
Apr 6, 2005
Hello guys. For those of you who don't know me, which is probably all of you, I am remek. I have recently found this forum through a LINK from another Penis Enlargement forum.

About me:

I have been Penis Enlargementing on and off for almost 4 years now. I lurked the original Penis Enlargement forums many years ago.

I have gained over an inch in Length and 1/2 inch in girth, and I will continue gaining more.

I have a desire to help people. I recently have newfound ideas to help advanced the small scientific knowledge we, as a whole community, have on Penis Enlargement.

From what I can tell so far, I like this forum. Everyone seems very laid back, and helpful -- and I like that.

Why I am here:

For one, this is a huge forum with lots of people interested in what I am intersted in, Enlarging the penis. The real question is, why haven't I been here?

Second, Like I stated above I have ideas to help advance the VERY SMALL scientific data we have on Penis Enlargement.

My first step to acquire actual data on Penis Enlargement is a survey I have created. When I activate the survey, it will run for the next 6 months gathering information. During the survey, and after the survey is finished, I will be creating tables to show the answers that I have for the survey.

I thought of the best questions I could think of; ranging from, How often do you masturbate to what gains have you acquired through Penis Enlargement.

I am only human, and there is probably many questions I have not thought of. This is where you, the average Penis Enlargement'er comes into play. Anyone who has a question, that thinks it will be relevant to the Penis Enlargement community, please state it here.

I need you guys, the enthusiastic crowd of Penis Enlargement, to help me with by giving me your opinions before I launch the survey. Furthermore, I need you to help me promote this survey to every Penis Enlargement'er out there.

LAUNCH TIME OF SURVEY will be in 48-72 hours. If you have the time, read over the survey below before I post it on the web, and post criticisms and opinions.

I have spent the last 5 hours creating BETA 1 of "Penis EnlargementNIS ENLARGEMENT SURVEY," so I am going to bed.

ALSO, I am using, if anyone has negative experience with let me know.

** The information of this survey will be free for everyone here to view. Meaning, if you, DLD, and the mods of MoS, want it to help promote, I will give you everything you need with regards to the survery results.

1)How long have you been using Penis Enlargement techniques? (Jelqing, Stretching, Hanging, etc)

2)Do you think natural penis enlargement works? (I.E. stretching, jelqing, and other penis exercises)
No way!
I am unsure. [Why are you unsure?]

3)Where do you acquire most of your knowledge regarding Penis Enlargement?
Original Penis Enlargement forums
�other PE site�
Matter of Size
Combination of two/three of the above
Other (If other; please name where)

4)On average, how often do you masturbate?
Multiple times a day
Once a day
Weekly (On average 2-3 times a week)
Once a week
Monthly ( A few times a month)
Once a month
A few times a year

5)When doing your penis enlargement work-out do you start with a warm-up/hot wrap/ or any form of heating of the penis?
Yes, always
Most of the time, yes
Most of the time, no
Sometimes - it varies [how often does it vary]

6)Did you use any penis enlargement pills during the period of time you exercised your penis? If so, which pills?

7)While Penis Enlargementing, did your angle of erection change? If yes - how so?

8)Does your penis have a curvature, that was not there before you Penis Enlargement'd? If yes, this means the curve in your penis was non-existent Pre-Penis Enlargement, but post-Penis Enlargement your penis has a curve in it. If yes, in what way did it curve?

9)After you began Penis Enlargementing (Committing the act of using Penis Enlargement exercises) did your penis discolor?
Yes, the skin tone of my penis is more of a RED color
Yes, the skin tone of my penis is more of a BRONZE color
Yes, the skin tone of my penis is more of a PURPLE color
Yes, the skin tone of my penis is a lighter
No, not at all
Other [If other, please list]

10)Since Penis Enlargementing, has your penis experienced harder and stronger erections?
Sometimes - it varies

11)What are your main exercises use(d) to Penis Enlargement? CLICK ALL THAT APPLY
Erect Bends/ DLD Bends
Between the Cheek Stretches
JAI Stretches (Isolated stretching)
V Stretches
A Stretches
SadsakSlinkies/ O bends
Ballooning (Edging)
Jelqing device (I.E. Jelq sticks/ Power Jelq)
DLD Blasters
Supra Slammers
Isolated Compression Squeezes/ Horse440's
All day stretcher
Other - Please list

Questions 12-20 All regard certain exercises. If you have done any of these exercises, please, as accurately as possible, list the information that is asked for:

12)Hanging - Check all that apply. If you use(d) a hanging device in your routine: in the text below please list - how long you used a hanging device and your gains (girth/width/ and length)
-I use(d) a hanging device
-Hanging was not the only exercise performed in my routine
-Hanging was the main exercise in my routine ( I performed other exercises, but focused a majority of my time on hanging)
-Hanging was the ONLY exercise I used in my routine.

13)Stretching - Check all that apply. If you use(d) Stretching in your routine: in the text below, please list - how long you used Stretches and your gains (girth/width/ and length) while Stretching

14)Jelqing - Check all that apply. If you use(d) Jelqing in your routine: in the text below, please list - how long you used Jelqs and your gains (girth/width/ and length) while Jelqing

15)Pumping - Check all that apply. If you use(d) a pumping device in your routine: In the text below, please list - how long you used a pumping device and your gains (girth/width/ and length)

16)Erect Bends/DLD Bends - Check all that apply. If you use(d) Erect Bends/DLD Bends in your routine: in the text below, please list - how long you used Erect Bends/DLD Bends and your gains (girth/width/ and length)

17)ULI's - Check all that apply. If you use(d) ULI's in your routine: in the text below please list - how long you used ULI's and your gains (girth/width/ and length)

18)Sadsak Slinkies/Orange Bends - Check all that apply. If you use(d) Sadsak Slinkies/Orange Bends in your routine: in the text below please list - how long you used Sadsak Slinkies/Orange Bends and your gains (girth/width/ and length)

19)Isolated Compression Squeezes/Horse440's - Check all that apply. If you use(d) Isolated Compression Squeezes/ Horse440's in your routine: in the text below please list - how long you have use(d) Isolated Compression Squeezes/ Horse440's and your gains (girth/width/ and length) while using them

20)Constrictors - Check all that apply. If you use(d) Constrictors in your routine: in the text below please list - how long you used Constrictors and your gains (girth/width/ and length) while using them

21)Ballooning/Edging - Check all that apply. If you use(d) Ballooning/Edging in your routine: In the text below, please list - how long you used Ballooning/Edging and your gains (girth/width/ and length) while Ballooning/Edging

Desire is a treasure map. Knowledge is the treasure chest. Wisdom is the jewel. Yet without action they all stay buried. Hope is the pillar that holds up the world
--Pliny the Elder (23-79 A.D.)
Also, on some of the exercises I could have listed them wrong. I.E. I called the DLD BEND the same thing as the ERECT BEND. If anything purtaining to that, or the constrictors is incorrect, let me know.

Furthermore, if anything needs to be added, let me know.

Good night.
I am curious, why was this post moved to the "newbie forum?"

Does anyone have an opinion on the topic posted?
Welcome to the forums remek! I am not sure why your thread was moved, assumably someone read the title without reading the content before moving it. This is a very good survey and I think you will get some good replies in the main forum so I have moved it back. I will answer for myself tonight, when I have more time. I am looking forward to everyones participation.
Thank you DLD. I appreciate it.

I figure with more knowledge on Penis Enlargement, the more we will all know what is really best.

I added two questions

How long did it take you to make your first gains after you started using natural penis enlargement?

How about average time per week doing Penis Enlargement?

I am also considering adding: "where did you learn about Penis Enlargement?"
doublelongdaddy said:
Welcome to the forums remek! I am not sure why your thread was moved, assumably someone read the title without reading the content before moving it. This is a very good survey and I think you will get some good replies in the main forum so I have moved it back. I will answer for myself tonight, when I have more time. I am looking forward to everyones participation.

BTW, Thank you for the WARM welcome. I am Eager to hear your opinion later tonight.
1)How long have you been using Penis Enlargement techniques? (Jelqing, Stretching, Hanging, etc)

Over 4 years

2)Do you think natural penis enlargement works? (I.E. stretching, jelqing, and other penis exercises)
No way!
I am unsure. [Why are you unsure?]

Yes I do, I have come close to doubling the size of my penis over my 4 plus years.

3)Where do you acquire most of your knowledge regarding Penis Enlargement?
Original Penis Enlargement forums
�other PE site�
Matter of Size
Combination of two/three of the above
Other (If other; please name where)

I keep up with all of the Penis Enlargement forums but I do a ton of research on various medical sites. If there is information, new or old, about the male reproductive system I will study it and see how it could relate to Penis Enlargement. I also enjoy studying information on other forms of Penis Enlargement like phalloplasty, pumping, pills and the like, as there is allot of information that may cross-relate to manual Penis Enlargement.

4)On average, how often do you masturbate?
Multiple times a day
Once a day
Weekly (On average 2-3 times a week)
Once a week
Monthly ( A few times a month)
Once a month
A few times a year

At one time I was able to boast a no masturbation stretch of about 3 years but sadly I have recently (over the last year) given in. I think it is because �naked people movies� has gotten so fucking good:D I now kill the kitty about twice a week.

5)When doing your penis enlargement work-out do you start with a warm-up/hot wrap/ or any form of heating of the penis?
Yes, always
Most of the time, yes
Most of the time, no
Sometimes - it varies [how often does it vary]

If I do wet jelqing I will do a warm down but other than the this no.

6)Did you use any penis enlargement pills during the period of time you exercised your penis? If so, which pills?

No but I plan on taking them soon. I have always spoken down on penis enlargement pills because of other users experiences. Although I think popular opinion is important I also believe in forming my own opinion through personal experience. I currently have a BLOG going on the topic of pills in Penis Enlargement if it interests you.

7)While Penis Enlargementing, did your angle of erection change? If yes - how so?

I always had a decent erection angle. Pre-pe it was about 10:00. Over the past 4 years it has increased to 11:00 (or about there)

8)Does your penis have a curvature, that was not there before you Penis Enlargement'd? If yes, this means the curve in your penis was non-existent Pre-Penis Enlargement, but post-Penis Enlargement your penis has a curve in it. If yes, in what way did it curve?

My penis was extremely straight prior to Penis Enlargement. Over my first 2 years I became infatuated with having an upward curve and I have successfully created this through jelqing style. Although it is slight it is present.

9)After you began Penis Enlargementing (Committing the act of using Penis Enlargement exercises) did your penis discolor?
Yes, the skin tone of my penis is more of a RED color
Yes, the skin tone of my penis is more of a BRONZE color
Yes, the skin tone of my penis is more of a PURPLE color
Yes, the skin tone of my penis is a lighter
No, not at all
Other [If other, please list]

Through my first few years I had some purple discoloration. I found that discoloration happens with me through the use of wet exercise. Eventually I converted to an all dry program and all of my discoloration has faded.

10)Since Penis Enlargementing, has your penis experienced harder and stronger erections?
Sometimes - it varies

Yes. Pre-Penis Enlargement and during my first year active I had the distorted belief that the bigger the penis the softer the erection would be but in my case this was simply not true. The bigger I get the harder my erection is. I think this is largely because of my extensive pelvic floor muscle training through kegels.

11)What are your main exercises use(d) to Penis Enlargement? CLICK ALL THAT APPLY
Erect Bends/ DLD Bends
Between the Cheek Stretches
JAI Stretches (Isolated stretching)
V Stretches
A Stretches
SadsakSlinkies/ O bends
Ballooning (Edging)
Jelqing device (I.E. Jelq sticks/ Power Jelq)
DLD Blasters
Supra Slammers
Isolated Compression Squeezes/ Horse440's
All day stretcher
Other - Please list

This list will have to be expanded to cover more options as it only skims the exercises available in Penis Enlargement. Although this list is still not complete there are a few more choices:

DLD Blasters

DLD's Footlong Stretch

DLD Girth Busters DLD Pulse 110's

Plyometric Exercise...Shocking the Penis to Grow

DLD Lazy Ass Stretches

ACE Strapped....Jim's Joint

Applying the LOT theory to DLD Blasters

High Angle A-Stretches

Extreme Girth Super Sets

Rotary Blasters

Tub Stretches

RB-Fake Arm A-Stretch

DLD Shock Stretch Super Sets

DLD Dual Isolated Stretch

An Easy Way to Increse A-Stretch Tension

R.O.P. (Ring of Power)Show how to wear?


Foreskin Restoration

WaxN's Top 15 Length Exercise Picks

Stills Awesome Tunica Stretch

Still's Manual Between The Cheeks Lig Stretch

Another A-Stretch Variation

Redzulu's Tug of War Stretch

Red's Squat Stretches Red's Sit up Stretch

Squat Stretch 2

Red's S/U Bend Stretch

Hanging 101

How to Measure

DLD's Erect Footlong Stretch

Erect Stretching to help covert FSL to EL

DLD Expansion Super Sets...For a Wide, Girthy, Cock

DLD Bundled Blasters...The end all TUNICA stretch

ACE Strapped....Jim's Joint

Applying the LOT theory to DLD Blasters

Extreme Girth Super Sets

PAN Squeezes

Horse Sqeezes

DLD Angle Jelqs

DLD Bends for Incredible Girth and Width

SUPRA Slammers

Mini SUPRA Slammers

SUPRA Ball Jelqing

BTB (Behind The Balls) Jelqing

Stillwantmore's Head and Shaft Expansion

Stills Short Jelq

Glans Squeeze (Uli #3)

The Dash Rap

German Stallion Erect Twists

After The Shock Rollers

Red's Constrictor Guide

Double Clamped Horse 440

Bungle Slammers

DLD Toilet Compression Squeezes

Erect Stretching

DLD Super Sets

Penis Isometrics

The Penis is a Bag not a Rope

Kegels, Reverse Kegels? The Basics

DLD Pulse 110's

Increasing Grip When Stretching

DLD Crazy Girth Busters

DLD Extreme Scotum Stretch

DLD Erect Footlong Stretches

DLD Double Tunica Stretch

ACE Strapped: Uncle Jim's Joint

Applying Bib's LOT Theory to DLD Blasters

Under Leg Stretch

DLD Pocket Stretches

A-Stretch at High Angles for Tunica Stretch

Pan Squeezes

DLD Bundled Stretches

Tub Stretches

RB's Fake Arm A-Stretch

DLD Pyramid Stretch Sets

DLD Shock Stretch Super-Sets

DLD Dual Isolated Stretch

Penis Self Hynosis

The Dry Jelq and It's Advantages

DLD Blaster Jelq

Horse Squeezes

Extreme Jump Start Program... Plateau Crusher!

Easy Way to Increase A-Stretch Tension

How to Determine Your LOT

Directions to Making Your Own Power Assist

The Original DLD Bundled Blasters Thread

Angle Jelqs

DLD Bends for Extreme Girth

DLD Teticle Health Massage

Mega Swing

RED's Constricted Squeezes

Mowinman Tunica Rotary Stretch

Mowinman C-Stretch

Mowinman All Day Flaccid Stretcher

Mowinman Twisted Uli's

Mowinman Basilar Fulcrum Stretch

Mowinman or DLD Counter Stretches

Stuff Wave Constrictors

Crayzed Horse Clamp

DLD Slow Squash Jelq Abstract by Alloy

DLD Slow Squash Jelq Original Thread

DLD's Soft-Wrap Slow Squash Jelq

DLD's Fast Squash Jelq

Edging for Enlargement[/CENTER]


Tunica Fulcrum PA Stretch

Side Fulcrum PA Stretch

Rocking Stretch PA Stretch

Down and Out PA Stretch

Bow PA Stretch

Body Rock PA Stretch

Base Twist PA Stretch

2 Handed A-Stretch PA Stetch

A-Stretch PA Stretch

Sling Shot PA Stretch

My routine has evolved tremendously over my 4+ years. My progress is charter through the 5 Phases in the members section of the site. I will try to some it up here. My first 8 months in Penis Enlargement I followed the NEWBIE ROUTINE, this is identicle to the 1st Phase of the MoS Program. This consisted mainly of basic stretching and jelqing exercise. I changed this routine slightly during the last 4 months of my first year (basically just intensity changes and exercise duration) My second year I included exercises like the DLD Blasters and variations on jelq styles. My next change in routine included DLD Bends (an exercise renamed at �other PE site� as sad sak slinkies), the introduction of super-sets of various jelq and bend styles along with some effort put into width through compression toilet squeezes. I also included Lazy Ass stretches as I had the time to do them. In the close of my second year in Penis Enlargement Bib came out with the LOT theory so I made changes to my routine to include tunica work (more emphisis put on upward stretching, rotary work, clock bends, high angle DLD Blasters) I also changed my jelqing style again to the C-Jelqs. During my 3rd year I realized the great potential of super-setting exercise and my next routine change was totally based on these mechanics. My routine consisted mainly of Girth Busters, Erect Stretching and Advanced Super-Set Stretching. About midway through my 3rd year I developed the mecca of girth exercise in the Slow Squash Jelqs. I have been hard pressed to find a better girth exercise and this is why I still use these today. My stretching routine to date is a huge compilation of manual work, Power Assist stretches, hanging and ADS.

12)Hanging - Check all that apply. If you use(d) a hanging device in your routine: in the text below please list - how long you used a hanging device and your gains (girth/width/ and length)
-I use(d) a hanging device
-Hanging was not the only exercise performed in my routine
-Hanging was the main exercise in my routine ( I performed other exercises, but focused a majority of my time on hanging)
-Hanging was the ONLY exercise I used in my routine.

As stated above I do include hanging in my daily program. In addition to my manual, ADS and Power Assist work I also hang for 5-7 twenty minute sets daily using 25lbs-15lbs. My gains over this period have not been disclosed yet as I have not done an official measurement in a while. Last measurement was 10.5 x 6.7 NBP, it appears that I have lost some length due to weight gain in my fat pad but Spring is here and I hope to get out and exercise again.

13)Stretching - Check all that apply. If you use(d) Stretching in your routine: in the text below, please list - how long you used Stretches and your gains (girth/width/ and length) while Stretching

Stretching has played the most important part in my program and 90% of my gains in length came from manual stretching. I attribute the last 10% to Power Assist work and possibly hanging.

14)Jelqing - Check all that apply. If you use(d) Jelqing in your routine: in the text below, please list - how long you used Jelqs and your gains (girth/width/ and length) while Jelqing

Basic Jelging in my first year brought me from 4.75" of girth to roughly 5.25" of girth. More advanced "wet" jelqing styles brought me close to the 6" mark. I attribute all gains above this to Girth Busters and Slow Squash Jelqs.

15)Pumping - Check all that apply. If you use(d) a pumping device in your routine: In the text below, please list - how long you used a pumping device and your gains (girth/width/ and length)

Does not apply

16)Erect Bends/DLD Bends - Check all that apply. If you use(d) Erect Bends/DLD Bends in your routine: in the text below, please list - how long you used Erect Bends/DLD Bends and your gains (girth/width/ and length)

See above

17)ULI's - Check all that apply. If you use(d) ULI's in your routine: in the text below please list - how long you used ULI's and your gains (girth/width/ and length)

Never used ULI's

18)Sadsak Slinkies/Orange Bends - Check all that apply. If you use(d) Sadsak Slinkies/Orange Bends in your routine: in the text below please list - how long you used Sadsak Slinkies/Orange Bends and your gains (girth/width/ and length)

Sadsak Slinkies=DLD Bends:)

19)Isolated Compression Squeezes/Horse440's - Check all that apply. If you use(d) Isolated Compression Squeezes/ Horse440's in your routine: in the text below please list - how long you have use(d) Isolated Compression Squeezes/ Horse440's and your gains (girth/width/ and length) while using them

Isolated Compression Squeezes and Horses play a big part Girth Busters so I do attribute these to possibly .25-.5" gain in girth for me.

20)Constrictors - Check all that apply. If you use(d) Constrictors in your routine: in the text below please list - how long you used Constrictors and your gains (girth/width/ and length) while using them

Does not apply

21)Ballooning/Edging - Check all that apply. If you use(d) Ballooning/Edging in your routine: In the text below, please list - how long you used Ballooning/Edging and your gains (girth/width/ and length) while Ballooning/Edging

Does not apply​
I added to the title of your thread as I think you will get a better response this way.
1)How long have you been using Penis Enlargement techniques? (Jelqing, Stretching, Hanging, etc)

I have been into Penis Enlargement off and on for about 5 years now.

2)Do you think natural penis enlargement works? (I.E. stretching, jelqing, and other penis exercises)


3)Where do you acquire most of your knowledge regarding Penis Enlargement?

I aquired most of my knowledge from the original forums "back in the day".

4)On average, how often do you masturbate?

Usually twice a week.

5)When doing your penis enlargement work-out do you start with a warm-up/hot wrap/ or any form of heating of the penis?

On girth, I usually have started with a warm up. Hot water dunks. Although not always.

6)Did you use any penis enlargement pills during the period of time you exercised your penis? If so, which pills?

No. Nothing on the market specifically marketed toward Penis Enlargement anyway. Viagra yes. I equate Viagra to the "Creatine of Penis Enlargement" for girth work. It just makes girthwork sooo much easier to do. I get much, much more out of my girth sessions with Viagra ( I use the generic brand Silagra) than I ever have without it.

7)While Penis Enlargementing, did your angle of erection change? If yes - how so?


8)Does your penis have a curvature, that was not there before you Penis Enlargement'd? If yes, this means the curve in your penis was non-existent Pre-Penis Enlargement, but post-Penis Enlargement your penis has a curve in it. If yes, in what way did it curve?


9)After you began Penis Enlargementing (Committing the act of using Penis Enlargement exercises) did your penis discolor?
Yes, the skin tone of my penis is more of a RED color
Yes, the skin tone of my penis is more of a BRONZE color

With girthwork, it's always very red afterward. The sign of a great girth session. My penis has gotten 'tanned' from the years of Penis Enlargement.

10)Since Penis Enlargementing, has your penis experienced harder and stronger erections?


11)What are your main exercises use(d) to Penis Enlargement? CLICK ALL THAT APPLY

For girth, it's almost always been a combo of "ULIS and "Horse Squeezes"

Questions 12-20 All regard certain exercises. If you have done any of these exercises, please, as accurately as possible, list the information that is asked for:

12)Hanging - Check all that apply. If you use(d) a hanging device in your routine: in the text below please list - how long you used a hanging device and your gains (girth/width/ and length)

I have used home made BIB hangers...when that was all that was available. Now using a BIB Starter model. I feel it is truly the 'mecca' of hangers. I've gained over 1.5" in length from hanging alone. I have always, and still do feel that hanging is THE hands down best length maker. I've only gained length and some base girth...although I'm not sure how much base girth from hanging.
Guys, nonono. I am not doing the survey via forum posts. That would be ludicrious. It would take years of man labor to calculate all that data into a program.

My survey, which will be launching in 2 days, consists of a MUCH easier/ USER FRIENDLY program of gathering data. It will be on a site called, which will have actual results to be posted. This in turn will make it much easier for me to decipher the results, thus turning it into useful data.

I repeat, the survey I listed above is the beta. I posted the beta because, I was curious to what you guys thought of it before I activated the actual survey. Meaning, do you think anything useful could/shold be added that would help us towards are goal: knowing more about Penis Enlargement.

I love the dedication though ;).. It must of took you both an hour to post all of that. You guys are great!

With my survey I am hoping to make it a QUICK and user friendly survey that takes only 5-10 minutes, at the most.

But the good thing is, you both already have your info ready to enter into the survey.
Last edited:
I will fill it in, but keep us informed ALL THE WAY please, no sneaky shit with our data.
REDZULU2003 said:
I will fill it in, but keep us informed ALL THE WAY please, no sneaky shit with our data.

I understand your uncertanies, but I assure you -- this is a public research project.

Look at it this way: what would be the point of doing a survey, if I were going to keep all the data to myself? It would be useless.

You don't know me, so I can understand your worries, but you have my word; Everything I know, you will know.

And I hope over time, we can build a trust.
iwant8inches said:
lol great thing I read the whole thread BEFORE I posted...doh.

Haha, I apologize, I must of misinterped my intentions of this thread: opinions before I post the actual survey. But I really am moved by your dedication here guys. It had to take you a good deal of time to answer everything via typing it in.
no no I read where you mentioned that you just wanted some feedback on what could be added in order to improve the survey before I actually responded...I just fell into the group mentality where hey everyone seems to be doing it this way so I will too...
After many hours of adding and editing the poll, I have finished. I had to go all out and pay for a full version. I figure if I am going to do this, it has to be done right.

Anyone who has 10 minutes take the poll:

I will make a FULL tutorial post tomorrow. If there is ANYTHING wrong with the poll, please let me know now so I can change it before it is to late.

Let me know what you think.
remek said:
After many hours of adding and editing the poll, I have finished. I had to go all out and pay for a full version. I figure if I am going to do this, it has to be done right.

Anyone who has 10 minutes take the poll:

I will make a FULL tutorial post tomorrow. If there is ANYTHING wrong with the poll, please let me know now so I can change it before it is to late.

Let me know what you think.
I clicked on the link and was given a "Page Not Found" error message.

Perhaps its not active yet.
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