so i got hair growing on the shaft of my dick, it makes my dick look wierd.
am i the only one with this bullshit?
is there any way i can get rid of it?
i pluck the lil fuckers but they always grow back.
That is a sign of growth. I never had hairs growing on my shaft, until I started Penis Enlargement. Now I have to shave from the base up about an inch or so on the shaft. I know it can be a drag, but it is what it is.
"but it is what it is."
yeah i just didnt know if it was just my dick or if anyone else got the same shit goin on.
btw i love your movies MichaelMyers but with all do repect i think jason would whoop ya ass. lol JK :)
I've always had hair growing on my shaft, though mostly it isnt nearly as thick as the rest of my pubic hair(and is sort of hard to notice right away.)
Learn to shave & pluck. With growth comes the creeping hair. If I did not clean up the pole I would have 4" of hair growing up my shaft:)
...and, yes, this is a very good indication of growth.
so ... is hair on the shaft an indisputable indicator of growth, or i it possible it was growing before.

i've never paid attention to whether hair was growing on my shaft or not ... i mean i've always had hair grow on the sides of my penis, but i'm not sure about the top side of the shaft.

i've attached a picture, for what that's worth...
At the rate I am going I will have just a nub with hair on it. I had to completely stop jelqing today cause I felt like I was plucking my hairs at the same time. Went to wet jelqing and going to shave it tomorrow.

Curious though for anyone in the same situation, with the hair growth on shaft. Mine had to been at least 2" from my base, all very think hairs. Wonder if this can also be used for clit/pussy stimulation? :)

I prefer the ol shaver, but both should work good. I don't see it as much of an issue to pay for laser hair removal. At the same time, I won't let that machine near my penis. I am all for growing a bigger penis, growing back a penis might be challenging. Same thing for waxing.
I've found its growth and a positive sign but its also telling you that the skin is also growing along the shaft and hence the hairs creeping down like they do. My advice for you is when you stretch to use the freehand to push back the loose skin and area where the hairs are back into the pubic bone, just push that skin back so its not stretched when you do your sessions otherwise you will increase chances of getting turkey neck and for those who dont know what it is, just do a search .. plenty of info around here.
As others have said, just shave it. I got them little creepers and gotta shave every other day or else it'll get out of hand. Plus, it makes your dick look bigger :)
With length comes hair...learn to shave and pluck.
I shave the hair on my shaft as well BUT it doesn't seem very helpful for reasons I am about to explain:

1) Ingrown hairs
2) Little pimples on the penis
3) *This is the biggest problem* IT GROWS BACK WITHIN 2 DAYS! And it grows back as bunches of little sharp hairs, and it looks so ridiculous when you have all this pubic hair around your normal pelvic area and then you got these little stub hairs growing on your penis shaft! Which girl ever wants to see that?!

Although I've kept on shaving my shaft hair even till this day, it just doesn't seem worth it anymore. Does anybody have ANY other ideas besides plucking which seems to be way too meticulous? Also, I'm reaaallly curious:
--- Has anybody tried waxing penis shaft hair?
tyandre112;351654 said:
I shave the hair on my shaft as well BUT it doesn't seem very helpful for reasons I am about to explain:

1) Ingrown hairs
2) Little pimples on the penis
3) *This is the biggest problem* IT GROWS BACK WITHIN 2 DAYS! And it grows back as bunches of little sharp hairs, and it looks so ridiculous when you have all this pubic hair around your normal pelvic area and then you got these little stub hairs growing on your penis shaft! Which girl ever wants to see that?!

Although I've kept on shaving my shaft hair even till this day, it just doesn't seem worth it anymore. Does anybody have ANY other ideas besides plucking which seems to be way too meticulous? Also, I'm reaaallly curious:
--- Has anybody tried waxing penis shaft hair?

I usually get the ingrown hairs when the razor isn't sharp enough, but I haven't gotten any lately. Though, I am spending more on razors :/

I would not try waxing :O I am not that adventurous.

I created a Turkey Neck ,
doing Penis Enlargement exercises.

I did the Penis Enlargement exercises a few times for bloodflow circulation.
Gains would have been nice, but not my intention.

Some weeks after I stopped doing some jelqing,
my scrotal skin slowly went to the sides of my penis.

In the beginning my balls were hanging low under my penis
and now the skin is up to the sides, next to my thighs.

And during the weeks after that,
the scrotal skin went around my penis in a cirkel, like you penis.

So skin that was under my penis is now around and on the above part of the penis, the part you see looking down.

This also comes with pubic hairs.

Not only does this effects your visual penis size ,
it is also very uncomfortable!>:(

I am not circumsized!

Nothing to do with a tight cut.

___The thing is

Kong 1971, Bib, Redzulu and DLD gave some stretching exercises to get rid of the turkey neck or penoscrotal webbing, in the forums.

they are all a bit different.

Basically everywhere I go I am seeing two diferent types of advice:

1. Stretch the scrotum down while pulling the glans up
(you are stretching the turkey neck skin with this one )

2. Grip the good shaft skin on the underside and stretch in both directions

i tried DLD's testicle health and stretch routine (1)
and in two weeks it got two times as worse...thank you

i am now trying kong1971's simple reverse erect stretch routine (2)
for two weeks now and no real results...

Some guys are asking about the results of people who tried these exercises, but litteraly nobody replies or has eliminated there turkey neck.

So strange that this isn't happening.?:(

I think there should be one thread about the turkey neck
and the correct way to fix
or get rid of the turkey neck.rofl

Also with guys starting with these exercises to eliminate the turkey neck
and the progress
and hopefully a satisfying result.

i mean are there only like 10 people on these forums of the 6 billion people?

let's get started and help each other!

greeting from the netherlands,


p.s. I keep making things worse with the strectching i think

and also....Sir DLD

if you eliminated your turkey neck...
shouldn't you also got rid of you scrotal skin on the side and on top of you giant cock?...
skin that comes with the hairs?

it really isn't a sign of gains for me...i have no gains...but i created a turkey neck...probably trough improper use of pe exercises

but can you eliminate your turkey neck?
and why is nobody talking about the big discomfort factor?

i really couldn't care less about the underside of the penis skin...
for me the problem are the sides and the top/above part and the discomfort it has brought me
if the sides and top skin slide back the apperance should already be way better.
but the thing is

i have a 5.3 inch erect cock,already fucked>:(
flaccid i had hang with my small cock and hanging balls
the also used to expand when relaxed
but now it's like a scrotum ball with a cock coming out in the middle<:(

turkey nek fix please!rofl

the testicle health and strech massage routine says to strectch at the conection point where the turkey neck and penis connect

the reverse erect skin stretch says to not touch the turkey neck part and stretch to create new skin above the turkey neck

that are 2 really different exercises with ,i think , 2 really different outcomes...

who knows what to really do?!?:(

pleae comment people
please please:)
tyandre112;351654 said:
I shave the hair on my shaft as well BUT it doesn't seem very helpful for reasons I am about to explain:

1) Ingrown hairs
2) Little pimples on the penis
3) *This is the biggest problem* IT GROWS BACK WITHIN 2 DAYS! And it grows back as bunches of little sharp hairs, and it looks so ridiculous when you have all this pubic hair around your normal pelvic area and then you got these little stub hairs growing on your penis shaft! Which girl ever wants to see that?!

Although I've kept on shaving my shaft hair even till this day, it just doesn't seem worth it anymore. Does anybody have ANY other ideas besides plucking which seems to be way too meticulous? Also, I'm reaaallly curious:
--- Has anybody tried waxing penis shaft hair?

As for ingrown hairs, I think it helps to: (for me at least, since I havent had problems since I started doing this)
1. Use shaving cream
2. Use a sharp razor as phoenix says, and use short light strokes
3. Shave with grain instead of against it, so for me its shaving from base to tip, not from head to base.
4. I also use aftershave, it tingles a bit but maybe it helps, who knows, seems to have helped me.

And yeah, it does get kinda annoying to have to shave every few days, but I usually just shave on weekends or when I think I might get some action :)
and I dont think Ill ever try waxing, I think that would be pretty painful. no wait, REALLY painful. :O
nickelsons;362790 said:

I created a Turkey Neck ,
doing Penis Enlargement exercises.

I did the Penis Enlargement exercises a few times for bloodflow circulation.
Gains would have been nice, but not my intention.

Some weeks after I stopped doing some jelqing,
my scrotal skin slowly went to the sides of my penis.

In the beginning my balls were hanging low under my penis
and now the skin is up to the sides, next to my thighs.

And during the weeks after that,
the scrotal skin went around my penis in a cirkel, like you penis.

I think I know what you mean, the same thing has happened to me probably from stretching and jelqing. However, the skin only hangs around the sides and top of my penis when im completely flaccid, which doesnt really bother me.

I also have a fair amount of turkey neck like you mentioned, and havent really tried to get rid of it yet because its only mildly annoying to me.

I do remember reading about one exercise, (not here on [words=]MOS[/words]) that should help with turkey neck and skin creeping up your shaft.

Basically, in a flaccid or semi erect state, (I guess it could be completely erect but I get the feeling that might be painful) grip your shaft with one hand at the base and then with the other hand about halfway up the base and pull in opposite directions, so base hand towards yourself and mid-shaft hand towards the tip.

I guess the reasoning behind this would be that skin could be created from the base to midshaft so that hair wouldnt creep up and turkey neck would possibly get better.

You can try this if you want, but DLD posted a thread specifically about turkey neck or penoscrotal webbing(Id link it if I knew how ?:() and if anyone knows about it, I bet it would be him.

I dont see how following his testicle health massage routine would make it worse? What were you doing exactly?
Hi there Laocoon ,
well i don't want to be negative about DLD or any of his exercises.:)

It's just that I had a very mild turkey neck before the stretches.
But it really bothered me, because of the skin tensioning and rubbing against my thighs.

I found DLD's testicle health massage and stretch;)
(and tried it);

Testicle Health Massage:
Testicle Health Stretch will help your penis to hang lower in flaccid state. It will also increase blood flow to your testicles and aid in sperm count. This routine should take no longer than 5 minutes but the benefits are many.

With favorite lotion grab your scrotum just above your testicles. Now in a rubbing motion massage each testy for 30 seconds rubbing between your fingers in a gentle but firm movement. Now massage all the fluid around your testicles for 60 seconds. At this point your scrotum should be very relaxed. Finally lightly stretch your scrotum downward while the other hand pulls your penis upward. Do 60 of these. This is a very quick routine but the benefits are great. This will also aid you in any kind of early warning signs of testicular problems.

This exercise will help your penis hang lower in flaccid state as the connective tissue located at the base of the underside of the penis and the upper scrotum, when stretched enough permanently, will create a separation that will eliminate any "sticking out" the penis may have.

The ironic thing about the exercise for me is that my scrotum went more up the shaft and now my penis sticks out of my scrotum.>:(

the i found this routine and tried it:)

kong1971's Reverse Erect Skin Stretch

For the last two months, I have been doing a reverse erect skin stretch. It's very simple and I try to do some every time I have an erection and some privacy. Whenever you get erect, simple grasp your penis right below the circumcision scar with the standard OK grip and pull firmly down toward the base of the penis as far as you can. Turn your palm away from the body so that you can get the best downwards stretch possible. Hold for a few seconds and release. You can do it in the morning when you wake up with your morning wood. Whenever you get a few seconds and a boner, try to get a few good stretches in. When you first start doing it, it WILL hurt. All I can suggest is that you grit your teeth and do it anyway

Even though you're uncircumcised, red, skin expansion still works the same. However, you are going to have to do this a little different than us cut guys. We're pulling down from where the skin is fixed at the glans, creating tension through the shaft skin. You're going to have to creat a fixed spot near the end of the shaft with one hand, and then pull downwards with the other... a kind of tug of war type stretch.

In your case, it would probably work best if you grasp the shaft near the glans, holding the foreskin there with your left hand. With your right hand, grasp the shaft midways down in an OK grip, palm facing away from the body, but still above the turkey neck. While holding the foreskin in place near or over the glans, firmly pull downwards toward the base, stretching the skin caught between both hands. What you're basically doing is inducing skin expansion on your shaft skin so that your erections do not pull the scrotum and hair upwards.

The things is that i now have a little more foreskin. Maybe because i am uncircumsized and always had enough skin.?:(

Both exercises seem correct at first hand, but it made things worse for me.

Now scrotal skin is really bundleling on the top part of my penis which effects my control of ejaculation.Like a little downwards pressure.<:(

DLD's testicle health massage and stretch is stretching the scrotal skin.

kong1971's Reverse Erect Skin Stretch is stretching the shaft skin ( and avoiding the turkey neck)

two really different approaches?:(

it would be nice to hear from someone who has done this routine and succesfully reversed his turkey neck
nickelsons;363004 said:
Both exercises seem correct at first hand, but it made things worse for me.

Now scrotal skin is really bundleling on the top part of my penis which effects my control of ejaculation.Like a little downwards pressure.<:(

DLD's testicle health massage and stretch is stretching the scrotal skin.

kong1971's Reverse Erect Skin Stretch is stretching the shaft skin ( and avoiding the turkey neck)

two really different approaches?:(

it would be nice to hear from someone who has done this routine and succesfully reversed his turkey neck

Yeah, I know what you mean about the skin bundling around the base of the penis, making a sort of cave of skin around the top and sides, right?

In theory, I think both should work for turkey neck, but with DLD's it seems like its stretching the turkey neck, as you said, which could separate more skin on the underside of the shaft, creating more turkey neck, but I cant be sure, it does feel like its just stretching the scrotal skin where it meets the underside of the shaft, which could be a good or bad thing.

Of course I havent tried this consistently, Im just trying to give you a reason for why your turkey neck would get worse instead of better.

I personally think Ill try kongs reverse erect stretch, since it stretches the shaft skin instead of the scrotal skin, and I think my balls hang low enough already, but I do have a bit of turkey neck.

and I know, its frustrating because I read the whole reverse erect stretch thread and didnt see anyone post their results and experiences. :(

How is it that the skin bundling around the base makes it harder to control ejaculations? Im sorry to hear that.

I see you tried Kongs reverse erect stretch for 2 weeks, did that produce any positive or negative results? If nothing happened you may have to do it for longer.
Also, you can try the exercise I described(or do both this one and Kong's if DLD's didnt work out for you) since youre uncircumcised, but I thought of one addition that might help.
With one hand, grip around the base(ABOVE where the turkey neck meets the underside of the shaft) and with the other hand, grip an inch or two away from the first grip, up the shaft towards the glans, then pull in opposite directions, so you are stretching the shaft skin between the two grips. By gripping above where the turkey neck meets the shaft, youll just be stretching the shaft skin and NOT the scrotal skin.
heres a little diagram I drew to help illustrate :)
a. is the base of the penis, where it connects to your body,
b. is the first grip, above where the turkey neck meets the shaft
c. is the second grip,
d. is the glans of the penis, just for reference
and the / is the turkey neck
so when you do it, pull grip b towards a and grip c towards d, stretching the skin in between.
a. b. c. d.
~ /
~/ <----turkey neck

(haha, i should be an artist)
sorry for the long response and strange diagram, hope it helps
REMEMBER not to stretch too hard, you dont wanna hurt yourself
and maybe try a few sets of 30-60 seconds, whatever feels right, but dont overdo it.
also, some warm water will probably help the skin to stretch more easily, so i suggest warming up before trying it out.

try this out and tell me how it goes, hope it helps! :)
Mister Laocoon!

Thanks for the response!

Well it's really funny that we are one of the first people to be talking about the cave.
Maybe you have just created a new term.rofl
Because in my eyes the turkey neck syndrome is scrotal skin migrateing to your shaft.
So that also includes the skin on the sides en top part of your penis.

Because i have an over-active pelvic floor>:( there is really bad blood circulation in my genital area.
This ,not talking about the pains and impotence, causes my penis and balsac to shrink like beeing in coldwater all the time.This has been going on for 6 years now.

The skin around my penis is now really tensioning.I feel a constant pressure.

I also was always unconfident about my penis size.
But now my penis sticks out of my scrotum and the balls can't hang.<:(

There isn't that much info on the turkey neck on all the forums.

Something I really don't understand is the lack of info on the subject.

I mean someone writes four lines and you must get it?

Why isn't there one sure fix?

After all these years some of the Penis Enlargement guru's must have found the correct fix to this problem,right?

And why hasn't nobody talked about their progress?
But more importantly ;
why hasn't anbody talked about eliminating the turkey neck?

The DLD one
''In theory, I think both should work for turkey neck, but with DLD's it seems like its stretching the turkey neck, as you said, which could separate more skin on the underside of the shaft, creating more turkey neck, but I cant be sure, it does feel like its just stretching the scrotal skin where it meets the underside of the shaft, which could be a good or bad thing.''

I now think that is also what will happen/happend.

well the ejaculation,
i think the pressure on my penis makes an extra stimulant.

I have been doing the kong one but no results.
i do them in a little hottub so skin is really relaxed:)

Very accurate diagramrofl

well kong talked about this for uncircumsized men.

What you explained that is what i am doing for the last two, three weeks.

You are also trying this exersize?

Let's keep updateing and see how this will go for us.:)

Maybe we can find the right solution for once and for all!
I didnt have any hair up my shaft till i started Penis Enlargement. The hair is now up to my glands...pretty nasty. I use an electric braun razor 2-3 days a week, which keeps it nice and smooth. If i miss some time, i'll take a turbo mach 3 then back to electric razor again.
AfroMan10;364459 said:
I didnt have any hair up my shaft till i started Penis Enlargement. The hair is now up to my glands...pretty nasty. I use an electric braun razor 2-3 days a week, which keeps it nice and smooth. If i miss some time, i'll take a turbo mach 3 then back to electric razor again.

All the way up to your glans?
Damn, how much have you gained? 100% of your current size? :P
ha but seriously, you must have gained a lot for that to have happened, right?
Yeah this hair going up the shaft is a pain in the arse and from the additional skin growth from stretching the penis. A side effect if you will, at least we know that growth has occurred!

How do we fix it? well I'm not 100&#37; sure but DLD has posted various stretches and I've also incl variations to them.

Prevention is the best policy here and in my opinion that is done for uncut guys to pull the foreskin back over the glans before they do any stretches, to prevent the skin at the base from being stretched out ... sure it will be hard at first on the head but in time you will get used to it.
Once you shave 5-10 times you will become used to it. It is a pain at first but eventually it will be like washing you hair, a daily habit.
doublelongdaddy;365682 said:
Once you shave 5-10 times you will become used to it. It is a pain at first but eventually it will be like washing you hair, a daily habit.

Does this mean you can't stretch that skin back where shaft hairs grow?

(especially when you haven't made any gains,but only moved skin)

the turkey neck is the underside of the penis,right?

DLD, is there a way to correct the skin on the the side and the top part of your penis?

look at this picture:

i talked to him about this and he says there is no way to fix this

DLD, can you tell us if you can eliminate the skin on the sides and top?

If there is NO way to cure this please tell me

I will stop searching further if i get an anwser..
nickelsons;365778 said:
Does this mean you can't stretch that skin back where shaft hairs grow?

(especially when you haven't made any gains,but only moved skin)

the turkey neck is the underside of the penis,right?

DLD, is there a way to correct the skin on the the side and the top part of your penis?

look at this picture:

i talked to him about this and he says there is no way to fix this

DLD, can you tell us if you can eliminate the skin on the sides and top?

If there is NO way to cure this please tell me

I will stop searching further if i get an anwser..

Scrotal Webbing happens mainly because of stretching without a hand securing the base of the penis. If you have a membership to [words=]MOS[/words] members site you can see the proper position here: BASIC STRETCHING VIDEO

I will try to describe it for you in case you do not have a membership.

If you are stretching outward one hand will be stretching at the glans (or just below) while the other hand is securing the skin at the base. This will stop any skin stretch from the base. As far as existing skin goes, this will disappear as part of the new internal penis growth. So basically, as you grow bigger the extra skin will be taken up by this growth.
before I settled dwn with my girl, or even so Im always in the shower before a night out, esp. after a nice cut and all, getting the THING shaped up
doublelongdaddy;365824 said:
Scrotal Webbing happens mainly because of stretching without a hand securing the base of the penis. If you have a membership to [words=]MOS[/words] members site you can see the proper position here: BASIC STRETCHING VIDEO

I will try to describe it for you in case you do not have a membership.

If you are stretching outward one hand will be stretching at the glans (or just below) while the other hand is securing the skin at the base. This will stop any skin stretch from the base. As far as existing skin goes, this will disappear as part of the new internal penis growth. So basically, as you grow bigger the extra skin will be taken up by this growth.

what a dilemma....?:(

i did a few jelqing exercises and created the turkey neck.<:(

my question was if there is a cure for the (existing)skin WITHOUT doing Penis Enlargement.?:(

the reason i posted a picture with my post was because you can see clearly the build up of skin.

the guy who has this, has grown his internal penis and said that he knows of no cure and it didn't cure with the growth of his penis.?:(

So the anwser is that you can't stretch it back or move it , but you must grow your penis?

So why hasn't this dude lost the extra skin after internal penis growth??:(

Can you please tell me if you can lose/migrate the excess skin without doing anymore Penis Enlargement like jelqing??:(

You didn't give a straight anwser about this.

I will be happy again with my 13,5 cm when the skin isn't wrapped around the base.:blush:
I found the same thing.

How about five oclock shadow, how does it feel to the woman? Bet it's painful. Wear a condom or shave again.
Afro10 "all the way up" yeah I have a few hairs almost that far.

I think that it's the same as every other hair. Trim the hair inside your
nose and ears and it starts growing more. I didn't trim that hair for
decades, then I did, and now I can hardly keep up. Anywhere on
the body that's the way it is. Don't shave the back of your hands
or girls will stare at your crotch!
pnoewbe;366389 said:
I found the same thing.

How about five oclock shadow, how does it feel to the woman? Bet it's painful. Wear a condom or shave again.

Once you start shaving you have to do it everyday. It becomes very easy to do and it makes your dick look so much bigger with the hair tight and clean cut.
nickelsons;366058 said:
what a dilemma....?:(

i did a few jelqing exercises and created the turkey neck.<:(

my question was if there is a cure for the (existing)skin WITHOUT doing Penis Enlargement.?:(

the reason i posted a picture with my post was because you can see clearly the build up of skin.

the guy who has this, has grown his internal penis and said that he knows of no cure and it didn't cure with the growth of his penis.?:(

So the anwser is that you can't stretch it back or move it , but you must grow your penis?

So why hasn't this dude lost the extra skin after internal penis growth??:(

Can you please tell me if you can lose/migrate the excess skin without doing anymore Penis Enlargement like jelqing??:(

I will be happy again with my 13,5 cm when the skin isn't wrapped around the base.:blush:

Can you please anwser my questions, sir DLD?
nickelsons;366684 said:
Can you please anwser my questions, sir DLD?

The only way to reverse TN without Penis Enlargement is through surgery. Why not just correct your stretching style?
doublelongdaddy;366769 said:
The only way to reverse TN without Penis Enlargement is through surgery. Why not just correct your stretching style?

Thanks you for your honest anwser.

What do you mean by correcting my stretching style?
hair growing on the shaft could also be a sign of improved or additional testosterone release in the localised area..which is good..!
doublelongdaddy;366769 said:
The only way to reverse TN without Penis Enlargement is through surgery. Why not just correct your stretching style?

Testicle Health Massage:
Testicle Health Stretch will help your penis to hang lower in flaccid state. It will also increase blood flow to your testicles and aid in sperm count. This routine should take no longer than 5 minutes but the benefits are many.

With favorite lotion grab your scrotum just above your testicles. Now in a rubbing motion massage each testy for 30 seconds rubbing between your fingers in a gentle but firm movement. Now massage all the fluid around your testicles for 60 seconds. At this point your scrotum should be very relaxed. Finally lightly stretch your scrotum downward while the other hand pulls your penis upward. Do 60 of these. This is a very quick routine but the benefits are great. This will also aid you in any kind of early warning signs of testicular problems.

This exercise will help your penis hang lower in flaccid state as the connective tissue located at the base of the underside of the penis and the upper scrotum, when stretched enough permanently, will create a separation that will eliminate any "sticking out" the penis may have.

When used with a solid penis enlargement program you will notice size gains much faster. The health benefits are incredible too as far as early warning signs of testicular problems, increased sperm and testosterone, better blood flow to the penis and increased ejaculation.

Maybe you should change this text,DLD.

I found this exersize when i had the slightest turkey neck and a bit of hair of my shaft.
This routine made the skin build up on the sides and top part of my penis far more worse.
At first it somehow seemed logical, but i had a good hang when flaccid and now my penis is sticking out horizontally, due to the skin pushing around it.
The opposite has happend what you described.
Also you told that was THE way to reverse and eliminate the turkey neck.
Now you told me that the only way is trough surgery.

I am really frustrated that i will have to go to surgery.

I am happy that you are helping thousands of men with good results.:)

I think that if i would have gained a little bit , i would not be as frustrated , but the tension on the skin is a constant reminder that i only created a problem.
nickelsons;366897 said:
Testicle Health Massage:
Testicle Health Stretch will help your penis to hang lower in flaccid state. It will also increase blood flow to your testicles and aid in sperm count. This routine should take no longer than 5 minutes but the benefits are many.

With favorite lotion grab your scrotum just above your testicles. Now in a rubbing motion massage each testy for 30 seconds rubbing between your fingers in a gentle but firm movement. Now massage all the fluid around your testicles for 60 seconds. At this point your scrotum should be very relaxed. Finally lightly stretch your scrotum downward while the other hand pulls your penis upward. Do 60 of these. This is a very quick routine but the benefits are great. This will also aid you in any kind of early warning signs of testicular problems.

This exercise will help your penis hang lower in flaccid state as the connective tissue located at the base of the underside of the penis and the upper scrotum, when stretched enough permanently, will create a separation that will eliminate any "sticking out" the penis may have.

When used with a solid penis enlargement program you will notice size gains much faster. The health benefits are incredible too as far as early warning signs of testicular problems, increased sperm and testosterone, better blood flow to the penis and increased ejaculation.

Maybe you should change this text,DLD.

I found this exersize when i had the slightest turkey neck and a bit of hair of my shaft.
This routine made the skin build up on the sides and top part of my penis far more worse.
At first it somehow seemed logical, but i had a good hang when flaccid and now my penis is sticking out horizontally, due to the skin pushing around it.
The opposite has happend what you described.
Also you told that was THE way to reverse and eliminate the turkey neck.
Now you told me that the only way is trough surgery.

I am really frustrated that i will have to go to surgery.

I am happy that you are helping thousands of men with good results.:)

I think that if i would have gained a little bit , i would not be as frustrated , but the tension on the skin is a constant reminder that i only created a problem.

I have no idea what you are asking here. Could you please rephrase.

doublelongdaddy;366935 said:
I have no idea what you are asking here. Could you please rephrase.


I was walking around with the slightest turkey neck and only some pubic hairs at the base of my penis shaft,
after some brief jelqing.

The skin on the sides was the problem for me at that point,
because for an example when i would stand up from a chair my sack would be against my thighs getting caught behind it.

So i decided to look for a fix.

After some searching i found your solution and the one from kong1971.

After one week of doing the Testicle Health and Stretch massage,
my turkey neck was worse,
but more worse for me,
the skin on the sides had gotten more
and especially the skin on the top part of my penis, which is now being pressed all the time by the skin build up.

Now my sack can't hang as low as i used to,
because the scrotum skin has less room,
because the skin is around the shaft.

''The Testicle Health and stretch massage would help your penis hang lower in flaccid state as the connective tissue located at the base of the underside of the penis and the upper scrotum, when stretched enough permanently, will create a separation that will eliminate any "sticking out" the penis may have.''

The above quote is important, my penis and balls hanged straight down before The Testicle Health and stretch massage even with the slightest turkey neck.

After doing The Testicle Health and stretch massage my penis can't hang, but is now ''sticking out''. damn ironic huh<:(

And the turkey neck is also worse.

:):):)ok, a good understandable question;

Why would you post a thread which states as a Sure way to eliminate the turkey neck when you know it can only be done through surgery??:(

I would not have done this stretch,
if you would not have said that it is a proven way to cure the turkey neck.

I mean the post is from march 2009.

And you are THE Penis Enlargement guru so I trusted the words in the post.

This stretch has made things much more worse and now i will have to go to surgery.
I am blowing off some steam, because i was hoping for a solution.

:):):)Why hasn't somebody reported that the Testicle Health Stretch and Massage (which is also a incredibly fast way to eliminate webbing) eliminated the turkey neck??????:(?:(?:(?:(

Sunday, March 08, 2009
Turkey Neck: Penoscrotal Webbing>>>Eliminate it!

There has been a lot of interest in the dreaded Turkey Neck. The technical name for this condition is penoscrotal webbing. Unfortunately, with poor Penis Enlargement form, penoscrotal webbing becomes a problem. If you don't know what it is I have attached a picture showing it at the bottom of this post.

The reason Penis Enlargement can make this condition worse is due to the massive skin stretch that happens through Penis Enlargement. To many men it may seem like a nightmare but there are, surgery-free, methods of correcting and avoiding this problem.

When most men stretch their penis the skin, running along the bottom of the shaft, connecting to the scrotum, stretches with it. Since skin is so easily stretched it begins to bag towards the bottom of the shaft over time and the webbing becomes more pronounced. Visually, it makes the penis appear shorter than it really is. In some cases the webbing can go up past the half mark making a penis that is 5" appear to be half of that.

How can you avoid or correct this? The first and most important thing is using a dual grip in stretching. If anyone has ever watched my videos they will see that I grip my penis below the glans with one hand but the other is affixed, firmly at the base and for good reason, I am holding the skin at the scrotum back. This allows me to stretch my penis without stretching the skin at the scrotum. I will ask Jaz to give me a clip of one of my videos so you can see this first hand. In the mean time, if you are already a member of the Members Site here is a video link:

Another thing that contributes to this issue is pulling too much foreskin up while stretching. I understand that this makes for a more comfortable stretch but be sure that you are not pulling too much up. In cases where a user is looking to restore his foreskin by pulling the foreskin up it is important that he uses the dual grip to be sure the skin stretch is not coming from the scrotum.

Wrapping the scrotum is another method I found to be incredible. This is easily accomplished with a standard [words=]ace bandage[/words]. Get your scrotum nice and relaxed using the Testicle Health Stretch and Massage (which is also a incredibly fast way to eliminate webbing), once relaxed wrap the [words=]ace bandage[/words] around the scrotum being sure to strap back as much skin is you can being sure to leave a small amount for stretching. Once wrapped you can continue with standard stretching without fear of additional skin stretch.

As I stated above, The Testicle Health Stretch and Massage is an incredible way to eliminate webbing for good. The exercise also allows your scrotum to hang lower which allows the penis to hang much longer in flaccid state. This exercise can be done twice a day as a way to stop and reverse webbing.

I hope this helps the guys looking to eliminate this issue from their penis.

Hey nickelsons, I gotta wonder, if your "problem" suddenly, almost magically, appeared in just one day or perhaps overnight as you slept after your first, last and only Penis Enlargement session? Or did the scrotum fairy sneak in and curse you with something you had, and supposedly still have, no control over?

Before you continue sniveling about a couple of extra square inches of ballsack, take a good, hard look at this kid. You could stand to learn a shitload from this guy. If you're able.

First a youtube video:

Now, just a little background.

Photo by John F. Russell
Dan Caro, a New Orleans-based drummer living in Steamboat, practices his drums inside his home. A fire took both his hands when he was 2 years old. After several surgeries, he&#8217;s gained enough use of his hands to play the drums. He will give a talk at the library Tuesday.
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MAXAMEYES;367008 said:
Hey nickelsons, I gotta wonder, if your "problem" suddenly, almost magically, appeared in just one day or perhaps overnight as you slept after your first, last and only Penis Enlargement session? Or did the scrotum fairy sneak in and curse you with something you had, and supposedly still have, no control over?

Before you continue sniveling about a couple of extra square inches of ballsack, take a good, hard look at this kid. You could stand to learn a shitload from this guy. If you're able.

First a youtube video:

Now, just a little background.

Photo by John F. Russell
Dan Caro, a New Orleans-based drummer living in Steamboat, practices his drums inside his home. A fire took both his hands when he was 2 years old. After several surgeries, he&#8217;s gained enough use of his hands to play the drums. He will give a talk at the library Tuesday.



Now just some little background;)

When i was 13 i got laughed at by two girls who saw my penis in flaccid and erect state.
I will never forget the song ''don't want no shirt dick nick''......<:(

The length and girth did not change much after the years that had gone by.

I always was afraid to end up with a small penis when i looked at the boys in the gym who all were developing.

I am a good looking guy.
I dated models but did not have sex with them, because i was afraid i wasn't big enough.

Also the fact that i premature ejaculated didn't really help in my confidence.<:(

The thing is when i was 15 a girl touched the little bulge I had and said she already could see that it was small while wearing baggy jeans.

So i got fixated about my appearance to the outside world also.
That nobody could see my bulge or that i had no good hanging penis.

Around my 17th my penis had hang, mostly because my balls were quite large so my scrotum hanged low also.rofl

Around that period i got a psychosis from mushrooms and too much weed.
Basically i stayed inside my house for the last 11 years.
No help from anybody.:s
They now say that they didn't think i had big mental issues.
i told them many times.
I lost my virginity when i was 15 and came instantly.
i didn't try for two years,because i was so ashamed.
when i did try again I came in a sec again.:blush:

When i was 21 i finally got out the house(anxiety attacks) and met an 31 years old woman.
She showed me that i could go on and on.
I came 7 times a day for months.
Wow finally the best experience in the world.rofl

One year later my family doctor gave me anti-depressant.
My dick shrink-ed like taking xtc or an ice cold bath.
But this times it stayed this way.
Also i got impotent and couldn't get an erection for years.
And my ups went away.
i was never depressed,
but when i quit the crap that they call medication i got depressed.<:(

For three years the doctors told me i was crazy (dick shrinkage) and that could never happen to a guy my age.
I was 22 at the time.
I told them it must be testosterone related.
I just googled my ass of.
I was looking for answer.....

After three years and suicide attempts later i met a doctor,a sexologist ,and he asked my three simple questions and said that i had an over-active pelvic floor.;)
This comes also with nasty pains.

After doing pelvic floor exercises i sometimes regained my bigger flaccid penis and my scrotum would relax again.
these were moments of euphoria, again.

I never got any medication like Valium, because of my honesty about my past in taking drugs.
this would have helped so much, because u would have had more of those moments that my tense muscles would relax.

Then i stumbled upon Penis Enlargement.:s

i did some basic jelqing for some weeks.

And after stopping, I developed some movement of skin that was relocating itself.

So when it relaxed it would not feel pleasant as before.

I walked around with this for 5 months.

then i read DLD's SURE way to ELIMINATE your turkey neck.
wow i can reverse this! yes!:O


now i have tension also from contracting skin on the top part of my penis and skin on the sides.

My balls are smaller then ever.
And can't hang ,because the skin is now tightened and there is less skin that can hang.>:(

And my penis now sticks out of my scrotum and
because of the surrounding skin and the skin on the top part it looks like almost the middle of the scrotum.
and my erections have become weaker again.<:(

Things were going great again,
because i now have i girlfriend who loves me and respect me in every way.

But she noticed my dick and scrotum before the so called turkey neck on the underside.
My problem is more with the skin on the sides and more importantly the top part.

She feels for me ,because of my already saddened mind state because of the pelvic floor problem and people seeing my penis sticking out.

I get laughed at every day.
Some people notice it.
Some smile on the inside.
Some laugh out loud.

So now i am inside every day again.

I hallucinated sober for years.
I have anxiety attacks for 10 years now.
Also cold-sweat attacks.

Not to be self-centered or an egoist, but fuck somebody Else's world.:)

My problems are my problems.;)

And my small penis was something i have had come to love in the period i had great sex.
I walked around naked like i was huge.
Had sex in front of open windows.

Now i honestly don't like the way it looks .

I think it now looks ugly.>:(
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Dude, you got a shitload more wrong with you than you could ever solve solely by posting on a Penis Enlargement website.
But you know what? You still have a penis, you still have fingers to manipulate it with and you especially still have no right to snivel and try to blame someone-anyone-for the consequences of your own conscious actions.

Sorry to hear about your problems (at least you took responsibility for that portion of your trevails) but they sound mostly self-inflicted and/or matters of decision and, speaking relativistically, fairly minor.
Hey guys....
I have hade the same problem for two years now. I've been shaving it lately, but I'm going to give waxing a try. I shave every single morning when I am in the shower..... but I can't ever get all of the stubble. It's always the underside of my penis, where it meets my scrotum. No matter what I do, which direction I shave, how hard I press, I'll miss it. The rest of the hairs around my penis arn't a problem but I can NEVER get those last few. I really don't think that it's that big of a problem, because once I applied a little lubricant, I couldn't even feel them. But I'm going to give shaving a break and let the hairs grow out a little. Then I'm going to wax them out to see if that gets EVERY bit of stubble. I think waxing will work, and will be better than shaving. Waxing last alot longer, and you don't get stubble because you ripped the hair out at the root, so it when it grows back in, the hairs will be soft because they weren't cut. Also, over time the hairs begin to grow back in less and less if you continualy wax.

So I'm going to start this tomorrow, I'll let you guys know my results. The way I figure it, I'll probably have to wax every three weeks or so in order to keep things neat and tindy. I'll let you guys know how it goes.
Hair on the shaft means you have grown in length.