My measurements are currently something like:

7.3" Ebpl
5.4" EG

My goal is 9" X 6". Now theres a good reason for my goal, its not just a number plucked out of the sky. To explain it i'll tell you my Penis Enlargement backstory.

Back in 2000 when i was 13/14 our family got the internet and i started to watch adult entertainment and in particular noticed the differences between the pornstars dicks and mine. These differences led me to 2 personal decisions.

Firstly: I preffered the look of circumcised dicks and from that day decided i wanted to be circumcised.
Secondly: (surprise, surprise) i decided my dick wasnt big enough and i wanted to look into it and see if there were ways to make it bigger. (though this was partly to do with a complex from comparing my dick with my brothers and seeing how much bigger his was, he was in puberty at the time and i wasnt)

So i found a pe forum and the tom hubbard site and started jelqing. My routine was 30mins a night, 5-7 days a week. I did this for a year and at the start of the year i was something like 5.2" long and by the end of the year i was 6.9". As i was 14 i was still going through puberty and my dick was growing anyway but from looking at charts of the growth of the penis through puberty, id guess that about 1 inch of that 1.7" length gain was from jelqing the rest was from puberty.

After the first year i lost patience with pe and have not really made significant gains since then. Ive tried various routines on and off in the intervening 5 years but not really stuck to anything. At the start of this year i started my most dedicated routine since that firstyear of jelqing, although i havent been THAT dedicated to it and so consequently my gains have been negligible. My measurement log for this year looks like this:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
EG 5.3 5.3 5.2 5.2 5.3 5.3 5.4
ESG 5.2 5.4 5.5 5.4 5.4 5.5 5.5 5.5
FSL 7.4 7.3 7.5 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.6
EL 7.2 7.3 7.2 7.3 7.3 7.2 7.3
(Note: ESG = Erect squeezed Girth, a measurement taken while constricting my dick to measure the maximum possible engorgement from an erection.)

Sorry if the table is a little offset. Basically all you need to know is ive perhaps gained like 0.1 or 0.2 in length and girth but with such small degrees its hard to say really.

My current routine is basically just:
20 mins stretching
followed by
10 mins underhand jelqing
10 mins overhand jelqing

Or if i dont get much time in the day just:
10 mins stretching followed by 5 mins underhand jelq, 5 mins overhand jelqs.

I also do the odd bit of manual ball stretching.

6 years on i still havent yet gotten circumcised. What i have done is to keep my foreskin permanently skinned back, that is, exposing the glans permanently ending up with something that is basically the same as a circ except you still have all this spare folded up skin just below your glans. For more info on this practice, i wrote a thread about it:

I personally like it. To me it feels a lot better than being uncut but there is still all the extra skin that doesnt look too good and is a bit of a pain if it rolls back over the glans again if i run or crouch or something. So i like being skinned back more than being normally uncut but id still rather be circumcised. I am however slightly hesitant about going through with surgery on my dick and would prefer another option. Luckily, There is one.

This is where my goal size comes in.
Many guys who practice permanent foreskin retraction or "auto-circumcision" as its sometimes called, who started retracting before they hit puberty report that their penis grew during puberty but their foreskins didnt, so they ended up with a childs foreskin and an adults penis. As a result they were no longer able to cover their glans if they so chose because their foreskin was short as with a real circ. So what you have here is in effect an authentic, natural form of circumcision, without the scarring and loss of tissue. Ideally this would have been the best case scenario for me and i sincerely regret not knowing about this beforehand (i didnt manage permanent retraction till i was 17) and being able to retract before puberty so i could have this "natural circumcision".

But, with pe we have the ability to grow our dicks and so the option is open to me to try and outgrow my foreskin as those guys did during puberty. Now its never going to be as tight or effective as it would have if i had done it via puberty, but it should tighten my foreskin up to a reasonable degree.

And thats why 9X6 is my goal, because from pulling my foreskin back, i reckon 9 inches is the length i need to be to sufficiently outgrow my penis in order to look and feel circumcised. Obviously my flaccid size would also need to be quite large, probably at least 8 inches. As this is probably not going to happen I doubt that pe will sufficiently satisfy me in terms of being circed. But i can try.

So, my aim is to reach 9" in length and if im satisfied by my foreskin when i reach it, thats great, if not, ill look into getting the snip.

And anyone whose thinking of persuading me not to go through with getting a circumcision, dont bother. I have some idea of what it's like from being skinned back for over 3 years and ive researched it for the last 6 years, so theres nothing you can tell me that i havent heard before to convince me.

So anyway, now for the pics.

I dunno how often im gonna take pics cos my results have been so minimal. Ill probably just take a pic evey time i hit one of the 1/4 inch landmarks in length or girth.

The first 4 pics are what i look like normally, flaccid, skinned back. Note the unsightly folds of skin i want to get rid of by surgery or pe.

The next 2 are what i look like if i let my foreskin cover my glans as was natures will, just to give you an idea of how much foreskin i have.

The next 3 are erect pics of me.

The final one is just a nice swollen shot taken after my 20 minute jelqing routine.

Theres also a few other pics of me talking about the donut effect at the end of this link:
Hi Manx,

I regret BEING cricumcised at birth and you are fortunate to have the option of autoretraction or leaving it. I would rather have mine back and have amore sensitive glan because I no longer feel the head after 34 years of my glans rubbing in my jeans and underwear when having sex with a woman. I also tried everything in the foreskin restoration forum like tugging and taping but that was only to be overshadowed by the stretching I did. However, having a bigger shaftskin did keep the pubes from being pulled up to my shaft area. You fortunately did not have to tug or tape to prevent that from happening.
Since my foreskin did not grow as fast as my shaft, I never really developed coverage on my glands. Others did not stretch and kept their shaft size the same but achieved coverage. You had mentioned that you wanted a longer penis. I would say to keep stretching the shaft until it surpasses your foreskin in growth that way you won't have enough foreskin to cover your longer shaft. The autoretraction helps in keeping the foreskin from stretching and growing with the daily stretching from going back over the head and from the natural growth of the penis into adulthood. You also have the advantage over me in not having the ugly circumcision scar.
Just my 2 cents

Manx, very interesting. I have restored my foreskin doing stretching over the past years and look amazingly similiar to you. I think you have answered some of our questions about doing Penis Enlargement when younger. There was increase in growth by Penis Enlargement but also by puberty. They went hand in hand. (Pun intended)

I would like to comment that having a foreskin now has made my glans more sensitive. I didn't observe this for a long time after the foreskin came back. In fact, for a year or more, I was convinced that it really didn't make that much difference, but it does to some degree anyway. It seems to me the greatest disadvantage of the foreskin being removed is the desensitization of the glans. There is a lot of talk about the nerve endings in the foreskin but they are, in my opinion, not the biggest issue. Would you care to comment on the nerve endings in the end of your foreskin? Do you feel sensation there? Since you have your foreskin retracted mostly, does this create any issue. IN complete erection you have an exposed glans but have the foreskin as do I , but I don't have the nerve endings you supposedly do. I did have a long circumcision...there was some skin left and I do have the frenulem attached, so growing a new foreskin was not as hard as some face when attempting this. GS
I do admit i dont really want to get circed, like i said the best case scenario wud have been if i could have had a natural circ as it were, so if i can out grow my foreskin the Penis Enlargement way then ill be happy with tht.
But still, despite having concerns about a circumcision, assuming i dont manage to make a difference with pe, i would still rather get circed than leave my dick as it is ATTM.

At least this current, retracted state its in means i get the uncovered glans aspect of being circed, if not the tight fit of the foreskin, so i have the main aspect of a circ tht i always wanted so im in no desperate rush to get snipped, but if the opportunity presented itself (i dunno, like if i had a gf who preffered circed dicks and urged me to do it or sumthing) and pe hadnt worked then i'd probably go for it.

German Stallion said:
There is a lot of talk about the nerve endings in the foreskin but they are, in my opinion, not the biggest issue. Would you care to comment on the nerve endings in the end of your foreskin? Do you feel sensation there? Since you have your foreskin retracted mostly, does this create any issue?

Theres a number of jumbled up questions there, i'll try and answer them as best i can.

I mean, as an uncut guy its kind of impossible for me to understand the circed communities fervour over the magical, ultra-sensitive tissue that they have been robbed of. When i hear ppl refferring to the frenulum as the male clitoris it just makes me laugh.

My foreskin doesnt really feel any more sensitive than the rest of the skin on my dick, certainly its a lot less sensitive than my glans is, despite it being permanently exposed. As its the feeling inside your dick, or the kind of pressure that builds around the pc muscle that accounts for most sexual pleasure in men, ive never really understood why a little bit of surface tissue is seen as so vitally important.

Personally i always think its kindof dumb that sensitivity should be so associated with sexual pleasure as if they are one and the same thing, because they are not. An open wound is sensitive, your eyeball is sensitive. Would you want your glans to feel like tht when you touched it? I mean, when i first started to retract my foreskin, this was how it felt. Just the slightest touch of my glans hurt quite a bit because it was so sensitive. Circed guys may not realise this, but its the process of being exposed and getting desensitised that allows us uncut guys to have sex at all. If we were never to retract our foreskin until we were just about to have sex we wouldnt be able to do it, because it would be too sensitive, too painful.

If you want an example of how odd it seems to me that glans sensitivity should so often be the #1 thing associated with sexual pleasure try this. Rub your exposed glans gently, with your thumb or something and think about that sensation. If you're cut think, "if i were more sensitive (lets say the same sensation x2) would this feel amazing?". If your uncut think "if i were far less sensitive, would this not feel as great as it does?". Whether your'e cut or uncut, the answer would probably be: "probably not", cos yknow what? it doesnt feel "great". The simple sensation of something rubbing against your glans is not in the slightest bit pleasurable. If anything it feels odd and perhaps even (especially if youre uncut) a little uncomfortable. More sensitivity simply magnifies the degrees of miscomfort.

A sensitive, uncircumcised glans is not an intrinsically pleasurable thing. If anything (when its not behind its protective foreskin) it feels quite uncomfortable.

So if sensations on your glans feel odd and possibly even uncomfortable, why does sex feel so great? The answer obviously is because during sex, those sensations are interpreted by your brain as being sexual sensations, and so they become exciting and pleasurable as a result of that.

So clearly, it is not the degree of sensitivity that makes a difference at all during sex, but simply the fact that you actually feel sensations on your glans during sex; A simple reminder of all the other impressions and sensations youre having that remind you that youre having sex. And that it's hot!

If the sensations coming from your glans were really strong during sex, strong to the point of discomfort, as they would be if youd never exposed your glans before, then rather than just acting as a reminder of the situation youre in and adding to the other sensations you're experiencing, they would overpower them, and you would feel this sensation of discomfort stronger than the mental sensation of being aroused by sex and you wouldnt be able to enjoy it.

So if you ask me, great sexual sensations in your dick during sex do not occur because of glans sensitivity. If anything they occur in spite of glans sensitivity.

The only real difference being uncut or cut will make to sex is if youre especially happy about the state of your penis this will enhance your pleasure, if you're unhappy about your penis (like wanting to be circed and not being or being convinced that you feel nothing cos you were unwillingly circed as a child) this will equally diminish your pleasure.

Another point id like to make is that its misleading to refer to the difference between the exposed glans and the uncut glans as sensitivity. I mean, being retracted for the past 3 years, i havent really noticed any difference in the sensitivity of my glans. Ok so for the first few weeks it was uncomfortable to be exposed all the time but after those first weeks i got used to it and grew to enjoy it. But i havent experienced any loss of sensitivity per se. How can i be sure about this? Well, if i ever feel like going back to being uncut, i roll my foreskin back over my glans and within a matter of hours my glans feels exactly as it always used to before i was retracted.

Surely after becoming used to being exposed, supposedly being desensitised, sensitivity couldnt just return countless times, within a few hours with nothing more than a little skin coverage? Surely this so called keratinisation doesnt just get washed away in the blink of an eye?

If you want to ask me, someone who to an extent has experienced both being circed and being uncut and can hop back and forth between the two whenever he so pleases, what the fundamental physical difference is (as the psychological difference is clearly more significant) between being cut and uncut, the answer i believe is stickiness.

When i let my glans go back to the way it used to be, i dont feel the slightest difference in the way the glans feels aside from the fact that being covered makes it sticky and in turn, this stickiness makes anything that makes contact with the glans have twice as much friction and so the sensation is stronger in this sense, not that foreskin magically restores all those battered nerve endings to the ultra sensitve way they should be, but that it simply makes it sticky and so through friction, magnifies the sensation of contact with the glans.

If you ask me, a glans doesnt get more sensitive or less sensitive under the conditions its in. It simply gets dry, or sticky. And of these two sensations, neither is really any better than the other, neither can potentially provide much greater sexual pleasure for the recipient of these sensations. They are simply 2 different sensations. Some prefer one, some prefer the other. I personally prefer the sensation of a dry smooth glans over a moist, sticky one.
The only real difference there is between the two is that the sticky one has more potential for being uncomfortable. Thats it.

So in conclusion, the difference surface sensation makes to sexual pleasure is negligible and not intrinsically pleasurable anyway, so missing foreskin and the sensations of your glans scarcely makes any difference. The only noticeable difference in sensation that a circ will make is that your glans will either be sticky or dry and as i said, neither sensation is better than the other, just that different ppl prefer different sensations.

What i cant comment on however, is the dynamics of having a foreskin and not having a foreskin during sex, and the way cut and uncut dicks move differently inside a vagina as a result of this. Aside from this however, what im saying is, that outside of psychological difference and ones own preference for the dry or the sticky feel, circumcision makes no noticeable difference to sexual sensation.
Let me see if I understand you correctly. Like G.S., I'm cut but with a lot of foreskin left, including the frenulum. Now, after many months of P.E. my foreskin pretty much covers the glans, so it looks very much like your pics. When I exercise strenuously, my dick retracts and looks exactly like an uncircumcized penis.

You talk about the sensitivity of the nerves in the foreskin and in the glans. I thought the nerves that gave a man that pleasurable feeling were ON THE UNDER-SHAFT, at the point where the frenulum is attached to the penis--thus the complaint of some cut men, whose entire foreskin AND FRENULUM were removed, that theY lack sensitivity.

When I or the Mrs. rubs my penis, the pleasure is when she touches that sensitive area UNDERNEATH THE Penis EnlargementNIS AND BELOW THE GLANS.

I agree with you that the glans per se and the foreskin do not have any extra-sensitive nerve endings.

Correct me if I've missed something in your post.
There is one additional area which is pleasurably sensitive to me and that is the corona of the glans. I'm quite sensitive in that area as well--maybe a little more now than when I started P.E. Maybe the foreskin is a factor, or maybe it is psychological, as you say.

I do know when she rubs this area ever so gently, it drives me crazy!!! I get a woody just thinking about it. But like any sexual activity, if she rubs it too hard, it becomes painful!! This is a good indicator for people trying to pleasure their sexual partner.
goinfor11x7 said:
You talk about the sensitivity of the nerves in the foreskin and in the glans. I thought the nerves that gave a man that pleasurable feeling were ON THE UNDER-SHAFT, at the point where the frenulum is attached to the penis--thus the complaint of some cut men, whose entire foreskin AND FRENULUM were removed, that theY lack sensitivity.

When I or the Mrs. rubs my penis, the pleasure is when she touches that sensitive area UNDERNEATH THE Penis EnlargementNIS AND BELOW THE GLANS.

I agree with you that the glans per se and the foreskin do not have any extra-sensitive nerve endings.

I said two things about sensitivity: Firstly, that most sexual pleasure comes from within the dick and particularly around the pc muscle, tht feeling especially that you get when getting close to blowing your load, and not from surface sensations of the dick and that therefore , surface sensations (ie.glans and foreskin nerve endings) are at the most irrelevant to sexual pleasure and at the least entirely overrated.

What i also said was that the feeling of contact with your dick is not an intrinsically pleasurable one. In fact the more sensitive your dick, the more you can feel that this feeling is actually an uncomfortable feeling and not a pleasurable one at all, and it is the association with arousal and sexual sentiments that allow you to enjoy the feelings around your dick in spite of your sensitivity, not because of it.

What i inferred from this was that, the surface sensations of your dick do not give you sexual pleasure but simply act as a reminder of the sexually exciting situation you are in (you said yourself that your wife touching that area gets you excited rather than refferring to it as being in itself a greatly pleasurable feeling, because its not a greatly pleasurable feeling but a not unpleasant but greatly exciting one, hence it is the work of your brain (the anticipation of great pleasure etc. etc.)that is getting you worked up more than the work of your nerve endings) so that the difference in sensitivity that a circ creates is negligible.
No real gains since i last posted here. I've never been good at sticking to this stuff. Just wanted to show off my new ball stretchers!

Here's the routine I'm on at the moment:
10 nun bends
10, 10 second jelqs from base of shaft to glans.
15 mins regular jelqing
10mins clamping with clamped bends and head squashes (whilst clamped grip firmly just below glans with one hand and use the palm of other hand to crush the glans into the gripping hand)

If i manage to stick with this is should see mostly girth gains particularly in the glans (nun bends and clamped head squashes cause AMAZING temporary expansion in the glans).

I also have a daily ball stretching routine:
at the end of a hot shower i apply ordinary vegetable oil to my sack
With one hand tug the balls down and with the other tug the skin at the base of the shaft up. Hold for 30 seconds X2
Same again except balls go left, cock goes right. 30secs X2.
Now balls go right, cock goes left. 30secs X2.
balls go up and left cock goes down and right. 30 secs.
Balls go up and right, cock goes down and left. 30 secs.
tug the balls downward and hold 30 secs.
Massage balls. 30 secs.

This is a good routine which i've seen decent results from over the years but again, i have trouble sticking to it.

Anyway, ball stretchers:
After trying out various different curtain rings from different department stores (i can't just order ball stretchers off the net as i live with my family and receiving kinky gear like that in the post could provoke some awkward situations) i discovered that i needed a ring with an inner diameter of more than 36mm (i had some 36mm rings which worked but were slightly too uncomfortable to put on/take off) and less than 48mm (i also had 48mm rings which slipped off quite easily by accident).
I have just purchased 2 sets of curtain rings from this classy department store we have in the uk called "john Lewis". The sets were called: "Pole kit accessories Brushed nickel plated steel 6 rings To fit 25mm diameter pole" and the slightly more succinct: "6 rings stainless steel to fit 30mm pole".

They weren't cheap (about £10 per set) but they work like a dream. Its very easy and comfortable, although slightly tricky (as it should be) to get them on and off and there seems no possibility of them falling off.
They each have a 38mm inner diameter (despite being described as fitting different size poles (take a ruler with you if you go looking for some curtain rings yourself)) and are 4.5mm high. The rounded nickel ones each weigh about 20grams while the flatter steel ones weigh 22grams. This means they provide more of a stretch than they do a weight (they weigh about 1/4 as much as ball weights of the same height) but the weight will increase as you wear more rings.

Here's a few pics of me wearing all 12 of them (54mm in height, 250 grams in weight).
This was perfectly comfortable for short periods but quickly became uncomfortable so i'm gonna find out how many rings i can wear comfortably over long periods by wearing 1 ring today and adding an extra ring each following day until i reach a point where it becomes uncomfortable.
And yes i know my arse is hairy and my room is a disgrace.
Shit. Wish i'd done some more research into this. Apparently nickel is a toxic substance and can cause nickel allergy to develop.

I started getting this pinkish mark on my skin. I took the rings off til the mark healed and then put them on again and it came back. I wasnt sure if this was an allergy or just contact irritation but i guess it was probably an allergy.

Not going to be using those rings again. Fortunately i have some stainless steel rings too. Apparently stainless steel isnt allergenic.

Watch out dudes. Keep nickel away from your balls, and skin in general.
Stretching your scrotum with weights and rings like that really looks dangerous. You're cutting circulation or, minimizing blood circulation to your balls and that could permanent create some fertility issues later.

Don't get too obsessed with your routine that you don't consider the harm you are doing to your body. The scrotum's natural mechanism of hanging loose (during warm conditions) and rising close to the body (during cold conditions) is to maximize the condition for sperm production. When you prevent this natural response with the rings and weights, it may backfire and cause damages you will regret. Something for you to consider.
I have to agree with your second point that there may be a possibility of reducing sperm count because you arent allowing your balls to rise and fall naturally but as for cutting off circulation, that's not really the case. My sack turns bright red in those pictures 'cos I'm wearing way too many rings and everything is getting a little crushed. The circulation isn't being reduced though. When you wear a more modest number of rings (I usually wear between 1 and 4 for long periods) your scrotum really feels like it normally does. It doesnt feel squeezed or colder than it should or anything. It just stops your balls from pulling into your body so that they will hopefully get used to that position and stay in a more extended position more regularly, aswell as ultimately hanging lower (which is what us ball hangers are going for).

As regards my previous post i don't think i did have an allergic reaction to the nickel rings. Apparently when you're allergic to nickel you'll KNOW it 'cos you get horrible rashes and stuff any time you even briefly touch nickel. This was something that was happening to my scrotum skin cos the constant contact with the ring was cutting off all the air and trapping moisture so that my skin responded by going a bit weird. I threw away the nickel rings anyway as nickel allergy is a really horrible condition that people can develop, usually by wearing (usually cheap) nickel jewellery for long periods of time and i didn't wanna risk getting it, even if i'm not naturally disposed to it, it wasn't a chance i wanted to take.
I still have the moisture problem with the stainless steel rings i bought though. It's problematic as it's limiting the total amount of time i can wear rings for because if i wear them for, say 24 consecutive hours, the skin starts getting a bit moist.
Still trying to find a comfortable method of 24/7 ball stretching.
Good work and I love the ball stretching idea with the curtain rings. Is the size you used useful for most men, or would we all have different sizes?

I'm going to try an [words=]ADS[/words] device I have for my penis and see if it works around my scrotum, because I think the hands to it which it attches with could be useful for that.

If a hanger was made that used vacuum suction to seal the testicles and scrotum inside, than that would make a good [words=]ADS[/words].

DLD has plans to make an attachment for ball hanging to incl on the [words=!!!]Length Master[/words] device.
I've finally bought some proper ball weights from I was only buying the curtain rings before because for various reasons, ordering sex toys off the net was impractical for me until recently. The curtain rings were never really comfortable enough for me to wear them permanently and getting them on and off could be a little uncomfortable. My ball weights on the other hand work like a dream. They provide a substantial weight, unlike the curtain rings, they are generally completely comfortable and i can wear them indefinitely with no discomfort or side-affects. Plenty of people do have a lot of success with hardware store bought steel rings but if you can spare the cash, i think the authentic ball weights are always gonna be heavier, more comfortable, practical and trustworthy.

I own two 15mm (height), 215gm, 36mm ID WMC ball weights. I use cocoa butter to lubricate my balls whilst i wear them so the rings dont sort of scrape across my scrotum. Cocoa butter makes a big difference to the comfort of ballstretching. I can wear more rings with cocoa butter than without. I try my best to wear my ballweights 24/7 and have more or less managed this with 1 or 2 weights for the past 6 months. I do appear to have gained a little hang, but it's not hugely noticeable. I use the following ball stretching manual for general guidance and do the exercise routine outlined there a few times a week in the shower.

I also purchased a leather ball stretcher but found it to be pretty uncomfortable. I think that these are probably best used between two WMC weights (as these are much more comfortable) but even then, they arent quite as comfortable as steel weights.

I started wearing just one WMC weight but, with the help of cocoa butter, have graduated to 2 (totalling 30mm, 430gm). I intend to buy a 3rd 15 mm ballweight soon, so i can up my permanent stretch to 45mm. Here are 2 pics of me wearing my weights.
Hellface;376033 said:
Would this method work for correcting "turkey necks?"

Yes, ball stretching is genuinely considered to be effective at counteracting turkey necks. Try the DLD testicle health routine if you have a turkey neck that needs sorting out.
manx;376186 said:
yes, ball stretching is genuinely considered to be effective at counteracting turkey necks. Try the dld testicle health routine if you have a turkey neck that needs sorting out.

goinfor11x7;231499 said:
Let me see if I understand you correctly. Like G.S., I'm cut but with a lot of foreskin left, including the frenulum. Now, after many months of P.E. my foreskin pretty much covers the glans, so it looks very much like your pics. When I exercise strenuously, my dick retracts and looks exactly like an uncircumcized penis.

You talk about the sensitivity of the nerves in the foreskin and in the glans. I thought the nerves that gave a man that pleasurable feeling were ON THE UNDER-SHAFT, at the point where the frenulum is attached to the penis--thus the complaint of some cut men, whose entire foreskin AND FRENULUM were removed, that theY lack sensitivity.

When I or the Mrs. rubs my penis, the pleasure is when she touches that sensitive area UNDERNEATH THE Penis EnlargementNIS AND BELOW THE GLANS.

I agree with you that the glans per se and the foreskin do not have any extra-sensitive nerve endings.

Correct me if I've missed something in your post.
what is P.E
OK, so I read your post and have been doing what you talked about with leaving the skin being the head. I have found though that if I leave it more than a couple hours the 'donut' of skin fills with fluid, almost as if it has no where to go and can't escape. I don't know if this is because the skin is still too tight but whether I am hard or soft I have no issues pulling the skin back.
1234qwer;541329 said:
OK, so I read your post and have been doing what you talked about with leaving the skin being the head. I have found though that if I leave it more than a couple hours the 'donut' of skin fills with fluid, almost as if it has no where to go and can't escape. I don't know if this is because the skin is still too tight but whether I am hard or soft I have no issues pulling the skin back.

This used to happen to me too. I just stuck with it and the whole "fluid" thing just didn't happen any more. If fluid build up occurs, return your foreskin to its normal position then try again later.
doublelongdaddy;503212 said:
Manx, How are things going?

Fine, thanks for asking. I'm still doing the same stuff as last year, i.e. not really bothering with P.e. but wearing my ball weights 24/7. I'll post some updates soon when we get some half-decent ball-sagging weather here in the uk. I mostly hang out on Lots of impressive hangers over there!
Wow you have custom made your penis into a work of art I am so impressed! It doesn’t even look like the same penis I would say it was a different person if I didn’t know better. You should be so proud of yourself and I hope that you stick around and inspire other people! God bless you my brother
Decided I want to have a bash at PE again. Thing is, I spent a lot of cash on this nice tight circumcision and the last thing I want to do is loosen it, so I wouldn't do any PE that causes the skin to stretch and expand. That pretty much rules out all girth work. In terms of stretches I find that most of the directions i can stretch seem to give me a strong sense that my skin is being stretched (not good). Stretching to the right for example makes the skin at the left base of my shaft very taut. The only stretches that don't stretch any areas of skin seems to be straight out, straight up and A stretch. I've made a routine.

Straight out 30 secs.
Straight up 30 secs.
A-Stretch 30 secs.
Repeat whole set 4 times.
Total: 6 mins of stretching.

I was wondering about rest days. I'm not a noob. I've done plenty of jelqing and stretching and pumping over the years but not done anything for the last 5 years. I dunno if I qualify as a veteran or if my penis has reverted back into noob condition and will need rest days.
Also I realise that it's a very minimal routine. 6 mins of stretching per day. Seems to me that it's the sort of routine that won't necessarily need rest days as I'm not doing anything very intense and I'm not doing any jelqing/pumping type stuff. Maybe some perfunctory amount of rest days for a lightweight routine like this? Like 1 day off per week?
Thanks for the questions and I think I can help you with some of this. Your circumcision is something personal to you and if this is what you want as far as it looks you will just have to avoid exercise that will stretch that area of the penis. I do not think any girth work would hurt it in anyway since it will expand left to right and instead of up and down. I would avoid gripping at the frenulum and just grip a bit lower, ensuring that you never stretch this area. If using a tool like the silly SiliStretcher you want to wrap that area to get a good cushion to not effect the frenulum.

A very good exercise that you can do which will also help stretch the base of the penis giving you a better stretch potential would be the testicle health massage and stretch. This exercise is found in theNewbie Routine.

If you plan on pumping I suggest using the SRT 5×5×3 and use a pumping sleeve when doing this to protect your circumcision area. This is the perfect first worked out because it’s only five minutes at a time and you can keep very good track of what’s happening. If you need any other help just ask
Well the problem is that my pumping work has already loosened the skin in a circumferential direction, giving my cock a sort of wrinkled, baggy look when flaccid instead of the tight, taut look that I'm after. This is why I'm reluctant about girth work. It's actually a big part of why I ended up with such a low circumcision, my inner skin was so baggy after using the bathmate for several months that after my first circ the skin became puffy and the swelling never went away. So i ended up removing it and just keeping the outer skin.

I did your testicle stretch for many years back when I was into ball stretching, wearing weights 24/7 for 2 years and on and off for a couple more years. These days it's just another way of loosening all the skin down there which I'm also a bit reluctant to do for the same reasons. I'd like this whole routine to help tighten things up by adding length without stretching skin. I don't mind the turkey neck effect at all. I actually quite like it these days as it's a mark of a very tight cut which is something that appeals to me.

I've added bundled stretches to my routine as they don't feel like they're stretching any skin. I also figured out that It takes me 25 secs to read a page on my kindle, so that's a way for me to stretch and read at the same time. Stretch. Read a page. Change to the next stretch. Read another page. Switch to next stretch... etc. I think I should probably add the jai stretch too.

So now my routine looks like:
straight out, 25 secs x4.
Straight up, 25 x4
A-stretch, 25 X 4
Jai stretch: maybe like 40 2 sec stretches
Bundled stretch. 25 x 4.

I also figured out the rest days issue. I'm getting one or two red spots on my glans from stretching. I think I'll just take the next day off any time I get red spots from stretching but just do my routine every day if I don't get any red spots.

So I'm looking at 8 minutes total stretching time most days of the week. Hopefully that'll be enough to see some gains.

Out of interest, even if I don't gain from this routine are there any general benefits to a stretching routine like this? Like jelqing improves EQ. Are there similar benefits to a stretching routine?
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Well the problem is that my pumping work has already loosened the skin in a circumferential direction, giving my cock a sort of wrinkled, baggy look when flaccid instead of the tight, taut look that I'm after. This is why I'm reluctant about girth work. It's actually a big part of why I ended up with such a low circumcision, my inner skin was so baggy after using the bathmate for several months that after my first circ the skin became puffy and the swelling never went away. So i ended up removing it and just keeping the outer skin.

I did your testicle stretch for many years back when I was into ball stretching, wearing weights 24/7 for 2 years and on and off for a couple more years. These days it's just another way of loosening all the skin down there which I'm also a bit reluctant to do for the same reasons. I'd like this whole routine to help tighten things up by adding length without stretching skin. I don't mind the turkey neck effect at all. I actually quite like it these days as it's a mark of a very tight cut which is something that appeals to me.

I've added bundled stretches to my routine as they don't feel like they're stretching any skin. I also figured out that It takes me 25 secs to read a page on my kindle, so that's a way for me to stretch and read at the same time. Stretch. Read a page. Change to the next stretch. Read another page. Switch to next stretch... etc. I think I should probably add the jai stretch too.

So now my routine looks like:
straight out, 25 secs x4.
Straight up, 25 x4
A-stretch, 25 X 4
Jai stretch: maybe like 40 2 sec stretches
Bundled stretch. 25 x 4.

I also figured out the rest days issue. I'm getting one or two red spots on my glans from stretching. I think I'll just take the next day off any time I get red spots from stretching but just do my routine every day if I don't get any red spots.

So I'm looking at 8 minutes total stretching time most days of the week. Hopefully that'll be enough to see some gains.

Out of interest, even if I don't gain from this routine are there any general benefits to a stretching routine like this? Like jelqing improves EQ. Are there similar benefits to a stretching routine?

there is always going to be benefits to doing a general penis enlargement work out particularly in erection quality. But don’t limit your beliefs to the minimal reach for the maximum. It’s hard to tell if such a simple routine will deliver what you want until you give it a try. I would really include some girth work also which will greatly benefit erection quality. Something as simple as 10 minutes a day of the SlowSquashJelq will do a world of good for health and growth. If you have a pump 10 minutes of pumping will help you also. Also, always be sure to do your bundle stretches before anything else as they are a primer to the stretching session.
I've decided to be less ancy about my shaft skin and have added more stretches. I don't think stretching down or to the side will necessarily stretch out my skin. I'm still reluctant to do jelqing or pumping though. I'll do the bundled stretches at the start like you suggest.
Routine is now 4x30 secs of each of the following
Bundled stretch.
Stretch up
Stretch left
Stretch right.
Stretch out.
Stretch down.

This routine seems to take 15-20 mins.
Done it every day so far and intend to carry on.
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