Uh, well, I see you're intensely parnoid and displeased with government, but this isn't really all that uncommon.

If you read the debunking site, I'd be curious to hear how you feel that it doesn't hold up. As the site and Popular Mechanics articles mention, virtually every structural engineer or those with specialized knowledge (not anonymous video makers on the internet) discredit the conspiracy information. Also, I hate to keep repeating it, but nothing in your post really disputes the enormously unlikely scenario that all those thousands of people are keeping their mouths shut about a planned mass murder against their own country.

Frankly, I'll take the word of expert physicists and engineers, as well as common sense, over some internet viral videos that string together some loose and comletely unsubstantiated conspiracy ideas.

So far as income tax and such, most of us are aware of the poor legal grounding, I believe I first heard about in my middle school civics class. However, you will see that very few people have been successful at legally challenging the income tax and not paying it. In addition, our economy pretty much can't function without it, so it serves a decent purpose. Two things in life are certain - death and taxes. If you hate paying taxes, please refrain from driving on the roads, using any public utilities, sending your children to public schools, using any government services, etc. They're not stealing your money bro . . . we all pay too.

And, on the note that there's not Constitutional language specific to an income tax - there also isn't any specific language regarding privacy. Yet, we expect this and have established our right to it through a long process of case law. That's how things work in this country - you can't have it both ways and stick to the Constitution on taxes but demand a right to privacy from the state as well. Just some food for thought.

I'd suggest checking out some books on these topics more than relying on internet propaganda - unless you enjoy living a paranoid lifestyle, which no offense intended, it certainly seems that you do.
stridge said:
Uh, well, I see you're intensely parnoid and displeased with government, but this isn't really all that uncommon.

If you read the debunking site, I'd be curious to hear how you feel that it doesn't hold up. As the site and Popular Mechanics articles mention, virtually every structural engineer or those with specialized knowledge (not anonymous video makers on the internet) discredit the conspiracy information. Also, I hate to keep repeating it, but nothing in your post really disputes the enormously unlikely scenario that all those thousands of people are keeping their mouths shut about a planned mass murder against their own country.

Frankly, I'll take the word of expert physicists and engineers, as well as common sense, over some internet viral videos that string together some loose and comletely unsubstantiated conspiracy ideas.

So far as income tax and such, most of us are aware of the poor legal grounding, I believe I first heard about in my middle school civics class. However, you will see that very few people have been successful at legally challenging the income tax and not paying it. In addition, our economy pretty much can't function without it, so it serves a decent purpose. Two things in life are certain - death and taxes. If you hate paying taxes, please refrain from driving on the roads, using any public utilities, sending your children to public schools, using any government services, etc. They're not stealing your money bro . . . we all pay too.

And, on the note that there's not Constitutional language specific to an income tax - there also isn't any specific language regarding privacy. Yet, we expect this and have established our right to it through a long process of case law. That's how things work in this country - you can't have it both ways and stick to the Constitution on taxes but demand a right to privacy from the state as well. Just some food for thought.

I'd suggest checking out some books on these topics more than relying on internet propaganda - unless you enjoy living a paranoid lifestyle, which no offense intended, it certainly seems that you do.

Popular Mechanics only went after fringe theories about 9/11, they didn't discredit ANY of Alex Jones' views, or any of his physicist, etc. colleagues. I was listening to a radio program where this guy was interviewing a guy who did the PM article, and the PM guy was getting torn up on "facts" and "evidence" that he claimed "wasn't public."

I'll try and find the link, but I'm not sure it's on http://www.infowars.com anymore.

Actually, here's evidence debunking much, if not all, of the PM article: http://www.freedomisforeverybody.org/debunkPopMech.php
stridge -

do ya homework and find out who popular mechanics are in cahoots with. i've read the book and its a joke. discredit they do not do, they lie and they fabricate... and many people do speak out about what happened on 9/11, what they saw, but more often than not they get shot down, they get branded as unpatriotic and disrespectful to those that lost their lives and their families. only recently have more folk stepped forward coz they feel there is shift in opinion in the truth behind 9/11. And absolutely the CIA & FBI would stamp threating muzzle orders on those who might speak out, where do you think the Maffia, Triads etc learnt there trade, there ethos.

As for income tax -

watch freedom to fascism on google vid and im sure you won't be filing.

and as i stated, every cent of income tax goes into the military machine.

the economy as you put it functions on the million other taxes in place; fuel tax, road tax, clothes tax, food tax, heating tax, electricity tax... you see where im going.
if i were you i wouldn't pay it. simple as.

the term smoking gun is used all the time when talking "conspiracy", the smoking gun of 9/11 is without question WT7. i don't care what you've read or seen it is a lie or its plain wrong.

wtc.net - it covers every facet about your FEMA's, structural engineer supremo's, independant reports and offical and the like... you can't refute it. i challenge you to do so, accept it please.

keep pushing
stridge -

one additional thing about wtc7. do you think it was a controlled demolition?

keep pushing
Guys, thanks for replying, I like to see a healthy debate over the subject, but before we go on, can either of you offer definitive proof that any of the evidence from the debunking site I listed is wrong?

I don't want to be snide here, but literally thousands of mechanical, structural, and material engineers have confirmed that the collapses of the buildings was not only as we currently understand it to be, but almost impossible to be otherwise. Withstanding your currant biases, these people are independent professionals, not affiliated with the much alligned US government or otherwise. You'll find all this information and more if you simply google "9/11 debunking" or even check out the link I posted, which is a fairly broad overview, including peer-reviewed research. I mention peer-reviewed, because that means that the contnets have been checked and re-checked by indpendent academics that are experts in their fields. These people would be discredited in their porfessions, teaching posts, and overall laughed at if their publishing didn't meet the consenus of other trained experts in their fields. Frankly, I'll take that any day over anonymously authored internet propaganda. Someobdy mentioned the internet as being a bastion of freedom - it's also a place where people can get away with a huge amount of bullshit and unsubstantiated garbage because there is no base level for standards.

As I mentioned before, one of the heroes of liberal thought and leftist history, rehtoric, and interpretation, Noam Chomsky, a man I greatly enjoy and admire, thinks that the idea of 9/11 conspiracy is ridiculous. I don't form my opnions based on his, but he is a person infinately more learned and also more deeply opposed to the Bush administration, corporatism, and capitalist currutption than any of us.

Also, nobody seems to be addressing the points I orginally mentioned; the fact that nobody from the thousands of people in dozens of private and government outfits would have to be deliberately covering up an enormous planned murder of thousands of innocents and a vast conspiracy operation. Where is the paper trail? Where are the people from all the organizations I listed? Are they paid off? Are there no investigative journailists that can find one tiny single shred of evidence of this giganctic cover-up? Of all the professional and indepdendent researchers, why can't we find one receipt for the many tens, maybe more thousands of receipts that would be needed to detonate the towers, the other Trade Center building, the pentagon, and the plane that crashed?

No offense, but I'd like to hear some better arguements against the links and info I've already offered than. "Some people have come forward." Charlie Sheen isn't a credible expert in my book. And, if you check the link I originially posted, it has hard scientific evidence debunking the physics that are purported by conspiracy advocates. Please show me some credible arguments that disprove that simple math and physics at the root of the debunking side - otherwise we're just twiddling our thumbs here.

I hate to keep beating the same drum, but I feel like you guys are ignoring plain basic sense in some respects, while refusing to even acknowledge any facts taht are contary the very unprobably and concenient conspiracy argument.

If I can get on my horse for a moment, let me just say that conspiracy junk acrguemtns are detremental because the distract from the real failings of government and leadership, namely that the Bush administration ignored good intelligence about 9/11 and essentially facilitated preexisting insitutional screw-ups in our intelligence system with their lack of concern and compitence. It's a gross injustice and a terrible tragedy caused by institutional failings that were fostered by the current administration. I feel like this is the salient point.

The idea that we're being subjected to some wild science fiction mass conspiracy plot only distracts us from focusing on this much more proufund lapse in government.

Please, at least read through the website and show me how the physics and material elements that are painstakingly explained therein are wrong before you respond - if one part of the conspiracy is incorrect by way of conrete math and physics, than it's all wrong. You can't have just one piece seem sort of accurate on limited presentation of facts by a non-expert and just qualify the totalist of an argument. Not to be redundent, but when the overwhelming logic of scientifically verified facts (again, the website), and common sense are weighed, I fail to see how anybody can buy the conspiracy story.

And if I may add, there is a conspiracy "governmetn collusion/anti-public" conspiracy for almost every goddamned bad thing that has ever happened in American history during the 20th century. So has the government been plotting to enslave and destory the population with the help of big business since the inception of America? C'mon guys, think critically, not fictionally.
The Constitution, also, does include the right to privacy: http://www.harrybrowne.org/articles/PrivacyRight.htm

This doesn't contradict what I said at all. And, if you asked several of our sitting Supreme Court judges, Samuel Alito primarily, there shouldn't be any sort of Constitutionally defined right to privacy. Obviously this isn't in keeping with our current views, nor debatabley the views of the founders, but regardless, any legal interpertation of the Constitution is that - an interpretation. Funny thing about law, it's matter of consensus, standard, popular opinion, history, written coda, and interpretation. How it's presented and adminstered is much more important.

Regardless, the brief article points out one interpretation - one I happen to agree with - with my previous post I was merely pointing out that many thins that are Constitutionally implied these days aren't actually specifically mentioned in articulate language in the Constitution. The founders, in their limited but nonetheless brilliant foresight, invisioned the document as maliable and open to the whims of the day as a matter of necessity and insitutional survival. No great epiphany there.
"the economy as you put it functions on the million other taxes in place; fuel tax, road tax, clothes tax, food tax, heating tax, electricity tax... you see where im going.
if i were you i wouldn't pay it. simple as."

Um, well, I won't go into specifics here, but you may wish to google "US economy AND taxes" or some such term to get the breakdown on taxes and their neccesity. Most of the taxes you mention are actually state imposed, meaning if you have a problem with them, move somewhere else. I suggest New Hampshire or Vermont. Both fine areas with a strong libertarian streak that fundamentally dislikes any extravagent taxation. Taxes are collected and emploted at the county, state, and federal level. I fail to see why people single out income tax for bitching. I hate to bring up basics, but when you live in society, you enter into something that some dead philosophers identify as the 'social contract.' That is, when you live in society and enjoy its benefits of security, service, convenience, etc, you also abide by its laws by default. This means paying the taxes imposed upon you wherever you choose to live. If you think the government shouldn't be able to charge you for its services, well, I suppose you'll need to find someplace on earth that agrees with you and charges zero or minimum taxes. I doubt there is such a place as organized society can't really function on volunteerism alone unless you're planning on joining up with a hunter-gatherer egalitarian tribal group, but let me know if you find one. In the mean time, I humbly resuggest some of our fine states in more Northern New England.

It's a very blunt and ill informed thing to say that an income tax isn't needed. Our economy has developed while utalizing an income tax, and its prompt non-payment would tank us like a lead weight in a pond. Consitutional language or not, its here and its necessary now, and micro taxation on usage won't compensate for the massive amount of government revenue created by income tax, so I must implore you to get used to it. If you choose not pay it, I'll be enjoying reading your posts from a federal penitentary. I'm no expert on macro economics, but I tihnk I understand the basics. If you doubt me, I highly enourage you to email a local, or really any university professor in the feild of economics or even political science. I'm sure they'll be happy to explain in further and far more articulate detail.
stridge said:
"the economy as you put it functions on the million other taxes in place; fuel tax, road tax, clothes tax, food tax, heating tax, electricity tax... you see where im going.
if i were you i wouldn't pay it. simple as."

Um, well, I won't go into specifics here, but you may wish to google "US economy AND taxes" or some such term to get the breakdown on taxes and their neccesity. Most of the taxes you mention are actually state imposed, meaning if you have a problem with them, move somewhere else. I suggest New Hampshire or Vermont. Both fine areas with a strong libertarian streak that fundamentally dislikes any extravagent taxation. Taxes are collected and emploted at the county, state, and federal level. I fail to see why people single out income tax for bitching. I hate to bring up basics, but when you live in society, you enter into something that some dead philosophers identify as the 'social contract.' That is, when you live in society and enjoy its benefits of security, service, convenience, etc, you also abide by its laws by default. This means paying the taxes imposed upon you wherever you choose to live. If you think the government shouldn't be able to charge you for its services, well, I suppose you'll need to find someplace on earth that agrees with you and charges zero or minimum taxes. I doubt there is such a place as organized society can't really function on volunteerism alone unless you're planning on joining up with a hunter-gatherer egalitarian tribal group, but let me know if you find one. In the mean time, I humbly resuggest some of our fine states in more Northern New England.

It's a very blunt and ill informed thing to say that an income tax isn't needed. Our economy has developed while utalizing an income tax, and its prompt non-payment would tank us like a lead weight in a pond. Consitutional language or not, its here and its necessary now, and micro taxation on usage won't compensate for the massive amount of government revenue created by income tax, so I must implore you to get used to it. If you choose not pay it, I'll be enjoying reading your posts from a federal penitentary. I'm no expert on macro economics, but I tihnk I understand the basics. If you doubt me, I highly enourage you to email a local, or really any university professor in the feild of economics or even political science. I'm sure they'll be happy to explain in further and far more articulate detail.

every cent of income tax gets funnelled into the military, what part of that are you missing.
income tax in America is Illegal - how lucid do you want it.

the points you make about cover ups are valid.

how do thousands of children and adults still work in slavery-esque conditions to meet the output demand of the clothing conglomerates?
how the fuck have they gotten away with putting flurid in the water?
how do drug cartels manage to fucnction?
how can the Red Cross retain its known corruption levels?
(there are of course many more - this is an overveiw)
each is unique, but you can still apply your train of thought and mussings to the above.

and do you have any idea how vast the employee pit is for the CIA, FBI combined. hundreds of thousands accross the globe, many wouldn't batter an eye lid to what they were apart to coz they would have known what was in the oven and were told to do their job.

how do you explain away when the FED's admitted in 97' they tried to blow up the trade centre 1?

how do you explain away Donald Rumsfelds paper he wrote in 2000 where he wrote that America needs a massive terrorist incident to help push the agenda in the middle east? read it!!!

you still haven't explained away wt7. no plane struck it, purportedly material from the falling towers caused fire, but it was contained through out its burning duration. and then the building comes down in the most blatent, text book demolition you will ever see - tell me that isn't controlled demolition, and explain away... and naturally Larry.

its esaier to give links because the info is markedly more indepth than what i can write - http://www.wtc7.net/articles/FEMA/WTC_ch5.htm

that link has your beloved FEMA's joke book report along with other "independant bodies". its the entire report. refute away.

i've searched the net my man, and i don't see where you have located all these structural engineers saying that it is not possible these buildings came down by dint of an inside job. other than in debunking literature and sites with an overt affinity to this literature.

anywho WTC7!!! Larry Silverstien!!!

keep pushing
Has anyone got books on this subject that discuss this conspiracy that I can get my hands on?
REDZULU2003 said:
Has anyone got books on this subject that discuss this conspiracy that I can get my hands on?

trust, the debunking books are farcical, save your pennies. associated press and dedicated websites are the the ground for the walk.


not sure if this helps or you know the above already, but if you get the oppertunity try and catch Alex Jones films free on Google video. they're listed on infowars.com.

keep pushing
"every cent of income tax gets funnelled into the military, what part of that are you missing."

I couldn't quickly find any resources substantiating this online aside from some pie charts devised on some website titled "the war resister's league," that frankly didn't impress me much. Since the government files extensive reports on what they do with taxes, I could probably find out easily enough, but I don't have time to start combing through elaborate federal reports just now. A few things though - first, it's not uncommon for taxes to fund one thing specifically. For instance, local property taxes generally all go to funding education, something unfortunately creates some of the imbalances in our educational system. Another thing to keep in mind - the huge amount we spend on defense and defense related inudstries is a large and integral part of the economy in and of itself. The US didn't become the most powerful nation in the world by not having a large and well financed military industrial complex. I'm not sure what income taxes go towards funding affects their validity or necessity. Also, how does this apply to state income tax and such?

Also, as I mentioned before, their legal foundation is a matter of interpretation. I would say that no serious student of Consitutional law would take the frequent libertarian claim against the Consitutional validity of income taxes as anything more than a fringe argument. Many much more learned and knowledgable people than you and I have looked into this from both sides, and it seems that the vast majority understands that the tax is both legal and serves a purpose. Does this automatically make me correct? No, but it does suggest that the fring minority that feel its illegal have never been able to really promote their point of view as it doesn't stand up to serious scrutiny. And, it's not like something such as an income tax is very popular, I'm sure plenty people would be all for its abolisHydromaxent if they could find a legitimate reason to do so. Unless I'm misinterpretating your argument, I see nothing Lucid about the argument that the government has no power to collect an income tax just because it does not explicitly say so in the Constitution.

"the points you make about cover ups are valid."

Which ones? My main points to consider at this point are that there is a conspiracy theory, or in many cases multiple conspiracy theories that are argued for passionately by their proponents who claim to have rock solid evidence in every example (this are nearly always easily disproved when an expert examines their "argument," or it is revealed that their theory is ignoring any information that contradicts the loose association of circumstances that are the bread and butter of conspiracy theories). This goes for Pearl Harbour, 9/11, Kennedy, Lincoln, Other terrorist attacks, pretty much anything that happens eventually has a conspiracy come around sooner or later. Thanks to the internet as well as the day's immense tragedy, 9/11 has many.

"how do thousands of children and adults still work in slavery-esque conditions to meet the output demand of the clothing conglomerates?
how the fuck have they gotten away with putting flurid in the water?
how do drug cartels manage to fucnction?
how can the Red Cross retain its known corruption levels?
(there are of course many more - this is an overveiw)
each is unique, but you can still apply your train of thought and mussings to the above."

I'm not sure that I understand what you're getting at with this. Those are mostly just unfortunate circumstances and instiutional failings (drugs, child labor, etc). So far as I know, flouride is harmless and is put in tap water for dental health. I recall a statistic showing an alarming decrease in the numbers of overall cavities reported at dental offices in the first cities where they did this.

"and do you have any idea how vast the employee pit is for the CIA, FBI combined. hundreds of thousands accross the globe, many wouldn't batter an eye lid to what they were . . . "

I'm also not entirely sure what this is supposed to mean. What exactly is the employee pit? If you refer to the number of potential employees for these organizations, you are in correct. It is actually very difficult to get hired into the FBI or the CIA, and they're extremely selective.

And, your belief that all the people in government organizations would simply do as they were told and comply with a plot to murder thousands of innocent fellow citizens just to launch us into a phony war because they are either brainwashed or worried about losing thier jobs is rather insulting, at least to those people. So there isn't one upstanding or patriotic citizen amongst them that would blow the whistle on this massive conspiracy? Once again, it seems that you conveniently explain away common sense as it seriously interferes with the cogence of your arguements.

"how do you explain away when the FED's admitted in 97' they tried to blow up the trade centre 1?"

I wasn't aware that (I assume you mean the federal government by FED's) this happened. Don't you think that if there was any single shred of credibility to this story, it would have been a major news event and widely known? Don't you think real journalists, reporters, watchdog groups, etc, would have looked into such a claim and the story would have literally been earth-shaking in its remifications of true? Once again, you have suspended your normal operating knowledge of how the world works to allow yourself to buy into the conspiracy. It was Al Qaeda operatives, imprisoned, confessed, and well documented, that attempted to blow up the Trade Center previously. There is a mountain of evidence verifying this. And frankly, if our own government had wanted to do it back then, wouldn't they have used something a little more advanced than a truck bomb that woefully failed at its task? Afterall, you claim that these are the same people who managed to take out both towers and another buliding, plus the pentagon, plus crash another plane (apparently for no reason) just a few years later and keep the whole thing completely secret from the entire world. Pretty good improvement this time around then?

"how do you explain away Donald Rumsfelds paper he wrote in 2000 where he wrote that America needs a massive terrorist incident to help push the agenda in the middle . . . "

Never heard of it, got a link? I couldn't find a thing googling. But I will say this. I was a political science major and the idea that crisis incidents are often needed to prompt government action in the wake of public indifference is neither a new idea, nor was it unique to Rumsfeld at the time. I fail to see how him advocating this policy view somehow means that 9/11 was an inside job. And, if it is a conspiracy, why would Rumsfeld telgraph the conspirasists intentions and implicate himself or the Bush administration by writing a paper that might be construed as favorable to the events of 9/11? They would obviously have had to have been in the advanced planning stages in 2000 (another error of the 9/11 conspiracy people is to believe that a group as incompitnet as the Bush administration and whoever else where able to organize all this in as short a time period that they would have had to - if you buy into the conspiracy, than you must believe Clinton got the ball rolling for Bush then handed off the Tower destruction project, what a nice guy!), so why would he do such a thing? Once again, the conspiracy logic contradicts itself and ignores all elements of the real world.

"you still haven't explained away wt7. no plane struck it, purportedly material from the falling towers caused fire, but it was contained through out its burning duration. and then the building comes down in the most blatent, text book demolition you will ever see - tell me that isn't controlled demolition, and explain away... "

Here is a link from the website I listed before - painstakingly explains the physics and data surrounding WT7. http://www.debunking911.com/pull.htm

Their explanation makes the conspiracy ideas seem pretty sili, and in the interests of fairness I have looked at some of the conspiracy sites. Virtually every explanation on the conspiracy sites that I found was easily debunked. At least have a look at it, although I feela bit like I'm pissing in the wind if I ask that you keep an open mind.

So far as the link you provided, here's an example of the kind of analysis offered there, with my own comments added to show what I think of it:

"Now get this: the fire burnt for about 7 hours. During this seven hours, the fire never managed to reach the northern side of the building. Apparently, it was trapped in the southern side of the building. Yet this fire raged so furiously that it warped the steel in the southern side of the building to the point where the whole building collapsed.

**{My comments: They present this fact is if it were impossible, with little or no explanation. I know for a fact, and you can confirm this with any local firefighter or perhaps a web search, that large and very hot fires do often self contain or only affect one side of a building, particularly a very large steel framed building that, like most modern structures, was probably built with fire danger and compartmentalization in mind. The author clearly knows nothing about fire science or serious structure fires, but this doesn't stop him from deciding that the facts he has read are impossible based on his completely amateur and uninformed judgement. A person who had never seen a plane fly before would think it impossibel to hear that a giant multi-ton tube of steel and plastic and hurtle half way around the globe because they don't a think about aviation or planes. Doesn't mean that planes don't fly.}**

"To explain this, we have been told that two floors (floors 5 and 6), on which there were no known fires, had a dividing wall that ran across the building. This is such a transparent lie, it is impossible that a reasonable person believe it. And, in any event, if the steel on only one side of the building warped, leading to collapse, then the building would have fallen like a tree and would not have collapsed in the manner of a controlled demolition."

**{Again, they speak from a position of expertise without offering any information or explanation. The debunking site never did this so far as I could tell - they explain all of their statements very carefully. Here, the ubsubstatiation begins immediately, such as "This is such a transparent lie, it is impossible that a reasonable person believe it." Really? How is it such a transparent lie? Where they involved in the construction of the building? From what I can tell, their evidence is based from the schematics in part of the FEMA report, which were not necessarily drawn from the final building plan or master copies, and often things such as 'dividing walls' come and go within the interior of buildings. Either way, their evidence that is supposedly so strong as to make it "impossible" to believe such a "transparent lie" (notice how coersive the language is. One thing I've noticed about the conspiracy sites is that they're littered with diction that constantly screams impossiblity, outrage, lies, etc. Its a bit of latent word programming to start conditioning you to believe the argument while you're reading it - good argumentative writers employ this sort of tactic to maximal effect to start persuading the reader subconsciously before they even realize it. If you do thi in an academic setting, however, you'll be laughed at and written off before anybody gets very far into your writing).

The final explanation of how the building fell, as I understand it, has to do with the significant weakening from debri falling and fire. As admitted by the FEMA report and conspiracists alike, the exact total of overall internal damage is only an estimate based on obersvable evidence - yet the author's final comment ignores these facts, alluded to elsewhere in his statements, in order to make the point he was writing stronger at the time. Very bizarre, but not atypical from what I have read on the conspiracy sites. Regardless, it seems the tactic by conspiracy writers is to sound as if you're very certain about a lot of things, without actually saying anything that really is certain about much at all.

"i've searched the net my man, and i don't see where you have located all these structural engineers saying that it is not possible these buildings came down by dint of an inside job. other than in debunking literature and sites with an overt affinity to this literature."

I've read numerous engineers of all stripes quoted on various websites addressing the conspiracy theories, and they say that the science used by conspiracists is just plain bad or even made-up. Some of the anti-conspiracy sites are even authored and maintained by engineers or physicists. They seem to feel an obligation to refute the conspiracy claims due to the fact that they do distort facts so often to suit their agendas. Also, I believe that if you do a Lexus Nexus search, or any other academic search database of peer reviewed articles, you'll find that many independent academics have explained why the "controlled demolition" theories, as well as all the others (fighter jets/rocket pods being the most hilarious) are completely impossible when held under the scrutiny of real expertise.

Let me put it this way - if these controlled demolition claims are so plain as day for even the layman to see - then why don't a few engineering and physicis experts take notice, or really all of them? If there is hard scientific data to back up the conspiracy, then why isn't it presented and argued for passionately by the many thousands of qualified people out there who recognize it? If the controlled demolition theory is really indidputable and mind-bogglingly obvious, why are its only proponents simply in the far corners of the internet?

Are all the qualified engineering and physics experts in on the scheme as well, along with tens of thousands of government and private employees, and many more regular folkds as well that would have had some form of contact with the conspiracy? What interest does this untold number of people have in keeping a lid on things. Obviously, there's nothing to keep a lid on.

"Larry Silverstien"

I'm not sure why the fact that he owned the buildings, had them insured, etc is significant in any way. Wouldn't his real estate be more profitable in the long run as a functioning entity rather than a one time payout, which surely he would have realized would have been tied up in courts and settlements for many, many years? I deal with commercial real estate and other large holdings a bit, and to simplify by saying that when you get onto the scale of billions of dollars, it isn't the same thing as torching your car for a little bit of insurance money. I think its hilarious that people equate it this manner.

Similar to the Rumsfeld "smoking gun" type of idea you mentioned before, Larry Silverstein really doesn't matter. To the conspiracy geared mind, coincidence automatically equals fact. It must be very confusing walking through life with that sort of mindset.

I believe I addressed all of you points, but you still fail to answer to mine. Silverstein, WT7, all that business aside, how are they keeping everybody that would have to be involved in this massive conspiracy quiet? We can't find one reciept, one scrap of paper, memo, fax, email? Do you realize all the money, resources and manpower that would have gone into this? A Planned murder of thousands of US citizens, and everybody just went a along with happily, whistling Dixie? You're ignoring these facts entirely.

In the end, people that want to believe in conspiracies, especially one as batshit insane as the many 9/11 conspiracy angles, don't believe because the evidence and theories are so compelling. They believe in them because they want to believe in them, hence their extremely low standards for burden of proof and general refusal to acknowledge anything contrary to the flimsy nature of the conspiracy. Maybe I'm the foolish one for even trying to argue the point with a dyed in the wool true believer . . .
In the words of George W. Bush (from Southpark Season 10) "It was the most elaborate and flawlessly executed plain ever, ever!".

There was no conspiracy. It's one thing to believe, and it is very likely, that JFK and Martin Luther King Jr. were killed by the government. It is a whole other ball of wax to believe that the government would be able to execute a plan such as the one proposed by these conspiracy websites. It's really just not possible nor is it likely. I could see something, possibly, involving a biological attack and a cure suddenly appearing (V for Vendetta) but not an all out attack on your own soil. This to me is like someone saying that Pearl Harbor wasn't the Japanese. It's just plain ignorant.
It is my understanding that numerous cops, firefighters, etc, came out saying that they saw bombs, knew something was happening before the attack, and other things.

If there is one important thing I have learned from all this is that the government is evil and will be the most dangerous entity that I will ever have to face, quoting Alex Jones.
10inchadvantage said:
It is my understanding that numerous cops, firefighters, etc, came out saying that they saw bombs, knew something was happening before the attack, and other things.

If there is one important thing I have learned from all this is that the government is evil and will be the most dangerous entity that I will ever have to face, quoting Alex Jones.

Well, I would ask then, show me the quotes and explanations of this supposed forknowledge by our public employees from credible news sources (i.e. not conspiracy websites). And, I'd also ask, if they knew in advance, then why did they let so many of their fellow firefighters, police officers, and other emergency personnel climb to their deaths in the towers and usrrounding area that day? Why would the emergency services crowd even be in on the pre-planning? Their services wouldn't really be needed and in fact would just compromise the security of the operation.

So far as other people hearing explosions during the falling of the towers, this has been capably explained on dozens of websites. People calling from the towers, as well as those attempting to rescue people in them, were subject to numerous explosions, loud noises, flashes, etc. This is to be expected when a huge skyscraper is on fire as energy transformers and various other building componenets catch on fire, explode, fall through floors, wires short out, and any number of other things. Lets remember that a commercial jetliner crashed into these buildings - do you really think it odd that people heard a few booms and crashes during this time?

The reports of exploding noises were steading from the time the planes hit all the way through to the end. If they were related to a controlled demolition, they would have been nearly simaltaneous and in sequence just as the towers went down, not randomly scattered throughout the events before either tower fell. Also, why would emolitionists bother to hide numerous small and useless bombs at locations all throughout the building?

One again, the conspiracy thinking is completely removed from all rational thought if you take an even slightly closer look at it. Nothing adds up, no evidence is produced, just conjecture and hearsay that is somehow taken as proof. Conspiracists have never produced one single shred of evidence in all these years that implicates a single person, company, or anything else in these attacks aside from the terrorists we already know to be responsible. Nthing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. And yet they persist . . .

And, no offense to his many fans, but Alex Jones is a quack and he makes a nice living off of his fans paranoia and anti-federal fervor. A friend of mine is a resident of Austin and used to listen to Jones' radio show, mostly for a laugh I gather. On the show, Jones introduced his guest, Charlie Sheen, as one of the truly great leaders and corageous voices of our generation. Charlie freakin' Sheen? Even if he's not a lame-brained pseudo-celeb, he is certainly an unapologetic ass-kisser. The guy proliferates poorly supported conspiracy ideas across the internet on a range of topics. Never taught at a university, never written anything substantiated or serious, never worked as a serious journalist or writer - its all pop entertainment for the paranoid.

He actually produced a video about the weekend opening ceremony at Bohemian Grove as if it were some kind of super-secret and evil undertaking (it's not. It's more or less public knowledge and has been witnessed by tens of thousands. It's basically a yearly mock-play ceremony for the fun of the club members - but Jones portrays it as the height of evil elite - a fact that I've heard is rather hilarious to Bohemians).

Think about it. Alex Jones stops producing alarming internet videos and making "bold proclamations" about the evils of the US government and pretty much all of human civillization, and then his cashflow and livelihood die down. Hence, the ever more hystrionic tone of his output. Like I said, the guy is cashing in on a crowd of people that don't hold him to a very high standard.

Still waiting to hear how the tens of thousands have been kept silent, all the reciepts, emails, everything, swept under the rug. This must truly have been the world's most complicated and devious plot, all carried out by the Bush administration in a short period of time . . . Somebody?
A little more food for thought on the logistics of controlled demolition. The following is taken from a debunking site (where else would you find such a thing) that directly deals with one of the 9/11 conspiracy videos circulating on the web.


People do not understand the work involved in a controlled demolition. I have copied the information below from Controlled Demolition Inc's website. It shows the work involved in their world record (in terms of building height - 439 feet, or 134 meters), demolition of the J.L. Hudson building in Detroit:

Homrich/NASDI's 21 man crew needed three months to investigate the complex and four months to complete preparations for CDI's implosion design. During that period, the lower two basements of the structure were filled with engineered fill and the perimeter basement walls bermed to 1st basement level with soil to support perimeter walls which would surely have failed under soil and hydrostatic loads once the horizontal support of the Hudson's internal structure was removed by the implosion.

Double column rows installed in the structure between vertical construction phases, internal brick shear walls, x-bracing, 70 elevators and 10 stairwells created an extremely stiff frame. Columns

weighing over 500 lb/ft, having up to 7.25 inch thick laminated steel flanges and 6 inch thick webs, defied commercially available shaped charge technology. CDI analyzed each column, determined the actual load it carried and then used cutting torches to scarf-off steel plates in order to use smaller shaped charges to cut the remaining steel. CDI wanted to keep the charges as small as possible to reduce air over pressure that could break windows in adjacent properties.

CDI's 12 person loading crew took twenty-four days to place 4,118 separate charges in 1,100 locations on columns on nine levels of the complex. Over 36,000 ft of detonating cord and 4,512 non-electric delay elements were installed in CDI's implosion initiation system, some to create the 36 primary implosion sequence and another 216 micro-delays to keep down the detonation overpressure from the 2,728 lb of explosives which would be detonated during the demolition.

Of course, the Twin Towers destroyed everything around them. I suppose the CD advocates would say that this is because it didn't matter how the towers fell.

What none of them has been able to explain is how the work could have been accomplished, how it could have remained unseen, and how it could have withstood the damaged caused by the airplane crashes, explosions and fires.



On top of everything else that really isn't logistically possible, even the physical possiblity of getting in there and setting up the demolitions and then having them work properly after the airline crashes is pretty sili.
I think on Terrorstorm they show video from CNN and other networks. You have cops telling people "the building is going down, move on", etc. How did they know the building was going to fall at that particular time(minutes before it fell)? There is no way all of those floors could have collapsed in unison. Also, there are temperatures of thermite found in mass that would be possible only if certain explosives were set off(ie. not from a plane or its fuel).

As someone else said, WTC 7 was the smoking gun. http://www.wtc7.net/

It is admitted fact that it was "pulled" by explosives. How were these flawless explosives made to work so perfectly given only about 2 hours, which would normally take weeks to get right in the field? Same thing with WTC 1 and 2. Pre-planned explosives, probably put in months in advance.

I am a big Alex Jones fan and I haven't given him $.01. All of his stuff he puts out there for free. I have thought about buying one of his great products like Terrorstorm(available for free) to help support him in his mission against the globalists, whom everyone should oppose except for die-hard soulless authoritarian capitalists(fascists).
"You have cops telling people "the building is going down, move on", etc. How did they know the building was going to fall at that particular time(minutes before it fell)? There is no way all of those floors could have collapsed in unison."

I sincerely hope this video or whatever kind of thing it is (nice name, Terrorstorm, doesn't portray a very objective agenda) gives exact timecoding and location for the interview footage.

Police and firefighters were well aware for a long time that WT7 was going to collapse due to the obviously sagging and bowing nature of the building. Additionally, once the first tower came down, there were incredibly busy moving everybody they could out of the area and surrounding blocks. It is completely unsurprising that there is footage of emergency personel telling people to get out of there and that the buildings are coming down.

How is that in any way a form of proof of foreknowledge of 9/11 (nobody answered my question about why police and firefighters would know and still go to their deaths in the first place - does this make any sense whatsoever? For godssakes, think about it for a moment. Hundreds of them died). Some clips of police and firefighters clearing people at unidentified times and places around the attack site is about as comically flimsy proof as I could come up with - yet this stuff is the intelletual currency of conspiracy theorists. Incredible.

"Also, there are temperatures of thermite found in mass that would be possible only if certain explosives were set off(ie. not from a plane or its fuel)."

Neither you, nor myself, are experts on 'thermite,' jet fuel ignition, or melting point temperatures, but I would encourage you to at least read the other side of this before deciding the conspirasists have got it all figured out. This succinct debunking page covers the basics, and there are far more detailed and scientific breakdowns of why the "conspiracy science" is just plain wrong if you care to serach further: http://www.debunking911.com/thermite.htm

It only takes a few moments to read, give it a shot.

"It is admitted fact that it was "pulled" by explosives."

No such thing was ever admitted - it has just been portrayed this way by conspiracy people. Larry Silverstein used the phrase "just pull it" in reference to a firefighting contingent in WT7 in an interview many months later. Similar to the Rumsfeld thing, apparently conspiracy theorists think that its common place for these people to plan incredibly elaborate and evil schemes, and then publicly screw up on national television. Here is some explnatation to the the "pull it" business is dishonest and misrepresented, plus the usual link:



This claim was bolstered by a comment made by Larry Silverstein on a PBS documentary, America Rebuilds, where he uttered the phrase "pull it". Conspiracy theorists claim that this is slang term used in building implosions, and that with those words, Silverstein was authorizing the demoltion of WTC 7.


Controlled demolition experts reject the notion that "pull it" is a term used in building implosions.

The only context that "pull" has been used in building demolition is for small buildings (a few stories tall), where construction crews attach long cables to pre-weaken a structure and literally pull it down with bulldozers and other equipment.

"Pull" is also used by firefighters in reference to "pulling firefighters out of a building", because the situation is too dangerous. It is in this context that Silverstein used the term "pull it".

His spokesperson, Dara McQuillan, said that by "it", Silverstein was referring to the contigent of firefighters in WTC 7.

FDNY interviews available on the New York Times website also shed light on the use of "pull" in firefighting on 9/11, and help address the question of whether firefighters were in WTC 7 in the afternoon.

FDNY Captain Ray Goldback:
"I'm going to guess it was after 3:00...we walked all the way back down to Vesey Street. There was a big discussion going on at that point about pulling all of our units out of 7 World Trade Center. Chief Nigro didn't feel it was worth taking the slightest chance of somebody else getting injured. So at that point we made a decision to take all of our units out of 7 World Trade Center because there was a potential for collapse." [1]

Firefighter Richard Banaciski was in the Verizon Building, adjacent to WTC7.
"Finally they pulled us out. They said all right, get out of that building because that 7, they were really worried about. They pulled us out of there and then they regrouped everybody on Vesey Street." [2]

Command and control
The most important operational decision to be made that afternoon was the collapse had damaged 7 World Trade Center, which is about a 50 story building, at Vesey between West Broadway and Washington Street. It had very heavy fire on many floors and I ordered the evacuation of an area sufficient around to protect our members, so we had to give up some rescue operations that were going on at the time and back the people away far enough so that if 7 World Trade did collapse, we wouldnít lose any more people. — Chief Daniel Nigro



As usual, there is no evidence offered by conspiracy theorists about "pull it" being a common term in large scale bilding demolition - in fact the only reference anybody seems able to find is to the old-time actual wire based triggers a la most frequently seen in cartoons. Interestingly, many conspiracy sites claim its a common and universal term without one shred of evidence to substantiate this.

Once again, this is in no any kind of credible evidence of forknowledge, collusion, or demolition. It's just a quote, deliberatley taken out of context and misrepresented, of which the conspiracy model is then fixed around.

If this were a murder trial, not one thing presented by conspiracy advocates so far would stand before the court - in fact it would be laughable. All circumstance, conjecture, with not one concrete element or compelling statement, and frequently just wrong or poorly reasoned.

"How were these flawless explosives made to work so perfectly given only about 2 hours, which would normally take weeks to get right in the field? Same thing with WTC 1 and 2. Pre-planned explosives, probably put in months in advance."

Uhh, clearly you didn't read my other posts. One thing I have argued is that this would have had to have been planned for a very long time and the process would be insanely elaborate. The long quote I pasted in a previous post details the difficulty of setting up the demolition of a much smaller building. I suggest you go back and actually read it. It states that significant modifications had to be made to the building over a long period of time as a large crew filled the subbasements, sawed in structural supports, and laced several floors with charges.

How did they accomplish this at the Trade Centers without anybody knowing? One of many questions I'm sure nobody will even bother to attempt to answer.

"I am a big Alex Jones fan and I haven't given him $.01. All of his stuff he puts out there for free. I have thought about buying one of his great products like Terrorstorm(available for free) to help support him in his mission against the globalists, whom everyone should oppose except for die-hard soulless authoritarian capitalists(fascists)."

I never suggested that you ahve personally sent the guy a check, but you would be foolishly to deny that he makes a living from selling his "evil big brother government/facist apocolypse/ security state material." Therefore, good old Alex Jones has a vested interest in making sure people are good and terrified by his videos and such, but also entertained enough that they'll want more.

I don't begrudge the guy for making a buck and acting as a radical (if he were a true radical he wouldn't sell any of his products at all, but whatever), but I dislike that his parnoid, bordering on science fiction depictions of American society and beyond distract from the real problems that we have.

The world is full atrocities and suffering right now, and we're in the midst of an unwinnable and terminally weakening war. The environment is still in serious trouble, and the risk of infectious diseases and crop stagnation are extremely high. Starvation and lack of basic necessities killes millions elsewhere.

Somehow, I see these things as more pressing issues for young people and acitivists than Alex Jones' "police state/be afraid/evil one world government/the facists are coming" prostyletizing. No offense, but the intellectual, historical, and sociological level of his arguments and media are on about the same level as a stoned graduate student waaxing philosophical on his couch. The real world is far more complicated and interesting than neophyte charliatans like Jones make it out to be.
And, just to repeat, anybody care to tackle my most fundamental question? As I've said, put aside all the quibling over ignission temperatures, quotes, explosions heard, blah, and just answer this most basic question:

There would have had to have been tens of thousands of people in government and non-government agencies involved with this for a very long period of time, and millions of dollars expended along with an enormous number of memos, phone calls, emails, reciepts, etc. Why can the conspiracy crowd not produce one shred of any of this? Why has not one person stepped forward to spill the beans on a massive planned mass murder of their fellow citizens? Not one honest soul among them all?

or, if you choose to keep ignoring that, take this idea into account:

Of all the structural and mechanical engineers in the world, not one has written a peer-reviewed and sceintifically supported paper substantiating any of the conspiracy claims (one materials engineer at BYU tried, and he was relieved of his job when the department reviewed his work and found the quality embrassing and unprofessional).

If the conspiracy is so obvious that a bunch of kids and non-experts sitting in front of their computers can easily discern it from a few grainy photos, then why don't the engineers and experts of the world unite to shed light on this, given that its so obvious and easily provable, as conspiracy advocates claim? Is every engineer in the world in on the conspiracy as well?

Simply put, the conspiracy stuff does not stand up to expert and informed scrutiny - it relies on deception and misrepresentation of limited elements of what happened, as well as just plain shabby investigating, in order to present its ideas. Like I said before, people don't believe in this gargabe because its so compelling or well reasoned. They really WANT to to believe in it for some reason, and so they'll take nearly anything as credible proof of something unbelievably preposterous, of which there is no credible evidence to support. It's rather interesting.
First off let me state that I thought 9/11 Truthers were "crazy" in the claims they made. It wasn't until I saw an Alex Jones video no it and did the wtc7 research that flags started going off in my head.

As far as the "pull it" thing goes, yes that explaination that they were just pulling the fire fighters is logical. However, how would a simple fire cause the building to collapse perfectly at free-fall speeds?

Also, why, days before the attacks were there something like millions of dollars in purchases in air liner stock(or something like this)? Also, Larry Silverstein happened to, that year, buy a major increase on his insurance for WTC7?

Supposedly Alex Jones predicted 9/11 right before it happened, although I don't know as I have only been recently turned on by his stuff.

As far as the government pulling outrageous stunts, I sure as hell can believe it, seeing how they did the whole Iran-Contra thing(and still do have a hand in drug business), the Nicaragua thing, etc. The scary thing is, if the government wants something done, they can probably do it.

Personally, I don't want 9/11 to have been caused by governments. Alex Jones has stated he WANTS to be wrong about his assertions.

I'll take a look at that thermite website, I skimmed it and it looks very noteworthy. Too bad some independant website doesn't put an explanation by one side and the rebuttal by the other. That'd make everything nice and easy.
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