Well, hi guys, been a while.

I started my own clamping/constrictors a while ago, and as i felt I am an experienced pe'er I thought i could work it quite hard. Well I know I have damaged myself.

After my session a had a feeling i can only describe as "itchy, tingly" inside and around my urethra - up to the tip of my head and around my prostate area. Also i used shoelace to start off with and clamped off quite low on my cock and very tightly.

A few days passed and i had missed a few sessions, and i noticed i wasn't waking up with erections anymore. Also if i tried to get erect it seemed to take alot longer. Also i felt really numb. My cock felt like it was in pieces, like it was a wad of living dead tissues, chambers separate from each other and my body and brain. Only a faint feeling in my head. If a pinched it i could feel it, and had to stroke quite hard to get stimulation. Also i feel as if my urethra (piss/cum tube under cock) has expanded too much and is too long or thick at the base where i clamped. When i kegel now theres little or no power or kick behind it. I really have to concentrate now to get erect. Ihave woken up at night and the times i am a little erect, i try to lock my legs and kegel and usually it gives an intense pump now just a little. I havent been with a woman since this happened so i dont know if that would help. When i piss i feel like ive created a kind of hollow out near my head and sometimes it feels really "hot" when i piss. And, if thats not enough, my libido seems to have dropped to nothing. Im not sure if this is because ive turned 21 and this is just what happens? (any comments?) When i cum, which is'nt very often anymore it feels like that thing that feels hot when i pee is stopping it from coming out properly and sort of just flicks out- hardly any pre cum. I dont have access to viagra at this time.

I have'nt been able to pe ever since i noticed this, as ive been trying to ignore it and hoping it will get better on its own but it has'nt really. Im not that clear on how much this is psychosomatic, and how much is physical, cause i am really scared.

Well my plan is, to start an at least 300 kegal a day exercise routine. With moderate jelqing. Thus expanding the tunicae and also just pulling and straightening everything out in there evenly. This i feel will help with my one theory as to whats gone wrong.

-1# the skin, veins, and urethra have been over stretched and is too much/large for the tunicae. .- As i did some intense clamping for a few sessions and then just quit everything all together.

-2# (which is scaring the living daylights out of me) Is that i have damaged the nerves in my penis in some way and have permanently numbed i t causing it not to respond properly to stimulation. (I did not clamp for extended periods. Went purple at most for a short time.)

///I really am so afraid, and would really appreciate anyones constructive advice, or anything to increase erection strength, or sensitivity, anything you know for sure. Also if REDZULU sees this, please can you give me your educated opinion, and your own experience. Want to do all i can before i go see a doctor about this as its been so long already./// I will get my erections back. Do or die.

I was getting better and better, please help me get up again.
Stop the pe dude. Wait until you have normal erections. If you continue to pe you are nuts. This been going on for a few days or what? I had a few days I couldn't get a hard on b/c I clamped for too long. Let it rest and everything was fine. That's what you need to do.
Im not sure ive been so busy with work i never had time to pay attention. I just felt this happening and threw myself in to work. Its been a few weeks now. I havent started a real jelq routine again.
To tell you the truth it sounds to me as if a lot of this is psychological. Have you had any dreams in which your penis is not working properly? It sounds as if you could be slightly paranoid about this.

I don't mean to trivialize this matter and it could be not only in your head but since I've done some pretty extreme clamping as well as other exercises and have never experienced anything like this it seems more likely that this is being created by just worrying too much.

Also, whilst doing a hardcore Penis Enlargement routine, at times I don't get as full or frequent erections as usual. I put that down to the possibility that my penis is in a constant state of healing. My erections return after a stopping my routine though but it could be that because you are thinking about it too much your erections are being affected.

I highly advise that you seek out some of DLD's threads about the part that psychology plays in Penis Enlargement. Try doing some deep breathing relaxation techniques.

Lie down on your back with your arms down by your sides and put your head up on a couple of books. This is position that is used in the Alexander Technique. It opens that body up and straightens the back. Then do 3 second breaths in and 3 seconds out. Relax as much as possible. The slow breathing will naturally calm you down. Now start to think about your penis in a healthy state. Try to be as happy and positive about it as you can. Imagine it how you would like it to be. Remember to breath slowly throughout the session. This will create a calm and positive association to your penis in your mind. Do this for ten minutes per day everyday and watch your attitude to your penis change.

Before doing any of this I'd advise you going to see a doctor just to be sure that nothing is physically wrong. That should make you calmer about it also.

Hope that helped. :)
Dont worry bro you'll be fine. I clamp all the time and there have been times where it gets dificult to get stimulated. If you do the same routine everytime maybe your just to used to it. Also, if you watch adult entertainment while you clamp it will help alot i think, and if you watch adult entertainment already maybe you should get some new adult entertainment lol thats wut helped me but i think that your penis is just fatigued so let it rest. I myself stoped clamping for about 3 weeks because i didnt have the time but now im just fine.
I doubt if you have done any permanent damage. You might have damaged some nerves, but I am sure they will regrow and get right again. I have had similiar stuff happen, the glans will tingle or the whole shaft won't be as responsive as before, but with a little patience and carefulness you will probably be all right. As for libido, that might be just a reaction from "fear" of what might be wrong. So, be gentle with your schlong and be careful. GS
mike84 said:
hey... a urologist had answered my questions a long time ago. If there is any nerve damage in the penis, the nerves will regenerate. Permanent nerve damage is very unlikely and the nerves will heal to the original state... it will take about 6 months however,

I have never really got into clamping yet, but I can remember posts were people would talk about some unnatural and uncomfortable sensation that were obviously signs of trouble that would end up going away if prompt attention and rest was given. So, your urologist may be on to something.
O'RileyColt said:
Also i used shoelace to start off with and clamped off quite low on my cock and very tightly.

O.K. I think that was your main problem right there. The shoelace sounds like a really dumb idea. The cable clamp is easily adjusted and can be whiped off completely if necessary or just loosened one click. I waited till the four month mark to start clamping and have been very careful and mishap free. We only get one dick be careful with it fellas.
I remember a story about Red using a shoelace for clamping when he first started. He was in the woods due to privacy issues and he couldn't get it off so he freaked out and ran home to cut it off. I think that shoelaces have no place in Penis Enlargement. LOL:)
Yes TomdW has said everything I would have said. It sounds mainly Pychological to me as your paranoid about it all now, which is understandable.

Secondly you have hurt your penis slightly but not as serious as you think.
I dont think its nerve damage as they have shooting pains [with me anyways down their] but I aint a doctor so dont take my word as 'IT'.

You were very excited and IMHO got too carried away with the constrictors/clamping and that is why this has occured and the worry has made it worse.

Constrictors should only be done with at least 6 months reguler consistent penis enlargment experience and I cant say this often enough otherwise you will hurt yourself. Its not as simple to master as some think, its actually a art forim in the pe world rofl nah it is, like other forms of pe I guess you must master it really well and I feel as it just involves a clamp around the dick many think its a piece of piss .... think again.

Like Tom said in the EARLY days when I started this shit, I did indeed test it in the woods with string and nearly lost my cock as I couldnt get the bastard string off my dick. NEVER USE string unless you tie it with a LOOP or SLIP knot so it can be removed quickly.

Warm up before and afterwards always helps.

I would say to you, monitor your penis and tell us how it goes eachday and do not do any Penis Enlargement .. period. Dont do any kegels either. I would say apply hot and cold wraps to your penis as many times during the day as you can but dont go overboard and never leave the bathroom, just say when you visit it than apply a hot wrap than a cold wrap. Leave the hot on for 10 seconds or so than do the cold for the same period keep going backwards and forwards for 10-15 mins or longer if you can or want.

I like to have a bowl of very hot water and a bowl of iced water woth ICE cubes in, no I aint taking the piss or trying to hurt you ... it WORKS for all my Penis Enlargement injurues and I have had them all, the black cock which could have been = no cock was saved from the HOT/ICE treatment and I aint had any troubles since.

Keep doing that treatment and monitor, thats all you can do. Keep us informed and we'll keep helping you.
Wow, thanks for the response. To add to what ive said, i do feel my sensitivity is coming back, and a can have an erection if stimulated say with a lubricant.

Im almost sure that i have in some way enlarged my piss pipe (corpose spongium - near the base) and also maybe an outlet vein somewhere around my head. In the early stages of becoming erect i feel my urethra and head filling up alot while the tunica is now still quite flacid, and with extra stimulation the whole thing slowly gets off the ground. My piss pipe feels alot more pronounced. In the early stages after the routine i also got a strange, not blood but, pre cum like fluid coming out a little, accompanied buy the inner itching feeling. (sorry i know thats gross) I hope its not some kind of infection.

?:( HERES A QEUSTION: What does it feel like TOO YOU, if you press down on the spongy ridge of you penis?? Weather with your knuckles or finger and run them along it? For me it still feels sort of ithcy tinglgly. IS THIS NORMAL? I cant remember before this happened.

I still feel i have that "puffy" skin though, from the Constrictors and belive if it is still going back to normal, so must my veins etc... Do think i am sloowly getting better, i will keep track of changes and try out Red's advice. I feel my penis needs jelqing training again, but ill wait and see, i feel this may be beneficial for the pe community in general.

Please still if you read this and have any advice it would be greatly aprieciated.

P.S.: I did tie with a slip knot!
HOLY MOLY. Ive done some research, I may have an infecion.

Chlamydia trachomatis is a germ that can infect the urethra and rectum and is transmitted by unprotected sex. The symptoms are usually a discharge, stinging when urinating and a tickling sensation along the penile shaft. Chlamydia can be diagnosed by your GP and is treated using antibiotics."

Gonorrhea is a bacterium that causes infection that shows as a discharge from the penile shaft accompanied by pain when urinating."

Fuck Sacks.

Please guys, give ur feedback on my penile shaft question.
I get this once in a while. When I clamped anyway. The only solution I've found was to piss, ejaculate and piss again... Ejaculation is key to getting rid of the stingy, itchy sensation though..

Dont worry it will make you worse ;) If you think its a STD than get over to the Doctor and get him to check it out as NO ONE here is qualified to tell you otherwise so I wont act the part with regards to that ... however from what you described with regards to the corpose spongium feeling larger, more fuller .. mainly at the base is what I felt when I first started getting some progress with constrictors. Not gains but progress ... gains not too far from that but everyone can be different but my feeling is that its opening up to future gains in that area but if you feel you have a STD than do get it checked ASAP just to makesure and dont shag anyone from now onwards until you get it checked unless you feel its now all Psychological.
Thanks for that Red,

Well, been back from the doctor, seems ive got a mild cureable std. Its a form of Chalmydia, and am currently on anti biotics. Seems to me i contracted it just before i started clamping -which obviously antagonised it as it is a bacteria that lives in the corpus spongium. Im not sure of the reason behind my weaker erections but they are slowly getting better already, weather it was/is psychological, physical, or a combination, im not sure. The tingly itchiness is gone already, if i have any good relevant info on erection strength and stds, ill keep you all posted.
TomdW said:
I highly advise that you seek out some of DLD's threads about the part that psychology plays in Penis Enlargement.

Big time! In the wake of an injury the mind can really fuck with your dick. Actual physical erectile dysfunction is extremely rare. Most men who have erectile problems soon find that after they have calmed down and allowed their mind to relax the erections will return.