
Feb 25, 2011
Well I've read every thread on here about Bathmates, love the ones with the measurements and progress so I decided to get one myself.

I was a little intimidated at first, all of you guys seem to be starting out with 7" sclongs and wanting bigger ones, mine is a feeble 4.75'ish" bone pressed (As per the vid on the main page) ... I read a post that said "Imagine what this thing would do for a little guy..." so i figure "Challenge accepted!!!" :)

So i purchased the Bathmate 5 days ago, I've been on the site and found some basic stretching exercise and some Jelqing routines and i've been doing this along with my 15 minutes with the Bathmate each day.
I've been warming up and warming down as per the notes from other users and i've got to say "Wow!"

When i first used the Bathmate i was struggling to get past 120mm that was on day one.
Day 2 I went to around 125mm (Approx)
Day 3 130mm
Day 4 140mm (And it was still comfortable)
Day 5 155mm (Approx) and still comfortable) and now i'm on my 2 day rest period.

There are times when I think "Shit release some pressure cause my penis is about to explode..." but i figure that is just the blod being pushed into the penis more than usual..

I've already noticed my penis hangs a little better and my erections... Jeebus.. I swear I could bend steel with these bad boys.. It's like being a teenager again.

Just wanted to put a post on here for all of those people who are wondering "Does this really work"...
It's early days for me but I can definitely say that after 5 days I can see a difference and feel a difference .. If you're thinking of getting one of these then i'd say "DO IT!" in my best arnold schwarzenegger accent. hehe

I'm already struggling to not use it for day 6/7 and looking forward to when i can use it again.
Someones Sig says "Penis Enlargement it's a marathon, not a race..." so true.. Gonna be hard to not overdo it.

I'll post again in a week to give an update but i just wanted to say a quick thanks to whoever runs this website, chocked full of info and a goldmine for Penis Enlargement work.

Just as an aside, with being new to this It would be nice to get a jargon buster or something on the website to help newbies like myself...
Like what's EG? NBPenis EnlargementL? ETC...

Some people have them in there sigs and i figure it's got to be something to do with size but it would be nice to have a "Refer to here for what these mean" page...
well you are on your way, must say i was also skeptical at first but i was in awe when i did it regularly!
Now i am selling it need the X-40!
Great post :)
Oh I am so happy for you! It is really an amazing device. I have loved mine for just about a year:) I hope you make all the gains you desire!
Bathmate is truly amazing, no wonder it is a top seller where ever he goes!

Ok so now on my second week of using the Bathmate.

Still amazed and I'm actually looking forward to using it daily.

So week 2 I expected to still sit around the 120 to 150 mark but I've been amazed with the progress I'm making.

Day 6 & 7 where rest days:
Day 8: stuck on 140ish (looked more like high 130) little fluid bubbles at the top of my penis after use right where I pee from. Taking a leak after using the Bathmate was fun.. I was literally spraying everywhere.. lesson learnt on that one. Hehe.
Day 9: had my first breakthrough again. Hit around 145 after 15 mins and still comfortable. Kinda thinking u was going to go backwards but had a good session.
Day 10: pumped to 150 easily within 5 minutes.. figured one more squeeze for the last 5 mins and voila, back to 155, as per the previous week. Felt good but lots of fluid again at the top of my penis again.
Day 11: got to 155 on the first pump.. wasn't really as strong as previously in terms of suction so repositioned and same thing. Thought "what the hell" and gave it another pump.. Helllooo 160!!!. Didn't want to push any further as it kinda scared me a little.. never seen my penis that big before! Finished the 15 mins at 160.
Day 12: (today) still proud of myself for yesterday I figure what the hell if I can I'll push past 160.
5 mins in and 160 after the first fresh pump (I hit 155 to begin easily on the first pump).
10 mins in and its time to add a little more pressure.. I pumped once and I nearly shouted out in excitement! 165!!! Biggest I'd been so far.
Conscious I've got two days off I figure I'll split the last 5 mins and do a pump in between..2 mins 30 at 165 and one last pump and 170!!!
Still comfortable after 2 mins 30 I decided to go for 5 mins at my new monster size..
Total time today was 17 and a half minutes but it was still comfortable.

Now on a 2 day rest period but really really looking forward to next week!

Just a few things i've noticed so far...

Still can't get the hang of putting the Bathmate on, I can never get my penis to be dead centre on the Bathmate, it always seems to lean to either the left or right. No pain at all from this but just an observation. Dunno if this makes a difference or if there's a trick to this?
Erect or Not Erect? - I've been going into the Bathmate semi erect since day1, should i be getting fully erect? I know there's a difference of opinion on the forums but I figured i'd ask the question anyway?
Rings at the base?!?!?!?!? - Seen so many threads on this but I'm actually starting to notice it myself. It's got nothing to do with Girth as i'm not really filling up the Bathmate as much as I would like as yet, but it's definitely getting wider! :)
Only thing i've noticed re: the rings is that they appear to be not on the base of my penis, but the skin around it.. not sure if it's 'cause the skin is being sucked in as well but I wondered whether there are any easy solutions.. it can't be that i've maxed out the girth...

Final Observations...
So my girlfriend says (Whilst she's got my cock in her mouth) "Is this getting bigger?!?!?!?!" I wanted to tell her there and then but I just relaxed, sat back and said "Maybe it's because you do it so well!!!" :)
Erection quality is amazing, I've said it previously but wow, I really do feel that I could bend steel with these bad boys!!
One observation around Post Bathmate use, Last week I was staying thick and long for around an hr after I was using the Bathmate, whereas this week i've been going back to almost normal inside of 10 mins, it's like my recovery time is getting smaller and smaller whilst my penis is getting bigger. Not sure if this is just me or if everyone who uses this experiences the same?

I can definitely say that 2 weeks in I can feel and see a difference.
I'm falling in love with my Bathmate!!! <3
You can try the cut condom fix for the base rings issue. It seems to be working well for guys. I enter the Bathmate erect and soon subside to a nice semi which I think is best. I would not worry too much about centering the device, as long as you are in with good pressure you are golden.
Man reading all this happy customers I can't wait to get my hands on one of theese!But I have 2 questions:
1) all the users talk about this numbers ( 150, 190 and so on ) ,what are those? Is that the length of a penis in Bathmate?
2) I am 7.75 inches long and a little over 5 inches in girth,I was wondering what would be a Bathmate for me. X-40 would be great for girth in the begining but when I clamp I always expand to 5.5 inches and X-40 support 6 inches so I "only" have half and inch to work with till I fill it out.And length wise I am also very close to filling X-40.X-40 or X-40 ? And why?

Btw MultiZag great to see you're making progress,keep up the good work!
Alex DeLarge;418862 said:
Man reading all this happy customers I can't wait to get my hands on one of theese!But I have 2 questions:
1) all the users talk about this numbers ( 150, 190 and so on ) ,what are those? Is that the length of a penis in Bathmate?
2) I am 7.75 inches long and a little over 5 inches in girth,I was wondering what would be a Bathmate for me. X-40 would be great for girth in the begining but when I clamp I always expand to 5.5 inches and X-40 support 6 inches so I "only" have half and inch to work with till I fill it out.And length wise I am also very close to filling X-40.X-40 or X-40 ? And why?

Btw MultiZag great to see you're making progress,keep up the good work!
Bathmate is incredible and it really needs nothing more than customers to sell it for them....It really works that well. For your size you will want the X-40. The numbers represent length in the tube.
Ok so another week gone.

Day 13, Day 14 and Day 15 All rest days. 2 where intended, the third was just because I had an overnight stay with work and I forgot my Bathmate! :(

Day 16: Good session today with the Bathmate, I was asked to work away again so I remembered to pack the Bathmate, for the first time I got to use the Bathmate in a Hotel Bath and I must say WOW...
I realise now why they call it a BathMate and not a ShowerMate! I generally use it in the shower, I even purchased one of those shower straps from amazon as sometimes it can get a little uncomfortable letting it hang, and I get a little bored with keeping hold of it with one hand all the time. The strap definitely works well, but i noticed increased suction when using it in the Bath. Seriously debating getting a Bath installed in my house now just for this reason!. I hit around 160 for the full session today, no uncomfortable feeling when using it but i still get the rings at the base. Debating trying the condom trick!

Day 17: I felt like pushing a little bit more today so I did my normal routine which is as follows..
5 mins warmup, 5 mins Jelqing, 15 Mins with the Bathmate, 5 mins stretching and then 5 mins cooldown
I hit 170 easy today and i pushed through to 175'ish, couldn't go any further as there was no more water to push out so i think i've hit my max. It was awesome though looking down at my penis in the Bathmate, I can definitely see the girth is increasing and when I take it off it looks like a monster compared to what it used to look like. I did however have lots of fluid retention today, and I've noticed i'm getting little redspots all over my penis. It looks like broken blood vessels but there's no pain so I assume that this is normal.

Day 18: Again a good session today, desperate to break through to 180 but it just wasn't to be.. my max on this was 175'ish again and I couldn't push anymore water out after 10 mins so i finished up at the same length.
Same again today, lots of fluid retention and the spots that disappeared overnight are now back. I've noticed a little discolouration as well but only because I have what look like tiny stretch marks all over my penis.
Girth doesn't seem to be going up at all this week but my length is definitely increased a little after use.
I have read from other posts that you can gain girth one week and then length the next etc.. I expect i'm just gaining length now for the moment.

Day 19: Again a good session today, pretty much the same as yesterday, struggling to push past the 180 mark but i'm confident it will come. After 15 mins in the Bathmate today I noticed the same fluid retention, red spots and discolouration.
The fluid usually goes after about an hr, the spots usually disappear before the next time i use the Bathmate (24hrs) but the discolouration seems to be staying. It's like me penis is a little bit darker than normal.

Now on my rest days again as I don't want to break my routine but I am really looking forward to next week to see if I can breakthrough the 180 mark and upwards!

Just want to say thanks for the words of encouragement guys, i'll update this again next week.
MultiZag;420180 said:
Seriously debating getting a Bath installed in my house now just for this reason!

I love it, thousands of dollars in renovations to use the Bathmate...That is fucking commitment!
Bathmate;420331 said:
Get a tub! Be continental ;)

I just think it is too funny that someone is actually going to add a bathroom just for the Bathmate:)
Hey folks, Little late in updating this week but here's the last week of progress for me.

Day 20 & Day 21 - rest days
Day 22: my penis is definitely growing, noticing new stretch marks on my penis, they look white and ummm.. stretched.. well impressed with this even though they do look kinda funny, I guess this will fade over time.
Day 23: Still struggling to push past 180 but 15 minute session today as per normal. My penis is kinda hurting though on the base but inside the base if you know what i mean, debating another rest day tomorrow as something doesn't feel right. I also now know what the "Donut Effect" is... wow, never been so scared in all my life, i thought i'd broken my penis!... sooo sooo much fluid!
Day 24: Penis still kinda hurting so a rest day for me i think.
Day 25: Struggling again today to get past the 180 mark. I keep on pumping and pumping but nothings coming out. My penis feels better today, I guess I overdid it a little on day 22 as I literally went to 180 straight away and then had 15 mins use @ 180 with no more water to pump out.
Day 26: So i mentioned the "Donut effect" on day 23, but I had some monster fluid retention today. The whole tip of my penis was just 1 big bubble and my foreskin was just a mess to the point where I couldn't roll up the little guy like I normally do.. Was kinda scary but gone after a few hrs.. dunno if this is a good thing or not? :(
Day 27: Same again today, I pushed straight to 180 no issues but the fluid retention is back. Not as bad as yesterday but it looks proper ugly when it's there. On all of the sessions my penis looks like it's just gone 5 rounds with Mike tyson. it's getting really black and monstrous after every session. The discolouration always disappears after a few hrs but it's funny to look at. I've read on the forums that other users get this too so i'm not too worried about it at the moment.

Two more rest days and a moment to reflect on the last months usage of the Bathmate.

If you're a new reader and debating whether or not to buy one of these then i just want to say the following..
I can definitely say that this product works. I mean sure I can safely say that after 30 days using the Bathmate that it does bring about size gains, albeit not amazing "Grow your dick 5" as some products wildly claim!

I said my original starting length was 4.75", well after another measurement I can say that i'm currently at 5.75" bone pressed and I get rock hard erections!.
I'm not sure if the erection quality has something to do with the size gain? maybe it does.. I did struggle to get a full erection prior to using the Bathmate, it was always a little floppy you may say.
I can safely say I really do think i could bend steel with these new bad boys and my girlfriend has already noticed a difference. I'm still debating whether or not to tell her about my little 'mate for the moment i haven't.

So i've gained 1" and I'm very sure that my Girth has increased as well as my penis just feels fatter (If you know what i mean).
I have a much better flaccid hang, and even though i recognise it's still smaller than usual, i feel a little bit better getting naked in front of my woman! :)

So overall I've got to give this product a big thumbs up.

I'm still going to update this post as much as possible each week as I feel I am now on a journey and this kinda helps.
Thanks guys again for the words of encouragement. Awesome Awesome site!
MultiZag; after reading your journal I am very impressed and look very much forward reading more about your progress and challenges, this really has been the highlight of my day sir!
Excellent journal, guys should follow your lead!
So I referred to my Monster fluid retention..
I figure i'll get some advice on this..

2x attachments show just how much fluid has been retained..
This was after a session approx 1hr ago.
Now my penis is back to normal but I would appreciate anyones view on this.
Is this normal? Am I going to hard? Is there something extra I should be doing to reduce the fluid retention?

Thanks in advance.


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Ok so i've actually incorporated these updates into my Bathmate routine, I generally throw on some �naked people movies� on the mobile during my Bathmate session and then I type up my session just after i've finished so apologies for all of the "Good day today" remarks.. You have to remember that i'm sat naked - post Bathmate session writing these! :D

Day 28 & Day 29 - rest days

Day 30: Noticing the fluid retention again and also noticing the stretch marks a little more. Struggled today to get up to 180. Dunno what it is, my penis feels different somehow. even with the 2 days off it's like i've lost a little feeling when i'm pumping cause I no longer feel a big pull, even though i'm maxed out @ 180 still. I also had a weird sensation today at the top of my penis. I'm not circumcised so it's on the little banjo string that's connected to the shaft (Dunno what the proper term is so apologies!:) ). It's an uncomfortable sensation but not pain.

Day 31: Had some fluid retention again today but not as bad as previously. I actually split my routine today and did 20 mins instead of 15 but after 10 mins I did some rotaries (30), 30 second stretches to all sides (Left/Right/Up/Down and behind the butt cheeks) and then 5 mins of Wet Jelqs. After this I did another 10 mins on the Bathmate. I had a weird thing happen today, firstly the uncomfortableness is still present in the top of my penis but I was a little amazed at when I was stretching my penis. I decided to go easy for 15 seconds and then go a little harder in 5 sec increments and I swear I made a stretch mark on the bottom of my penis.. Was kinda weird and I though i'd broken it. It's not sore but it literally stretched before my eyes. It was very very strange! I now have a 2cm line on the underside that has remained since the session.
I did check to see whether or not i had caught it on anything but I wasn't wearing my rings at the time so i'm kinda impressed!!

Day 32: Had a crazy session today, I did the same routine as yesterday (20 mins) and got some massive fluid retention in the top of my penis. Forget the "Donut" effect, this was the "Monster truck wheel" effect. Worried my slightly so going to post pics just to show you guys what i'm on about.
That weird sensation is back again as well in the top of my penis, it's not hurting at all but it is getting uncomfortable as per Day 30. I think tomorrow is a day off to give my penis a rest.

Day 33: Rest day.

Day 34: (Today) Just finished my session and the fluid retention isn't really that bad now. I haven't changed anything in my routine since day 32 so I suppose my penis just needed a rest.
My session today was a little different to previous sessions though. I've mentioned on Day 30 that It doesn't feel like the Bathmate is pulling anymore. I had the same thing today, in a sense that I couldn't feel the pressure like I previously could with the Bathmate.
I struggled to get to 170 on the first pump, where as previously i'd go to 180 and then try and pump every 5 mins after that, so I figured i'd take it easier. My first pump to 170 was still going around the 5 min mark, Another pump at 5 mins and nothing came out so I decided to not push it and just leave it at 170 after my interval. 5 mins into the second session and another pump and i'm back to 180 so I finished the session @ 180.

Overall I feel it's going good so far, I think the reason why i'm not seeing length gains is because my girth is increasing.
I said on my last update I had gained around 1" on my penis length, I measured today and i've gained around 1/2" on my girth so I figure i'm just gaining girth now.

I read as well that Aloe Vera helps with the bruising, I've tried this and I can confirm that it actually makes mine go away quicker. The OP referred to "It works for me" so I can now confirm it works for me as well.

So I'm still yet to go over 180 consitently, but you know what? I'm really not that worried!
I'm loving my Bathmate so far and I am gaining so if it's slow or fast, i don't really care! :)

p.s. Any feedback on the pics on my last post would be welcomed.

I guess the rest is important to your routine:) Pictures are classic fluid retention but really not too bad. Are you working in any other girth work during your routines?
doublelongdaddy;422202 said:
I guess the rest is important to your routine:) Pictures are classic fluid retention but really not too bad. Are you working in any other girth work during your routines?

I tried doing girth blasters but I can't get 100% erect and then bend my penis... it just doesn't want to go anywhere but straight up.

I'll re-read the blasters, just in case I mis-read the instructions , but I would be interested in any other girth work other than the jelqing if you have some tips.
MultiZag;422239 said:
I tried doing girth blasters but I can't get 100% erect and then bend my penis... it just doesn't want to go anywhere but straight up.

I'll re-read the blasters, just in case I mis-read the instructions , but I would be interested in any other girth work other than the jelqing if you have some tips.

If you are having problems with the SSJ just use the jelq. The idea is to mix the two, manual and Bathmate to massage the FR out.
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