
Dec 28, 2004
Hi all :)

I might be a very slow gainer! but for sure, i will do whatever it takes to gain. I don't want to sound sili, but i have had very hard times due to no gaining... I have even considereed leaving my girl, my grades in school are also totally fucked now and have been very low mentally...
So, if anyone can help me to succes in here, it will give me a whole new sight on life.. I couldn't thank you enough.
I have lately been working mainly on lenght. (1,5 month), but before this i have also been stretching (2,5 months i guess) but not anything near as intense as now. I am right now doing this routine:

20 minutes basic stretching, more or less all directions, (not really to the right since the penis leans to the right and i want to correct this, and lately mainly downward after reading about LOT), hold the stretch for 20-40 seconds at 100%.

later that day (maybe before bed)
10 minutes of the same stretching
about 20 minutes of dry jelqs (i have actually gained 0,1 inch with these in the 1,5 month)

My question is if i'm stretching correct, my LOT i think is about 7 or 8..
(depends on how hard i stretch)
So does this mean i have to stretch downward to hit the ligs?

Also, what about off days? i have been doing this for 6 on 1 off... May this be too much if i'm not in anabolic state (does it have any effect) and if o'm bodybuilding, maybe even get to little sleep so my healing and such might be slowed down?

Cause it almost seems like i have rather lost a little lengt than gained...

A last comment:
I have been Penis Enlargement'ing for a year now, focused mainly on girth the first 9 months. I have also gained 0,2-0,3 inch girth, but not any lenght at all i think!! (maybe 0,1 or 0,2, but that is propably juist from 6 months of very intense wet jelqing)

I'm also thinking if theres something special i can do with my routine, cause i will get 2-3 months vacation or at least 2-3 months where i can sleep as long as i want and don't have to go to school. So here i can really give it a kick since i will have lots of time :) Any suggestions to a routine?

Also, people who have gained lengt.. How are you stretching?? Try to describe it, i might do something wrong... If there's anything else like vitamins you are taking or something special i would really like to know..

SORRY for asking about this much... I hope it's okay :)
I don't know if you are doing anything wrong, but maybe try to stretch 100% for a minute at a time and not rest as long as you might normally. If you are working in 20 minute durations then intensity will be your strong point. You'll need to find more time if you are not gaining with your current routines. Try doing the newbie routine exactly as it is every day and see how that works out. Break it into parts so that it fits your schedule if that's what it takes, but remember not to be afraid of trying something new (more intensity, longer periods of stretching ie holding for a minute each stretch). Good luck man.
My personal philosophy- no matter what routine you choose, do it as intensely as possible and do it as consistently as possible. And then throw another 200 hi-intensity wet jelqs on top. You can never do much wet jelqing, IMO (unless of course you get blisters or something, but I mean as long as you aren't having any physical probs).

Tell us more about why this affecting your life to such an extreme (grades, girls, etc.); get it out and let us comment. Maybe you'll find the release cathartic.
I found that I also gained very little from jelqing and the newbie-type stretches. I gained a bit more than you have from stretching, but very very little in either direction from jelqing. Not that jelqing isn't a great thing to do. It is. But IMO at this stage in your Penis Enlargement career you should look into something more intense.

If you're mainly looking for length and you have the spare time, hanging is the best way to go as far as I'm concerned. There are some great manual stretches that have been working very well for a lot of guys, but they take a lot of concentration. Hanging you just strap it on and set a timer for 20 minutes. The Captn's Wench is a GREAT option if you want to get into hanging for very cheap. For weights, if you don't have small weight plates at home you can use bottles of water. I'd start with a liter, then move up in .5 L increments. At some point of course you'll want to get something a bit more practical because you don't want to worry about hanging 3 gallon jugs when you would just have two 10's or something.

For girth, IMO nothing beats constrictors. Download REDZULU2003's constrictor guide (you can find the link in his signature or in the Alternative section of MOS) and read every page of it. Several times. This is an amazing manual, and the constrictors are very versatile. Nearly any girth exercise that you can do manually, you can adapt for constrictors to make it that much more intense. SSJ's, Isolated Compression Squeezes, and Still's Neckbreakers make up the backbone of my constrictor routine, and I'm gaining like my dick is on anabolics. Check out my progress thread. Start slowly though, follow RED's guide and you'll have no problem handling the intensity. You might also think about getting a cockring to wear during the day. This helps tremendously. Don't tackle all of these new things at once though, ease your way into it slowly.

One very important thing. KEGELS. Do them. No excuses at all, you can do them any time of the day and nobody will know. Once you start making big gains you'll need the extra bloodflow because you can conceivably double the volume of your erect penis. Here's a good formula for a kegel routine that I used a while back with great benefits.

Warmup set = X flexes
"Working" set = 2X flexes
Holds = 9 sets of (X÷100) minutes
Long hold = 1 set of (2X÷100) minutes
"Cool down" = X flexes

Rest 30 seconds or so between each hold.

This looks like a lot, and looks complicated, but let me explain. For instance, make X = 100. So you'll do:

Warmup set = 100 flexes
"Working" set = 200 flexes
Holds = 9 sets of 1 minute
Long hold = 1 set of 2 minutes
"Cool down" = 100 flexes

Assuming you do 1 flex per second, this will take all of about 22 minutes. You can also spread it throughout the day if you like. You might be thinking "22 minutes? I don't have that kind of time to sit around and flex my penis!" Sure you do. Do it while you drive, or while you're working, whenever you have some time to sit down. I usually do them during class. And if you don't want to follow something that rigid, just do a bunch of flexes whenever you think about it, and maybe throw in a few holds every once in a while.

Anyway, sorry for the long post, but hopefully this will give you some ideas to get started on so you can make the gains you're looking for. The key to making gains is INTENSITY. Again, check out my progress log, and pay attention to the last couple of pages where I started to do my girth sessions with a lot more intensity. My post workout EG started exploding, which will eventually transfer to permanent gains.

Good luck.
^^ This man speaks the truth!

But, I have a feeling people CAN tell when I am doing kegals... I tend to make a strange concerned face when I do them.

I actually forgot to tell that i'm allready wearing a cock-ring during my girth routine.. :) But would it be a good idea to wear it during the day???
I also try to hold the stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds, but my arms and hands get so fucking tired, i think i have a little injury from bodybuilding :( hehe... So is there any trichs for holding it longer?? I think i will try to hold it with both hands at the same time..
This is actually also the main reason why i did split my routine, cause i can't go that intense and hold it very long when my arms get so tired...

Hmm, i have thought about doing the newbie routine exactly as it's described, but i'm used to jelq at 70-95% erection for 1 hour straight.. (1500 jelgs?) So i don't really think i will get anything out of only doing maybe 200 jelqs...

Personally i think i would like manual stretching way more than hanging, i don't have any problems concentrating on something...
Hmmm, i havn't really been doing kegels... DOH, i forgot:O Huh, might this have something to say?
Wearing a cockring during the day is probably the easiest way to add some girth. Just try sitting with a full erection with the cockring on for several minutes and you'll feel the expansion already. So throughout the day whenever you get any small amount of erection, you're essentially doing a mini girth workout. The way it works is similar to the reason a hose will spray more forcefully if you squeeze it. So the cockring is forcing the blood in at a higher pressure. I like doing my constrictors with my cockring rather than the cable clamp a lot of guys use. A very good ring to use is the Alchemy ring. It's thicker than other cockrings (or the O rings from a hardware store), so it's more comfortable, plus it's seamless. You'll find my review of it in the Product Reviews section.

If you're already going above and beyond the newbie routine, it would be taking a step backwards to do it.

Try baby powder on your hands if you aren't already to help with the manual stretches. And if you're jelqing for an hour straight at that level of erection and not making any gains, definitely try some more intense girth work.

Check out my two articles in the Article Section at the bottom of the main MOS page to find some good length and girth exercises you may want to try. Especially the girth article, as I've included the "basic advanced" girth exercises that form the basis of all other advanced girth work. Ulis, horse squeezes, etc.

Also DLD has put together a list of all the exercises at MOS and links to their descriptions. It's a sticky at the top of the Main Forum. Look through there and you can find all kinds of different exercises you can use to bump up the intensity level, and therefore hopefully jumpstart your gains. Good luck.
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For girth I'd also say constrictors and supra slammers. They too, rock !
Okay :)

I really aprreciate all this help(9cyclops9, you are a god:O), and then so fast, Damn you guys are simply the best:D Thanks alot :)

Hmm, i might not have made myself clear enough, my question was how i could gain some lenght, i know i can gain girth if i want, and i'm allready up at about 5,7" girth, so it's the lenght i really need...
the problem is just that i don't seem to gain lenght though i have been stretching at full intensity for about 30 minutes a day i think... (split up on the day, 1 times 20 minutes and 1 times 10 minutes just before my girth work)
Hmm, sounds good, i will be wearing my cock-ring all day now:)

Hmm, i notices people talking about beeing sore after stretching, i'm not at all!!! So maybe i AM doiing something wrong ? I just grip below the glans and then oull out all i can... (i'm uncut, but i make sure i'm not only stretching the skin;) )
Does it mean anything what order you do the stretches in?? For example: if i do 1 minute downward, ½ upward, 2 downward, 1 left... Such a little random??

I have read a lot, but it seems like words can't tell me what i'm doing wrong ...
If you want serious length, with the least amount of effort, get a bib starter or make a captain's wench and get started hanging. If you have time to hang an hour a day, I think you will make great gains.
I personally (not that im very experienced, but hey...) think that any exercise will give anybody gains if performed properly, with great intensity and for enough time.

I might start trying a bit of hanging once I get to my short-term goal of 8x6 and see how that works out. Just follow the newbie routine and maybe do some hanging too for length. Experiment and find out which exercises you like best.

Good luck
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