German Stallion has been kind enough to share with us this incredible breakthrough in pulling out the maximum flaccid stretch. Here is G.S.' and my description:

"When you start to pull, the penis reacts. It pulls back at you. It turtles and tightens up to protect itself. If, IF, you go slow and sneak up on it, it won't react and pull back to its starting length, but will let you pull it out rather than "tensing up."

You have to 'sneak' up on it and go REAL slow, as slow as you can go. You must be fully relaxed while doing this and as you pull it out so VERY, VERY slow, breathing deeply, in a total state of relaxation (THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT), your 'steel wire' in there will just keep coming out.

To be continued--
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You should get a couple of inches more in flaccid stretch, that will retract or tug back when you let it go. You will be amazed when this happens for the first time. It just comes and comes and comes out--kind of like a real turtle. :)

When it "realizes" you have tricked it, it will react, tense or "turtle' up and retract. But the next time, it will tense up less as it gets easier and easier to maintain that maximum "PULL OUT."

This exercise should be done lying on the floor (I do it on the bed), legs fully extended. Bend your knees slightly so that you can reach down and grasp your glans. Pull it straight out. It's too far for me to reach comfortably, so I bend my knees a bit more and pull it down my right thigh.

Be sure to relax your butt and your entire body. Breathe deeply. Focus and relaxation are of the utmost importance here.

To be continued--
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It took me about a week of daily "pull out" sessions to trick my dick. But I am now able to pull out mine a full two inches to a little over 9 inches. Normally, this temporary flaccid stretch gain would take an intense session of hard tugging, rotors, a-stretches, BTC stretches, etc.

This is effortless! But it WORKS! As G.S. says, "Believe me! This works!"

Thanks G.S. You're da man!! rofl

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i have been a fan of millionmans progressive and have been getting really good stretches and have gained 1/8 inch in the first month since doing them.

I tried this earlier and all i can say is holy shit. talk about being able to watch your body react and see the turtle effect!!!

I believe it is going to take some practice to perfect as with all techniques and am looking forward to seeing how much i can add on with this.

i am so excited that i am off to do more sets to work on this and try to get the hang of it to add it to my routine.

definately an outstanding post by goingfor and much thanks to G.S. for letting it out.
BANANAxBOY;312209 said:
sorry, i keep thinking of questions,

What happens if you try this at a downward angle?

Banana Boy...I don't know if you will get the amount of stretch down. Try it straight out first and get the technique down first, then try the other angles. GS
BANANAxBOY;312205 said:
Is this the same as flexing and unflexing your pc?

I know what you are asking....When the penis reacts it is similiar to the pc flex but different. You won't get your "tug back" if you are gentle and slow with this pull. GS
I am not sure that everyone will be able to do this. I also know that if you ever succeed you will be overwhelmed with what you accomplish. It might take a while to catch on and you might not succeed each time. I emphsize that you must be totally, totally flaccid to do this. GS
Yes, I stretched it 2 inches beyond my normal flaccid stretch. Now, I can do this anyway with a half hour of intense stretches, pulling it as hard as I can. The difference is I can do this now with no effort whatsoever. That's what's so amazing about this stretch. Like G.S. said, it just keeps coming and coming.

It does take a lot of concentration and COMPLETE relaxation. Remember that your and your dick's natural reflex is that of retraction. It's similar to the tugback of your P.C. but not the same. Here we are talking about your penis, not the P.C. muscle.

What's been great for me is that it has left me in Fedora's "magic jelly" state pretty much all the time now. Whoohoooo!!... And I can easily stretch it to 9.5" NBP now.

German Stallion and I have been discussing for some time that "steel cable" running down our inner penis that has seemed impossible to stretch out. It just won't give. I hope this proves to be the answer to this problem.

Oct. 2003: 4" x 5" flaccid; 7.75" x 6" BPenis EnlargementL
May 2006: 8" x 6" flaccid; 9" x 7" BPenis EnlargementL
Aug. 2008: 9.5" Bone Pressed Flaccid Stretch

MAN Your strtchin' to 11.5 inches? That is insane.
BANANAxBOY;312245 said:

Oct. 2003: 4" x 5" flaccid; 7.75" x 6" BPenis EnlargementL
May 2006: 8" x 6" flaccid; 9" x 7" BPenis EnlargementL
Aug. 2008: 9.5" Bone Pressed Flaccid Stretch

MAN Your strtchin' to 11.5 inches? That is insane.

I'd be happy with 10 inches.

I might be getting close to it as my flaccid hang is considerably longer after a few of these and i do not get the turtling effect after a typical balls to the wall stretch. the force is absolutely minimal and trying to work lower in order to reduce the amount of reaction from my penis. I may have gotten 1/4 inch more out but anything past my current FSL is what matters in my book.

The JAI stretch when reading its technique is based on the same theory but does not explain it near as well as this thread. Thanks again to GS and goinfor.
This might be genius. I'll definitely have to give this a try with hanging. I'm sure this might be the reason [words=]ADS[/words] works.
We can all thank German Stallion for introducing us to this incredible stretch. I'm awaking each day now with a 6.5" x 6.5" flaccid hang. My dick is in that "magic jelly" state Fedora talks about 24/7.

Thanks brother. :P
Relaxation is the one reason i believe my gains have not skyrocketed. As of late i am consistently on edge and muscles ready to fire at any given moment.

Funny thing is my pulse rate is in the low 60's at the same time.

I need to work on some good relaxation stuff or start hitting the bong again before sessions.
Reached the "putty stage" today. My penis is at the fun stage of being very pliable.

I did a half hour of the mild pull outs and then hit a 15 minute clamp session at the end to top the AM session off.

I cant really say i have seen the large pull outs yet but my penis feels worked almost as much after one of those sessions as it does with the ball busting sessions.

I can tell you i exerted 90-95% less force with my length workouts since applying this methodology.

It honestly feels and looks like the penis is being worked out more this way. Doing a regular stretch and then one of these is a great way to see the difference. I cannot put it into words as it can me misinterpreted then, just has to be done by an individual in order to see the difference.
This extra length stretch will only come with total relaxing and very, slow gentle pulling. I have been working on this for months. I can't achieve it all the time either. I will try and suddenly realize I am tense in some area and nothing is relaxed and nothing is giving. AND, AND, you must be totally flaccid. Being totally flaccid is an absolute necessity. GS
Here is another trick in making this "rubber" stretch work. Again, I am always expermenting with this. I find that the relaxing issue is the key. How to do this is tough to describe. I found out this weekend that if you pull your legs up, knees bent, and bring your legs up close to your body and then relax, spreading your legs, you get a bigger relax. It works to spread your legs and pull slow and gentle. Once you get it, then you have to keep working to have it work again. But you can and will if you work at it. GS
I like doing the above exercise and it does seem that your flaccid gets to a new maximum length. Does this translate into erect gains?
this exercise has really put alot of fun back into Penis Enlargement. I enjoy Penis Enlargement as everyone else but length has always been my sore spot as i get bored stretching. I always loved girth work and the like as engorgement is outstanding to witness.

Doing these the last week and multiple times through the day has been rewarding and a great learning experience in watching my penis react and learning how to deal with those reactions to make my routine better.
seeking8.5x6;312690 said:
this exercise has really put alot of fun back into Penis Enlargement. I enjoy Penis Enlargement as everyone else but length has always been my sore spot as i get bored stretching. I always loved girth work and the like as engorgement is outstanding to witness.

Doing these the last week and multiple times through the day has been rewarding and a great learning experience in watching my penis react and learning how to deal with those reactions to make my routine better.

i know what you mean...sometimes length exercises actually feels like oppose to girth which is always fun rofl...keep up the good work
lifted;312684 said:
I like doing the above exercise and it does seem that your flaccid gets to a new maximum length. Does this translate into erect gains?

Yes, the stretched flaccid length will eventually translate into erect length. You need to keep stretching and good luck!
While having fun with this I have noticed one thing. My old max FSL is way down at the moment but the real fight back when occurs is right at my current erect length.

In essence it appears at my FSL has dropped to where it should be in order to accomodate a max workload on the current EL. Hope to see a correlation when i get good and relaxed and go beyond the EL and FSL.
how many session per week shuld one do this activity. I like doing it and have done if a few times. I had inlaw interuptions and so i would like to focus more on Penis Enlargement again.
I've been devoting some time every evening to just this one exercise. Some nights I am more relaxed than others, and I can immediately notice the difference. When I'm totally relaxed, it seems effortless. And I can feel and watch my dick lengthening. Yes, it IS damn fun!!

Im going to do this everynight. You know what could help relax you is Green Tea. Green tea contains the amino acid theanine. theanine relaxes you, calms you.
Straight out, according to G.S. I can't reach that far comfortably, so I stretch it straight down my thigh. I don't think it would work as well if you pulled it in other directions. At least at first.
lifted;313182 said:
One more question, do you do that stretch straight down, up, out left or right? Or just in the downward direction?

Whatever direction you want that helps you get the stretch. I find the best for me is slow and to the right. I can use my hand laying on my thigh to do the slow pull. Going for uses straight down. Whatever works. Some of you might not be able to do it at first, just keep trying and when it happens you will be surprised and really impressed. It will give you some long wanted length growth. GS
dont get discouraged Banana. the important factor is that you keep learning how your penis reacts. I havent gotten the massive pullout thus far but my flaccid length has gone up considerably the last couple of weeks from doing these.

I have gone to light length workout only involving these and sustaining stretches at the EL rather than pushing beyond when my penis will not let me. If you put together a few sets of these through the day you can get an hour of length work in and more times with a renewed vigor to try and master the technique.
I warm up with a rice sock first or lef the warmth of my dedding do the trick like if i am do do this in the middle of the night. Im starting my third night. It seems going straight up seems to be the best position for me. Getting nearly past my belly button.
This super stretch didn't come overnight for me. It came because I worked for a long time to get there. Suddenly it came. Don't give up because you can't get it, good things happen to those who keep trying.

Here is some tips. I can usually get the stretch if I work a little harder on it. Laying on your back, knees up and spread apart. Grab your penis and gently pull out. The gently applies to the pull out not the grab of the penis. Pull out, don't let it react and tug back with the PC muscle. Let it go back and pull out again and this time a little farther, and let it go back, actaully you are following it back in, then out again, going slowly and back again and each time you come out you will come a little farther. Keep doing this until you reach a point where it won't go any more and you will find you have come longer than you ever had before. This is a start. Hope this helps.

If find that it really comes "rubbery" when I am totally relaxed and totally flaccid. That does not come easy. When I tired and go to bed, bingo, it will allow me to pull it out. Then I do it and keep doing it until it won't any more. GS
The gently applies to the pull out not the grab of the penis. Pull out,
don't let it react and tug back with the PC muscle. Let it go back and pull out again and this time a little farther, and let it go back, actaully you are following it back in, then out again, going slowly and back again and each time you come out you will come a little farther. Keep doing this until you reach a point where it won't go any more and you will find you have come longer than you ever had before.

I had been tinkering with this as well. My PC will sometimes react even after going the slightest bit out and as i followed it back it proceeded to let me go further each time. Sounds good on paper but as always best witnessed first hand while doing instead of reading.

I have also found that a reclining chair works fairly well as you can get your hips and ass relaxed in them and get a good stretch in your preferred direction, while having the body in a relaxed position.
Stupid Q # 4. Do you warm up before this stretch? Stupid Q # 5. How long can or should one stretch in this manner. did thid all week and it seems like it just keeps stretching! Greatr exercise. Especially for those who find themselves having to do stealth Penis Enlargement. You can do this under the covers.
seeking8.5x6;313429 said:
I had been tinkering with this as well. My PC will sometimes react even after going the slightest bit out and as i followed it back it proceeded to let me go further each time. Sounds good on paper but as always best witnessed first hand while doing instead of reading.

I have also found that a reclining chair works fairly well as you can get your hips and ass relaxed in them and get a good stretch in your preferred direction, while having the body in a relaxed position.

I thought this didn't have anything to do with the PC?
I'm not sure of G.S.' take on this, but I think the P.S. is involved in whatever exercise you do, just as kegeling should be. I know that whether I'm trying to stretch it out with this approach or any other, if I do continuous hard kegels at the end of the exercise, until I don't get the tug back associated with that muscle, I can get an extra inch, sometimes an inch and a half, further lengthening.

I know when I first questioned G.S. on this, he was using "tug back" in a different way than when we use it, for example, to discover out "lot." He was talking about the penis shrinking back to its original position when we let go of it after pulling it out.
lifted;313842 said:
Stupid Q # 4. Do you warm up before this stretch? Stupid Q # 5. How long can or should one stretch in this manner. did thid all week and it seems like it just keeps stretching! Greatr exercise. Especially for those who find themselves having to do stealth Penis Enlargement. You can do this under the covers.

Hi Lifted!

Yeah, it's a great exercise to do under the covers. That's all the warm up I do.

How long? I try to do it until my hand gets tired.

Glad it's working for you! I think the more "rubbery" you can get your penis, the better it works, for sure. I did a long routine last night, (actually early this morning), combining this exercise with a couple of hours of edging. I got my dick up to three inches above the navel--that's over a foot.

I also edged it, stretching it straight forward, with the tape measure, to 10" x 6.75" at the base BPenis EnlargementL. These measurements remind me of the "old days." I'm sure my lowering blood sugar levels and dropping body weight are factors. It's easier to get that blood down there to do its work.

When edging and i took a supplental green tea or ginkgo or both combined i can get mine to the middle of my belly button edging. If i had to much caffeine for get it maybe right up to my belly button.
All I can say is that green tea is a miracle worker for me. I can FEEL the increase in my metabolism. And my energy level is definitely improved. I do a hard swim for 60 minutes 5 times a week. I attribute some of the energy needed for this to the green tea.

Thanks for the "LIFT", Lifted!!

It has done wonders for me as well. i was around 209 lbs at Christmas time in 2007. But after taking that a few times per day it started to peal off. Now i weigh about 182 lbs. And i have a lot more energy as well.