Hmmm... funny thing, Kong, I always pictured you as a pasty faced bald dude with a monocle. LMAO I never expected you to look like a Hell's Angel with an evil grin (meant as a compliment)! Seriously, you look like a tough guy. One more bad-ass added to the list. :cool:
AC, your a nutter lol ya mad ass dogg, espcaped from a mental ward lol j/k
Cant belive I have you in charge of my clamp guide lol
Nah man, you look cool.
Thought I'd post an updated photo of myself, since the first photo I took was one of my senior photos (2 years ago). I just took this photo about 10 minutes ago, and thought I'd let you all get a look at my ugly mug...enjoy... :s


  • Me 004.jpg
    Me 004.jpg
    91 KB · Views: 1
oopapercutoo said:
Thought I'd post an updated photo of myself, since the first photo I took was one of my senior photos (2 years ago). I just took this photo about 10 minutes ago, and thought I'd let you all get a look at my ugly mug...enjoy... :s

Ugly? Your very handsome!'re too kind, my mentor. Alas, I suffer from a somewhat skewed self-perception. It's a bitch to deal with, although I've been making great strides in the past few months...hopefully I'll completely overcome it in the future and be able to become the "alpha male" that I feel that I'm destined to be. Once I accomplish this I can then set out to please as much of the femal populous as I can manage with my newly enlarged dick...

Anyway, I'm rambling now...thanks for the compliment.
oopapercutoo said:'re too kind, my mentor. Alas, I suffer from a somewhat skewed self-perception. It's a bitch to deal with, although I've been making great strides in the past few months...hopefully I'll completely overcome it in the future and be able to become the "alpha male" that I feel that I'm destined to be. Once I accomplish this I can then set out to please as much of the femal populous as I can manage with my newly enlarged dick...

Anyway, I'm rambling now...thanks for the compliment.

AncientChina said:
Thank god we know our Kong is a friendly nice guy, with an open mind, 'cause he looks like a "white power" (bs) guys from hell...holy shit! :O

Lookin' great Kong, you'd be the last person i'd want to fuck with. You could be one of those macho models or something.

Here is AncientChina, its been awhile, usually I get a lot of compliments from women and gay guys, they think I have a unique look. I think I look pretty good but I don't like to brag. Getting hit on has gotten so normal for me, that I just don't care anymore, ya' know? Some got it and some don't. I got lucky.
Jesus, thats some big ass shadys!
I got a new digital camera that actually works right so I thought I'd post a new pic too. This one doesnt have a mohawk or terminator face paint like the others lol.


  • me2.jpg
    105.5 KB · Views: 1
Bigd5903 said:
I got a new digital camera that actually works right so I thought I'd post a new pic too. This one doesnt have a mohawk or terminator face paint like the others lol.

Good pic. You're in good shape. I can see how chicks would dig you and how you got to bang that friend a few days ago. BTW, what ever happened with that 46 year-old?
Dude BigD. I like your fan. It has a neat old look to it.


Here's a better shot of me than the PJs (or as RED calls it, transvestite :D) shot. This is my DLD wannabe shot at Disney World. My girlfriend was wondering why the heck did I wanna take that pic so bad? lol
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That is a better pic, 9c9! The PJs one looked disturbing to me. Maybe it was your expression or something. I mean nothing personally bad by that, just giving you my opinion.
Man, I'm glad I don't have no shit to post here, cuz I'd feel like a total jackass. I'm a friggin 22 year old, ugly, flabby, scrawny where there should be muscle, fat where there shouldnt be...sheesh I am only like 5"10 and weigh like 190! You guys are all built and shit.

Good pics tho!
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