Jun 3, 2003
This is an exercise that was going to be a ALPHABLADE exercise but I felt it more appropriate here on MOS. It uses more of the technologies that are ALPHA oriented but since it is a predominately penile exercise I thought it as a perfect lead in to ALPHA BLADE.

I know many of you guys are confused about what I am doing with AB and how it will effect the members here at MOS.

ALPHA Corp. is a physical/meta-physical sciences Company. The company currently is made up of JAZ (Lightning) being the brains of the business workings and a 50% partner in it's stake. I am the other half of the equation and my part is the same part I have always played, innovations, research and development. I am sure you have met Nico BocaBitch, he will be my right hand man and help me with daily operations. You have only recently met him but I can tell you he is one of the brightest men I have met in the physical/meta-physical sciences field ever. I do have other people in place and there will be additional men and woman who will be working for the ALPHA Corp that will be announced as 1:1:6 comes closer.

I can say that Matters of Size and all of the people who have supported me in my work over the past half decade will be recognized and given credit, where due, when the full scope of my work is realized on the first of 2006.

I can tell you that my knowledge base is vast and there are many things I have been working on, things that make my work at MOS seem not only relative but necessary for me to have made the advances in science that I have. January 1st is a very big day and the world will change once I release what I have uncovered. Let me say that much of the gains I have made in life be it my 10" penis that was 6" when I started to the 140+ lbs. I was able to lose and turn to solid muscle over a 4 month period, all of this can be explained and every one of you will be able to do it too. I understand all of this seems grandiose but all I can say is I am just as blown away every time I realize the potential of my findings.

I have 2 announcements to make today. The first is an exercise that will hive the user gains immediately, if done correctly any man can make gains in penis length up to an inch (possibly beyond as my max was an inch) There is one equipment component that is missing and this component is something that will be for sale at ALPHABLADE on 1:1:6, the addition will make the gains stick quicker (among 100's of other physical applications)

The second announcement I will be making is a press release on ALPHABLADE and MOS that will give an example of the type of partnership the two companies will enjoy together. In this case equipment and a sneak peek into this collaboration will be unveiled this evening.

Getting down to it, the exercise:

DLD Hydro-Plyometric Foot Blasters

Laying down in a warm tub of water relax your mind. Think of how long you want your penis to be, picture it in your mind. Do not get frustrated with what you have when you look at at but see it for what it will be. Picture, imagine, really believe you are there. Even if you need to lie to yourself, tell yourself you are there. If it is 9" then be it, if it is 6 then be it. It really does not matter, a number is only a number, see it, believe and make it happen. Remember the only reason I have the gains I have IS because I practiced these rituals.

Now, when fully relaxed lay flat in the tub. Taking the heels of your feet grab the glans of your penis and using your feet to grip and your legs to push stretch your penis as hard as you can while not huring yourself.

Now, while in this position I want you to think about the JELQ. Such a beautiful thing, a way to get blood into our penis, essentially energy, the building blocks of life (new life in our cases) but non-the-less ENERGY. Using you 2 (I laugh at this) free hands I want you to grip yourself right below your rib cage and push all of that blood contained in the core of your body into your penis. With each massage downward towards the base of your penis I want you to massage the blood into the base of your penis. Since your feet are doing all the work, work that your arms could never do, you will be able to hold this stretch for a very long time. Take advantage of this time, use your free hands to experiment with your perpetually stretched penis.:D

Now, a Blaster would not be a Blaster without the KEGEL/REVERSE KEGEL. I am sure most of you know what is next:) Blast yourself in this position! As you push the blood down kegel to keep it in your penis, as you massage it through your penis, up the shaft to the glans, push out(Reverse Kegel) and push those feet for old glory, everything you got. The warm water will be an added edge, another way to relax everything, another way to re-coop another way to channel available energy.

This exercise will give you instant gains, the missing component will make those gains even faster. As we already know, I gain is temporary until it is cemented, stick with this and the gains will stick. Check out the press release on the AB/MOS equipment collaboration and pick it up on 1:1:6 and I will give you magic.

Keep your eyes on the future, it will be bright as fuck!

Mike (DLD)
DLD this exercise is a joke for most of the members here on MOS! Who can honestly say you can get your feet into this position. I am not flexible and I can't even get close. Secondly my bathtub is not nearly big enough to allow me to get my feet like that. I hope your physical aid for this is going to help correct for people like me cause there's no way I ever see myself being able to do this exercise.
You sure this will work, its gonna be extra hard for me to do this in the tub my long legs.
DLD i'm sorry I don't mean disrespect for my comment and I should've thought more through before I posted that but you said anybody will be able to do this exercise your giving us tonight. I just don't think very many will be able to.
Well, since this is an ADVANCED exercise...maybe those of us--me included--should NOT even try it until we are out of Phase 3!

Just my 2 cents

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DLD, what is the optimal amount of time you would recommend spending on this exercise you have just posted?

In other words, Is there a certain number of reps we should do this exercise for (ie, 60 times like the normal DLD blasters) or a certain time length (such as 30 minutes if normal jelqing) in order to successfully have a good session of these new blasters and to maximize length gains?

Or is it simply an exercise to be repeated until one cannot anymore?

It would seem as if one could do this exercise forever otherwise, due to the stress of manual stressing being cancelled out by the excessive amount of blood going into and filling the penis from the lower torso of the body if done correctly as you describe..........
I think this exercise is interesting because it combines nearly all of DLD's theories and methods of enlargement into one exercise. I really like the idea behind it. It's like you have the warm-up, stretching, jelq, and kegel all in one exercise. Very cool.

That being said, this exercise sounds extremely difficult to do. Like Pokey said, I wonder how many people can really pull this exercise off. I seriously don't think my long ass legs could get into that position in my bathtub, which is of regular size. Also, most Penis Enlargementers, who are much older than me, will have some flexibility issues trying to get into that position.

The other thing that had me thinking ?:( was the part about pushing the blood from your rib cage down your abdomen to your penis. Is this even possible? That really doesn't seem very realistic to me whatsoever. Moving blood through your body by jelquing is one thing, because you're just dealing with spongy tissue. You have a much easier time directly blood in whatever direction you please. But when it comes to your core body with the bones, organs, etc, it's not like you can just direct the blood around in any way you want.

I'm sure the equipment must be an underwater extender or something, so people don't have to use their feet. I really like the concepts behind this exercise. I'm going to have to try and get the creative juices flowing and invent something incorporating all the enlargement methods. I'm certainly no DLD, but I may give it a shot because I really don't think the Hydro-Plyometric Blaster is very practical for me.
Also, are you still guaranteeing 1" within a month with this exercise? What's with this 1" inch in a night stuff? Just jovial exaggeration, I assume.
Alright, so we'll do a quick modification to make things easier for people (Until they get more strechy) This is done in a sitting position:

-To begin with, take a few deep breaths into the diaphram to relax the body, more specifically, the stomach.

-Then, take hold of your glans with either hand and strech it out in front of you to 100%, not so far as to really strech, but enough to loosen the chambers.

-Do a hard kegal for five seconds, then a reverse kegal.

-As you reverse kegal, bring the heel of the foot opposite your gripping hand to rest on the heel of your hand and push yourself into a DLD Footlong Strech.
(Note: The above is confusing, so: If you're gripping with your left hand, use your right heel, if you're gripping with your right hand, use your left heel. Simple, huh? :p)

-As you hold this strech flex your abdominal muscles and roll yourself forward, curving your lowerback.

-When your abs are as flexed as they're going to get, start to do a long, slow (2-3sec) jelq down to your grip. Repeat, um, I dunno, fifty times.

-When your arm or leg gets tired, either switch, or wait till the next day to repeat.

I dunno, seemed like a good idea.
dld when we going to see those new gains. have you got the world record yet
12" flaccid required. This is for advanced members.
I CAN grip my glands in between my toes, but I lose grip easily. heels I cant do.
I think that most if not all exercises work, but only to a degree!BUT! If you add visualization, and work with your subconscious, they are brilliant!!!I think people here need to learn how to control there subconscious mind,through meditation, and other types of exercises, designed for the realm of the mind!I can only hope that AB, will have such exercises!Meta-Physics, is real, and has been around since the beginning of time!I know this stuff works, as I'm a healer,I practise Kundalina yoga, and many of the kinesis(moving and altering things by the mind)So the main part of all exercises comes from the mind.
ItsElectric said:
I'm flexible enough and I can do it. :)


Lets not get caught up in semantics, to address Pokey, and anyone else who feels the way he does, look at the above post that ItsElectric made.

If you can't do the exercise it is because your body needs to be corrected, in order for your body to be corrected you need to become more flexible and in better shape. I guaranty you an inch once you can get into the position the exercise requires but look at the additional gifts you will receive along the way as you are getting there.

The body and mind can make massive events happen once some small modifications are made. Don't say you can't because your body is getting in the way, get your body out of the way and say you can!

On a side note, one I forgot to mention in my over-excitement when I posted this exercise is the plymetric portion. After holding the stretch for a period (about 30 seconds) I let the stretch go then I will do about 30 seconds worth of plymetric blasters with my hands.

As far as proof of gains, ask my partner, come to my house in person, whatever...I will show you in person. The point is this, whether you believe me or not, I have gained with this, gains that far surpass that of any other exercise I have ever released for length. If you check my track record with exercise there is not one exercise that has not helped people in some way. I am telling you that this exercise, being one of a collection of exercises I have developed over the past year is so powerful it is sick but with everything in life, you guys will need to discover this for yourself.

A wrench on a table is just that, if it is covered with a bunch a shit, move the shit, pick up the wrench and learn to use it, it will help you make massive strides in mechanics.

Mike (DLD)
T-Baby said:
Also, are you still guaranteeing 1" within a month with this exercise? What's with this 1" inch in a night stuff? Just jovial exaggeration, I assume.

Not at all, in front of LIGHTNING, my business partner, I made a massive gain after I did the exercise. He can post on this himself.

Exaggerations are only visualizations but when someone else witnesses the event it becomes fact.
[P]okey[B]ear said:
DLD this exercise is a joke for most of the members here on MOS!

'[P]okeyear'], it always amazes me how you can speak for the masses. You must have some power I do not have since you are able to tell what 50,000+ people are thinking. Maybe you should work for me.
Penis EnlargementTER DICK said:
Did someone forget to take his medication? :s

I am not sure, did you? My medication, in this sense, is this new exercise and the results are inches...I will take those meds everyday, all day.
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