sasquatch;388461 said:
SigSaurer, yes the two pieces of tubing are what keeps the rods in place.

The two basic principles that are thought to be responsible for the ROP's purported effects are the low voltage DC galvanic current that is produced between the zinc and copper rods stimulating the Leydig cells of the testicles and the possibility of zinc ions being transfered into the testicles for increased testosterone production.

There should be no estrogen related issues with the ROP. Most estrogen problems that men develop are the result of excessive aromatase activity. Aromatase is an enzyme the turns testosterone into estrogen. Zinc is a powerful aromatase inhibitor.

Google "copper zinc battery", "electrochemical cell", "galvanic copper zinc cell" for the scientific principles of the two metals producing voltage current and ion exchange.

Tons of help! Thanks sasquatch.

Which leads to my next question... DLD, you selling these yet? :)
I'd love to see the actual blood work documentation from your doctor or endocrinologist. Guys on bodybuilder forums I frequent have no problem showing these documents when talking about their blood hormone levels ;) I'm just trying to see some proof of concept here. I've seen the 'claims' over the years for this stuff....but no proof.

Ancedotal evidence like more facial or body not really proof of anything. Actual blood test results showing an increase in blood hormone levels (free testosterone for ex) IS proof. Of course, a guy would need to have documentations of BOTH a lower level of blood hormones before using this device as well as the documentation showing an increase in blood hormone levels after having worn this device for a period of time.

I've yet to see such documentation....even from Supra.

Yea, none of the guys in this thread...even the OP claiming he supposedly had results from his doctor....none actually produced a picture of these supposed results. Until that is seen, I'm chalking this all up to hearsay.
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It was me and it was a long time ago, but the results aren't falsified. I will try to look back and see if I still have the paperwork. its from two different docs. My family doc did the first bloodwork and the endocrinologist did the second blood test. I got out of Penis Enlargement for a while and lost the ROP along the way, but at the time I thought it was a good thing. Maybe a little too excited, but my sex drive was down and then it came back. It made for a very excited higherone. Lol.
higherone;388545 said:
It was me and it was a long time ago, but the results aren't falsified.

I don't think he is suggesting that, only to see some good proof to help other guys make wise decisions.
The ROP should've been here by now, but nothing. I emailed the guy and haven't gotten one back. If I don't hear from him by Friday, I am getting paypal to get my money back.
Well I opened a claim with PayPal and the supplier is sending a new ROP in the mail. The first one must've gotten lost in the postal maze, but he notified and I got a confirmation email the 27th. Should be here very soon!
doublelongdaddy;387754 said:
We will be carrying the ROP and parts to make it. The discount site is almost ready so maybe a week to go.

Any word on this? I'd love to make one, and getting the correct parts in one place would be kick ass.
I just got mine the other day and after 24 hours I have a fucking burn mark on my dick. So I switched to wearing it on the sides, it doesn't feel as active as before, but my balls are still hanging nice and low all the time so it's still doing something. I had my T checked a couple weeks ago but don't know the number yet, it will be interesting to see what changes.
I had my testosterone tested a few weeks ago and it came back as 397. The doctor said it would probably do me good if we could bring it up some. I've been having severe muscle fatigue and some pain. When I work out I pretty much have no strength increases or growth. I had a full blood panel done including several STD test. Everything came back normal and negative. Just the somewhat low T. Insurance won't approve any HRT. Not that i really wanted to go that route but... if it would make me feel better. So I've started wearing the ROP. And have been taking maca. I'm supposed to go back to the doc in June. I'll have my T tested again and post results. I'll see if I can get copies of the paper work.
Something i've noticed so far is my sack hangs lower now. It usually stays up tight. So that's a plus to me.
ru_ready;423564 said:
I had my testosterone tested a few weeks ago and it came back as 397. The doctor said it would probably do me good if we could bring it up some. I've been having severe muscle fatigue and some pain. When I work out I pretty much have no strength increases or growth. I had a full blood panel done including several STD test. Everything came back normal and negative. Just the somewhat low T. Insurance won't approve any HRT. Not that i really wanted to go that route but... if it would make me feel better. So I've started wearing the ROP. And have been taking maca. I'm supposed to go back to the doc in June. I'll have my T tested again and post results. I'll see if I can get copies of the paper work.
Something i've noticed so far is my sack hangs lower now. It usually stays up tight. So that's a plus to me.

According to Supra your T levels will rise due to the ROP, this will be a good test though. You know where you are and when you get new testing you will be able to tell how effective the ROP really is.
ru_ready;423802 said:
Well I don't really want to replace my testosterone with injections or gels. I don't want my nuts to shrink.

Give the ROP a chance, it may help and they only cost like $5 to make.
ru_ready;423802 said:
Well I don't really want to replace my testosterone with injections or gels. I don't want my nuts to shrink.

Actually, and contrary to what most men don't seem to know, MOST men by the age of JUST 30 begin to slow on natural testosterone production. So, why do you want to try the ROP in the first place? If if it DID work, you say you "dont want my nuts to shrink" do realize anytime you mess with your naturally functioning hormones, you run the risk of throwing them out of balance right? Bottom line...not just for you, but any man is to only mess with your hormones under the supervision of an endocrinologist.
Well the doctor was going to put me on injections but my insurance won't cover it because my T is not below 300. So if the doctor was already going to put me on something that was going to mess with my natural T why not try something that could possibly help my body increase my natural T.
ru_ready;423941 said:
Well the doctor was going to put me on injections but my insurance won't cover it because my T is not below 300. So if the doctor was already going to put me on something that was going to mess with my natural T why not try something that could possibly help my body increase my natural T.

As I said give the ROP a chance, it really costs nothing to make one and you can really test it out and see if it helps change your T levels.
So I've been wearing the ROP about 12 hours a day for the last few weeks. My balls don't hang lower like they did when I first started wearing it. Any ideas as to why I'm not getting the hang anymore?
ru_ready;428941 said:
So I've been wearing the ROP about 12 hours a day for the last few weeks. My balls don't hang lower like they did when I first started wearing it. Any ideas as to why I'm not getting the hang anymore?

Not sure why that is, perhaps you should stop wearing it. When I tried it it basically seemed to give me more erections and my Eq was up but that was about it.
is there a website that i can buy an ROP? i am short in time for me to like make one. Also whats [words= ]HP[/words] sorry i am new to all this i just want to enlarge my testicles
footbal78;434402 said:
is there a website that i can buy an ROP? i am short in time for me to like make one. Also whats [words= ]HP[/words] sorry i am new to all this i just want to enlarge my testicles

There is some Swedish site that sells them but it is like 180£, ridiculous cost! They are very easy to make, you can actually make one with a couple of pennies. I will try to find that post and send you the link.
thanks for the reply dude! i found one on ebay i will try it and see what happens. I want to enlarge my balls they already hang low i just need them more bigger. how could i acomplish that?
footbal78;434450 said:
thanks for the reply dude! i found one on ebay i will try it and see what happens. I want to enlarge my balls they already hang low i just need them more bigger. how could i acomplish that?

The Testicle Health Massage and Stretch will help with larger testicles. Also, a general increase in blood flow will also bring good results.
I know it's been a long time since i've replied to this thread. But I don't believe the ROP helped me at all. My levels went down even more. I ended up just buying the testosterone cypionate out right. I've been on the shots since December and we are still trying to work out the correct dose and frequency.
I got mine from a dude on ebay, really good quality pure metals and it was cheap (about 12 bucks). Youll want extra tubing though. I can pm you his ebay name if you want.
And I'd say it works. I've worn it the last few nights and every morning I've woken up with morning wood like crazy. Makes sense, people wear metals on other parts of their body for performance enhancement, why would'nt they work on the junk too.
Does anyone know if you can wear the ROP with the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] at the same time and still get good results. Does anyone have any personal experience with this combination?
LeFue;515342 said:
Does anyone know if you can wear the ROP with the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] at the same time and still get good results. Does anyone have any personal experience with this combination?

Dude, you could. I tried it, the only problem is the base of the [words=]extender[/words] would pinch my skin occasionally with either the zinc or the copper bar. UNCOMFORTABLE but doable. Then it just felt really weird having all this shit on my junk.

Guys, Im trying to find a [words=!!!]Length Master[/words] new or used, I dont care, I just really want to apply its awesomeness to my shaft and grow my snake to godlike proportions. Any leads?
Another great review and testimony

jack.the.stripa said:
Hey Supra,

what the hell is this sorcery?! this thing is fucking awesome!!! it became my nr. 1 device after 2 days. i purposely didn´t do any Penis Enlargement training for these 2 days (which is usually really really bad) and my cock was getting harder than with any amounts of PC-Muscle training. since yesterday i can handle wearing it almost 24/7, in the first week 12-15 hours were the max of what my balls could handle, so it seems i get quite high voltages out of it. i can only say i´ll remember you the rest of my life as a true hero man! i´m really excited to see how it will turn out after i wore it for some months, also in terms of working out... so far it feels like i´m putting on muscle a bit faster without much training, but that could only be my imagination so i´ll tell you whats goin on in a few weeks. i´d still like to know one thing tough: i´m not using any saline solution atm, and i just read this post so according to the post the saline solution doesn´t make much of a difference, i wondered if this changed somehow since you mentioned it in the pm. currently i prefer the ring without saline solution, but since i want to get out the max of everything i do i´d try it sooner or later. would be cool if you could give me a quick update about that thing. thx again, i really wish that would´ve been the first thing i bought when i started with Penis Enlargement.
Another customer review.

Tahir Aqbar;530822 said:
So I got Supra's ROP a few weeks ago and I figured I've been wearing it long enough to write a review. For the majority of the time I've worn it I have not Penis Enlargement'd. I had to take a lot of time off because of family compromising my privacy. Even then, I did not lose any of my gains. I think half of it was because I did a good job of grounding my gains but the other half was definitely because of the neurological impact the ROP makes when worn around my dick and balls. On top of that, in the time I have Penis Enlargement'd with the ROP (about 50 days) gaining girth has been a breeze.

As for EQ: I am doing a hanging routine and wearing the ROP. I don't even kegel as much as I used to and my EQ is off the chain.

My flaccid size is at an all time high. When I started Penis Enlargement my BPenis EnlargementL was 5.9 inches. Now, because of the ROP, my flaccid length is 5.5 inches. And I'm now 7.0-1 BPenis EnlargementL. This is not proportionate to my starting stats. I was a grower, not a shower. Now I'm basically a fucking shower it's awesome.

Lastly, the ROP's impact on my hormones: I haven't done any blood tests but there are physical observations we can make with the naked eye. I'm 19 and my skin is completely clear. I have absolutely no acne. I never had much acne, but when I grew my facial hair out or ate high glycemic carbs I would have breakouts for a few days... or if I did high rep squat routines I would get acne on my back from where I rested the barbell. Now I have no acne and I've got a beard going on... and I've been doing 20 rep squat sets all time lately. I also measured my testosterone levels on the speed at which I could drop fat/retain strength. I did carb backloading for 30 days and went from 13% fat to 9% fat. I went from an average of 200lbs to 191lbs and still retained all my one rep maxes. I'm back on a mass gaining diet/routine and I'm still sitting around at 12% fat despite eating 3500 to 4000 calories a day. I'm making strength gains like crazy as well.

Altogether, I'd say the ROP was a worthwhile investment and I think it's going to be a great supplement in my journey to 9 BPenis EnlargementL, a 405 lb Bench Press, 700 lb Dead Lift, 500 lb Squat, 315 lb Overhead Press. All of this will be done drug free. Thanks again Supra.
so i've had my RoP for a while and i was wondering if there's ways of increasing voltage. i started noticing that my testicles' size have not changed (they rather got squishier). i cycle it as 2 weeks on. 2 weeks off. advise please!!
supagrowth;531177 said:
so i've had my RoP for a while and i was wondering if there's ways of increasing voltage. i started noticing that my testicles' size have not changed (they rather got squishier). i cycle it as 2 weeks on. 2 weeks off. advise please!!

The voltage is not where the power of the the ROP comes from its the zinc and copper that is introduced through the skin.
so does that i mean i should get a brand new zinger? or is there a way to introduce more zinc/copper? or has my body become immuned to it?
i used to wear a silver zinger and that worked a lot better for me. but i snapped the latex so i bought the regular zinger. any thoughts?