
Well, here are my thoughts on this and why I'm posting on this subject. Maybe we can get some other guys doing clamp work who have a decent amount of experience (REDZULU MAINLY) to chime in. When a man experiences Priapism, what is basically happening is an erection, but for a much longer than normal time. The erection will not usually go down on its own...or, in many cases it could take HOURS to go down without medical intervention. If this Priapism lasts long enough, and occurs on enough occasions, it has been medically documented to result in an increase in penis size. Think I'm full of shit? Check out this article:

Priapism Resulting In Permanent Enlargement

The part of the article that really caught my attention was: "Megalophallus probably resulted from permanent loss of elasticity of the tunica albuginea due to severe engorgement during the episode of priapism."

With clamp/tournequet work, it is possible to get an erection and keep the blood trapped for longer periods of time than you could via normal erections, usually with an increase in internal pressures in the penis as well. Add an erection boosting supplement like arginine or viagra into the mix, and we're basically reproducing a 'Priapism like' environment but with the ability to keep the erection or let it go down when we choose.

The idea with clamping is to slow the blood OUTFLOW way down to the point where almost none is leaving the penis, and some blood INFLOW is still also occuring.....but at the same time, not slowing it down to a complete stop. So, let's get some thoughts going on this topic.
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I guess I'm wondering at what lengths (pun intended ;)) the priapism incidents are required in order to see noticeable results? Are we talking hours at a time for X # of days?
Perhaps some of us ( I know I can give this a shot) have the time at least one day a week..maybe on the weekends to set aside the better part of a day..several hours total time to experiment with this? Would be like a 'shock routine'.
stillwantmore said:
Perhaps some of us ( I know I can give this a shot) have the time at least one day a week..maybe on the weekends to set aside the better part of a day..several hours total time to experiment with this? Would be like a 'shock routine'.

So you talkin like several straight hours of clamped penis???
Thanks for starting this thread Still!! After finding out about priapism last week, this has been eating away at me!!It seems that you are thinking along the same lines that I am, but to me the problem is the clamp! You need to have a clamp that will allow some blood flow in, but very little back into the body.So the question that I have is: Which artery supplies blood into the penis, and which one takes blood out of the penis back to the body?If say, on the right side of the penis, that artery takes blood in, and the artery on the left takes blood out, then all that needs to be done is a modification to a clamp. A clamp could be modified, so as to not put too much pressure on the artery that feeds the blood into the penis, but at the same time apply enough pressure on the artery, that takes blood back into the body from the penis, to create the desired effect! This could work, if I am correct on my thoughts on the arteries, but first we need to establish how the blood flow works.

I think what I was gunna say is covered by Girthius.
This is GREAT though, good stuff from still'' I dont think I have had it , but and I say BUT MAYBE that VERY UNUSUAL pump effect from the ATS Constricted rollers that lasts for 6 days after X1 30 minute session could be similer to this, the only problem is I aint erect for 6 days non-stop. I am ALOT thicker and slightly longer flaccid and erect however, and also my erection takes LONGER to vanish afterwards.

Could this be a similer condition??????

Is this dangerous?????
The biggest risk when a person experiences priapism is blood death due to the lack of outflow. I have no doubt that prolonged erections can result in enlargement but I think time of erection is important. I think as Still said in mimicking the priapism by clamping may be a good form of enlargement and safety due to the users control over time length of erection.
I have no Questions, about it ... clamping for hourd on end will kill ya penis .... the flow must be maintained right .... I myself however am VERY pleased with my workouts right now with the clamp, and aint going to change much very soon.
Question is.....how the hell do you make a clamp that leaves the needed arteries which blood must be going thru , left alone?
REDZULU2003 said:
Question is.....how the hell do you make a clamp that leaves the needed arteries which blood must be going thru , left alone?
don't know much about this stuff, but I do know that arteries are surrounded by a much thicker layer of muscle? and other stuff, veins are weak little things, so it may not be too necessary to cut off only the veins, like when you clamp the veins get bocked up, but the arteries only are closed a little
Ive had a few of these erections, they usually occur during my sleep when i cum b4 bed on my off day with girth training. For me these erections hurt like hell and usually last 4 hours(i get em at about 3am an they are gone by 7).
kausion_420 said:
Ive had a few of these erections, they usually occur during my sleep when i cum b4 bed on my off day with girth training. For me these erections hurt like hell and usually last 4 hours(i get em at about 3am an they are gone by 7).

same here, times are diff'' of-course LOL.
See, here's what I'm thinking basically guys. Those of us who have done clamp work know that we can stay clamped for at least 30 minutes at a time. So, you'd clamp for 30 minutes, take a break (take clamp off for a few), then hit it again for another 30 minutes...doing as many sets like this as time allows. The idea is to be as engorged and pumped as possible during each set. Also, you would be doing something like horse squeezes for example to further expand things.

So, unlike 'normal' girth exercises....we're taking advantage of having the blood flow severely restricted during these 30 minute sets. Your dick's not gonna die on you in that time frame. As said above, if youre doing this right...you dont have the blood flow totally cut off anyway. There's just enough pressure to slow the outflow way down and still allow inflow in when you stimulate yourself some during the sets. I think that's a point some of you may be missing.

I'm just trying to illustrate the idea that maintaining maximum engorgement for as long as possible is the way to go for true girth gains. Trying to further push on points that guys like Red have already hit on before.

The level of tightness to achieve to proper erection size to make this work might be too much. After about ten minutes of being clamped, my dick gets cold. Not a good thing. If you leave it loose enough to allow blood flow, you won't be hard enough to stay enlarged beyond your present girth. Perhaps it is possible, but it'll be tricky.

I usually take a break every ten to fifteen minutes, then reclamp.

Oh yeah, and Horse squeezes while clamped are awesome.

It seems like it would work. If your girth increases .5" under that pressure, and you keep it there frequently, why wouldn't it eventually stay there and grow beyond ?!

Clamped workouts are the ultimate in shiftless Penis Enlargement. I was gaining roughly .1" of girth a month doing 'em... but because I cut out jelqing, and the stimulation de-sensitization it creates, I totally started cumming prematurely during sex. Now that I'm single again, I'm going back to clamping or "Extreme Ulies". They gotta work. Just ask Bib.
Godsize, how tight do ya clamp? Make sure thers 3/4 clicks VISIBLE when ya clamp... that way ya shouldnt go cold.

Going cold aint good, you must be too tight ... go slacker than ya can go for higher time periods ... I have gone onto 45 minutes in the past non-stop constricted with no probz.
Yea like Red said youre too tight. There should be a "happy medium" on tightness for you. You may need to experiment with how much wrap you use along with how tight you make the clamp. I can personally clamp to the tightness that allows the new flow in and still enough pressure on the sides to slow down the outflow enough that there is pressure created that expands my penis beyond normal erection girth size. When I do a squeeze while clamped, the pressure increases even more. The penis presses against the clamp and little if any blood escapes.
shojii said:
anyone doing the Supra Slammers while clamped???

I think that might be sort of a hassle to do. When you use a clamp the idea is to keep it close to the base as possible. After a few minutes of clamp work, the clamp will fix itself against your pubic bone. Doing soemthing like jelqing or the "slammers" will pull the skin and the clamp forward. I wont do it, but you go ahead and give it a go.
My cock doesn't go "dead" cold, it just gets "cool" to the touch. I also use a hot wrap during my sets to keep things "pliable".

Plus, I don't use the same clamp as you guys do. I use a multiclamp, not a cable clamp, so it's a bit of a different "attack".

I don't think I overtighten, I just have it tight enough so that all the blood is trapped. If the pressure were any less, blood would escape and I'd go soft or I wouldn't measure above and beyond my usual girth measurement while erect. I guess it's a tricky procedure to find that balance. I'll try it out next time. Right now I'm doing 15 minute sets with the clamp on. How long do you guys keep it on? 45 minutes seems incredible!
OOOH, a multiclamp. I have no experience with those. Totally different than the cable clamp.

I stay clamped for 20-30 minutes at a time then take a few minutes break and massage everything.
Oh man. As I was reading this thread, the answer to all my problems came to me. Over the summer I'm going to be back home at my parents' house. I was worried about how I was going to get any Penis Enlargement done this summer and had decided to just to a maintenance routine mostly and get in better workouts when I could. But no! All I have to do is clamp while I'm driving! It's about 20 minutes to my gf's house, and I can just wear the clamp on the way there and take it off when I get into her neighborhood. What a great idea!

Oh, and I'd like to publicly thank shojii for offering to send me some of his cable clamps. I couldn't find them anywhere and didn't want to buy the big pack, so he offered to sell a few of his. He's da man. :cheers:

I doubt that clamping is the way to go !

You said :
When a man experiences Priapism, what is basically happening is an erection, but for a much longer than normal time. The erection will not usually go down on its own...or, in many cases it could take HOURS to go down without medical intervention. If this Priapism lasts long enough, and occurs on enough occasions, it has been medically documented to result in an increase in penis size. Think I'm full of shit? Check out this article:


"Megalophallus probably resulted from permanent loss of elasticity of the tunica albuginea due to severe engorgement during the episode of priapism."

I thought of 2 things that could recreate this scenario and my theory is that a constant supply of fresh blood PLUS a constant engorgement (not allowing the erection to go down at all for hours) is the key for this.

So idea number one is : Prepare 6 hours of adult entertainment´so a visual stimulus is always available as an aid to maintain 100% erection hardness. Prior to that (over)dose on viagra so that you have perfect bloodflow and another aid in keeping it up and leeping it at 100%. Now keep masturbating for 6 hours straight without loosing the 100% and without overdoing the strokes wich would lead to quicker exhaustion and force the erction to go down.
I doubt that anybody ever attampted to do something like this and I think this comes pretty close to the above mentioned scenario.

The other idea is: Instead of clamping wich can't be practiced long enough due to tissue death (after 20 minutes) or reclamping (=loosing the erection)

Why not do the good old jelquing ? Again prepare 5 hours of adult entertainment , pop a viagra or 2 then keep upward-jelquing for 5 hours straight without ever allowing the erection level to get lower than 80% (for those who think 100% erect jelquing is dangerous) or never allow to drop it below 100% for those who can deal with fuly erect jelqs.
Again , nobody ever tried jelquing 5 hours straight. I'm sure its possible and I'm sure it will be hard as hell to accomplish.
But hey if you do this once or 2 a weak and suddenly your tunica albuginea looses all the elasticity wich resulults in the megalophallus thing WHY NOT work though it all for 5 hours straight ?!?!?

Feel free to comment, or try this on your own risk. I don't think its too dangerous (always fresh bloodsupply), but it will definetly fuck yur dick up for 2-3 days due to severe exhaustion ! Don't ecpect to get it up the next day and have sex.
Someone said can they do supra slammers with these....YES YA CAN, ya can do nearly any exercise with these.

I wet and dry jelq while clamped, however like still'' said it can and will slip .... the skin drags the clamp towards the head, so maybe use one hand on and off, keeping the clamp pushed into the abs hard most of the time ..... or just try it normal and see.
I only want to comment on ONE line from Tbirdys post.

''''The other idea is: Instead of clamping wich can't be practiced long enough due to tissue death (after 20 minutes) or reclamping (=loosing the erection) ''''


I disagree completly on this, I can go 30/35 minutes [my normal time] with NO probz at all, I dont have to release any clamp either .... its all TIME = Resistance and the cock builds its way to cope with it.

I have gone onto 45 mins a few times, and no coldness or any other crap .... this TISSUE DEATH ya saying is CORRECT ... but ONLY of the blood is CUT OFF....cale clamping aint cutting the blood of, its actually slowing it down.
"I have gone onto 45 mins "

Hey Red you are the ONLY one who can do that ! YOu said it yourself , you worked yourself up to that state after more than a year of constricted work. For almost everybody else its 10-15 minutes wich ends in a blue + cold penis , that needs reclamping and massaging. I wouldn't ever advise to anybody to do clamped work for longer than 20 minutes, hell I wouldn't even go for longer than 10.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the benefit of a clamp isthat u actually can pump lots of blood in your penis = maximum enorgement , then clamp everything of and keep this state for 10 - 20 minutes. The clamp is a substitute for your own hand , wich you would normaly use to clamp at the base and hold an uli squeeze or something. However you can't keep clamping with your hand for 10 minutes straight its way to uncomfortable - so there it is the cure for that , a cable clamp.

"but ONLY of the blood is CUT OFF....cale clamping aint cutting the blood of, its actually slowing it down."

Well if its only slowing down , then its just another variation of the normal cable clamp workout (=completely clamping all blood flow off).

If you just want to slow it down , why clamp at all ? A simple cock ring will do the same.

Anyways , you are the most experienced guy when it comes to tournequet workouts , so I figure you are an exception, and worked your way up to this status, am I right ?

Look , I'm not really argueing , cable clamp workout definetly has its place in girth workouts (hey its 100% erect, clamped and for the next 15 minutes you have both hands to squeeze and work the pecker= great) ! All I'm saying is its probably not theway to go to recreate the megalophallus condition, wich apparently happens after constant erect maximum engorgement wich last for hours and thus destroys the tunicas elasticity.

Please focus on my 2 theorys on how to accomplish this. Its just theory and ideas , maybe something will work , who knows , I think stillwantmore wanted this kind of input.
Thanks for ya reply.
Yes I have worked my way up to 45 mins' and I cant think of anyone doing that yet, so yeah your correct their.

I'm pretty sure you were just being a wise ass, but the multiclamp IS different than the cable clamp most of you guys use. There are no "clicks" to keep track of with mine, and it tightens and loosens in a different way (a small dial on the top of it), so yeah, there is a bit of a difference. Both devices essentially provide the same thing, of course. I think the multiclamp is more versatile in that you can "dial in" whatever tightness you want without having to "jump" to the next click that may be too tight or too loose. It may seem awkward to those who don't use it, but I'm so used to it I can take it on and off in seconds.

But it's all basically the same shit... as long as you're getting that tourniquet effect, you're all set.

I make sure mine is tight enough so that the portion of cock that is ahead of the clamp stays rock hard and larger than normal while what is behind the clamp goes soft. Having to take it off, shake it out, get it up again and reclamping it is really no big deal for me and I think staying clamped for a half hour to 45 minutes is uneccessary. You can get the same time clocked in by breaking it up into "sets".

If you want to keep bloodflow going, just do like tbirdy said and use a cockring. For girth work I believe you must seal off bloodflow so there is no in or out. That's how you can build up all that pressure that will expand the entire cock. If yer shit gets cold, just loosen it or take it off and reclamp. A little coolness is normal, but avoid numbness. If done right, you won't need to do any other squeezing since the pressure alone will do the work. But a clamp also comes in handy when keeping blood in there for jelqing and stuff when you need a constant erection level you don't need to think about.
So what about getting the penis totally engorged with blood, but not errect! Then have a special clamp that would be placed at the base, to cut off all the blood. With this special clamp you could hang weight from it, but not a great deal of weight, perhaps 5-10lbs. Once the clamp and weights are in place, you would hang BTC. The force of gravity would do the job of pulling the clamp down, which would put allot of pressure on the tunica. It's only an idea! I hav'nt tried it.......yet!

Sounds like a lot of whats ifs and uncertainty for the amount of time required. If you are still making gains with a much more simple and proven method of Penis Enlargement then why bother? On top of that I don't want to fuck with drugs like Viagra. 2 hours is all I need and I can do that all on my own.:s
If you're interested in this topic then check out all the other threads, most are in the alternative/experimental Penis Enlargement forum. This one pales in comparison to the other threads as far as science goes.

And yes, this is very ineffecient in terms of time vs. gains, but the upside is that it has the potential for MONSTER girth gains, which we will hopefully learn to tap in the future.
I can safely clamp for 30 min without my dick getting cold. I have been clamping for almost a year though. I would go on farther, but I have somewhat of an add problem and I tend to lose concentration which causes me to start to lose my erection. So I just jerk off to the point of cumming, then I stop and hold it in and continue on my work. I also tend to get my hardest erections and most engourgment when I do this. I had a thread that showed why percent engorgment I was getting in the pic section but I think its way back.
CIA SPY said:
I Read About Something Called Dajma Tripl Max By That Banned Guy Triple.
Dude It Works Like A Treat Cos A Normal Erection Demands 3 Hour Erection But Since His Method Uses A Cockring In A Latex Pussy And Hence Constant Expansion You Oonly Have To Maintain Erection For 30-45 Minutes For The Same Effect.

Try It Dudes I Did And It Works. You Should See Results First Time, I Gained 2mm First Day But Could Do Them For Another Two Months But The Growth Has Remained. I Suppose The Guy Was Right, It Is The Holy Grail Of Pe!

Hey contract killer, triple, cia spy, sage, ass-wipe, cunt or whatever name you go by today ( hasn't school started yet for you ? daium... ) Go the fuck away dude, that would be the holy grail of anything you punk. If it worked so good for you why is you're penis still a joke like you yourself so wisely put it ?

Must take some time hey ? Like as in, GROWING UP ??
Still thick in the head mate, take a shower ( of gas ) and light it...The flames would be beautifull i bet.

Ps. And yes, my avatar is a dick-head. My dick in you're fucked up head. That would put a smile on your pimpled face. :D
ive been doing this type of work for several weeks and it seems to be working very well. But only clamping for about 1o minutes at a time. At first I only did it for 5 min. I allowed my self to go completly soft between each set, and kept the total time shorter.

Today I am experimenting by keeping the erection between sets by jacking, removing the elastic every 1o minutes or so. I have kept the erection for almost am hour and a half.

Its quite amazing, going for a longer time has made things quite plump, especially the girth. Lenth has increased as well. I will try doing the extended sessions every few days. This seems like a good idea. I don't go cold or blue,just the opposite i get really red and hot.
You do not want to mimic the conditions of priapism! Priapism is considered a serious medical condition requiring immediate medical attention, and can lead to irreversible damage.
Big Al;286183 said:
You do not want to mimic the conditions of priapism! Priapism is considered a serious medical condition requiring immediate medical attention, and can lead to irreversible damage.
He literally wants to "Choke his Chicken" to death.
I find it hard to maintain an erection when clamped, even when I clamp as tight as I can. For me it doesn't seem to stop the blood escaping. Unless I keep stimulated by doing exercises or watching adult entertainment. Is that what you guys do or is it just the clamp on its own enough to maintain the engorged state?
This thread has been merged with a previous thread with similar content "ADC for clamping gains" or something similar. That content (Along with my comments, ideas, and discussion of what I will be doing to try this idea out) begins on page 3, post#52. This thread is basically for the research and potential development of the concept of Clamping in such a manner as to mimic a CONTROLLED state of priapism. Hopefully breaking new ground that has only previously been theorized about on this forum and on others in the community. To MY knowledge, I have not seen anyone else claim to have actually attempted this. I, Stillwantmore with the guidance and feedback from men such as DLD, Redzulu, Bluewhale, and others am going to be the initial "test subject" for this. The hope of course, being to bring about a "new" means for the advanced Penis Enlargement practitioner to see size gains previously thought impossible. The potential risk for engaging in a method such as this has already been acknowledged. It should be said again, that I am a very advanced and experienced Penis Enlargement practitioner. Only under controlled circumstances with a very good understanding of what is going on with your penis, should any man attempt something like this. ---Stillwantmore

clamping to lead to a controled state of Priapism that will trigger Megalophallus

So, one would need to clamp and be aroused for around 3-4 hours and maintain an erection and be fully engorged the whole time.

Wouldnt need to use the tightest click on the clamp but maintain that engorgement would be vital.

After the 3-4 hours of non-stop erection clamped than it would be considered Priapism .. well its controlled self induced Priapism if you will ... could this than lead to permanent enlargement of the penis?

The blood has been inside engorged for all that time .. so surely it will have enlarged it in someway.

I would be keen to have members experiemnt with this alongwith myself and see what results we get.
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mate you shold just inject a whole syringe of caverject every day for a week or summat i bet that would deff give gains it would hurt like fuck but id bet itd be growing b4 ur eyes
I know after about 3-4 clamp sets I'm done. Maybe clamping lightly I could go longer but there's no way I could get hard after that first hour or 2. I could clamp as tight as I want and my dick would still just shrivel up and cry.:)
christiantwbath;304892 said:
mate you shold just inject a whole syringe of caverject every day for a week or summat i bet that would deff give gains it would hurt like fuck but id bet itd be growing b4 ur eyes

Thanks for bringing this to our attention :)

Caverject Sterile Powder contains alprostadil as the naturally occurring form of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1)

Caverject is administered via small-needle injection into an area of the penis known as the corpus cavernosum. It works by relaxing smooth muscle tissue which, in turn, enhances blood flow to the penis, creating an erection. The drug is indicated for the treatment of erectile dysfunction whether the cause is neurological, vascular, psychological or of mixed origin. Patients selected for treatment with Caverject receive initial injections from medically-trained personnel to determine optimum dosing. Usual dosing is from 5 mcg to 20 mcg with standard kit doses available in the 10 mcg and 20 mcg strengths. Up to 60 mcg can be injected at one time. Caverject can be administered by the patient once he has been trained to self-inject.

In certain markets, a self-contained, self measuring syringe kit is available known as Caverject Impulse. The self measuring syringe has a dial in which the patient selects the correct dose for injection. The amount is metered automatically when the plunger is depressed. Other markets contain conventional injection materials which must be mixed and measured manually. Both kits become self-locking, self-contained sharps containers after the injection process.

Depending on dosing, age and general health most men experience an erection in a few minutes. With proper dosing the erection will last approximately 1 hour. While some deviation in the length of time the erection is sustained is not cause for alarm, care must be taken to avoid prolonged erection or priapism. Since the erection is entirely uncommanded, patients should ensure that detumesence of the penis occurs within the prescribed time frame.

Caverject can cause priapism

All quoted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priapism

Where do I get my hands on some of this shit?
Chaco;304899 said:
I know after about 3-4 clamp sets I'm done. Maybe clamping lightly I could go longer but there's no way I could get hard after that first hour or 2. I could clamp as tight as I want and my dick would still just shrivel up and cry.:)

Thats where the chemical assisted Penis Enlargement comes into play :)
REDZULU2003;304891 said:
The blood has been inside engorged for all that time .. so surely it will have enlarged it in someway.

tyandhisrod;304891 said:
that sounds terrifying, but medically sound.
The blood has been in the penis that whole time but this is not nor ever will be medically sound. The whole time this engorgement has been going on the cells of the penis have been consuming oxygen and other nutrients and making and leaking wastes. Because blood flow is slowed fresh oxygenated blood will not be coming in at the rate it needs to and wastes cannot be removed at the rate they need to be removed. I can only foresee really really bad things happening to any man who attempts this. Ischemia of the penis will not lead to penis enlargement in my opinion. Even priaprism can be damaging. Its not always beneficial.
I agree with you and understand your concerns, however if the user takes maximum precautions and has the experience [Hence why I mention advanced clampers] plus uses some circulation enhancers such as that cream I use from Casagrande, than it could be pulled off.

I'm confident about it but lets keep discussing this and see if we can make a gameplan thats safe for whoever does this.