it. step 3 is payment but I do not see paypal as an option only cards.
but I do not own a card I only have paypal.

You can click the paypal option mid page.

sorry but I don´t know where to find the paypal option
On the opening page you will read

Usually the SizeGenetics™ device is available for $350, but as a members of the MattersOfSize forum, we are offering you the SizeGenetics™ device for ONLY $165.
This is a huge saving of over $185!!
So not only will you save a huge bundle of cash, but you will also have in your hands one of the most popular extenders available in the market today that can genuinely help extend your penis by INCHES!.
But that’s not all… we want to make the deal even sweeter for you. So how’s this: when you purchase this exclusive "MattersOfSize" package, we will also give you one FREE month of the popular male sexual health supplement, MaleExtra™.
With both SizeGenetics™ and MaleExtra™ on your side, you could quite possibly have the solution to helping you become a sexually superior than all of your friends!
Click on the order link below RIGHT NOW to get your SizeGenetics™ extender, and you too can extend your penis by inches!
Alternative you can order by Paypal, Discover/Amex, or Mail Order (Check, Postal Order or Cash)
papoose;455535 said:
actually its been almost 24 hrs since ive order it

Yes, you should receive a confirmation with shipping orders. Maybe spam filter got it?
sorry one more question....i received my custome number and an invoice number, wher do I go to track it?
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