motlissof said:
Cranks?? I think you are referring to the twists I talked about where you rotate the penis at least once around then pull over an A frame made with one hand on wrist of hand holding the penis head. But if you think those are dynamite, you must try the footlongs -- they will send you into orbit around Jupiter. You will find that those ligaments could support a Lincoln SUV since those leg muscles are so powerful but produce tremendous, but essentially painless, stretches. I hesitate to say apply 200 leg presses, but you can certainly achieve the most sensationally intense stretch of your lifetime by leveraging that leg on that outstretched dick. And I just feel that these sensationally intense stretches produce those tiny tears that are essential to get that really long dick we all crave for ourselves. I love those footlongs -- cannot get enough of them. Good luck and a bunch of us want 11X7 it seems, but I guess I will have to re-add those damn jelqs back if I expect to fatten up my slim 5.5.

I will definitely try the footlongs. I had been doing my own version of the lazy ass stretches almost a year ago and injured the nerve near my glans. Thank goodness, the pain and injury were temporary, but it made me take a hard look at the more extreme exercises.

I'm hesitant to try any Penis Enlargement that causes unusual discomfort, and certainly real pain, for more than a day or so. I'm not one who believes that "no pain, no gain" applies to Penis Enlargement.

I've made great gains in girth and length with the jelqs and common stretches and have always found these movements pleasurable. Fortunately, I have a high LOT to this day. This bodes well, I do believe, for continued gains.

By "cranks," I'm referring to "rotors," I guess. I don't twist my penis before I do the exercise you describe above. But I do grasp it close to the base, pull it hard, (I have an unusually strong grip), and then rotate it in a wide circle vigorously every day and as often as I think about it. Some days this can add up to hundreds of "cranks," as I term them.

With all this stretching, I am increasing in length AND GIRTH. So I'm not sure, Motlisoff, as I mentioned to Kong, that you need worry that the stretches won't add to your girth.

What has worked great for me, and which I stumbled on purely by accident, is that I grasp the shaft with my thumb and two fingers close to the very base when I do the rotors. I was making every effort I could to stay away from the glans and those sensitive nerves.

I always come to the conclusion, when the gains come all of a sudden, that it is the current exercise that I am doing that is causing the sudden growth. Rather, I would think it is a cumulative thing, and that the rotors, with me, for example, just happen to coincide with a growth spurt.

Good luck to all of us in search of 11" x 7," including our new Horsehung. My hope is to reach it in such a way that I can document it through pics.
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Thx man :s ........... How close are you to your goal of 11X7 bro ?
Good luck with it dude

Keep Growing :cheers:

Thanks, pal, for the good wishes. I wish you luck in your goal as well. It seems, as has been observed, to be quite "doable." I hope you do post a measured pic. It will help motivate the rest of us, big guys and small guys as well.

How close am I? My goal is to reach it at the end of a third year of vigorous Penis Enlargement. The problem with me is that my length and girth fluctuate greatly, from morning woodies and during sexual intercourse, (the thickest and longest), to �naked people movies� and hand-induced ones, (not nearly as prominent). Even viagra cannot induce the kind of erections I achieve during REM sleep. It's damned hard to document through measured pics these kinds of fluctuating erections. I may end up just stretching a "fluffed flaccid" as far as I can and take a measured pic of that.

I, like many other members, have no before pics, since I started Penis Enlargement to get my 80 degree erections back. The jelqing achieved that quite quickly. The growth in length and girth came quite unexpectedly.
motlissof said:
Your experience with varying degrees of erection is something that I experience constantly also so achieving the maximum erection for a picture seems almost always out of the question. It is my thinking, that for oversized equipment there is much more variability in state of erection because of the large amount of blood that must be captured and retained in the penis. If you have a large flaccid version, then a good deal of the blood is stored already on site, but if you have big difference in flaccid and fully erect, then there is a lot of blood that must be commandeered from other locales and probably can only stay in this one site if under highly aroused situations. I have noticed often that even the best �naked people movies� stars with very large penises will vary greatly during their sexual performance in length and turgidity whereas the average size guys seem always the same.

I have another theory that I put in practice that relates to your stretched flaccid measurement. I make that measurement at every single stretch session, for obvious reasons, it gives me a reliable, easily made measurement that can give instantaneous gratification when even tiny increases are noted. Secondly since this length is limited by ligaments just as the erect length is, then increases in one naturally translate to increases in the other. So rather than do the stretches then go grab a sex partner to get 100% erection and make measurement in the middle of intercourse (not appreciated I am sure), you can do these others. Occasionally after inching up for a while in the stretched length sufficiently, I will work at getting as huge a self induced erection as possible, but even then you always sense that under better circumstances with someone else to inspire you, it is not the best one. I concur with your thoughts on doing flaccid stretches, good motivator and always achievable.

I can almost stretch to 13, but comfortably to 12.5 and though I know that as the dick gets longer that the differential of erect to flaccid increases also, I will celebrate when comfort zone allows the 13 knowing that the ligaments have surrendered another quarter of an inch or so.

It's amazing how similar our experiences are.

I'm curious when you say you can almost stretch to 13. Me too. But in what direction? Again, I get different measurements in different directions. For example, with a totally flaccid penis, straight up, 12-13"--9" to the belly button, 3" above; diagonally to the hip bone--9-10"; straight out--8-9",
under my but--to the second vertabrae--13". If I'm a little engorged and start at 8-9" then I can usually add an inch to these stats.

But if I have a rock hard erection at 80 degrees, I don't get nearly these lengths--probably 8 to 9 inches. I just don't understand.

I also measure at each Penis Enlargement session. It keeps me motivated. After a while, if I see no change, I switch to a new routine.

I took 100 mlg of viagra the other day. I usually take 25 for Penis Enlargement purposes or sex. I awoke with a huge erection, then as it flagged, I edged it up to 13.5". I measured my base girth for the hell of it, and it was 8". I've been stretching the shit out of it ever since, but I doubt if these stats will come back.

These kinds of experiences drive me crazy because I know they are really happening, but I can't document them. Oh well.
What was your beginning length? That is pretty insane! And I don't know if you guys are married or not, but can your wives/girlfriends/boyfriends take all of that?
I started out at 8" and the Mrs. has yet to complain. She makes lots of noises, lol, lol, but I would not call these complaints.
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WOW, all the questions LOL ............ Yes I have sex with men AND women, the sex is more enjoyable with men cause even though women like size a lot in cases like mine TOO MUCH is not a good thing, women are not wild about anything above 9X7 I have found and they prefer girth over length. A few women I have been with wouldnt even try not to mention women CANT suck my dick the way I love to be sucked and I have a rep for being a very rough fuck. I really love nothing more than plunging my huge cock hard into a hot deep throat and leaving it there, I have trained several guys how to service a horsecock this way :blush: . As for women I have only been with ONE that was capable of sucking me anywhere near what I like the rest have gotten somewhat past the head and I could do the same by myself.

Three were other questions I was asked but dont recall what they were so gonna close this reply and see what the other things were :)

Btw I posted several pics of me in the pic forum , the only one I think would qualify for the forum would be the comparrison pic of my Hard meat to the size of my forearm, keep in mind I am 6'1 and have quite long arms too . the rest are just there for your eye candy pleasure


kong1971 said:
<B>Those big dick conquests are great and all that, but most men aren't that size. I take it you've been with alot of men from the way you talk, so tell me what your general experience with dudes are. Are you disappointed with average size men? Is cock size a deal breaker for you? I'm just curious. It's good to have someone "unusual" here on the forum willing to speak about it without reservation. I think gay and bi men have a unique perspective on penis size and male sexuality.

<B> <Font=Arial Black Size=3><center>
NO! much to my dismay Most men are NOT like that , Hell im lucky if I find more than 7" here. <br>
Well NO not a lot of men.Well that depends on what you define as a lot! LOL , I know a dude who has been with close to 3,000 men and hes my age and quite a promiscuous whore, I have not been with 1/5 of that .
I am only Disappointed with someone average if they dont know what to do with a huge cock, hell I can even deal with teeth , IM used to them, but not someone who isnt for lack of a better term "COCKHUNGRY"
Size isnt a deal breaker as long as again they are cockhungry, but I really dont get pleasure out of 69 with anything under 8", same with Anal. But most of the guys I am with usually are more than happy to play the size queen role and worship my huge meat. Thats why I love when I luck out and find another horse I can reciprocate the ingrained admiration of SIZE on.
Very few WELLHUNG guys are str8 I have noticed, of course like in this forum and shit they will say they are but wellhung guys are fasinated by their own Big Cocks as well as others. Sadly they think they can get sucked by a man or suck another big dick or even fuck a guy, all examples of HOMOSEXUAL sex and still think they are str8. then we have this DL phenomenon as well , DL being DENIAL .

KEEP GROWING :cool: :cool: :cool:
kong1971 said:
I believe that's true about the ligs getting stronger. I took a break from Penis Enlargement to work on my FR. I have recently started thinking about getting back into Penis Enlargement, doing some light routines, and the ligs are like iron chords now. Damn!

Kong I know what you mean. I have been hanging since February and a few nights back I tried a brief 5 minute newbie like routine with basic stretching. I was like what the fuck are my ligs never going to give now? I'll be doing a 10 minute newbie routine while on vacation in a couple of weeks. So I will see how that goes.
Sometimes I feel anyone who is that obsessed about getting a 10x7 inch cock has to be a homosexual. Only another man would be willing to take that in any way.

Women talk about wanting a 10x7, but if they got it it would be a whole other story. I mean an actual 10x7 not an 8x6 exaggerated.
Duppi_KronKite said:
Sometimes I feel anyone who is that obsessed about getting a 10x7 inch cock has to be a homosexual. Only another man would be willing to take that in any way.

Women talk about wanting a 10x7, but if they got it it would be a whole other story. I mean an actual 10x7 not an 8x6 exaggerated.

Hey Duppi,

If I ever reach my goal, I'll let you know how it goes with the Mrs. You would be amazed how much dick a vagina can accomodate. It's really about girth, anyway, as far as most women are concerned. And I've been deep throated by more the one woman. Different strokes for different folks.
goinfor11x7 said:

I have been focusing on stretches as well for the past year--(my second year into Penis Enlargement), and I am gaining rapidly now in both length and girth. So if I am typical of the big gainers, you have nothing to worry about.

You're right about the cranks, though, (I believe it was you who mentioned them). They are DYNAMITE!!!


I have been trying the footlongs. In which thread does DLD describe them? How long do you hold each one?
motlissof said:
<B>Your last comment has a strong element of truth in it. I think that when we discover another guy or woman who has a very rarely found fascination or interest in any subject, perhaps an oversized body part then we tend to gravitate to that person knowing that maybe we have found a soulmate in that person. After talk subsides, it may only be natural to want to explore a deeper fascination than just superficial mutual observations. I find that when I discover a person who has as profound an interest in gemstones or Italian opera or boxing as I do, I tend to want to bond totally with that person since I so rarely find such a person. Bonding with another guy who is well hung takes on a different venue than exchanging ecstatic moments of a rarely performed Donizetti opera or finding a perfect Paraiba tourmaline or discovering that both us know that Dr. Joyce Brothers won the $64,000 television contest in the 50's in the category of boxing. I tend to think it may not be from-birth homosexuality but expression of a form of intense sexuality felt only by men with extraordinarily large dicks. Them's my sentiments.

Absolutely man, that makes perfect sense but only another wellhung guy understands about that mutual admiration, which was one of the main reasons I started a Yahoo group for REAL guys 9" and bigger. Kinda like a Big Dick Fraternity ya know ? and also most of the time that admiration turns into desire, in the immortal words of the Bard."Sweets to the Sweet"<br>
While I share you passion for gemstones as well as Italian opera such as DONNIZETTI and BELLINI and of course the much loved non Bel-canto masters VERDI and PUCCINI I cant say I know much about Boxing except Tai-Bo from the gym lol and I had NO clue that Dr Brothers won a contest on TV in Boxing , who would have ever thought that unless the questions were current and not so difficult.
I get admonished all the time from Small and Average guys about my preference for Size, do you as well ? But one thing I do hear all the time is how I am not as Egostitical about my size like most Wellhung guys. Do you get a lot of small guys wanting you to verbally abuse them and such ? I get this all the time but thats not really my scene.

I haven't followed this thread but just read your post Tom, specifically the last paragraph. Something about having an average/below avg cock that ends up being very destructive pschologically which then darkens so many aspects of our lives, especially sex.
Well said Tom and if I may add that if you find out that your wife has experienced the male who fit into the 1% range of natural cock size and loved it, then you really get to doubting yourself.

I'm w/you in that now that I know I can change my status of size, it's full steam ahead.

Since I read how you did Penis Enlargement over the years I have been very diligent in hanging 5 days per week and manually stretching the heck out of my cock 7 days per week 3 to 10 (short sessions) times per day. If my cock doesn't grow it won't be due to lack of effort because I have been shown the way thanks to DLD's site. There's fine line in my attitude of it's either gonna grow or break in the process of trying.

What was the definition of obsession again?
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Just wante to let you know that Horse isn't lying. This guy is huge and I've been graced with the chance to play with him live and view some of his personal vids. My mouth waters just thinking about the times that I've gotten to see him stroke his amazing tool. Keep the vids coming Horse and someday somehow I'm going to make it down to GA so you can fully annoint me.
i'm sorry, but if he tells you time and time again that it's 11 inches then you're going to start to belive it's 11 inches. i believed him and was frankly pissed when i found out that he was 10 inches when he started to Penis Enlargement, because many guys would have loved to have started at that size, would have saved a lot of pain and agony if we did but we didn't. it was an insult to me to think that was true, and everyone else here on the site. BUT i was feelin better when i looked at those pics some more, i would say he's no more than 9.75. that's still big, nothin to laugh at. just because you were puttin it in your mouth or jerkin it off or whatever you did, doesn't mean that he's 11.
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