What are they? I think we as a community should post everything we know to be just that...a limiting factor for penis growth.

Maybe after a certain time (like a year or something when plenty has been offered and explained) the mod team could edit down the key points and make a master post for the thread for reference. I think the more we identify the known limiting factors the better off we'd be. We have a pretty good idea of what to do, but the understanding of how Penis Enlargement works for instance what are the things that happen because of certain Penis Enlargement exercises like with micro trauma or whatnot...we know of those things, but the other side is still foggy. DLD and Bib have done a huge part as have Red, and SWM and others of course in explaining and divulging their knowledge and experiences with us, but if we could get this particular topic down I think it would cover one more part of the puzzle. What say yous guys?
It's a really good idea. I know my #1 limiting factor for me personally has almost always been ME. Usually because of things I cant control. If I dont feel like I have the time to put in the work needed to see the gains I want, I dont do anything.
I know for myself, my LOT and how lig stretching effects it has been the main factor in my Penis Enlargement history. I started with a normal LOT around 9:00, but then after gaining the first 1.5-2 inches from lig stretching it plummeted to close to 6:00 along with my erection angle. I spent ages lig stretching after my LOT got that low, and got nothin for all my efforts.

Its been a hard road to get my LOT up, its been fluctuating over the last 6 months, currently its at 8:30 ish and Im confident of possible gains within the next few months. If my LOT didnt effect on my gains, I know Id be atleast 11"-12" BPenis EnlargementL by now.
First and foremost in order to have a healthy penis,u gotta kind live healthy.When i was extremely stressed out,smkoing weed-ciggerettes and ordering fast food like every other day in the beginin of my workouts i always wondered why i only seen temp gains.I'm not saying you have to be a health nut,but a lil exercise(some pushups and cardio work)will aid in ur gains.Water for everyone looking for girth and healthier loads is also essential.Hot wraps,and kegals shouldnt be overlooked at all.In my situation i live with 3 females and most of the time theres more around so bathroom time for me is limited.Being that i'm uncut,i wash my dick after i piss although my hood is always drawn back-while i'm doing that i take a lil extra time throughout the day.Also i think u should focus on more than one form of pe in other words if ur lookin for length stretch and jelque.Edgin is also essential in pe,i've done it at night in bed and also during sex--remember the wholde idea is not to cum-but almost get there.Theres only 1 limiting factor of pe,thats the person thats involved with it.You get what u put out.
Through my entire career doing penis enlargement the biggest stumbling block has been my own mind. If there is doubt in my mind concerning a particular goal I ultimately fail. I need to be able to visualize and believe that visualization is possible before I can make it happen. When my personal life is plagued with negative emotions it affects my Penis Enlargement. I never had a problem getting to 9" in length because I knew it was possible. I saw pictures and videos of men that proved it was possible so in my mind there were no reservations about being able to do it. Getting beyond this point was and still is, in many ways, my biggest handicap and the main reason is faith. It is difficult to have faith in something that no one else has ever done. I eventually was able to get to Bib's size because I truly believed he did it and having faith in this was difficult because in my mind I really wanted proof that it was possible. Since Bib has never shown his penis my only way to believe him was faith. So I think there is a very strong correlation with faith and belief.

I have seen people train their asses off, really put everything they have into Penis Enlargement and still not make measurable gains...I have been a victim to this myself throughout my time Penis Enlargement'ing. So why does a guy who trains as hard as a fast gainer not make gains? People can say it is genetic but I have a hard time swallowing that because the penis is largely a sack of skin with some tissue and blood, there are really no build-able muscle components there. So if one guy pulls as hard as the next they should make fairly equal gains but in many cases they do not. I really think gains are born out of belief first or in some cases faith. Hard work is an equal component but without belief in the goal I think most of us will be doing this in vain.
For me lately, its been time. As in not enough to really be consistant in working out.

I was very dissapointed when my recent measurement showed no gains from last measurement (2 months in between measurements). I haven't been able to keep to a steady schedule, so I haven't been expecting big returns, but I gained 1/2 inch length in first 2 months, then nothing for second 2 months. Will try to be more consistant, but still a bit dissapointed that I had NO gains, considering I'm still a relative newb.

That said, my gut tells me that at some point there's a max-out point, where you will more or less stop gaining. Maybe there is the occassional exception, but I think that after increasing size by a certain percentage (I have no idea what that percentage would be), the gains would more or less end. No basis for this opinion other than it seems to make some kind of internal sense to me.
I think the key to pe gains is change. I think you need to change your routine and hit different angle's every month, I think you get to a point where you've stretched one part of your penis soo much that others haven't caught up, and these parts that are behind limit your gains. So make sure to switch it up every once in a while. I'm hanging now and I'm starting hanging SD and BTC, next month I'll change to OTS, the following month I'll go OTL-Right, then OTL-Left. I think by stretching each direction equally you'll make gains faster, plus fatigue is key to making gains. You need to work the penis till it's weak and keep stretching while it's weak. I think it's better to focus on 1 angle for one period of time then the opposite angle, then the ajoining opposed angle's. I'm going to try to exhaust one angle per month and see what happens. If I'm right I'll make fast gains, if I'm wrong I learn what doesn't work. I'll keep my progress in my routine log.
lol, I was thinking maybe like LOT is a limiting factor like Holmes pointed out. Also, perhaps circulation when it comes to girth...like it has to be difficult to get the most out of a girth session if you have erectile dysfunction...or are just plain tired...if you don't have time that is one...Hydromaxmm so far so good, but there has got to be more...I see there are physical limitations and psychological ones...DLD preaches this...THe body can do what the mind believes it can...I believe in that...The first step is of course trying Penis Enlargement out...that would be an example of it in the simplest form. You gave it a shot and it was because you thought it might work...well if you believe it does work then you try harder and become almost invested in it...

Physiological Limitations: Lack of Sleep/Exhaustion
Ligaments/Tunica (tie it in with Psychological Limitations or lack of knowledge with L.O.T.)
Circulatory Problems/E.D.
Circumcision Trauma (ask Kong)
Too much Penis Enlargement or Hanging...again exhaustion or perhaps stupidity even

Psychological Limitations: Lack of focus or belief/faith
Lack of knowledge in either general Penis Enlargement or in the L.O.T. theory
Lack of confidence in one's self (this is detrimental to the body physically and chemically)

Anyone please seriously feel free to add ANYTHING to this. It can only help us. I feel like I'm asking for pledges or something? Please! Do it for Jerry's kids.
I think that the biggest roadblock for any gains, length or girth, has to do with the difference between plastic and elastic deformation. Since elastic deformation returns to the original state relatively shortly after the stress/load has been removed this is of course not what we're looking for in Penis Enlargement. The problem is that there is, as always, some conflicting information about what causes plastic deformation of ligaments. I've been trying to come to terms with this for some time and most citations and medical texts I come across has precious little about it. Suffice to say that a lot of work on extending range of motion (ROM) of joints has dealt with low load/extended time. They also prefer to work under heat if possible. I haven't been able to try this for any extended period of time but I know of some hangers that have experimented successfully with it.

Since I have a relatively sensitive frenulum (being uncut) I can't take a great deal of stretching before I get sore and have to stop ao I have to find a way to maximize my returns from the time I put in. Hopefully I'll be able to test the heat/duration hypothesis for real later this spring.
Limiting factors:

One word....Knowledge.

We know it can work, but it's all a bit hit and miss, and what seems to work for one person doesn't work with another,..but we don't know why yet.

The people who have made excellent progress are like the people who first started bodybuilding many decades ago.
Certainly some things seem to work, but we don't seem to have a fuller undestanding of exactly why and how.

I want a way where we are able to pin down exactly what it is that makes a penis grow. So we can approach it more in the same way that we would plan a routine to add a few inches onto your chest in the Bench Press, with the full confidence and knowlege that the techinques are tried and tested, and can be approached like any other body enhancement routine.

The big problem where I can see it, is that at this moment in time, we don't seem to have a method where we can progressively add intensity. We pretty much work at the same volume and intensity for each session.
It seems very hit and miss to me. You are either fortunate to get lucky and get okay results, or you are unlucky and are streteching your pecker for months to get 0.025 of an inch or something.

I would really want to try and use HST principles that are used in bodybuilding, where a routine can be formulated that has progressive load or intensity. At the moment we have to play it by ear, and just take a rough guess as to whether today's workout is just slightly more intense than the last one. Once we can find a more accurate way of doing things then you can measure more accurately where you are going with an approach and differentiate between what makes a good work out and a bad work out.

It seems very hit and miss, and I can't help feeling that it's taking people longer than it should to get the best results that they can.
It would be good if there was a way to measure the intensity you use in exercises, and be able to gradually increase it from one workout until the next,..instead of just guessing.
Another thing is consistency. Not just having one or a few good sessions. Having consistently good sessions. Girth for example. Getting a great session one day, and then doing your best to follow up with a great session the next day and so on.
I'm always breaking something in my dick. 7th break now in just over a year.
Got a Thrombosed Lymph from over-pumping with a cockring and uli's.
If I would have Penis Enlargement'd straight this whole time, I would have had better results, I'm sure. I've forgotten what a gain is.
God damn, I want an average peni.
It is my firm belief that RBE, (repeated bout effect) which quickly stagnates your growth unless you keep on changing your routines and adding more training volume, is one culprit. Another major factor, in girth gains, is having good bloodflow. God knows you can't push any further growth after a certain point unless your erections are skin ripping hard, and since Penis Enlargement in itself has a weakening effect on your penile circulation and erection quality (even if you do kegels), you need something to counter this. Viagara, kegels, l-arginine and a healthy lifestyle in general should all help.
And last but not least, motivation and consistency are not to be overlooked. You won't make any gains unless you actually put in some serious effort and stick with it.
I know another limiting factor for sure is backing down when we should not. What I mean is many guys seem to take days off when they feel the first hints of "soreness" or fatigue, when in fact they should be pressing on.
All of this is really good. I think depression should be on there as well. I think I had lack of self confidence...well that probably isn't what I wanted to say at the time. What ebon00 and shafty had to say were pretty interesting to read. What is believed to cause plastic deformation or what do you think causes it most likely? I was thinking what shafty and ebon00 had to say kind of might have something to do with the other...maybe if you try to add too much weight to soon or not enough and are too late pertaining to hanging it could lead to some kind of limitation. Don't know anything about it, but it sparked the imagination a bit.
doublelongdaddy said:
Through my entire career doing penis enlargement the biggest stumbling block has been my own mind. If there is doubt in my mind concerning a particular goal I ultimately fail. I need to be able to visualize and believe that visualization is possible before I can make it happen. When my personal life is plagued with negative emotions it affects my Penis Enlargement. I never had a problem getting to 9" in length because I knew it was possible. I saw pictures and videos of men that proved it was possible so in my mind there were no reservations about being able to do it. Getting beyond this point was and still is, in many ways, my biggest handicap and the main reason is faith. It is difficult to have faith in something that no one else has ever done. I eventually was able to get to Bib's size because I truly believed he did it and having faith in this was difficult because in my mind I really wanted proof that it was possible. Since Bib has never shown his penis my only way to believe him was faith. So I think there is a very strong correlation with faith and belief.

I have seen people train their asses off, really put everything they have into Penis Enlargement and still not make measurable gains...I have been a victim to this myself throughout my time Penis Enlargement'ing. So why does a guy who trains as hard as a fast gainer not make gains? People can say it is genetic but I have a hard time swallowing that because the penis is largely a sack of skin with some tissue and blood, there are really no build-able muscle components there. So if one guy pulls as hard as the next they should make fairly equal gains but in many cases they do not. I really think gains are born out of belief first or in some cases faith. Hard work is an equal component but without belief in the goal I think most of us will be doing this in vain.

Well said. When I see a post where a guy says he is a "hard-gainer" it really disturbs me, because by verbally reinforcing this belief the mind takes over and makes it happen. If you can see a bigger dick between your legs now, you will certainly have one sooner rather than later. I never measure with a ruler, I use objects instead because I know I am putting my best into it, so no need to worry about what a ruler says.

This truly is in my opinion the most important tool in Penis Enlargement, I like to call it "having your shit together".

richard long said:
This truly is in my opinion the most important tool in Penis Enlargement, I like to call it "having your shit together".

Very true! When my life is fucked up so is my Penis Enlargement.
There are so many different approaches and tactics to try so that you MIGHT make a gain. What works for one may or may not work for another. All of our tissues are different. I think TIME is my biggest limiting factor. Finding something that works, for me, takes time. Then it takes a long time to make gains. Girth work for me seems easy. Lengthening comes at a minature snails pace. And I want massive length gains much to little avail. If you have the ability to do it all day everyday I think you can make fairly good gains. But you would have to stay on your toes to keep away mental burnout if you did it all day everyday. So it is still a very complicated issue. But TIME is my biggest limiting factor.
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For me the biggest thing is dedication to constant girth work.I manual stretch whenever im sitting around with nothing to do.Sometimes getting myself to sit down and dedicate the necessary time for an excellent girth workout is impossible.Mentality is a huge issue for me id say.Ive gained in the past through dedication and that needs to be my focal point.I think there are a number of points to focus on in P.E and if you revolve your enlargement around these then gains are almost guaranteed imo.
im going to get back to Penis Enlargement after reading this sticky
ive been so lazy lately, its affecting everything i do

im so glad i read this sticky, im going to start up tonight
thanks guys!!!
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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