BigBeardBig;682722 said:
I believe the gains would go down a bit, but probably not much.

I've always been curious if badjackks method was implemented by more PE members. Would probably raise the bar on what's possible.
BigBeardBig;682741 said:
When Im done with my frenulum tying, Im gonna do some extreme pumping tests.

Are you taking pictures as you go?
doublelongdaddy;682781 said:
Are you taking pictures as you go?

Yes, Im taking pics from day 1, only for my personal reasons and my own album, wont post it tho.
If people wont believe my results thats fine, I dont need to prove myself to anybody and I know the truth :)
You can't handle the truth. Haha
As long as you know and can prove it at any time with pictures, who cares. You don't have to show if you don't want to.
BigBeardBig;682831 said:
Yes, Im taking pics from day 1, only for my personal reasons and my own album, wont post it tho.
If people wont believe my results thats fine, I dont need to prove myself to anybody and I know the truth :)

I never said post it, I said take progress pictures to see the amazing growth. In most cases, where men keep a photo journal going, end up posting the pictures once they have made their big goal. I understand not posting pictures and I stopped years ago. I have one thread with a collection of my pictures through the years. Once Jen, my ex left, I decided I no longer wanted to have my dick be public.
doublelongdaddy;682895 said:
I never said post it, I said take progress pictures to see the amazing growth. In most cases, where men keep a photo journal going, end up posting the pictures once they have made their big goal. I understand not posting pictures and I stopped years ago. I have one thread with a collection of my pictures through the years. Once Jen, my ex left, I decided I no longer wanted to have my dick be public.

Yeah I keep the pics from day 1, take another with every next measurement. Who know, maybe I will end up posting online once I reach my goal.
BigBeardBig;682965 said:
Yeah I keep the pics from day 1, take another with every next measurement. Who know, maybe I will end up posting online once I reach my goal.

For me it was hard to take those beginning pictures of my weight loss. The first shots I looked like shit but as time went on and I started to look better and better I started to get excited about showing the world. I did it with my penis and it inspired millions, hopefully my weight loss will inspire others.
lightlyfried;683383 said:
Just found another thread on another forum which describes a similar message to Jack, this may prove useful to alot of people if people didn't stop passing it off as fake. His penis looks very similar. There maybe some legit gains to be had here if a proper safe way to implement it is created.

Damn, I wish I had been active in PE when it posted in 2005.

The constriction - clamping/engorgement method is so similar to what I included in my many routines.

The discoloration and girth gains are nearly identical to my own.

Though I had joined a few PE sites about 7 years ago, I didn't start anything serious until just about two years ago +/- I found a cheap extender online, when they first hit the market.

My thinking at the time was only on length gains, never considered that girth was possible.

My original 6.5 x 4.5 and gains to 8.5 x 7.0 mid and 8.5 base girth are also similar.
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I've never used more than one clamp.

I primarily used constriction with an adjustable soft nylon strap, engorging the penis til the glans was hard and glossy.

I've tried clamping and engorging, twice I have popped a tooth in the clamp while the clamp was locked and strained against my hardening cock as I squeezed more and more blood into it from below the clamp eventually breaking the plastic.

I will give multiple clamps a try now that I have seen the 10 year old post on it.
Yeah I popped my clamp a few days ago, but I got a model with different opening mechanism that's more like a pivot. Should be more durable. I also thought about if you used multiple clamps because on your base there is a bit of redness which I thought was where you had a few clamps. Also the underside has a patch of discoloration which I also have just beyond where the clamp sits
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It makes sense, gradually increasing volume through clamping over time. I think a lot of people underestimate girth gains due to the fact they're focuses on less. And 2 inches in girth is a lot more significant imo. Like 5inch girth to 7 inch girth is from average to collosal/extremely rare.
I've seen many guys comment about how huge girth may need more care for when sexing. Then you have cases like acro whose wifey goes as far as calling the forum gay because of his size XD.
I always knew my song, and dance was to impresses females so I can snag the best one. Funnily I also get jealous of my cock when I remember all the hours I've worked on it too. It does me good as I aim for huge girth
templnite;683394 said:
I've seen many guys comment about how huge girth may need more care for when sexing. Then you have cases like acro whose wifey goes as far as calling the forum gay because of his size XD.
I always knew my song, and dance was to impresses females so I can snag the best one. Funnily I also get jealous of my cock when I remember all the hours I've worked on it too. It does me good as I aim for huge girth

I aim for huge girth also, whats your starting stats and current? i think if walked into the bedroom with an 8inch girth my gf would cut my penis off hahahahaha
Vagina dentada! Right now I'm around five, and a half girth, but haven't been measuring I go by the clicks in the clamp to gauge whether expansion is taking place. I remember my starting girth was around five inches maybe a little less. Length I haven't gained much because I've not really trained specifically for it only got about .5" from jelqs/expressive gains. I'm around seven Bp maybe less
templnite;683400 said:
Vagina dentada! Right now I'm around five, and a half girth, but haven't been measuring I go by the clicks in the clamp to gauge whether expansion is taking place. I remember my starting girth was around five inches maybe a little less. Length I haven't gained much because I've not really trained specifically for it only got about .5" from jelqs/expressive gains. I'm around seven Bp maybe less

hopefully we both get past 1inch girth gain!
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