I have been studying and researching this field for over a decade already.
There was a point in my life in which I had all these philosophical questions and I needed an answer. I wasn't gonna sit down and follow the rest like a sheep.
I will start by saying this, and I will elaborate and explain later about it. Every time you use the word "believe", you are implying ignorance. You are implying lack of information. You imply a "guess". It is proof of nothing, is like if tomorrow I spread the word at work that I won the lottery and now I am a multimillionaire. People at work and people who know me have 2 options: believe or do not believe in Jackxxx. Do any of them have proof? NO. Their common sense will tell them to NOT believe, unless they see real changes like me buying a new car, a new big house, a yacht, etc. If they see me living in the exact same conditions, their common sense will tell them that I am full of it.
But now let me change something in the story. And see how common sense and reason work. Imagine the same scenario, only with the difference that I selected 5 people and showed them my bank account, my assets, and I even gave them a lot of money to each one of them. Nobody else knows that I did this, only those 5 people. The rest only know about the news, but the rest have no proof.
150 years go by, and these 5 people to whom I showed them my life changing events, told their kids about me. And their grandsons. And by the 3 generation, one of them wrote a book about the story.
That book down the road 150-200 years in the future, will be labeled as myth, science fiction, the original story will be twisted and modified. Overall, nobody will believe that the story was real unless an investigation uncovers that it was. But if there is no concrete proof, it will just stay at the discretion of the reader which most probably will consider the whole story "an invention"
Now lets get closer to the topic. Lets not go that far away in history of the world. Lets go closer in our own backyard. George Washington. I ask everybody here the following: "Do you believe in George Washington?" If so, why? Do you have any proof of him? Did you ever meet him? True, there are signed documents. Why should I believe that those documents were really signed by a creature called George Washington? Would it be possible that the story about him was fabricated and somebody else signed? After all, there is no proof. It is only popular belief to trust in the accounts and spread thew word. It is a social psychological phenomenon.
When it comes to our origins, we are trapped in a similar situation. 2 main streams theorize our existence. One is the scientific field, the other is the religious field. What each one of them states: The scientific filed tell us that basically we evolved from a common ancestor. In essence we are primates, nothing more than primates, and will never be more than a primate.
Well, there is a problem with that theory. Number one, there is no proof. A lot of "scientists" play tricks with semantics talking about the relationship of DNA and proteins, and enzymes and a lot of bullshit to justify their salaries. But it doesnt add up. Evolution of the species is true, real, it happens every where al the time, but in the case of homo sapiens, NOPE. It doesn't make sense. In fact, there is a reason why the alleged "missing link" still hasn't been found. Again, "scientists" play trick sayin "oh yes it was found already it turns out that we are a mix with neardenthal and we also coexisted with this other creature here and eventually we prevailed and here we are. BULLSHIT. Bring me PROOF, not BULLSHIT.
All primates have a penis bone. All of them. We dont. Our erecitons work by inflating a balloon like a horse. Primates have an erection with a tiny bit of blood that push this bone out and theyre ready to go. Why did it change? when? how long did it take? which was the first creature without a penis bone? was it a homo sapiens? if it wasn't, why that creature got extinct? if it got extinct how then him sapiens didn't? Well, good luck. Science will never be able to explain you that.
Evolution is based on several mutations that occur in a species as a process of adaptation to the environment. Its called natural selection. The strong, better adapted survive, it gets to reproduce. The weak less adapted mother nature gets rid of it, cannot reproduce. If the whole species cannot adapt, it goes extinct.
IF HOMO SAPIENS, came from primates perfectly adapted to their environment, then why do we have the genetic defects we carry. Why do we get skin cancer from the sun. A creature that is adapted to this planet like primates, dont get skin cancer.. Losing that adaptation is not evolution. How come we cannot sleep on the floor. Why do we need mattresses? We need chairs. Animals dont. Why? when did that change? Anyways. There are thousands of irrational things related to that so called theory of evolution of humans. It has always been a theory and it will always be a theory.
There is simply not enough time for that huge gigantic leap from a primate to a creature that today is putting robots on another planets and building space stations in orbit. Theres simply not enough time. Millions of years would be required for a natural evolution of that magnitude. Not just a few thousand. Dinosaurs were here for hundreds of millions of years in a planet WAY richer of resources and way better climate than ours. And guess what. Those poor things never even invented a fork.
There is not a single ancient civilization of humans in the world that somehow worship or remembers ancient monkeys. NONE. No matter where you look in the world, no matter which ancient texts and books and stories you pull, nobody in every corner in the world remembers or worship an ancient monkey.
Now lets go to the other field of our origins: Religion.
Remember the predominant religion of christianity and catholicism was invented. It was invented for control by Emperor Constantine in 5th century AD. Before that christianity was an unorganized pagan religion based on ancient texts and development of brain abilities and enlightenment mostly taught by Jesus the Nazarene.
Before the 5th century AD, there was a knowledge of The Gods in the Roman Empire. And this is an important detail: IT WAS NOT A BELIEF. Nobody "believed" in The Gods, rather people KNEW about The Gods as part of the ancient history of the World.
Constantine through the council of Nicea and the council of Trento, grabbed all existing ancient books and texts. The complete it including everything that was convenient for the Roman Empire, and whatever did not make sense or was not convenient, they left it outside. They created the Bible. The old testament composed in its majority by texts taken from the Torah, and the New testament composed mostly by the life of Jesus. At the same time Monotheism was imposed. The "belief" of one God was imposed by the sword. Christianity became the official religion of the state, and the emperor was the representative of God on Earth. And anybody who questioned this fact was prosecuted by the state and punished by death. That is how religion started, and that is how "belief" started. The ignorant belief.
And now I clarify my initial statement. The "belief" the bible talks about is a different one. The Belief in Jesus and his father, is a form of trust. The belief asked is a way of openly accept him and trust him. Believe in HIM. The intention of belief in the bible was never intended to believe in Gods existence of Jesus existence. There was no reason to ask to believe in their existence if that was evident.
What happened, just like the analogy I wrote about me winning the lottery, the critical mass of humans exposed to our origins did not pass the critical mass. That exposure occurred before, but got erased.
So today, we are born and raised in this "belief" and this belief basically tell us to believe in a story, that has no explanation nor proof, basically saying that there is a God, that nobody knows what it is, some people call it universe, some people call it energy, some people call it a light. This light is sitting on top of a white cloud with a magic wand. And since it has nothing else to do with its existence, this light creates planets around and just happens to create humans too. And this light is spying on everybody waiting for you to fuck up and punish you.
Well, that popular belief doesnt make any sense either. Just like the theory of evolution. Some people based on that belief walk on their knees for 100 miles asking for something and if that something is the expected outcome, they attribute that random outcome to the belief. Senseless.
So what do we do? how do we get answers? Well, I did that homework. We know religion started in Rome. What was before? Well, as stated, before that it was the Knowledge of The Gods. ok The Gods. Who the fuck were The Gods. What did the Greeks said? Well, the Greeks knew about The Gods. Interesting. And what was before? or somewhere around the world? Well, in those days the Egyptian empire was in north Africa. What was the deal with them? Well, they knew about The Gods too. Interesting. In fact, their civilization and their existence was founded by the first dynasty of Pharaos.
But lets keep digging in other places. What was going on in regions like Scandinavia? Well, they knew about The Gods. Same in Asia, same in India. It was the same pantheon of Gods ruling the planet. Even more, in the Americas there were the Mayans, the Aztecs, The Incas, all of which knew about the pantheon of Gods.
Well, we gotta keep going further back in history. What was even before the Egyptians? The Babylonians. The knew about the pantheon of The Gods. Before them the Assyrian, The Akkadian. At that point in time, there was not much going on around other places of the planet. Ancient mesopotamia was pretty much the only place in the world with civilized human life.
And what was before the Akkadian? The Sumerian civilization. And before the Sumerian? NOTHING. Dead end. No previous human civilization. There are many sites and megalithic structures around the planet dated way older than the sumerian civilization, HOWEVER, all those sites are in no way shape or form related to the sumerians, nor any information of what or who created those gigantic structures.
So where the Sumerian came from. Who were they. What was before? ho did they learn? The sumerian showed up in the picture from one day to another with mathematics, writing, language, astrology, astronomy, farming, the plow, the wheel, cities, government, bi cameral congress, school system, geometry, even trigonometry. Not much was known about the Sumerians.
Until in the late 1800's a group of archeologist discovered in what is today Iraq, thousands and thousands of clay tablets buried under the surface of the region. Thousands of clay tablets perfectly preserved, but all written in sumerian cuneiform. Nobody know how to translate this. All those tablets and artifacts were taken to the British museum. Until almost 100 more years passed, they were able to start translating them.
The Sumerian cuneiform language is composed by over 400 characters. Way more complex that almost any language today. When scholars started translating, they were speechless.
Sumarizing, Sumerians stated that their civilization was created by a Pantheon of Gods. These Gods ruled the earth and their kingdom, but eventually the kingdom was passed on to humans. The Gods walked on earth among them and taught them everything they knew, and The Gods themselves built their empire and all the structures around the planet in ancient times.
The Sumerian call these Gods The "Anunnaki" which translates into "those who from the heavens to earth came"
Around 450,000 years after sending probes to earth, The Gods made the first expedition to this planet. They were looking for gold. Massive amounts. And they found it in abundance here. Their home planet was losing its atmosphere. Processing the gold in monoatomic form and spraying it in the atmosphere they realized they would be able to control their climate and save it.
For thousands of years these beings themselves were digging the gold with advanced machines, but still it required their presence and work. Until finally some day they revolted. The atmospheric pressure, temperature, oxygen levels and over all gravity, was killing them.
The planet in those days was under the rule of 2 bothers, appointed by their own father. Their father, Anu, stayed in his home planet. His sons, Enki and Enlil, were given the task of rule the earth and supervise operations. Enlil was given the lands and ENki the waters. Enki was a master genetic engineer. As a solution, he proposed the creation of a rudimentary biological creature that could do the job form them. He grabbed the DNA of the Homo Erectus and mixed it with his DNA. The first homo sapiens was created. He made that creature just able to follow basic instructions, unable to reproduce. This first creation took place in southern Africa where giant ancient mines have been unearthed. (search adam's calendar or ancient African mines) These creatures were kept in stalls like animals and were not intelligent enough to do a productive and efficient job.
Thousands of years passed, until Enki came up with the new version of his creation. He called it the Adamu, adjust like a previous creation, a woman was created for him too as a companion. This last creation, the Adamu, was dangerous because it was created in their image after their likeness, with very similar intelligence. They were put in an enclosed habitat to observe and record their behavior.
To make a long story short, the creation was a mistake. They populate the earth fasted than expected and their intelligence was too advanced for the planet and its environment. Enki's father And and his brother Enlil had the opinion of destroying the creation but Enki always opposed to this.
The Anunnaki stationed in orbit assisting the settlements on earth, known as the Igigi (The watchers) saw that earth was populated by beautiful females that looked just like them but in wild form. They secretly started coming down to grab and rape as many as they could. The genetic differences gave birth to some atrocities such as the giants. These Gods taught humans to work the metals and create weapons of war. The planet was devastated in corruption, blood and sodomy.
Anu and Enlil agreed to not eliminate the creation, HOWEVER, they decided to intervene in the natural warming of the planet and produce a MASSIVE melting of a polar ice sheet. This caused a sudden catastrophic raise of sea levels. All the towns in those days were located in coastal areas. All of them around the world got flooded and the vast majority of life was extinct. Enki, who never gave up on his creation, saved a chosen one descendant of pure created line. His name was Utnapistim. AKA Ziusudra, Noah. Other humans survived in other areas too. Wicked and corrupted, they reproduced once again to take over the world. The Gods never took again an active role in between humans, but rather from behind the scenes.
The Gods remained during all ancient civilizations intervening a specific times and communicating with selected humans. They also kept attempting to steer the civilization towards a specific path sending some of their own to influence humanity.
The most important one to this day, was a God known in ancient Sumer as Ningizshida. This God was a master manipulator of multidimensional energy and matter. He had the ability to reincarnate, he had the power to resurrect himself and others. He could manipulate matter to heal humans and even to walk on water. That same God, Ningizshida, was known in Egypt as Toth. Toth was known in Greece as Hermes. Hermes was known in Rome as Mercury.
It turns out, all these Gods that ancient civilizations knew about, were the same dieties around the world, just with different names. That same God Mercury, was reincarnated and inseminated in artificial form into a human female. He was reborn as Jeshua, known today for us as Jesus. He was a full blood God, born from a human female. This God Jesus or originally Ningizshida, is a direct son of the line of Enki. Jewish people was chosen by Enlil, who is brother and enemy of Enki. That is one of the many conflicts why some aspects of Judaism reject Jesus.
The mission of Jesus, once he completed his training, was to influence civilization one last time in an attempt to organize an established civilization. The mission failed. Jesus was brutally assassinated by humans. Tortured like no man has been tortured before, crucified with nails in his arms and feet and left to suffocate in a cross. Of course, he resurrected himself and was rescued, only to leave the planet with the Gods and never return for any form of influence, only when the time is right and come back for a complete obliteration "with the army of the heavens" and take over of the planet once again.
There are literally years of data, information, study, details, correlated stories that create this whole picture. This is a general sequence of events, and the information is out there publicly.
Everything I mentioned comes from scientific research of translation from the original sumerian clay tables dated back to 6,000 BC.
If anybody would like to start reading about this research, my best recommendation is to read a book called "The 12th planet" by Zecharia Sitchin. Bible scholar, and one of the first to translate Sumerian cuneiform. The book "the 12th planet" belongs to a series of books called "Earth chronicles" being "the 12th planet" the first of the series and the one that will explain you most of the stories behind the translations.