10inchadvantage said:
I guess people like him will finally start to question world governments and multinational corporations when we have no freedom left whatsoever.

Many peoples' private lands here in Texas are being overrun by that Trans-America Highway. All for the good of the corporation, which, btw, now OWNS many of the news outlets that rural people use to gather and send out info like this.


This stuff directly affects me as I have family who live in rural Texas. I have also seen that newspapers are the best source of news for many older folks out in rural Texas, as most don't have or even know how to work a computer.

Why the hell would I question multinational corporations, I work for one? What are you nuts? But seriously, you assume I don't have a sense of the possible abuses of government and indsutry.

Since you guys seem to forget, I'll remind that I'm a lifetime Democrat and probably just as, if not more liberal than you on most issues. I'm well aware of the mayn abuses and ethical issues that come along with corporations, like I said I work for one that would probably make you guys flip out if I identified it, and I've also worked at a pretty high level in the government. Perhaps this is why I don't share your fears of world domination - I've been around the establisHydromaxent a lot more.

I think what you're talking about in Texas is an imminent domain issue, and that's a hotly debated topic everywhere, but I promise you that it's not really new for the government to encroach growth needs on property owners - and we have a lot more defense against it here than many places. Imminent domain sucks for a lot of people, but I don't really see it as a "big brother" type of thing. Get on a law review database at your school's library and read about the history of it, it's interesting.

So far as getting all your news from the internet -egh. I'm not saying the conventional news media is perfect, but you're not doing yourself any favors by limiting your information intake to one kind of source exclusively. The hallmark of a sophisticated intellect is that you can read things and evaluate them critically as you do so, and you can entertain an idea without believing in it. Shutting yourself off to all conventional media because at the tender young age of however old you are is pretty big mistake in my opinion. Anything you read from some indie website is just as likely to have an agenda or bad information as anything else you read.

Besides, I'm not sure exactly how you feel mainstream news is so corrupt. How exactly are the powers that be fowling up the new york times or the atlantic or the economist or cnn so as to mislead the public to their doom? I'm just curious how you suppose this works. We all know certain organizations lean a little one way or the other politically, but how is the news media at large (and are we talking about all of it?) working to screw people? So all journalists and editors are all corrupt? If you have any friends majoring in journalism, better let 'em know now I guess, so they're not suprised the day of their fist job when they get "the talk." I'm just screwing around, but seriously, tell me about this.
just to be clear, not one steel framed building has ever COMPLETELY collapsed due to fire.

keep pushing
Not many buildings had a jetliner smash into them either, but I do recall in the debate video with the Loose Change guys, Mark Roberts specifically mentions a steel framed building in Vietnam or somewhere thereabouts that did in fact entirely collpase due to heat failure from a fire.

One question, and I didn't think this one up, but why do they bother trying to fire proof steel trusses in the first place if it's impossible for fire to bring steel buildings down? Food for thought . . .
stridge -


i couldn't find one steel frame building that has completely collapsed by dint of fire... earthquakes? yes. but even then your hard pressed to find complete collaspes. moreover, of the "complete" collapse images i've seen, they don't appear to be as completely collapsed as wtc7.

fire proofing trusses is a no brainer in my opinion, not food for thought.
if its cold i can jam on a jacket. if i want i can roll out in just a jumper; don't mean im guna die.

these buildings are designed to withstand potent, uncontrollable fires... for days.

yet down the 3 ladies fall. i know planes struck wtc1 & 2, but most research on this factor has been well-nigh unanimously agreed that it would have barely made a dent in the leviathan buildings structural integrity.
planes fly! they are not made out of cast iron.

they were designed to survive 2 plane strikes each. the chief archietect said it so, i watched him say it.

but this is irrelevent apparently, coz there was a plane strike AND immense fires... hold on! don't you think that they covered this base in the plane strike scenario? or did they just imagine that a plane would strike and the internal sprinkler system would have seen the job done.

and they hardly burned for days did they?

additionally im skeptical about the temperatures at which these fires were purported to have burned at. i wittnessed a shit load of thick, black, acrid smoke billowing from both towers this plainly indicates that the entire floor can't have been ablaze at any moment before they came down. im not even sure if half of it was at anyone time. i don't think the official temperatures are correct as a median.

keep pushing
"they were designed to survive 2 plane strikes each. the chief archietect said it so"

Actually, that's one of the famous out of context quotes. I guess you haven't seen the video I suggested yet, because they quote the guy at length, and he explains that the buildings were made to withstand the impact of a plane the size of a 707 series, flying at landing speeds with low fuel. The idea behind this was that any plains that would hit the trade center would be lost in a fog and trying to land at Kennedy. The sheer phsyicis of something flying at over 500 miles an hour and loaded down with amount of fuel that modern airliners are is quite different from what they prepared for at the time. Watch that movie!

"fire proofing trusses is a no brainer in my opinion"

My point is with that, why spend the money and take the time if no steel can be weakened by fire? I mean, realistically, no average fire is going to get hotter than one raging with jet fuel, so why bother? Construction is all about being cost efficient and minimal to save money; remember the, low bidders get the jobs. They fire coat the steel trusses because they know very well that over a certain temperature failure is a real possiblity. I'm sure any building engineer, urban firefighter, probably even a chemist, would confirm this.

"and they hardly burned for days did they?"

No, but they did have major structural damage from the planes, and the fires were massive and very, very hot. Remember, several videos show molten material pouring out of windows above the 78th floor and multiple people were jumping to their death from that incredible height.

"additionally im skeptical about the temperatures at which these fires were purported to have burned at. i wittnessed a shit load of thick, black, acrid smoke billowing from both towers this plainly indicates that the entire floor can't have been ablaze at any moment before they came down. im not even sure if half of it was at anyone time. i don't think the official temperatures are correct as a median."

I have heard this claim in the videos and elsewhere, but I suppose for my take on it, see the above. The people trapped up there weren't leaping to their deaths because they were distraught over the situation - they were being burned or cooked to death. Heat travels upward, and the fire was being fed by numerous elements after a short while. Even comparing the trade centers to other buildings is a mistake in my opinion because A) they have a unique construction, including WT7, B) the structural damage of the planes.

Gotta watch that movie or read the guide bro, it covers this stuff way better than I can. Loose Change really does hit every angle of the mainstream conspiracy, so there's commentary on all of it. I didn't have a full picture of all this stuff until I watched it.
stridge -

guna watch it on the weekend coz its nearly 3 hours long.

coz what you pointed out im guna watch the interview with that architect virtuoso just so i know for sure what he said... don't wana be plain wrong.

i think the median temp of the fires is vital here and would like to know more... if you have any links to read that would be helpful.

and yes the buildings shouldn't be pigeon-holed as one and the same. i concur.

i kinda thought you got linched this week, i myself don't agree with what the other guys said in reference to tone and dogmatic-esque posts.

i respect that this is your inclination of the subject in hand and wouldn't want anything less than what you spit out now. otherwise what's the point in bothering, we'd all just be suckin' each others dicks coz we think we've got it figured.

keep pushing
Stridge, (this is super long, but I will check back in a few days so I'll understand if you don't read it all...the part after this first paragraph is what I copied from my previous post)

I just want to know how we got past the plausbility of the terrorists pulling off what they supposedly did by themselves. I feel that we were betrayed by some people in our country that is for sure for if we are to believe that terrorists actually planned/executed the attacks then they had to have received sensitive information along the way. It is something unparalleled what they were able to learn how to do in terms of maneuvering the planes with such limited training and overall experience. If planes indeed brought down the buildings I can go with that, but I have questions about that as well especially the Pentagon. The question of whether or not the planes could have brought down the buildings is not what concerns me as much as the probability that planes could be flown by amateurs with such skill. As I've stated we know that the buildings were destroyed, but the conspiracy theorists are questioning the "how" question to discredit the answer to the question of who. I don't think that we even need to go there to discredit the official story. Look what was omitted from the official report. Most of all look at what experts and people with experience within the Pentagon and military have come forward to say about their opinion on the official report. Another question is how can we honestly believe that this rag-tag group of extremists actually could get anywhere near the Pentagon let alone pull off what would need to be done to crash into it. This is not the end of those who have come forward and there will be more. This is not JFK stuff. The case against the assassin in that case at least has proven to hold water. In this case it is laughable because there are too many holes in the story and too many instances where you'd have to take a huge leap of faith to believe what has been written into record.

Mohamed Hassanein Heikal – Former Foreign Minister of Egypt. Adviser to Egyptian Presidents Nasser and Sadat. Renowned Journalist and Editor.

Article in one of U.K.'s leading newspapers The Guardian: Regarding 9/11: "Bin Laden does not have the capabilities for an operation of this magnitude. When I hear Bush talking about al-Qaida as if it was Nazi Germany or the communist party of the Soviet Union, I laugh because I know what is there. Bin Laden has been under surveillance for years: every telephone call was monitored and al-Qaida has been penetrated by American intelligence, Pakistani intelligence, Saudi intelligence, Egyptian intelligence. They could not have kept secret an operation that required such a degree of organisation and sophistication."

http://www.guardian.co.uk/... - link to Guardian article

Robert Baer-Former CIA Case Officer, Specialist in Middle East, Directorate of Operations. Awarded Career Intelligence Medal. 21-year CIA veteran. Author of two nonfiction books about CIA operations, See No Evil and Sleeping with the Devil

"Did bin Laden act alone, through his own al-Qaida network, in launching the attacks? About that I'm far more certain and emphatic: no." http://books.guardian.co.uk/extracts...631434,00.html

Sibel D. Edmonds – Former Language Translation Specialist, FBI. Performed translations for counterterrorism, counterintelligence operations. 9/11 Commission Witness.

Letter to 9/11 Commission: "I find your report seriously flawed in its failure to address serious intelligence issues that I am aware of, which have been confirmed, and which as a witness to the commission, I made you aware of. Thus, I must assume that other serious issues that I am not aware of were in the same manner omitted from your report. These omissions cast doubt on the validity of your report and therefore on its conclusions and recommendations." http://www.commondreams.org/views04/0802-06.htm

Andreas von Buelow, PhD – Former State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Defense of West Germany. Former Minister of Research and Technology. Member of Bundestag (Parliament) 1969-1994.

Regarding 9/11 Commission inquiry: "The official story is so inadequate and far-fetched that there must be another one." http://video.google.com/...

Article/Interview: "The planning of the attacks was technically and organizationally a master achievement. To hijack four huge airplanes within a few minutes, and within one hour to drive them into their targets with complicated flight maneuvers! This is unthinkable without years-long support from secret apparatuses of the state and industry." http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/VonBuelow....

General Leonid Ivashov – Joint Chief of Staff of Russian Armies on 9/11/2001. Chief of Department for General Affairs in Soviet Union’s Ministry of Defense. Chief of Military Cooperation Department at Russian Federation’s Ministry of Defense. Secretary of Council of Defense Ministers of Community of Independant States (CIS).

Essay: Regarding 9/11: "Only secret services and their current chiefs – or those retired but still having influence inside the state organizations – have the ability to plan, organize and conduct an operation of such magnitude." http://www.physics911.net/ivashov....

Capt. Russ Wittenberg, U.S. Air Force – Former Air Force fighter pilot, over 100 combat missions. Commercial pilot for Pan Am and United Airlines for 35 years. Had previously flown the actual two United airplanes that were hijacked on 9/11.

Article: "'The government story they handed us about 9/11 is total B.S.' Wittenberg convincingly argued there was absolutely no possibility that Flight 77 could have 'descended 7,000 feet in two minutes, all the while performing a steep 270 degree banked turn before crashing into the Pentagon's first floor wall.'

'For a guy to just jump into the cockpit and fly like an ace is impossible,' said Wittenberg, recalling that when he made the jump from Boeing 727s to the highly sophisticated computerized characteristics of the 737s through 767s, it took him considerable time to feel comfortable flying." http://www.arcticbeacon.com....

Audio Interview 9/16/04: "[Flight 77] could not have flown at those speeds which they said it did without going into what they call a high speed stall. The airplane won’t go that fast if you start pulling those high G maneuvers at those bank angles. To expect this alleged airplane to run these maneuvers with a total amateur at the controls is simply ludicrous." http://911underground.com/...

Col. Ronald D. Ray, U.S. Marine Corps (ret) – Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense during Reagan Administration. Highly decorated Vietnam veteran (two Silver Stars, a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart). Appointed by President George H.W. Bush to serve on American Battle Monuments Commission. From 1990 to 1994, served as Military Historian and Deputy Director of Field Operations for U.S. Marine Corps Historical Center, Washington, D.C.

Article: "The former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under the Reagan Administration and a highly decorated Vietnam veteran and Colonel has gone on the record to voice his doubts about the official story of 9/11 - calling it ‘the dog that doesn't hunt.' Ray questioned the feasibility of having a budget of half a trillion dollars a year, yet not even being able to defend the Pentagon. 'Half a trillion dollars a year and a bunch of guys over in a cave in Afghanistan were able to penetrate that half a trillion dollar network that's supposed to provide Americans with national security.'" http://www.prisonplanet.com/...

Now, I want to discuss your comment about how the powers that be effectively corrupt the media giants.

Is your background in journalism? I wouldn't think it had to be in any case to understand that stories are pulled all the time or delayed because someone with a lot of pull/money has done everything they can to stop the story that could be detrimental to them. It's not just that either. The most obvious element that keeps news from airing/being printed are lawsuits. The threat of such lawsuits are not as bad in the U.S. as say the U.K., but it does happen. You don't think that the major TV network news experiences tremendous pressure from advertisers alone? Or how about the spin or slanting of the news that is put into almost every report? You have to understand how much of our news is filtered what with so few independent sources of news. See almost every South American leader that tried to pull its people out of poverty with social programs amidst a long history of colonialism and the crap the IMF and World Bank have put those countries through. How did the news view those leaders here? You don't suppose that our country's foreign policy at the time plays a role do you? In the leadup to the Iraq invasion how much objectivity and factual information could you find in the papers? How about on TV? Oh God on TV forget about it. I don't want even know what the ratio was for news reports with a position slanted toward favoring war vs. not invading. Today, Chavez right now is a good example for the South American fly in U.S.'s ointment. Say what you want about his contempt for privatization and jailing people who either supported or outright participated in the coup, but he is helping build a stable and self sustaining economy through nationalizing. His country and region in general will go through the pains of escaping the kind of corrupt/puppet and oppressive leadership, but if they ever make good on the promise of creating an upward shift in class mobility it'll be because of Chavez and Rodriguez. Yet, everything he does and says is skewed and extremely slanted. He's no saint(but he's no Saddam or even Castro either) and he's so far been a crafty businessman(displaying a little U.S. business savvyness), but he really has made huge strides in creating an actual socialist country bringing plenty of benefits and opportunities to the poor and middle class. Can you imagine the things that would have been reported on our own leaders in our own early history? That's about what the changes that country has experienced recently. As for what's reported on the man himself...Shit, I'd tell the country that attempted a coup against me and almost had me killed to go to hell as well. How about Iran? Does the President of Iran actually have any real power other than to rile up support of whatever crazy notion he decides to spout? Not really, but you'd think it was up to him to actually wipe Israel off the map. I MEAN RIGHT NOW ON THE FUCKING TV (CNN) IS TARGET IRAN...WHY NOW? AS IF THAT IS BALANCING THE LEGITIMIZATION of even discussing taking military action against Iran. This is the time if ever for the punditry to tell the people how INSANE this would be to strike Iran. So Iran is our next enemy on the list? I guess their people deserve to die. Perhaps we'll get the folks who want to liberate Iran(ians) to chime in and then a few months from now they can justify why hundreds of thousands of people are dying.

Anyway, the best example of how the giant U.S. News networks are corrupt just because the fact they are for immensely for profit. Also, listen to a hack like Glenn Beck the other night discussing Global Warming on CNN. He had the whole "I don't know which side of the debate I'm on," thing going, continuing with "but it's insane to expect the U.S. to get in line with reducing CO2 emissions when a country like China"...blah blah blah. He's a dumb dick asshole! If you really don't know that the "debate" is over in the community that matters, the scientific one, then find out for yourself. There is no way that a responsible person would go on TV and give his opinion on something he is wholly ignorant. Politicians do this as well and the government/Big Business has done all they can in the past to keep the myth alive that Global Warming is a myth itself. I digress on that. Money is a highly corruptable force. I guess then the only thing left to do is establish what "evil" means to you.
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I saw Alex Jones live last night at the UT Union Ballroom. Now, it might be just because I have never seen him live, but I think the speech that he and his friends made were the most important I have ever seen, and I have seen many of his documentaries and speeches.

We had economists talking about how our whole economic system is a sham, how we are poisoned in our foods and water constantly, how our air is poisoned greatly. Our soil is not near as fertile as it used to be, etc.

We had speakers showing who funded the Dems, Repubs, etc. All of it was laid out over 3 hours.

I loved the intro, however. It started off with our student group(which I am a part of) called the Project for a New American Citizen showing a clip of the head of the NIST report at our school, whom the engineers gladly brought over to talk to the school a few months ago. Now, one of our group leaders asked him the question, "Why didn't you recognize any of the molten lava that was pouring out of the building and evidently sliced the beams at a perfect 45 degree angle?" The man's response was, "There is no evidence that I, or anyone else, is aware of that molten lava was anywhere on the site. If you have any evidence I'd love to see it." Then one of our group members responded, "It's all over the web, there are pictures." To which the man replied, "There is no evidence of any such things."

Now, right after that clip, we played a clip of all the pictures of molten lava at the ground site, also the lava spilling out of the 9/11 buildings. We also showed pictures and such of the HARDENED STEEL BEAMS Penis EnlargementRFECTLY SLICED at a 45 degree angle, again, by molten lava. It is IMPOSSIBLE for anything coming from a jet to get this hot. We had clips of firefighters and newsreporters saying "there was even molten lava down there."

I must say, it's so great to hear pure Truth from people who truly know what is happening to us. It was really awe inspiring, and still, NOBODY WANTS TO DEBATE US ON CAMPUS because they KNOW that we have the facts on our side. Steven Jones, the BYU professor, is coming in the next month and we are trying to set up a debate between anyone that wishes to do so. However, we have still not gotten any offers, even from the engineers who so proudly believe "there was no inside job on 9/11."

People are scared of debate by people who perfectly know the science behind 9/11, like Steven Jones and even Alex Jones, because they KNOW they will lose, because WE HAVE THE FACTS ON OUR SIDE.


I will post a link to the video as soon as they get it up on the internet.
that sounds fuckin' sweet!!!

as i said to, stridge a while back, the "official" investigation material arsenal seems to evident how generic buildings would succumb to collapse rather than wtc1, wtc2 & wtc7... and as you've recounted, gapping chasms of debate are not even recognised.

how can an investigation of this calibre NOT be challenged.

its SO easy to shut us up and get us to fuck off home... but they can't coz there's so much they simply can't explain away.

9/11 is a conspiracy coz its shady as fuck.

keep pushing
That's great stuff 10. I think it's interesting that many people can just ignore commonsense and also be so willfully ignorant to forensic evidence at the groundzero site. When it comes to the Pentagon how could amateur pilots with so little experience/training hop into such sophisticated aircraft and pull off what is said to have happened. It's hard enough to argue that what was said to have occurred could even be possible much less believe who was said to have executed such maneuvering. I don't think that the official story adds up in this case. As for the Twin Towers planes hit the two WTC buildings, but again who exactly was flying them? Where are the passenger manifests with these alleged terrorists names on them? Why is there so much resistance to having all of this information that the public has every right to see from the White House? We know there is at least something there that they don't want us to know.

This is just one article that people should read about the Pentagon in particular. http://www.physics911.ca/Omholt:_9/11_and_The_Impossible_Pentagon
Damn, lots to respond to here. I've been busy, I haven't dropped out of the discussion.
Reber187 said:
stridge -

guna watch it on the weekend coz its nearly 3 hours long.

coz what you pointed out im guna watch the interview with that architect virtuoso just so i know for sure what he said... don't wana be plain wrong.

i think the median temp of the fires is vital here and would like to know more... if you have any links to read that would be helpful.

and yes the buildings shouldn't be pigeon-holed as one and the same. i concur.

i kinda thought you got linched this week, i myself don't agree with what the other guys said in reference to tone and dogmatic-esque posts.

i respect that this is your inclination of the subject in hand and wouldn't want anything less than what you spit out now. otherwise what's the point in bothering, we'd all just be suckin' each others dicks coz we think we've got it figured.

keep pushing

No worries, I just think it's funny when people are complaining about information control and such, but then they get pissed off when you disagree with their beliefs. Even though I get testy about the 9/11 stuff, I think this whole thing needs to be appraoched with a little levity, otherwise it's jsut dour. I'll be curious to here what you think about the video. It does take a while to get through, especially since they break it up into ten minute segments on youtube. I'm more open-minded than I appear, but my burden of proof for this stuff is also probably higher than most.

just a note on the above... "google video" has pretty much every video you could want for free and unbroken... "screw loose change" in its entirity.
you tubing it would piss me off.

keep pushing
a segment from the link iwant8inches posted in regards to the pentagon:

A fire and apparent explosion. The airport fire trucks rushed to the scene, failing to discover any evidence of an airplane. Examining the photos and videotape of the day, it's obvious that the fire is neither competently fought (if the "official account is the least bit accurate), nor is the target building aggressively searched for survivors by the supposed rescuers. A secret facility with no security; before, during or after. An attack on the nation's military headquarters - with no police or military perimeter set up. Hundreds of casualties anticipated; without a consistent ambulance response. All the rescue assets are on location, but held back from the fire scene.
One is challenged to discover how much more could be wrong in such a picture.

its the source questions i have extensive problems with. the plain and obvious questions that get sheilded by coincidence and untruths... as i've said before, i've seen a host of plane crash images of all different shapes and sizes; when i hear a plane has crashed and camera crews are at the scene, i KNOW i'll will see a wreakage... a bona fide, distingushable plain wreckage.
when i don't see that i ask why?
this has yet to be answered. it really has not.

keep pushing

"I just want to know how we got past the plausbility of the terrorists pulling off what they supposedly did by themselves."

I hear this all the time with the conspiracy stuff, something basically along the lines of "how could a bunch of Arab terrorists lead by a guy living in a cave come over here and pull this off?" Think about what this statement really means. That because they're not Americans that they're too stupid to do something like this? Frankly I just don't understand this. The hijackers were educated and sophisitcated individuals who were well prepared for the attack, and Al Qaeda was a well funded multinational operation at the time of 9/11. Osama Bin Laden (who didn't necessarily engineer the whole plot himself, he was the de facto leader of a loosely allied Jiihadist organization, not the grand tachtitian of all their dealings) was operating with complete freedom and significat funding in Afghanistan while there were planned and carried out. Look at the satellite photos of Al Qaeda bases before 9/11 - there were huge complexes, and the organization counted numerous well educated and highly trained individuals among its members (as it still does today).

I'm not accusing you of holding this viewpoint, but when you break down the whole "they couldn't have pulled this off" argument, it's basically saying that a bunch of poor, stupid Arabs couldn't possibly have fooled us Americans. Well, they did, and lots of people died.

"they had to have received sensitive information along the way"

What information? Where the trade centers and Pentagon were located? Basically all they had to do was get on the planes, take them over, and point them towards the targets. That's obviously a simplification, but really, those are the nuts and bolts of what happened. A lot of what I read on the conspiracy sites make 9/11 sound impossibly complex, but the very reason it succeeded was the diabolical simplicity. Nobody ever really imagined a scenario where terrorists used the planes as missiles. Too busy worry about chemical attacks and dirty bombs . . .

"It is something unparalleled what they were able to learn how to do in terms of maneuvering the planes with such limited training and overall experience."

Unparalleled? I disagree. If you watch that video or go to the debunking sites, you'll find quotes from plenty of aviation experts that state that what the hijackers did wouldn't actually be all that difficult for an amatuer pilot to pull off. One of these quotes comes directly from a guy that did some flight training with one of the hijackers, who said that he had little doubt that once in the air he could easily point that thing towards a target and hit it. This, to me, is more of the self-sustaining logic from the conspiracy which suggests that they couldn't possibly learn to fly well enough to hit anything with the plane. They could, and they did.

"Another question is how can we honestly believe that this rag-tag group of extremists actually could get anywhere near the Pentagon let alone pull off what would need to be done to crash into it."

If you go back through some of the links I have, there's a detailed walkthrough of why fighter jets weren't scrambled in time to bring down the jetliner. As I mentioned, this wasn't an attack they were expecting, and nobody at the Pentagon was alerted that there was jetliner bearing down on them. You have to go back and look at this stuff closely instead of just taking the typical line on it. There are rational explanations for everything, but a lot of the conspiracy information presents the case is if it soley composed of completely impossible events. As usual, please at least watch the Screw Loose Change video - it contains both sides of the argument - and it clears up a lot of these conventions.

Took a look at the links - some of them didn't appear to be directly addressing conspiracy stuff, and that's all well and good. I've never argued against skepticism, just bad science and false information. Once I got to physics911.com and that sort of thing, I didn't read too closely. Those are all blatantly pro-conspiracy websites, and I've browsed through most of them. I understand your reluctance to go with more mainstream news sources, but I think you'll understand if I don't find the conspiracy headquarters sites to be particularly more credible. Publications like the "Arctic Beacon" are also just conspiracy oriented - for instance I noticed in the archives that any public figure who doesn't believe in the 9/11 conspiracy is automatically a "tool of Bush," including poor little Dennis Kucinitch. And of course they had the requisite links about the evil doing at Bohemian Grove (I guess Clinto Eastwood is part of the evil conspiracy, because he's a regular, along with many ultra liberal professors and artists from the bay area, but I digress - The Arctic Beacon says it's evil so it's evil). Anyway, I just can't take that stuff seriously, they're pandering to the paranoid conspiracy culture, not practicing legit investigation adn reporting.

"Is your background in journalism?"

Nope, I said what it was in. When I was a student I did take some journalism and communications classes as electives, and I know several professional journalists that write for national publications, including my sister.

"You have to understand how much of our news is filtered what with so few independent sources of news."

I wouldn't deny that there external pressures on the news media - anybody that watches the Daily Show will see the occassional hilarious skewering of this from time to time. But information is information, and just because information isn't totally impervious, that isn't evidence of some ogranized and sinister agenda. And, you don't have to take everything you hear or read as cut and dry. I'd think that an informed person looks to a more gestalt understanding of current events to shape their opinions. Plus, with so many publications like the Atlantic, The Conomist, The Nation, National Review, etc - there's a plethora of information out there. It doesn't have to be FoxNews or Prison Planet. Information is information, and not all of it (save for conspiracy centered sites) is completely beholden to some clandestine corporate scheme.

"In the leadup to the Iraq invasion how much objectivity and factual information could you find in the papers?"

Uh, I found lots actually. There was a rather heated debate about the invasion at the time as I recall - many people disagreed with our foreign policy. Perhaps you'll recall the editorial by Joe Wilson that resulted in the scandal with his wife, now being played out in Scooter Libby's trial? There were voices against the war in the mainstream, and the country was far from in lockstep with the Bush agenda at the time.

"Today, Chavez right now is a good example for the South American fly in U.S.'s ointment. Say what you want about his contempt for privatization and jailing people who either supported or outright participated in the coup, but he is helping build a stable and self sustaining economy through nationalizing. His country and region in general will go through the pains of escaping the kind of corrupt/puppet and oppressive leadership, but if they ever make good on the promise of creating an upward shift in class mobility it'll be because of Chavez and Rodriguez."

There is plenty written about Chavez from both sides, I suggest that you go and read some more. I'll come right out and say that what I do professionally is related to the oil industry, and I deal with people have been around Chavez. From what I've read and been told he practices strong-arm politics, doesn't respect human rights, and is practicing political strategy of constant unrest to keep opinions split up. This guy does not tolerate dissent, and there are a lot of Venezuelan ex-pats here because they were afraid to live under Chavez. I don't have a problem with socialist ideals and nationalization at all, believe it or not, but to me Chavez is a another Che type character. Falsely celebrated by those without all the facts. Che personallyy executed a lot of people (including some of the homosexuals that he hated so much) and didn't give a damn about the people he was supposedly trying to uplift. Ultimately Chavez is a power player, socialism is just his ticket to public opinion. If something good comes out it I won't deny the success, but guys like Chavez undermine the concepts of liberty that real democracies are founded on.

"How about Iran? Does the President of Iran actually have any real power other than to rile up support of whatever crazy notion he decides to spout? Not really, but you'd think it was up to him to actually wipe Israel off the map. I MEAN RIGHT NOW ON THE FUCKING TV (CNN) IS TARGET IRAN...WHY NOW? AS IF THAT IS BALANCING THE LEGITIMIZATION of even discussing taking military action against Iran."

Part of this is a function of the way news works. AHydromaxadinjoud (sic?) is the public face and vocal leader of the right-wing Iranian leadership. He's the interesting and controversial figure, and he's taken the role as the public face of his contingent. I don't think you'll actually find a mainstream news source reporting that he has the power to wipe Israel off the map - but you can hardly blame them for giving him coverage when referring to the Iranian agenda. You're reading your own ideas into the news story. As many others have noted over the years, network cable news is all about sensationalism and excitement in order to draw in viewers and keep the 24 hour cycle running. They puff up the drama of our diplomacy (or lack thereof) with Iran because it's a story that catches the public interest and contains elements of excitement and danger. This doesn't have anything to do with a foreign policy agenda or the actual discussion about where we're headed with Iran, it's about MSNBC and other networks getting people to stop clicking through channels for five minutes so they can keep the sponsors happy.

"This is the time if ever for the punditry to tell the people how INSANE this would be to strike Iran."

The pundits aren't really news, they're entertainment, or info-tainment at best. Don't look to them for leadership, they're in the same game as everybody else - get people to watch their shows. Some are better than others, but we shouldn't even have them on the table if we're discussing serious media here.

"So Iran is our next enemy on the list? I guess their people deserve to die. Perhaps we'll get the folks who want to liberate Iran(ians) to chime in and then a few months from now they can justify why hundreds of thousands of people are dying."

I'm not sure what you're referring to here. The problem with Iran is their non-compliance with nuclear development rules in the international community. Nobody is talking about liberation (don't expect to hear that line again anytime soon after the Iraq disaster). Most people are well aware that the majority of Iranians are moderate and don't agree with their extremist government, and the idea that we're rushing to war over there isn't in the mainstream news because there's nothing substantial to support it. What you do here in the news is buzz about the situation because, as we've seen, it's dangerous and interesting. If you want to read about Iran and US policy, utalize your school's resources and get some real examinations from experts. I suggest using JSTOR to browse in the political science and international relations journals.

"Anyway, the best example of how the giant U.S. News networks are corrupt just because the fact they are for immensely for profit."

Agreed, but how else would they exist? Very few things are done for nothing - even conspiracy websites.

"listen to a hack like Glenn Beck the other night discussing Global Warming on CNN"

Glenn Beck is an idiot. He's entertainment, don't worry about him. If people are too stupid ot make that distinction on their own, they're likely not too engaged in the political process and current events in the first place.

"Money is a highly corruptable force. I guess then the only thing left to do is establish what "evil" means to you."

Like I said, I've never taken the position that corporate ethics are always clean, we all know how damaging they can be and that they have influence. What I hear from you, and I give my disclaimer of no offense intended because I think you're intelligent and engaged, is the same stuff that I and many of my friends fealt really passionately around those first few years of college as well. It's a fairly standard position to be riled about corporate politics and the corruption of greed in society, but the whole debate is a little more complicated than money=evil (I realize you're probably well aware of this). This is off topic so I won't devle into it, but it's something that I don't come down on 100%. There's truth in what you say, but the position oversimplifies the world we live in to a great degree. I'd call the current state of the mainstream media shoddy and sensationalized, but not wholly corrupt or without merit. Here's a site you may already be aware of but I'll link it anway: www.mediamatters.com
Media watchdogs, they cover the real screw ups often inflicted by the news. Nobody's perfect, and our system isn't perfect, but I don't call that evil.

More and more I am understanding that people who believe in a 9/11 conspiracy are integrating the belief with a larger worldview, or maybe the other way around, but I wouldn't say it's a coincidence that most of the people arguing for the conspiracy also believe in other conspiracies and feel that government and commerce have a sinister agenda.
Haha, they should test this on Mythbusters, have Adam crash a plane into a skyscraper. They're like "Yes, we finally killed him."
I can't type anymore right now, but so far as the 'forensic evidence' and molten material and such A) just because the head of the investigation was unfamiliar with onc specific element of the investigation doesn't mean something fishy is going on. They was a bureaucrat that probably oversaw the entirety of the compiling and budgeting on research, so there are probably many things that are really popular on the internet or in conspiracy circles that he's unaware of, B) if there was this ultra hot molten material, which some conspirators (including the loose change guys) argue against because it's a good point of proof of just how damn hot those fires were, then can't we agree that the fires were probably hot enough to weaken the steel to a great degree? Maybe I'm not understanding the conspiracy point on this, but hot fires equals steel failure, which equals collapse.

Also, the ignoring of certain points of forensic evidence is common place with the conspiracy. Anything that doesn't fit with the conspiracy is left out or presented in an untruthful fashion. It's a little disingenuous to suggest that the NIST people are full of it when conspiracy theorists routinely ignore important evidence and facts.

And, I'm not suprised that some poor engineer doesn't want to go to a debate with a discredited professor (now out hitting the lecture tour, which is probably far more lucrative than teaching at BYU) in front of a crowd that is going be unanimously against him/her. And frankly, most people just don't care about his as much the conspiracists, so a visit from old Steve Jones isn't going to drum up the same level of excitement in the rest of the student body as it does with the conspiracy club.

"HARDENED STEEL BEAMS Penis EnlargementRFECTLY SLICED at a 45 degree angle, again, by molten lava. It is IMPOSSIBLE for anything coming from a jet to get this hot."

How do you know lava sliced the beam? How would lava do this? The only thing I know of that would make a perfect clean cut would be a plasarc unit or some kind of welding device. Anyway, I don't understand the whole molten material argument in the first place. It supports the official story as I understand it. How is it impossible for the fires to get that hot? There's aluminum and many other substances in the building that can become molten at relatively low temperatures.

"We had clips of firefighters and newsreporters saying "there was even molten lava down there."

Yeah, there was supposedly molten stuff down there weeks later, people found lots of it. What does this have to do with the conspiracy exactly? All it does is confirm that the fires were hot enough to melt compound some stuff in the building. Besides the fires, there's also a lot of heat and energy involved in a collapse that size, and materials were insulated after the rubble settled . . . anyway I don't get how this really scores some important point for the conspiracy, but I'm curious to hear.

Reber - thanks for the tip on google video. I'm new to the world of internet video sites, never really bothered to look around until recently. I always hear youtube mentioned more so I just figured that was the premeir place to go.
I'm no expert on this, but to sort of answer your question: I think it was talk of thermite.
stridge said:

"I just want to know how we got past the plausbility of the terrorists pulling off what they supposedly did by themselves."

I hear this all the time with the conspiracy stuff, something basically along the lines of "how could a bunch of Arab terrorists lead by a guy living in a cave come over here and pull this off?" Think about what this statement really means. That because they're not Americans that they're too stupid to do something like this? Frankly I just don't understand this. The hijackers were educated and sophisitcated individuals who were well prepared for the attack, and Al Qaeda was a well funded multinational operation at the time of 9/11. Osama Bin Laden (who didn't necessarily engineer the whole plot himself, he was the de facto leader of a loosely allied Jiihadist organization, not the grand tachtitian of all their dealings) was operating with complete freedom and significat funding in Afghanistan while there were planned and carried out. Look at the satellite photos of Al Qaeda bases before 9/11 - there were huge complexes, and the organization counted numerous well educated and highly trained individuals among its members (as it still does today).

I'm not accusing you of holding this viewpoint, but when you break down the whole "they couldn't have pulled this off" argument, it's basically saying that a bunch of poor, stupid Arabs couldn't possibly have fooled us Americans. Well, they did, and lots of people died.

No. Especially to this. I'm sorry, but that is not what I mean for one (it is noted what you said earlier about not accusing me of holding such an opinion. I'm just clarifying my position) and two I disagree that is what most people mean when they argue that point. How much training did they have again and with the same/similar aircraft? I wonder whether the questions asked of said pilots whether it is possible for such a maneuver to be executed without mentioning the discrepencies in the official story. This from a man who actually flew both planes that hit the WTC buildings...

"Capt. Russ Wittenberg, U.S. Air Force – Former Air Force fighter pilot, over 100 combat missions. Commercial pilot for Pan Am and United Airlines for 35 years. Had previously flown the actual two United airplanes that were hijacked on 9/11.

Article: "'The government story they handed us about 9/11 is total B.S.' Wittenberg convincingly argued there was absolutely no possibility that Flight 77 could have 'descended 7,000 feet in two minutes, all the while performing a steep 270 degree banked turn before crashing into the Pentagon's first floor wall.'

'For a guy to just jump into the cockpit and fly like an ace is impossible,' said Wittenberg, recalling that when he made the jump from Boeing 727s to the highly sophisticated computerized characteristics of the 737s through 767s, it took him considerable time to feel comfortable flying." http://www.arcticbeacon.com....

Audio Interview 9/16/04: "[Flight 77] could not have flown at those speeds which they said it did without going into what they call a high speed stall. The airplane won’t go that fast if you start pulling those high G maneuvers at those bank angles. To expect this alleged airplane to run these maneuvers with a total amateur at the controls is simply ludicrous." http://911underground.com/... " http://www.wanttoknow.info/officialsquestion911commissionreport

There is also http://pilotsfor911truth.org/

"It is something unparalleled what they were able to learn how to do in terms of maneuvering the planes with such limited training and overall experience."

Unparalleled? I disagree. If you watch that video or go to the debunking sites, you'll find quotes from plenty of aviation experts that state that what the hijackers did wouldn't actually be all that difficult for an amatuer pilot to pull off. One of these quotes comes directly from a guy that did some flight training with one of the hijackers, who said that he had little doubt that once in the air he could easily point that thing towards a target and hit it. This, to me, is more of the self-sustaining logic from the conspiracy which suggests that they couldn't possibly learn to fly well enough to hit anything with the plane. They could, and they did.

This is what I mean...first okay...the WTC buildings were struck by planes...I'll get back to you on that when I am not trying to keep my eyelids open...as for the Pentagon site...it shows NO evidence even suggestive of a plane hitting the building much less in the way that was reported so if they "did it" where is the proof that the plane hit the building at the alleged speed/angle?...the story does not hold up...you could account for this if there were huge mistakes in the report or if what is said to have occurred did not. The paper I linked makes many good points which I'm sure you're aware of, but seriously...where is the crater in the lawn at the Pentagon site? Where was the raging fire burning from the jet fuel?

from the paper..."The purported Pentagon security camera video images clearly show a blast occurring in front of the wall - that would require a sophisticated "proximity fuse;" if the blast was factual. That blast imagery sets the stage for another conclusion. If that had been a B-757, the "pristine skin," photographed on the Pentagon lawn - - would have been destroyed, as it supposedly comes from the front end of a 757. Yet that "pristine skin" shows a shearing force in its damage, not compression or burn damage - of any type. Then, there's the business of the blue-gray paint, versus the 'normal' shined and polished natural aluminum skin. For those not informed, aircraft N644AA had polished aluminum, not the blue-gray background paint. Did this piece even come from a 757? If so, the skin to the right of the lettering on the material suggests that it came from the right side of the aircraft; thus, the skin is on the wrong side of the lawn. In any case - IMPOSSIBLE! Witness the polished aluminum of the factual aircraft - versus the purported "pieces," found at -

http://physics911.ca/images/omholt/194197/ "

You'll have to read the paper. Something like that is no small detail. See the part/pictures about the engine type as well.

"Took a look at the links - some of them didn't appear to be directly addressing conspiracy stuff, and that's all well and good. I've never argued against skepticism, just bad science and false information. Once I got to physics911.com and that sort of thing, I didn't read too closely. Those are all blatantly pro-conspiracy websites, and I've browsed through most of them. I understand your reluctance to go with more mainstream news sources, but I think you'll understand if I don't find the conspiracy headquarters sites to be particularly more credible. Publications like the "Arctic Beacon" are also just conspiracy oriented - for instance I noticed in the archives that any public figure who doesn't believe in the 9/11 conspiracy is automatically a "tool of Bush," including poor little Dennis Kucinitch. And of course they had the requisite links about the evil doing at Bohemian Grove (I guess Clinto Eastwood is part of the evil conspiracy, because he's a regular, along with many ultra liberal professors and artists from the bay area, but I digress - The Arctic Beacon says it's evil so it's evil). Anyway, I just can't take that stuff seriously, they're pandering to the paranoid conspiracy culture, not practicing legit investigation adn reporting."

I'll admit some of the links are of that sort, but I try my best not to dismiss something solely because of the source's reputation if it has merit. I mean if this pilot...Wittenberg were quoted in the NY Times saying the same thing I'm sure it'd be looked at differently. I will try to finish up viewing the Screw Loose Change this weekend.

"Is your background in journalism?"

Nope, I said what it was in. When I was a student I did take some journalism and communications classes as electives, and I know several professional journalists that write for national publications, including my sister.

"You have to understand how much of our news is filtered what with so few independent sources of news."

Information is information, and not all of it (save for conspiracy centered sites) is completely beholden to some clandestine corporate scheme."

Nah, I don't believe that either. I just wanted to point out that it is within reason that people in very high places can do more than influence whether a story is printed or not. It's not like if such a scheme were true in some regard that it would be like a scene out of Austin Powers or Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget sitting there stroking his cat...I wouldn't envision anything too sinister either. I don't concern myself with that stuff.

Last thing for the night...(sorry for all the ellipsis as they are not being used at all the right way. I tend to do this whenever I am tired) I never really considered some of this either...it might not be much, but I want to look more into this part from the Pentagon paper.

"The witnesses -

The witnesses who came forward were rather typical of all aircraft accident witnesses - they described what they believed was true. It's nearly impossible to have an aircraft crash that someone doesn't see it on fire - in the air; often with an associated explosion. That's just an accepted quirk of human nature. Witness testimony is always corroborated against physical evidence - if such exists.

Typical was one eloquent witness who poisoned his own statement by describing his having "heard" the aircraft pull up; a maneuver would not make a noise. That statement was later changed to "power-up.

Given the physical magnitude of the event, the physical evidence would corroborate reliable witness accounts - yet, the physical corroboration is nearly 100% lacking.

Some witnesses may have actually been casual individuals, versus "plants." We'll never know, for sure. But, there is one detail which eliminates 99% of the "witnesses," instantly - what they DON'T describe!

No one described being terrified by the noise of a low-flying jet aircraft.

The aircraft was alleged to have passed low over major buildings, yet no one describes it as "big;" certainly not "deafening." A B-757 is supposed to have passed low over so many people, yet no one was frightened by the overwhelming noise of a 757, doing 300 Knots. That noise would have been more memorable than most visual details.

The approach-departure "Doppler Effect" would have left a frightening impression, as the frequency of the engine noise built, then faded. Still, there are no such descriptions.

The required path would have taken the aircraft extremely low over a major highway. Yet, there aren't hundreds of witnesses who saw - or heard - ANYTHING. Drivers eventually stopped for the Pentagon fire; they didn't stop for a low-flying aircraft.

Nor did any group of people abandon a building or even run to a window to see what had to be a major event of some sort. Nor do you hear of any sounds of the crash. One bang; that's about it. A 757 hitting the Pentagon would have made one hell of a racket; as recorded in the WTC impacts. For all the recorders in the Pentagon, there is no trace of an audio recording of the event. A "secure" building which can't produce a viable image of the 9-11 events; not likely."
I keep seeing people talking about how steel won't melt or collapse in a fire, as a firefighter and I was taught this pre 9/11 steel loses two thirds of its structural strength at 600C most fires exceed this easily. So when I see all this talk in conspiracy theories about the Twin Towers shouldn't have collapsed and they base this on the fire resistance of steel I straight away start to think that the theory is full of holes. If the WTC was built using reinforced concrete cores then that might be a different matter.
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