There are other surgical alternatives besides Circumcision. Look up preputial plasty or dorsal slit.
Dont do it man, there wasnt really enough detail on WHY youre foreskin is not retracting during sex. I think there is just so much confusion out there about what its actually about. screw that doctor and do some research. When i was growing up i always thought it was a ridiculous piece of skin on my weiner and never liked it. I toyed around a for a long time about getting cut and my brother actually almost did it. As time passed I got more comfortable with it then a few years ago i got on the internet and looked up as much as i could on it.

As it turns out there was so much more than i thought. First off the original reason before medical science was to reduce sexual tendencies as not having the protective sheath around your head it will desensitize over time. From what ive seen it just gets callus and coarse. I realize that if you get it cut in your 20's its gonna be mad sensitive for a long time but honestly the feeling will diminish after many years. Its the equivilent to removing a females clit hood (i might be stretching there but it seems accurate).

Also your foreskin is an organ. Has tons of veins/arteries. Not to mention how sensitive it is. and its the lubricator for your cock also, when your aroused. I know this might sound gross or mabey even shocking (mabey not) but When i get really really aroused, not just a boner it gets wet down there. if i move the skin back a bit the mucus kinda trickles out. When i get 100% erections my foreskin is still over my head but when i have sex, ontop of hers and mine natural lube it slides painlessly over the head and its all good to go.

Anyone who says getting cut is good beacuse its easier to keep clean is insane imo. Its absurdly easy to just pull it back in the shower is just give it a good scrub with soap. though you have to be gentle cause of how senstive it is.

As far as Penis Enlargement is concerned its kinda a pain in the ass cause when i stretch my hand slides off easier since i cant get a decent grip but its never been an issues. just gotta adjust a bit.
Yall are driving me crazy with the whole "it enhances sex thing" for christ sakes it the skin comes all the way down with your head and pernium or whatever is expose just as if you were cut.
goinfor11x7;327490 said:
I've had the same experience as you, G.S. Having all that loose skin left by the good doctor, (who knew what he was doing), and after five years of pulling on my dick, my glans is normally two thirds to completely covered when flaccid. When it turtles up, it looks like a completely uncircumcised penis. Best of both worlds, right G.S.?

That is right. It took some learning on my part to deal with foreskin, but it is not hard to deal with once you learn. GS
AdmiralLongDong;327580 said:
I wonder where the OP went off to? Just curious to find out what happened.

Original Poster. I just reread and realized he did repost.

For the OP, he he he, Just keep stretching. Like all Penis Enlargement, it just takes time. regarding normal penis vs. abnormal. Most girls I've dated were pretty psyched to finally get their hands on an uncut one and would give me lots of hand and mouth attention just out of curiosity. It was something to tell their girlfriends about, "hey I got a uncut one!" I wouldn't worry about what girls think.

Some girls would grab it and blow up my foreskin like a balloon. Maybe you can get a girl to add this to your stretching routine.
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