Thanks DLD!
I've been getting to 80% erect and then doing SSJ's.
Girth is amazing, doesn't stay, but feels awesome having a big fat one for a few hrs :)
My stretch marks are getting a little more prominent as well with the new SSJ's so i'm confident it's making a difference!

Fluid retention is now at a minimum with some donutting but it's better than previously! :)

I'll update this again this week with my results :)
Hey Guys another update! :)

Day 35: Rest day.

Day 36: Decided to not have 2 days off this week as I'm still trying to push through the 180 mark on the pump. 20 Mins again today with the following as a routine.

5 Mins wrap to warm up - I put the shower on as hot as I can take and just let the water run over a flannel and massage my scrotum and penis every 30 seconds/1minute to ensure a good hang and that i'm loose.
10 Mins in the Bathmate with gradual pressure up to the 5 min mark then as hard as I can for the remaining 5 mins
Once out of the Bathmate I do 30 rotations for length - Clockwise
30 second pulls in all directions (length again)
I get myself hard and then do around 5 mins of jelqing and SSJ's (Girth)
30 more rotations anti-clockwise
10 More minutes in the Bathmate - This time I goto max pressure from the get go. Increasing the pressure as much as I can through the 10 mins
I then repeat the above exercises again for length/girth
I finish this off with 5 mins of warming down.

Good session but I'm still only managing to get to 180.
My penis still feels kinda weird, hard to explain but even when I max out on pressure I'm still not really feeling a big pull like previously. It's like my penis has gone numb, albeit the Bathmate has increased sensation in it.
I'm hoping the new routine for this week onwards will help towards pushing me towards the 190 mark.
Little bit of Fluid Retention today but no where near as bad as last week! The SSJ's are definitely helping here!

Day 37:
Still stuck on 180 but I started to feel the pull again today when I was back at max pressure. I've noticed I seem to be getting quicker at getting to 180 as well on entering the Bathmate so I'm hopeful that this new routine will help. Litttle to no fluid retention.

Day 38: Rest Day - My penis feels really fatigued today, dunno what it is but it's just like jelly. Having trouble getting an erection, it's like the little guy is sick of being hammered. Maybe I should have taken that second rest day earlier in the week.

Day 39 Felt good again today so I think the rest day was needed. Same as day 37, not really feeling the pull when inside the Bathmate but I felt todays session was good. The Jelqing and SlowSquash Jelqs are really helping my girth. Not sure if it's the water playing tricks on the image but my penis looks like it's filling the Bathmate out more and more since i started the new routine. I suppose only time will tell. Same again today - Little to no fluid retention!.

Day 40: Pushed just a bit over 180 today so hopeful now for next week.
Overall a good week as the fluid retention is now down to a minimum and my girth really does look like it's increasing so I figure i'll be sticking to this routine.

Had a few messages this week as well about my posts, Apologies for the late reply on some of these and thanks for your words of encouragement.
I am on a journey with my Bathmate and I more than happy to share my experience both publically and via messages if applicable!

I'm glad that this thread is creating a tipping point for some people where they are now saying "Love it and i'm going to buy one now..!!!"
I just wish I had bought mine sooner now! I reckon i could be on day 200 with a "Bought me a X-40 - Just wow" thread. hehe

<3 my Bathmate! :)

2 more rest days Another update next week! :)
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Day 41, Day 42 and Day 43 - Rest days.
My penis felt a little weird when I tried Day 43 so I figured another rest day just to make sure.

Day 44:

Pushing through 180 now - Yay Me!!! - Around the 185 mark but the fluid retention is now back.
It's in a completely different place to previously so i'm not sure if this is just normal because my penis needs to expand or whether it's something to do with my routine. The fluid build up is now at the back of my penis (Looking straight down at it) but it's still at the head.

Day 45:
Good session today - reached the 190 mark after 5 mins and then again from a straight pump after my exercises on the second set of the session.
I've commented on previous days that i'm not feeling the pull from the Bathmate, it's now back so I think i'm starting to gain length again.

Day 46:
Again another good session, straight to 190 after my warmup instead of after 5 mins and the pull was as strong as when I first started using the Bathmate.
My penis looks monstrous, Compared to what i am personally used to, so i'm forever smiling after a session. hehe :)

Day 47:

Same again today, pushed just over 190 but couldn't squeeze out anymore water.
Really looking forward to next week now.

Just a note to all of those people who are stuck at a certain point with the Bathmate - Keep going!! :D
Yeah I've been doing the stretches with the Bathmate, I intially tried to do them when the pump was at full vacuum. Now I let a little pressure out and I find I get a better pull.
Another week gone.

Day 48 and Day 49 rest days.

Day 50: So i'm conscious that i was previously stuck at the 180 mark for a while, so I figure i can push to 190 now so i'll work on girth for the next few weeks. Straight to 190 today, I got the feeling i could push forward to 200, but i left it at max pressure without having to wrestle with the Bathmate. I did 10 mins in the Bathmate, 300 Jelqs, another 10 mins and then another 300 Jelqs. Fluid buildup is back again, this time it's in a different place though, it's now at the front of the head of my penis and not the back.

Day 51: Good session today, same as yesterday - 300 jelqs to begin with, then 10 mins in the Bathmate at full pressure and another 10 mins and 300 jelqs to finish. I did around 5 mins of Slow Squash Jelqing today and the expansion was awesome. I guess it's hard to keep the balance of length over girth.

Day 52: Getting fluid build up still so I tried some slow squash jelqs to begin with, 15 mins this time in the Bathmate and then 300 jelqs to finish. It's the same as day50 in a sense that the fluid is at the front of my penis and not the back anymore.

Day 53: I couldn't resist seeing if i could push to 200 today. I finished off the session around 195'ish so I have hopes for when i go back to length training. I did the usual length work after i finished as well as some hardcore Bathmate stretches during to warmup.

Day 54: Back to girth again. Dunno what it is but i'm having trouble keeping an erection today. I'm only half cocked (Pardon the pun) and no amount of playing with myself would change that. As soon as I put the Bathmate away I got a full blown stonker, maybe it's a physchological thing. I dunno...
Day 55: same again - girth work today. I read a post by DLD where he says "He measures his girth by his wrist.." I always though wow, can my girth ever be like that. So anyway i do around 5 mins of SSJ's and I do the comparison against my own wrist, I never knew my penis could get as fat as it was today. I almost wanted to just carry on all day to see if i could get it bigger a it was around 5.75" at the base and 5.5" at the head. Monster in my pocket! hehe.

I had another comment again this week by my girlfriend about my size. again she was sucking on it and I can feel her teeth a little more now when she does it, I said to her "Don't bite"... she took it out of her mouth and said "it's hard not to... i think i'm doing something right cause it's bigger all of a sudden".
I actually think i'll start to measure my girth by her hands now, she used to be able to get her fingers all the way around and they would touch, lately though there's a gap in between.. YAY ME!.

Anyway day 56 & 57 will be rest days and then back to girth again next week. :)
Another update in a week.
I'm almost at 60 days as well and I think i'm due for another measure!
MultiZag;425535 said:
I actually think i'll start to measure my girth by her hands now, she used to be able to get her fingers all the way around and they would touch, lately though there's a gap in between.. YAY ME!. !

The best measuring tool ever!
doublelongdaddy;420338 said:
I just think it is too funny that someone is actually going to add a bathroom just for the Bathmate:)

It's definitely on my 'to-do' list...I have 3 bathrooms, (all w/showers) and no tub!!
roid42042002402;708293 said:
hey friend it has been 6 years any permanent results bro?

Hey Roid, Who is the question directed to.
rocky1243;708379 said:
Unfortunately MultiZag hasn't been active since 2014, I don't think he will be answering...

Bumps are the best way to get em back.
joaobigdick;716718 said:
Curious to know if he had any permanent gains! :/

Hopefully he will return and let us know. Sometimes the best way to get a Brother back is by bumping an old thread.
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