Well, first and fore most a widdle intro about me.

I had posted a thread about my future going to be wife who had a BF with an 8 inch penis and that drove me a BIT insane coz the dude has left his mark on her.


Here are my Current stats.

BPenis EnlargementL : 6 inches
Npel : 5 inches (5.5 at times when i have edged a lot very weird?? )
E.G : 4.5 inches

I am very thank ful to the members for raising up my self esteem but what ever the situation was. i wanna make sure i am the biggest she had.

I am seeking to get only 2 inches in length gain that too NBEL. and I want to experiment a WHOLE LOT GIRTHWISE.

THese are my stats as of now,

Well. i started getting into the phase 1 routine since november. and been experimenting and feeling what feels good or not. but in those messing periods I gain 0.5 inch girth wise and 0.5 length wise. which is a like so UNCALLED for. coz i hardly even got started. plus my penis felt thick and heavy.

All was going on well, till this LOT Theory came and destroyed all my dreams. My LOT is a meagre 6 .. actually its more of a 7 since that is the point when the TUG back loses effect.

The problem is, i just hate stretching. but stretcing downwards and behind the arse cheeks always FELT GOOD, i get an intense stretch and lig pops at time. and i really suck when it comes to outward stretching and upward stretching (which i should really be focusing on since i have a LOW LOT)

I Just LOVE jelqing, its the best gift a man could get.

I am doing the following routine in jelqs coz i just love to experiment,

I would be doing jelqz PHASE 1 style, first in the upward direction and after that instead of PHASE 2 i would again focus on PHase 1 jelqz but would be doing it in a different angle. STr8 out and then after that downward angles.

I started my jelqing routine like this and it made me have a girth of 4.5 from 4 inches.

80% eretcions and 20 3 second jelqs. when count reaches 20 i stop and wank my cock a bit to get it filled with more blood. and do a 10 seconds jelq and again go back to normal jelqing till i reach the count of 40 and start wanking again and do 5 second jelqs and on the 49 and 50 th count i wank again and do 10 second jelqs.

its a very time staking process. and by the time i just do 400 jelqs 30 minutes have already passed.

i still think i am over doing it .. so i am gonna take a week off . and do jelqs at a normal pace with 80% erection 3 second jelqz.

I tend to move in with the flow if i am pumped i will jelq slowly (5 seconds) if the eretcion level is a bit down i will jelq at a normal pace (3 second)

well thaz so much for my CRAPPY entry. PICS are something i will be more confident to share once i get my goals str8 which are SHORT TERM- 7 inches NBEL and 5 inch girth

Long term - ALMOST 8 inches coz my gurl is kinda small and claims to have a small vagina .. GIRTH -- Unlimited .. lets see how much i can crank up

well thanks for reading ...

I will start giving me entries when i start my routine on march the 3 rd ...i am very excited and would LOVE ur feed backs.
Well .. i have had Enuff of this LOW LOT crap, I wanna prove Penis EnlargementOPLE wrong that LOW LOT Penis EnlargementOPLE CAN GAIN !!
With all these thread where there is always a SAD SMILEY placed whenever someone mentions LOW LOT, well i cant let that destroy my motivation

THis my routine as of march 3, i wanna see and experiment and few things and post an update of the things to come

Stretching virtually almost everyday , and instead of jelqing , i will focus on tunica jelqs, and would try to hit them every other day for three months,

and stretching i would mostly focus on higher angles, and jelqing at almost low erection where my dick should atleast be plumpy

I AM SICK OF ALL THE negativity people have brought to the low lot people,
I think its time to shut them up good and hopefully make my gurl drool over my unit rofl

KUDOZ to y'all :cool:
I ma gonna keep stretching, and on march 3 this is gonna be the routine,

WARM UP : where i usually dip my unit into a bowl of warm/hot water

Jelqing : low erection almost resembling the tunica jelq by DLD

Warm Down

maybe focus on girth when i am comfy with the length coz i seem to gain girth quite well thankfully,

well so far for now,

oh yeah i just wanna request the proz with LOW LOTS , to help me out here rofl
rofl Well , frustrated as i was i suddenly found a ray of hope in the DLD BLASTERs, DLD u the FUCKING MAN bro, i never felt such a GOOD stretch, the basic stretches just pissed me off .. coz it felt really good when stretching downwards and behind the bumbi but DLD blasters take the cake when it comes to stretching the TUNICA.

Well this is my NEW ROUTINE (once again .. budum bum pssht :s )


Motive : Stretching Every day for Three months ( the reason being i want the red spots on my glans to dissapear)

it will be split into days when it comes to stretching, but hopefully TUNICA JELQING will be done every day for three months.

DAY 1 : Stretching the LIGs DOWN WARDS and Behind the cheeks . DLD BLASTERS 25

Day2 : Stretching the tunica. Stretching outwards and upwards, DLD blasters 25

Day 3 : DLD Blasters 50.

I just fell in love with the Blasters , lets hope if it triggers any gains.

will keep myself updated, coz i doubt hardly anyone reads my ENTRIES :s

Penis EnlargementACE OUT and GROW A DAMN CLUB FOR A DICK FOR GOD's SAKEs no matter HOW MANY TIMES ur gal tells u shez happy with ur size. shez still gets FUCKING horny every time she sees a LARGE cock.rofl
hey koli, i found it quite interesting to read that u have the same frustrations as me when it comes to LOT,as i have a low lot of around 7,so i have read i need to do high stretches but i find them harder to get enuff tension.
we are similar in size too,so i reckon itl be interesting to see how we compare in a few months.

oh an by the way,u said dld blasters gave u a good stretch,what exactly are they?r they much different to normal strectches?

good luck bro.:)
Hey :)

thanks for ur interest dude. DLD blaster is mostly like an A stretch but its a lot more effective. just do a search button and u will get it.

Okay so cahnge of plans for me . being a guy with a LOW LOT i decided to hit my TUNICA on a daily basis.

Day 1 . Bundled A stretches. Double Tunica [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] stretch and in between do sets of DLD blasters.

Day2 my Jelqing routine where i am doing it with almost 50-70 % erection and its really good coz i love the PUMPenis EnlargementD up feeling , intensitiy seems the key.

and i alternate with jelqing one day on and one day off and stretching everyday

i was just loitering around and i had this FUCKING HARD erection and my cock seemed a bit different .. so i just took out my scale and measured .. and i was FUCKING 6INCH NON BONE PRESSED ... I WAS LIKE WTF WTF ... SO SOON .. ?? Must be hitting the tunica and focusing on it. i will see what gains i can get . MIND over matter is the key. rofl
Hey man props on startin up a journal. You haven't had many replies but people are reading for sure. I've been here at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] Penis Enlargement'ing consistently for almost 4 months now and I'm thinking of starting one up myself come next measuring day...

By the way, I have a low lot as well. Mines a 6 man...a SIX! And to those who believe in the low lot theory and those that can't gain length...well sadly so far it holds true for me. My first 3 months I gained over 1/4" in EG but zero in length...in no aspects (NPenis EnlargementL, BPenis EnlargementL, [words=http://fleshlight.sjv.io/c/348327/302851/4702]FL[/words], SFL etc). So this past month I've upped my stretching time to 30 minutes with intensity. I've used many different exercises, with half of my routine from the newbie stretches and the other half with A-stretches, bundled stretches, and BTC stretches. I stretch everyday, and jelq every other, just like you. I measure in 5 days or so and I think things are looking up. I feel your pain man! Let's prove em wrong about us low Lotters!
Yeah bro , its kinda disheartening but at the same time NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE, with will power and dedication i was able to built my chest from a meagre 39 inches to a solid 49 inches in a years time, the key was to be consistant and not worry about it too much,

Well lately i started doing the stretches and have found my flacid dick to be REALLY girthy, but WHAT IN THE FREAKING WORLD DO I HAVE TO DO to just get 2 inches in length >:(

I love jelqing and think its the best and natural form of Penis Enlargement, well currently i have a SORE FR, and touching it is like stinging :( ... so i ma put some rest in to the routine,

BUT I GURANTEE U GUYS , i ma bust this myth of LOW LOTS

8 inches, here i COME, u betta get ready ..

I still got 4 years at hand, lets see what consistant P.E and stretching would do to my pee pee,

I cant believe how my privates could be the cause for major depression, i guess whats best for me to do is to just relax and enjoy the sessions rather than just worrying about the damn gains or not, coz girth is really looking good and my dick is vascular , and FOR SOME FREAKING reason .. my MUSHROOM is expanding too much, oh welll , lets see the end result:P

Any comments are really appreciated rofl
So you're a bodybuilder eh? So am I. There's a lot of guys on this board that are bb'ers. My thought was if I can make my muscles grow then why can't I make my dick grow?
well,i dont want to fill u guys with false hope,BUT.......i measured the other day after roughly 3-4 weeks of intensive stretching (30mins a day 5 days a week),i think i may have gained a little over a quarter of an inch,as i started out at 6.1 bpel,and i measured 6.5 the other day!

i dont wanna get too excited because this may be down to the way i measured before and after,but as far as i rememeber i did it the exact same way,so hopefully,things are looking up,and there maybe going a little way to proving that it is possible for a low LOT person to get length gains in a fairly small amount of time.
oh and, most of my streches are the downward ones that stretch the ligs,altho i do perform some of the tunica upwards stretches(but i dont seem to feel much of a stretch when doin them).
hooray4boobies said:
well,i dont want to fill u guys with false hope,BUT.......i measured the other day after roughly 3-4 weeks of intensive stretching (30mins a day 5 days a week),i think i may have gained a little over a quarter of an inch,as i started out at 6.1 bpel,and i measured 6.5 the other day!

i dont wanna get too excited because this may be down to the way i measured before and after,but as far as i rememeber i did it the exact same way,so hopefully,things are looking up,and there maybe going a little way to proving that it is possible for a low LOT person to get length gains in a fairly small amount of time.
oh and, most of my streches are the downward ones that stretch the ligs,altho i do perform some of the tunica upwards stretches(but i dont seem to feel much of a stretch when doin them).

There's hope for us after all! Haha. Cool man, let us know for sure. I measure Sunday for my monthly update and I'm gonna start a journal then. I'm pretty sure I've gained as well, in length that is, after not doing so for 3 months. My routine is like yours too, 30 minutes stretches daily, mostly downward stretches.
Have u guys tried the Blasters, AWESOME STRETCH, i too when doing downward stretches can get lig pops , well i been doing crap shit and experimenting and WHAT DA YA KNOW, guy who was obcessed with growing length gained 0.5 inches of girth without even knowing,

All that matters is that i am not alone and with sharing our knowledge and being consistant in our hard work, LETS SHOW EM what can be done,

i am mostly focusing on upward and staright out stretches, bundled stretches and blasters,

have u guys tried the FOOT LONG stretch version ?? except u are focusing on pulling ur cock str8 out, its really intense, give it a try and lemmi know rofl
kolimuddin said:
Have u guys tried the Blasters, AWESOME STRETCH, i too when doing downward stretches can get lig pops , well i been doing crap shit and experimenting and WHAT DA YA KNOW, guy who was obcessed with growing length gained 0.5 inches of girth without even knowing,

All that matters is that i am not alone and with sharing our knowledge and being consistant in our hard work, LETS SHOW EM what can be done,

i am mostly focusing on upward and staright out stretches, bundled stretches and blasters,

have u guys tried the FOOT LONG stretch version ?? except u are focusing on pulling ur cock str8 out, its really intense, give it a try and lemmi know rofl

Yeah your stretching routine is almost the same as mine. By the way I gained length K, check out my journal sometime. I gained 0.4" in flaccid stretch and something like 0.10" in erect length this past month, which is perfect. I would love to get erect gains like that every month.
Well .. i am back from a torn FR injury rofl ... stretching sure was a bummer :p .. but in my spare time i focused on dry jelqs, my head seems to be getting really Plump and big .. coz i been doing a ULI style Dry jelq and doing a palm up position when jelqing my base.

Well back to the drawing board and build me a huge cock rofl as the saying goes ... and CONGRATS RUSTY ... its good to have a trainy partner rofl
Oh well .. mite as well write to myself since no one bother's giving me advice except for ye old rusty rofl

Well i have taken a hiatus coz i have torn my FR , coz i was using these surgical gloves and went loco with the stretching only to realise a stinging pain and found that i had torn it pretty bad, despite the pain i couldn't stop myself from EDGING rofl (too much sexual appetite) and in the free time i tried my hand at Dry jelqing. and my head is really getting a lot from this excercise. i tend to divide my jelqing into two .. base shaft to mid shaft jelq using the palm facing upwards grip and then from mid shaft to glans doing it ULI style and my head seems to get benefits from it.

Stretching is something that i will focus daily. i got my exams coming in the next two months, so all i can give is 30 minutes of stretching. I noticed on days when i stretch my tunica . my cock is all THICK and very girthy and i get ROCK hard erection. Bundled stretches seem to do wonders for me and when i do them FOOT LONG stretch style i am starting to think there is a HUGE potential. I been meditating , focusing my brain to make my TUNICA soft like cotton candy :P and really stretchable. but then again i got my FAV. Excercise .. WET JELQs .. installed ... i am not focusing much on those due to time restrictions so i would be looking forwards to stretching everyday and doing DRY jelqs every other day.

My gurl seems very supportive. she stay biased when ever it comes to my size .. (bless her widdle heart) but i can see from her reaction that she aint that happy, and just has to say certain compliments to make me happy,
Lately i feel really LOW .. coz of this incident. oh well , hard work will pay i guess <:( shez kinda petit and her vagina depth is pretty small, but FOR SOME MO'FO REASON she seems to be addicted to big cocks :p .. they have this look in their eyes when ever u EVEN MENTION the WORDS "BIG" "COCK"
its like they go into the LA LA LAND State :p .. and never want to come back.

Well i am still a Measre 6 bpel and 4.75 eg ... my sex life is just hampered coz of my size. its nothing to do with her, she is getting her share of pleasure but when ever it comes to mine .. and have sex .. i try to back off .. coz i get really low , i still got time at hand and would focus on what ever is possible, Fair ENUFF that Penis EnlargementOPLE have DIFFERENT SIZED , coloured dicks .. BUT WHY THE FUCK DID THEY ALSO HAVE DIFFERENT LOTS >:(

well .. i could just keep on nagging .. and making ZE INVISIBLE CROWD of my blog happy :p ...

Watch me COnquer barriers ...

Goal : At least 2 inches in length 8 to be max.
Girth : max of 6... 7 in the long run rofl

seems feasible.

I am focusing on TUNICa .. coz LIGS are easy to get gains .. I WANNA LEARN THE HARD WAY .. and boost up the girth. cant wait for that day when she BEGS me to open my pants :P .. and give her .. Ze Wolly Pop :p ...
Lol I like reading your posts K, they're entertaining. By the way you're in school? So am I...working on my graduate degree.
Sup Y'All... (as if any one bothers listening :P )

Well... just for formalities sake and to cure my boredom i am making another journal entry.

Exams are coming up and after recovering from the FR Injury, its been kinda LAME on the Stretching department. I spend most of my days reading about the BIG DICKED guys. Especially Samzman, whoz just our age and Our Poor Big dicked hero is caught in the cruel world of TO Penis Enlargement OR NOT TO Penis Enlargement, coz of home works assignments, tests, sheesh.

Well anyways i gave into the world and decided to calm down my obcession over my dick and focus on my work and then i can give my heart and soul to stretching my pee pee like a taffy.

Lately just to satisfy my Penis Enlargement bug, i started DRY JELQING .. and SON OF A MACHINE GUN (yes i like to keep my blog PG) MY cock looks like a THICK SAUSAGE ..

DAY 1 ... PALM UP dry jelq ( from base to mid shaft) then (from Mid to GLans)
Day 2 ... ULI style grip dry JELQ (same as above .. divided into two)

I just do them whenever i feel like doing them. not counting reps but quality .. and DAMM .. my cock never looked so THICK .. my gurl kept saying the SAME LINES .. LEMMI SUCK UR HEAD PLEASE ... and i am like rofl (BUT STILL NOT GONNA CALM DOWN till i wish i could GAG her)

A thick girth on a medium(average) sized COCK looks AWESOME. instead of a long one. DLD's cock pics are impressive but when it comes to girth guessing i goof up .. its almost like a 5'8 man having a 49 inch chest .. compared to a
6'3 dude with the same size .. and the 5'8 dude looks like a GORILLA. and its just the LOOK of the penis that drives a gurl HORNY and start drooling all over.

Well enuff of yapping my gums. The key to greater sex is indeed not TO FUCK :p ... u must be asking WTF are u stupid .. no i aint bro :p .. if u manage to play with ur gurl just the way she likes ... u can go a long way .. and she will be at ur feet and fore ever loyal. each gurl is different .. like they all say .. so before u start going .. OMG I am gonna get a 10 inch dick .. stick in so deeps my glans gonna come out of her mouth .. (Yeah sure .. unless u like to play the SEXUAL assasin) doesn't work like that.

Instead of looking at Penis Enlargement .. as a short cut to looking a getting a big dick .. look at it more of a life style .. i have seen the less i care about what i am doing .. the better results i get .. and the more shocked feeling :D

if i am gonna strecth and keep thinking about whether its stretching or not .. i am gonna sweat buckets .. but instead if i just treat it as a hobby or a passion it goes a long way .. you should ENJOY what u are doing. (IN SHORT TERMS JUSTDONT GET OBCESSED) :p

my gurl has been very supportive ... but its the MALE pride that keeps us going. I cant believe she told me that a 4.5 girth would tear her apart :p .. i am like MUAHahahaha (AIM FOR A 6 .. says the devil in me) coz u know gals .. they will lie like crazy just to keep her man happy...

Well what ever it is i am writing i sure suck at it .. maybe coz i am feeling sleepy. I am gonna adapt my own personalized routine .. incorporating all the excercises...

DLD if u ever .. by mistake .. once in a blue moon ... mistakenly click on this crap journal of mine .. I JUST WANNA SAY THANK YOU ...u are a weirdo dude ..but as they say .. all the geniuses in this world .. come with a screw loose in their head. cheers to you man ..

Rusty .. u been very kind and supportive bro. From what i know .. LEngth can be a huge path onto my journey .. but the fucking girth just keeps on COMING :p ...

Hear Yee Hear Yee rofl

**moment of silence .... furball passes by** <:(

oh well .. **facing towards mirror .. pretending to be a V.I.P**

Well as exams seem to be coming soon .. i can't seem to have my mind out of my pee pee .. and been edging lately. Girth seems to have been good. and the bestest comment i got after i posted my pics was that the dude thought my girth was more than 4.5 rofl WOO hoooooo ....

well .. **trying to shrink his BIG HEAD** .. i guess i have a long way to go.
COme this JULY .. a new era is gonna START. where Mr. Koli will swing his lasso side to side with ease and rope in his mama sita with the snap of a finger.

Well lately been doing a lot of research and came across many interesting points. Dashembeig(pardon the spelling .. too lazy to get the right spelling done) he mentions that doctors tend to pull out the tissue every six hours to ensure longetivity and i am gonna try applying that theory to my stretching routines.

God Gave every one a gift .. a special ability .. when it comes to the Penis Enlargement world some are gifted with length gains .. but i seem to be the master of GIRTH gain with just simple basic jelqing .. i am finding my pee pee THICKER and HARDER .. which is really amazing and a boost up .. but WHAT THE HECK WILL my baby do with a SHORT AND FAT COCK INSTEAD OF A LONG and THICK cock .. the Last words i wanna hear from the love of my life would . "is it in there yet .. **brain sending signals to her to start faking moans to make me happy** >:( .. Aaahh .AAhhh .. feels so good baby !! .. DREAM on baby .. coz after a few months PAPA koli is gonna get begged by u so shove his unit inside rofl (a widdle wish ful thinking GOES A FREAKING LONG (no pun intended) WAY

Well .. this is gonna be my future planning.


PHASE ONE STYLE GIRTH ROUTINE (duration 3 months) but i am taking things NICE and SLOW coz i am gonna treat P.E more of a life style than a race.

Every three months i will focus of different jelqing styles .. since Phase one starts with palm up jelqs .. i would do that .. and for a month i would take rest from jelqin .. and FOCUS on JUST DRY JELQ (OMG I JUST LOOOVE THEM THE PUMP IT GOES IS PHENOMENAL) .. I got so THICK ONCE .. i wanted to snap a pic .. but u know the HASSLES .. of holding ur dick in one hand and snapping the other .. its HORRIBLE. but hopefully get one posted for motivation purpose.

3 months jelq (style changes after duration is up) 1 month Dry Jelq

so every 4 months i am gonna change my jelqing style to get my dick exposed to every position. Y'all must be thinking this dude is talking as if he is the next DLD... well i may not be as gifted as DLD .. but i SURE AS HECK AM GONNA PROVE MY WORTH .. i went thru hell and back when it comes to being dealing with emotions .. where gurls go .. OOooooohhh .. size does not matter ... LOVE DOES .. and the next moment they reveal their B.F was fucking 8 inches long .. that too with intervals .. going from 6 inches .. no wait 7 ... no no no 8 >:( .. well i dont wanna take any risks . whether she was faking it or not .. but i wanna make sure .. the last cock that enters her (mine ..like AH DUH !!) .. i wanna make her SCREAM saying its the BIGGEST she had rofl

Well .. what can i say .. i am just physically fit physically fit physically physically physically fit .. (NOT) .. been bulking since .. now look like a TUBBY with a pee pee .. and an arse crack.

as far as stretching goes .. iam going with the 6 hour plan style and will focus mostly on BLASTERS and DOUBLE tunica stretches...

Yeah yeah .. think of me as cocky and as chatter box as u want bros .. but I WILL have things my way...:blush:

**looking back from the mirror .. DAMN i am gonna be a politician one day :cool: **
haha,you have some seriously interesting and funny comments in your log,much more fun to read than that of most of the others iv read.
from what i can tell,me an you are similar in most regards,as iv had experiences with 1 girl telling me im big,and not believeing me when i told her the measurements,to having 1 say that im below the average she had experienced (bitch,i mean,why the need to tell someone that even if its true,i wasnt an asshole to her or anything?!).
oh,an i definatly agree with the heart breaking sentence you quoted earlier:
'my last boyfriend was about 6...no maybe 7,actually he may have been more than 8,but dont worry,it doesnt matter.....'YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!!

anyways just thort id leave a note to prove that peeps do read ya log now and then.lol.good luck
Hear yee Hear yee,

Well long time since i did not post, well naturally i aint a BIG boy and most likely my progress wont be read by the BIG league but thankfully i still got some support. Notice how i emphasis on the word BIG , yeah i really started to hate that word lately, BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG .. ah i will get over it soon,

Excercises are to a halt thanks to the exams coming up but what i could lately do is just do DRY JELQZ and edge three times a day, captain Pee pee sure looks thick but not long >:( WTF DOES A GUY HAVE TO DO TO PULL OUT HIS FREAKING Penis EnlargementNIS !!! sheesh ... atleast gals got it easy when it comes to breast enlargement :blush: :blush:

Well, this aint anything based on the routine but just got a place to share about my deepest thoughts and desires, well lately i been a big deprived when it comes to having a physical relationship, my gurl whom i love dearly has been a scarred victim of things that i dont like to share, but it has brought a new phase onto my life, there are pros and as well as cons
THose who read my story in the SEXUALITY (damn i love saying that out rofl ) forum would be familiar of what happened to ma gurl. well it came to the point where she starts crying till she soaks the bed if the words "SEX" "FUCK" or anything relating to a MOAN or even a groan would make her hyper ventilate and go LOCO. Now i know i am gonna get flamed saying there are plenty of fish in the sea and all that .. just that i love this gurl too much and she is like a soul mate to me. Anyways ( i know by now u are like ZZzzz i could have had a better time watching adult entertainment than read this moron's post) what matters is that my GOAL TIME Penis EnlargementRIOD has been extended. And i can truly focus on enlarging my pee pee. STRETCHING (I HATE IT SO BAD) i would give it my all. I am planning on investing on an [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] or something coz Hands+Penis= a bruised dick
Latex gloves+Penis= a peeled dick
Baby powder+Penis= a messy dick

Plus its good when that stretching sensation is felt but meh who gives a damn. Hopefully i will be getting a 4 year time range and i will focus on getting atleast 2 inches in length making it to a 7 inch NBP ( yeah yeah i know some got 9 incher and 10 incher) but my gal's frame is small 5'2 and i have recently noticed maybe the vaginal size is mostly related to the size of the torso of the lady, coz if u observe closely gals with a long torso are good at inserting a 10 inch dong unlike the small torso women. Anyways she once notified me that 7inch hits her cervix which is a good thing for me .. but when 8 inches of cock once penetrated her , sure makes me wanna grow into a 9 incher or something >:( , but i guess i will play safe coz i will be with this gurl all my life dont wanna be someone who is raping her every night instead of loving her. (YES I KNOW some one u will think that i am being melo dramatic with my statements , but there are a few blessed people who really have an ongoing love story :blush: , worthy of sharing with the world)

Jelqing is a MUST MUST MUST .. i cant emphasis it ROCKS .. GOD BLESS JELQING ... HAIL THE KING OF Penis Enlargement .. JEL(Q)King !!

anyways not much of an entry today but hoping for a BIG THICK MONSTER whoz gonna rip off my pants when ever the beast is awakened, and GROOWWWWWWWLlllllll !!!!! >:(

Ok relax dudes .. this is KOLIMUDDIN signing out ...

I SWEAR .. if i dont get an 8 inch monster .. i will change the user names of all of u rofl
Hey K, just stoppin by to say whats up and I haven't left! Just took a break for healing purposes. I'll be back soon with a routine focused exclusively for length b/c I won't have the time/privacy for girth training over the summer. How are the gains going? Length going up at all?