Posted by BigFatJoe
Hi, i got 32 years.
I am having difficulties in staying erect for some time, and without stimulation like adult entertainment or real life i cant get even hard so for jelqing i usually use adult entertainment. (doing pc muscle will help this)?
When doing pc muscle i only see my left testicle coming up is the other one dead??
After starting the routine i kinda start feeling my left testicle some soft sensation in there sometimes i have it others dont?
Posted by 8incyclops
Don't be sorry got a problem ask the question,Left testicle coming up?To find the pc muscle it's like when you take a piss and you hold the urine flow that's the pc muscle.
Trouble getting erect could be any number of things like stress,overweight,to much adult entertainment,depression,drugs etc find what it is a work on it.
Posted by BigFatJoe
Thanks Cyclops
Been stressed lately, i am overweight also with more 22 pounds , but i guess the main reason is adult entertainment.
I have been masturbating once a day for a long time sometimes more sometimes less, and lately in the last 3/4 months i have been masturbating even more like 2 3 times a day.
So since i had that problem on getting hard i decided to check on the web about it and i started to read some wierd stuff like if i don't have my sperm in my testicles for more then 48 hours
i can end up sterile and some other stuff, but enough to scare me so i stopped masturbating 1 week ago,
After that i decided to join the community and restart doing PE exercices since i did it once for 1 month only 2 3 years ago, guess i wasn't mentally prepared .
Hi, i got 32 years.
I am having difficulties in staying erect for some time, and without stimulation like adult entertainment or real life i cant get even hard so for jelqing i usually use adult entertainment. (doing pc muscle will help this)?
When doing pc muscle i only see my left testicle coming up is the other one dead??
After starting the routine i kinda start feeling my left testicle some soft sensation in there sometimes i have it others dont?
Posted by 8incyclops
Don't be sorry got a problem ask the question,Left testicle coming up?To find the pc muscle it's like when you take a piss and you hold the urine flow that's the pc muscle.
Trouble getting erect could be any number of things like stress,overweight,to much adult entertainment,depression,drugs etc find what it is a work on it.
Posted by BigFatJoe
Thanks Cyclops
Been stressed lately, i am overweight also with more 22 pounds , but i guess the main reason is adult entertainment.
I have been masturbating once a day for a long time sometimes more sometimes less, and lately in the last 3/4 months i have been masturbating even more like 2 3 times a day.
So since i had that problem on getting hard i decided to check on the web about it and i started to read some wierd stuff like if i don't have my sperm in my testicles for more then 48 hours
i can end up sterile and some other stuff, but enough to scare me so i stopped masturbating 1 week ago,
After that i decided to join the community and restart doing PE exercices since i did it once for 1 month only 2 3 years ago, guess i wasn't mentally prepared .