Do some jelqs brother or a bathmate with jelqs. These always get my flaccid more chubby. You need enough beefy to create 'shoulders'
templnite;673463 said:
Do some jelqs brother or a bathmate with jelqs. These always get my flaccid more chubby. You need enough beefy to create 'shoulders'
So your saying I'm going to have to fix my girth before I can start hanging essentially girth before length?
If you can get some more wrap onto there, it'll be better. The first layer is for cushion, the second is for keeping things tight but not to tight so they can give a little, then the third is the thickening. I use a whole Ace wrap for the second layer. I don't cut mine. I keep 2 wraps just in case I need more. If you have an old shirt, cut it into a long strip and add that to see. There are so many things around the house to use it's creepy to think about it. Hit up a Menards or Lowe's and check out the heating and cooling section for weather stripping. One guy added it to his LM and said it worked great. You'll also find plenty of things to give you new ideas.
IVEADREAM;673471 said:
So your saying I'm going to have to fix my girth before I can start hanging essentially girth before length?
I'm saying you need to give yourself a little warm-up just for that set not train for girth
runningignus;673472 said:
If you can get some more wrap onto there, it'll be better. The first layer is for cushion, the second is for keeping things tight but not to tight so they can give a little, then the third is the thickening. I use a whole Ace wrap for the second layer. I don't cut mine. I keep 2 wraps just in case I need more. If you have an old shirt, cut it into a long strip and add that to see. There are so many things around the house to use it's creepy to think about it. Hit up a Menards or Lowe's and check out the heating and cooling section for weather stripping. One guy added it to his LM and said it worked great. You'll also find plenty of things to give you new ideas.
Believe it or not I've tried the weather stripping. I wrapped it just below the glans then wrapped it with self adhering wrap to kinda build a wall, it helped a little but still having problems. I wonder if I'm wrapping to far back giving it more room to travel back towards the glan causing the skin to bunch up. Seriously I'll try and do a video.
templnite;673474 said:
I'm saying you need to give yourself a little warm-up just for that set not train for girth
Oh ok I gotcha. Damn I'm going to have to start getting up at 2 o'clock in the morning to get my sets in. :)
It's only gonna benefit in the long run brother. The increased thickness from jelqing combined with compression from the hanger will result in a thicker attach point sort of like callusing
templnite;673490 said:
It's only gonna benefit in the long run brother. The increased thickness from jelqing combined with compression from the hanger will result in a thicker attach point sort of like callusing
Thanks I might have to give that a try.
Hey runningignus I sent you a PM see if you get it if I did it right.
templnite;673474 said:
I'm saying you need to give yourself a little warm-up just for that set not train for girth

That warm up could be light Bundled Stretches and work up intensity slowly to full intensity. Bundled Stretches need to happen prior to every routine to get the most out of the session. Doing Bundled Stretches pre-stretch the Tunica and allow the penis to take in more blood in girth and elongate tissue further in length work.
Got it and replied.

Look at Jake's progress thread, while using his extender, he doubled his sleeve or just rolled it on itself, so as to create a larger shoulder for his extender. He said it was so much better. Do your bundles prior to hanging and then double up your wrap to see if that helps. I'm gonna search through Menards and Lowe's site to see what kind of poly or latex they have, if any. I have no allergies to anything so I'm able to try more. Keep hanging man, we're all gonna get this right for you.

For the insulation, did you try putting it on the inside of the Lengthmaster as well? Top and bottom?
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runningignus;673534 said:
Got it and replied.

For the insulation, did you try putting it on the inside of the Lengthmaster as well? Top and bottom?

Hey I never could find your reply. ???

I just put the insulation around my shaft just behind the glans. So here's how I do it. I wrap with sports pre-wrap from the tip of the glans down 3/4 of the shaft. I then wrap the weather strip padding around the shaft just behind the glans and use a self adhering wrap again from the tip then 3/4 down the shaft then wrap with 3" sports wrap at the point where the LM attaches to help from slipping. I use the weather strip padding to help cushion the glans from the LM pulling down when weight is applied and to help keep the skin from bunching up at the glans.
I replied but it didn't go back to you. It's on my message side. Weird.
Your wrap is OK. Have you tried leaving some skin over the head and clamping down. Is it the head that's hurting or the skin? I've tried the sports pre-wrap and I didn't like it. There are plenty of materials you can try to get this right. The techniques you're using is on par, it's just your penis that isn't liking it. I have had previous experiences with different hangers, so I'm a little more accustomed to it. Might you consider buying or making a hanger like the snake hanger that holds the entire penis shaft? SWM has his as well. Look through those threads and maybe consider using a hanger separately and then using the Lengthmaster as a manual routine.

I forgot to ask. Have you tried using the entire Lengthmaster as a hanger, with the handle attached? If I do, it spreads the load more evenly than just using the hanger attachment alone? You can flip the handle over and it moves the pinching areas up the shaft more. The design of the hanger attachment makes the pinch point at the edge and that's what bothers people the most, me included. If it was square and not oblong how it is, it would hold more shaft than creating a pinch point. The biggest thing though getting your wrap right and then becoming accustomed to it. I'm not knocking the Lengthmaster, I love it, but that's the one thing I've not liked about it. Other than that, I won't get rid of it anyways lol. Let me know bro.
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runningignus;673688 said:
I replied but it didn't go back to you. It's on my message side. Weird.
Your wrap is OK. Have you tried leaving some skin over the head and clamping down. Is it the head that's hurting or the skin? I've tried the sports pre-wrap and I didn't like it. There are plenty of materials you can try to get this right. The techniques you're using is on par, it's just your penis that isn't liking it. I have had previous experiences with different hangers, so I'm a little more accustomed to it. Might you consider buying or making a hanger like the snake hanger that holds the entire penis shaft? SWM has his as well. Look through those threads and maybe consider using a hanger separately and then using the Lengthmaster as a manual routine.

I forgot to ask. Have you tried using the entire Lengthmaster as a hanger, with the handle attached? If I do, it spreads the load more evenly than just using the hanger attachment alone? You can flip the handle over and it moves the pinching areas up the shaft more. The design of the hanger attachment makes the pinch point at the edge and that's what bothers people the most, me included. If it was square and not oblong how it is, it would hold more shaft than creating a pinch point. The biggest thing though getting your wrap right and then becoming accustomed to it. I'm not knocking the Lengthmaster, I love it, but that's the one thing I've not liked about it. Other than that, I won't get rid of it anyways lol. Let me know bro.

Sorry yesterday was a long 17 hr business road trip. Glad that's over. The wind up there was horrible, fought it all day.

Let's see, first it's the tip of my head that's hurting. It's what gets dark colored during the sets. About a 1/4 inch of the tip. After my session it comes back to somewhat normal color but it's still different color then the rest of my glans. I try and help with circulation by putting on my Penomet for about 5 mins just to warm it up and get blood going again.
Second, yeah I considered trying a different hanger. I actually was going to buy SWM'S hanger then he jumped the price up a little bit so I thought I'd wait a little bit. Then he jacked it up to $100 so I I thought I would try Kingsnakes hanger idea and actually bought one but I got the wrong size. He kept saying get the 2" one so to have room for the wrap and I thought there's no way I need it that big so I bought the 1 1/4 one. WRONG. I couldn't get it around even a light wrap let alone a heavy one to hang weight with. So between all that SWM brought the price of his hanger back down so now I'm trying to decide which one to get. The 2" snake hanger would cost about $20 and SWM is almost $60 but it might be more comfortable than the snake's. I don't know. Plus it might not be the answer and work at all and then I'm out $60.
I know what you mean about the LM pinch problem. I actually talked about it in another thread not to long ago. It has a forward bite to it. I tried using the handle to help level it out but it didn't make a difference. That's when I started thinking about a different hanger. I'm not sure though that the forward bite is causing my problem or not.
I tried grabbing my dick last night tight around the shaft like a hanger would and no matter what I did with the extra skin whether I pulled it towards the base and then grabbed on or pulled it to the head and grabbed on I still I have the skin roll over on the glans and that's what's causing the problem(I think ).
So really it's not been so much of my skin hurting or the point of contact with the LM, it's my glands that are hurting and being affected the most and that's the part I don't know how to fix.
I would love to try SWM'S hanger to see if it would help. Maybe he could use me as a test dummy for others with this same problem :)

Ok one more thing
I hung 3 sets 15 min each @ 19.5 lbs. Good day.
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Yes very windy. Ridiculous.

I like reading this thread because it helps push me to try harder. Can't let the new guy best me kinda thing lol. I'm hanging 30 lbs for one set now due to time but your thread helped push me there.
Have you tried turning the hanger attachment around so the pinch point is at the back, leaving a little leeway for your glans? Many men have their heads turn colors when hanging, it's a given. The pain is the only thing. Try doing one hanging set then the next do a routine with the LM and then another hanging set if you have time. You're able to push more than you can hang and maybe that might be the push you need to get to a new pain threshold. During this process, you're able to still progress and learn what the pain is like at a higher stress load. You can hang 20 lbs but could push at 45lbs, essentially becoming accustomed to the wrap at 30lbs, the median area. Consider using a new wrap technique or a thicker first layer with different material. Since you're uncut, your skin is going to move whether you like it or not. Can't go to tight then it's a circulation issue. It seems like a lot but slowly changing one thing will reduce the number of challenges considerably.

Also, consider shortening your hanging time to say 10 minutes but increasing the number of sets to 5-7 sets with 5 minutes of massaging in-between. If you can hang 20 lbs for 15 minutes, you might hang 30 lbs for 10 minutes. Continue the process over an hour and your still getting your time under tension but with increased weight and allowing your glans a little more rest time. Then you're staying in your time window that you have allowed. In that time you could do bundled hanging like I do sometimes, safely I might add, essentially increasing it 2-3 fold. Making the time far more worthwhile. Coming up with these plans make me want to do them now haha. It never ends. Keep trying and do not give up brother. I'm not and if you won't, I won't. Gotta keep going.
Glad this thread has given you motivation to push harder. I did it to help keep me motivated not thinking it could help someone else. That's cool. By keeping this log it does seem to push me to continue even on days I don't feel like doing anything. It's like "I have to have something to put in the log" type thing.

You mentioned about me being uncut. Sad thing is I am cut well not a sad thing but you know what I mean. The extra skin has come from me using the VLC. I know that model is not supposed to give extra skin like foreskin but it does create more skin. I've used since August 2014. Mainly use it for ADS but also as a SG mod. Anyway that's where the extra skin comes from.
I've thought about turning the LM around and might just try that. I'll have to redo the hanging straps but that shouldn't be a big deal.
I wish I had a home job then I could spend a lot more time on this but like so many that's not the case. So I'll just have to do the best with the time I've got. I'm going to spend the next week really trying to get this wrap figured out. I think spending the extra time getting it right now will will help me so much later. Also really going to think hard on SWM'S hanger and don't worry, I'm in this for the long haul, I'm not going to give up.
runningignus;673830 said:
I like reading this thread because it helps push me to try harder.

Brothers helping Brothers! That's what this family is about. Progress Threads are so important not only to the user but also those who are following your training. This motivates men and lets them see if they work as hard they can accomplish the same! Great example.
Definitely a brotherhood.

I'm laughing because I swear I thought you were uncut lol. That is crazy it added that much extra skin. I've gotten a little extra skin as well from when I was using the captains wench as a ADS. You didn't mention if you tried hanging with the handle on as well. It does help spread the load a little more evenly. All we can do is keep pushing to what we want. Good luck.
I just spent 2 hours trying different wrapping techniques. Trying to find some kind of combination of wrap that would not irritate the glans. I tried everything I know to try and used everything I have in my bag of goodies. I know everybody is tired of hearing of it, hell I'm tired of saying. I'm so pissed right now I don't really know what else to say.
Say fuck it, go have sex and come back and try again. Always good to take frustration out on some ass lol😈. It helps to calm you down and put things in perspective. It took me a month doing the same thing and I still have to adjust my wrap each time I jump a lot of weight. Comes with the territory lol.
You still going or work crap again? I set a new personal best and hoping you got good news as well.
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