doublelongdaddy;279656 said:

It has long been a fact that �naked people movies� uses many camera tricks, special lenses and special filters to make a penis on film as big "visually" as possible. Many of us watch these �naked people movies� movies and see men who look massive. We look at them and say, "damn, I wish I had a cock that big!" But to our surprise, many of you are as big, or bigger than allot a these �naked people movies� stars you envy. It is hard to believe because it is visual, it is in front of our eyes, we see it right there on film but a 2d world is much different than a 3d one.

Many of us will look in the mirror and see our penis as part of our body. We may have big hands, a large build or some other factor that lessens the size of our penis visually, but we are the size we are (although for most of us it's getting bigger all the time). You can also look at someone like __________ who has a huge penis and a tiny build...his penis looks enormous. There are many factors that can make the penis look bigger or smaller than it really is and the size we see is not always the size we are.

This visual defect is difficult to shake. We may see ourselves, in the mirror, as the man we used to be. It is difficult to change our self-view, especially when it comes to the penis. I remember growing up as a very skinny boy. I used to look in the mirror and feel so sad that I was so thin and I would envy all of the more muscular, bigger boys. I worried so much about what girls thought of me. I was convinced they saw me as a wimpy, skinny weakling. I felt inadequate and regardless of what I really was, my mind saw a definite image of a boy who was skinny, weak and pathetic. I remained thin until my early 20's. I quit smoking around this time and I packed on 80 pounds! I gained a ton of weight and it was all around my waist. I looked like an Ethiopian, malnutrition child:)

I was 80 pounds heavier and I knew it looked unattractive but I was not sure what to do. I had to either settle for the body I had or do something to look better. I decided to try to change the fat into muscle and I joined a gym. I quickly became obsessed with body building and had a much better body in no time at all. I started to look muscular, manly and every other good male quality. WIthin a few months I had an incredible body, I was big and muscular (just like the boys I used to envy. What did I see in the mirror? Anytime (every time) I would catch a reflection of myself I would have a quick mental response to see a skinny, pathetic boy. No matter how muscular I got I never could shake the image I had burned into my brain. The man in the mirror was the skinny, pathetic boy. Everyone around me, my friend and family all would tell me how big I was, how muscular but I was never able to take that compliment. I had a much tougher person to impress and that person was me.

Why do we see ourselves as something were not? Why do we hold ourselves to standards that we would never expect from someone else? Why do we spend so much time putting ourselves down? This self view stuff can become a full time job. It is hard enough to deal with with our outward appearance but once we bring the penis into the mix we have to work overtime to cut ourselves up. I sometimes think many of us are addicted to suffering and this is why we try to destroy our self view. Who knows for sure but it is a very real problem and most men deal with it on some level.

Years have passed since I went from skinny to fat to muscular and I have learned allot about my self view. Today I am pretty much regular, body wise. (a nice place to be). The strange thing is every now and again I still see that 90 pound weakling...go figure.

For much of my childhood, during puberty, I saw my penis as being too big. When mostly grown my penis was about 6.5" long and my girth was average but that penis on my skinny body most likely contributed to thoughts that my penis was too big. I knew that I was bigger than the other boys I had seen naked but it never really struck me as a big deal. I felt this way for most of my life up until about 7 years ago. I had been with many women and most of them complimented my penis but when I started to date a girl who had been with many men in her past my self view started to change. I would obsess about how many guys she was with and how many of them were probably much bigger than me. Even though she would tell me I was big it made no difference. I was convinced she was just saying it to make me feel better. I remember one night she told me about the two biggest men she was with. I listened with complete envy and even though she told me I was about the same size I could not shake the thought that I wasn't. Today I realize that at 6.5" is way above average and she was most likely telling the truth. I wish I could have reacted differently and had more confidence but I did not and that is the reason she left me. Regret always comes a day late, right?

I am very aware that if I never went through that pain and suffering I would have never created Matters of Size. A sort of alchemy but I suppose most of the losses and gains in our lives live by this balance of transformation.

I spent much of the last 5-6 years building MOS. I have created many penis enlargement exercises. I have made gains in penis size that are beyond incredible. I have physically changed my penis size. It is now beyond above average, it is in the 99 percentile of the biggest penises out there. On any other guy my penis would look massive but on me, for much of this period, it looked just as it did before penis enlargement. The insecurities I picked up while dating that girl stuck with me and it ultimately became part of my self view. I still get that negative picture of every now and again when I see my reflection. For the longest time I would avoid mirrors completely. I knew if I saw my penis in the mirror I would be spending allot of time obsessing about what it looked like...something that could take hours. Looking back on this makes me sad. I spent allot of time self-suffering. I waisted valuable moments on further reinforcing the negative way I saw myself.

This type of body dysmorphia can be crippling. It can slowly destroy many things in your life that are really important. The penis is not the entire male world, it is a small part in many senses. On average, most men, who have penis issues, actually use their penis less than 5% of the time but it takes up 95% of their thoughts. This type of obsessing will ruin your relationships, interfere with your work, eliminate quality and fun from your life and many other negative consequences. But even with me telling you this, many of you will go on with this negativity as you are addicted to it. So what are you to do?

For those that "think" or really do have a small penis there is penis enlargement. You can make your penis as large as you like. Penis enlargement will help it get longer and thicker. It will help you with impotence, pre-mature ejaculation and many other sexual wants and needs. The thing that penis enlargement will NOT do is change your self view. A nice analogy to this is mental health. Lets say a psychiatrist sees a patient suffering with Bi-Polar disease. (Bipolar disorder (BD) is a type of mood disorder. It is a psychiatric illness that causes major disruptions in lifestyle and health.) Lets say that the doctor prescribes the proper medication to help control this disorder. Even if the patient takes his medication and the chemical imbalance that causes BD is corrected the patient will still be ill. The medication, like physical penis enlargement, is only one part of the tools necessary to recover but if the patient does not do cognitive work he will never completely recover. So for many guys, you can do penis enlargement until you are blue in the face and massive in the pants but until you change the way you see yourself and your penis the gains you make will never be of much value. As a matter of fact penis enlargement may make your penis-self-view worse. This is why the cognitive portion of any life changing event is imperative to complete success.

Cognitive change, pertaining to the mental processes of perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning, is vital to the emotional and volitional processes. Without a mental change in self view physical change is worthless. The only reason I can make this statement is because I have lived it for most of my life. Making a complete emotional and volitional change one needs to put in effort. It is not a quick fix. If you have had a 5 inch penis for all of your adult life adding 2 inches to it will not make it real to you until you truly see it. We need to throw away the mental garbage, empty our emotional trash and replace it with self love and confidence. I happen to be Bi-Polar and for a long time, with the proper medication, I was seeing no change. It wasn't until I started seeing a counselor and started working on the cognitive portion of my illness that I saw any real change. Today I am a very happy, well adjusted, mentally stable person thanks to the medication but mostly thanks to my emotional work I have done.

In penis enlargement I made huge gains, measurable gains, real, physical change. So many men would tell me how they would kill to have a penis like mine. So many men who suffer with obsessive issues come into penis enlargement and really believe it is going to fix their problems once they make their penis bigger. When they don't feel better after making their penis larger they feel helpless, their issues become much broader. Just like myself, they can not see through the scars of their past. They can't see the change they have made, they are emotionally blind and stuck in their past self-view.

This problem returns over and over and until something is done it will grow larger and larger (not the penis, the negative self view). I like to look at this thought process as a monster. When it starts off it is small, almost non-existant but as time goes on we feed it with emotional negativity until it becomes much bigger than us. It is not until we starve this monster that it will leave us. Every time you look in the mirror and have a negative thought, every time you watch a �naked people movies� and compare yourself negatively to the actor on screen, every time you hide your penis in the locker room, every time you have sex in the dark to avoid your partner seeing your penis, with every bit of this negative, emotional food we fatten the monster. This monster loves living in us and will never leave until we go to war with it and completely destroy it. Discrediting the thoughts, positive affirmations, rational self analysis, cognitive therapy all of this denies the monster from life and eventually it will be at bay. But as I have said, this is not a one time fix, it is a daily fight. Obsessiveness is chronic.


After my girl left me I was at the height of my self degradation. I hated what I saw in the mirror, I was convinced my gains were only an illusion, I only saw the man I was when I saw my reflection. No matter how hard I tried, no matter how much penis enlargement I did, the haunting was ever present. I was at wits end and I knew it was either sink or swim. I sat down one day, view my life, saw where my head was at and I realized my self view was the source of my inadequacies, not my body. I looked at how much I lost because of this obsessiveness, I looked at where I could be if I never allowed the monster to overshadow me. I was fed up and I no longer wanted to hurt myself.

The first thing I did was forgive myself for not only the pain I gave to the people around me but myself. I had hurt so many people around me because I had spent so much valuable time on a problem that was purely an illusion. I could not say sorry to my girl because she was gone and that was the hardest place for forgiveness. Eventually I came to peace with my indiscretions and the process began. I wanted to see myself as the person I was not the fabricated figure created from insecurity and complete irrationality. Simply looking in the mirror and telling myself I had a big penis would not work, I needed to see this image in my mind. The first thing I trained myself to do was look, accept and move on. This is a very good tool with self view and obsession because it denies the monster of it's livelihood. For instance, I would step in front of a full length mirror, look at my body while nude, have a thought and step away. The thought I had was final and I would not permit myself to further explore it. I had to accept it, good or bad. This was probably the most difficult thing to do because I used to look in the mirror, see my penis, have negative thoughts and stand there looking until the thoughts would change to something acceptable...that was punisHydromaxent. Allowing myself to sit with a feeling, even f it were negative, was imperative towards destroying this monster. At first I struggled. I wanted to make my physical view as something acceptable,l obsessively, but this had to change. Eventually my ritual of mirror self-attack was replaced with mirror acceptance. I realized that some times I liked the view and sometimes I didn't and this taught me that my own self view was not very reliable. Soon I was able to look at myself and really "see" myself...not my penis. What a revolution this was, I felt as thought a million pounds of weight was released from my back. I now look in the mirror and see Mike, a handsome, deserving, adequate, healthy, and competent individual. Yes, I have a penis but it is not the star player in the silver.

This type of practice helped me get to a level of acceptance and as many know acceptance is the first step in change. I next started to seek out reality on the internet. Side note: It is funny how we now have a internet of information, images and video that show us what the world "should be". When I was a child, the closest thing you could get to what the rest of the world saw as "real" was a dirty magazine. Today we have millions upon millions of outlets to show us what "reality" is...this is kind of scary. Anyway, I accepted myself as who I was and I now needed to credit myself for who I have become. I felt great about the forgiveness I granted myself but now I needed to feel proud of the changes I had made. I had written down every thing I felt was wrong about the people I had hurt and I had changed those things. I had become a better person because of the pain I put others, and myself through. This felt great but now I wanted to feel good about the penis I had created. I felt as though my eyes had a clear view and I wanted to clearly see the massive size I had created. Measuring myself, posting pictures, looking for validation from my piers never helped. I would feel good for a while if they gave me compliments on my penis size but it never lasted...I needed to believe it myself.

I would watch �naked people movies� and see these incredible films where men would look massive, then every once in a while you would catch a view from the camera that showed their "real" size and I knew I was beyond this. How was I going to change my acceptance into pride? One word: isite. To many this may mean cam, or some other video connection to your computer (fuck, I guess it could even be a cam-corder outside your computer) but the idea struck me as valid. I decided to set up my cam for self view. I put my cam in a perfect angle, an angle that gave me the best possible view of my penis and I commenced to masturbation. I found a wonderful program that records online video and I set it up and put my cam in the background. I recorded myself while I went about my normal masturbation rituals (which can take up to an hour or more when I am feeling sexual) and forgot it was recording. Half way through my masturbation ritual I remembered the video. I stopped and wondered what I looked like. I was really curious to what my penis would look like in an optimal, sexual position. To me complete joy I watched the video and I was blown away. I looked huge, everything I ever hoped to be and more. I watched the recording over and over and each time it blew my mind. I could not believe what I saw and I could not help wondering that if I had a "professional" take the same video If I would be LARGER THAN LIFE. This simple exercise truly cured my negative self-view. I could not deny what I saw on film. I know I have shot hours of Penis Enlargement video but this was different, this was sexual and what I saw in this light was incredible and I knew that this is what others saw. It changes my self view almost immediately. I not only saw myself as competent, I saw myself as huge! I even started to compare myself to those I previously felt envious of and it was night and day compared to the negativity I felt with the man in the mirror.

Today the mirror does not scare me, even when my thoughts are bad. I know that if I just walk away and accept my thoughts they will never consume me. I now know that "big penis" �naked people movies� is, for the most part, angles, lenses and other trade tricks. I now know I am everything I have ever wanted to be, my mind only needed to catch up.



Without being at all gay whatsoever, I love you bro. You care, you're brilliant and this is an awesome post!


PS: WHAT is this online program/website to record videos on?
stevie7inch;335802 said:

Without being at all gay whatsoever, I love you bro. You care, you're brilliant and this is an awesome post!


PS: WHAT is this online program/website to record videos on?

Thanks Stevie, I am happy the thread got bumped and I hope other guys read it.

I am confused about the video, what do you mean?
doublelongdaddy;335815 said:
Thanks Stevie, I am happy the thread got bumped and I hope other guys read it.

I am confused about the video, what do you mean?

You said in the post there was a website you could host vids on?
stevie7inch;335834 said:
You said in the post there was a website you could host vids on?

Oh, OK, now a days you can host pretty much anywhere. For adult material would be the best move, there are hundreds of adult hosts on that site.
I never really thought of this, but yeah. In amateur �naked people movies� the dicks also look much smaller.
I respect you, but I do not respect any �naked people movies� star- both male or female. I really have a disliking for male �naked people movies� stars, especially the ones that feel its quality work to treat women as a mere sexual object regardless if a woman displays that she is. I have a specific disliking for the 'Mr. Marcus's" of the world who ruin what a humane relationship between someone with blond hair and blue eyes / and the opposite, should be perceived in society.

Continuing a sick disturbing myth such as all "AA" Males must have large penises and if not he isn't a complete man in �naked people movies� and in mainstream society, should make him very disliked yet people respect him and his ignorance of supporters.

I would rather not read anything indicating that I could mirror a person and industry that is dangerous and unhealthy.

My opinions.
choseny;370511 said:
I respect you, but I do not respect any �naked people movies� star- both male or female. I really have a disliking for male �naked people movies� stars, especially the ones that feel its quality work to treat women as a mere sexual object regardless if a woman displays that she is. I have a specific disliking for the 'Mr. Marcus's" of the world who ruin what a humane relationship between someone with blond hair and blue eyes / and the opposite, should be perceived in society.

Continuing a sick disturbing myth such as all "AA" Males must have large penises and if not he isn't a complete man in �naked people movies� and in mainstream society, should make him very disliked yet people respect him and his ignorance of supporters.

I would rather not read anything indicating that I could mirror a person and industry that is dangerous and unhealthy.

My opinions.

Are you a male eunuch or a woman?
Choseny your entitled to your opinion and I've read your story thread which was quite sad. You've had it hard mate but you got to move forward. The Mr Marcus of this world are good for ONE thing ... entertainment and that's it because a women wants more my freind than a huge dick stuffed in her all the time unless shes a pure diamond slut. Your at the right site now to CHANGE your life, both penis and mental attitude.
REDZULU2003;370569 said:
Choseny your entitled to your opinion and I've read your story thread which was quite sad. You've had it hard mate but you got to move forward. The Mr Marcus of this world are good for ONE thing ... entertainment and that's it because a women wants more my freind than a huge dick stuffed in her all the time unless shes a pure diamond slut. Your at the right site now to CHANGE your life, both penis and mental attitude.

Brother, I didn't share a darn thing for any person to say anything about my life has being "sad". Sure on the surface it may seem that way but my past is what it is. I am not looking for anyone's virtual handout of compassion, yet Ill respect it if it's of good attention.

I can type stories of men who lives are truly sadden from what illicit drugs took from there for instance. Straight guys that let another dude suck his penis all for that next hit. Guys raped as children and turned to drugs as a way of coping; similar to women who were raped jumping into �naked people movies� while abusing drugs just to cope. I guarantee its a large percentage of those chicks we jerked of too who was sexually abused and very much sad.

I see no good in what Mr. Marcus represents as well as other male performers. Marcus was in NYC recently for some sex related theme. If I knew this sooner, I would have went down there even if I knew he could have harmed me. Nevertheless, I feel strongly about the influence and myth-believing crap him and his supporters continue in society.

I will put emphasis on the fact that �naked people movies� is highly addictive and it does send the wrong messages that it's OK to have sex for a fee on film as long as you are hung for men and for woman you are very sexually loose / regressed, not smart, highly attractive, slim with the mandate down the road that you enhance your breast. These unfair requirements leaves out much of the population in America. For example, �naked people movies� is great for a woman who is sexually regressed or overly sexually expressive to make money while risking your life with men that most guys here salivate over. I salivate over no man! I don't respect a man all because he is hung. I don't respect a man because he sleeps with many ladies.

If any dude in here practices Penis Enlargement just to sleep with many gals, I will not respect you and I'm sure others will not.

Just like DLD stated, you do this to reconnect with loving yourself. You do Penis Enlargement to make yourself feel more complete. You do Penis Enlargement to work on that aspect of life and all the sub aspects that will make you a much healthier and better person. I don't respect anyone who will practice Penis Enlargement just to mirror that of a �naked people movies� star. I do not respect any guy that will practice Penis Enlargement just to sleep with many ladies.

Just my opinion.
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You've made your point! Everyone has shit in their lives mate but its not the shit that defines us but how we overcome it or allow it to overcome us. If a guy wants a large penis to fuck a girl, than that's HIS business and nothing to do with anyone else, nor should we judge him negatively for it either because the females that sleep with him, well it takes two.
REDZULU2003;370676 said:
You've made your point! Everyone has shit in their lives mate but its not the shit that defines us but how we overcome it or allow it to overcome us. If a guy wants a large penis to fuck a girl, than that's HIS business and nothing to do with anyone else, nor should we judge him negatively for it either because the females that sleep with him, well it takes two.

Red calls it like it is.
@ first post in this thread.

Im kinda going through this thing that DLD did right now, Im with a girl and she had way more partners than I ever did, so I asked her about my size and all, and she told me I was probably the second biggest she have been with..and that actually hurt me. I dont get it, why did it hurt me.

And what hurts me even more is that she have had so many partners, and now Im together with this girl and had sex with her alots of times already, so whats done is done, it's not a temporary thingy, I gotta live with this since I love this girl. I cant change that, but what I can change is being the biggest penis she ever had.

I asked her what made him bigger. Girth or length or both? She told me it was the girth. So obviously it made me so jealous for some reason..Now I want bigger girth and a longer penis just to impress and be "the one". It's annoying but it would like..make me more stimulated in my mind and I can overcome what annoys me so much by getting a bigger penis. This is actually the real reason why I came back to MoS again. And im gonna work my fucking ass off to make it happen. Even if this relation isnt meant to be in the future, I can feel well prepared for the next love. I wanna feel that Im the best, smartest, best lover the girls have been with. I know Im an excellent lover, but I wanna be the one with the biggest penis aswell.
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opa;445126 said:
@ first post in this thread.

Im kinda going through this thing that DLD did right now, Im with a girl and she had way more partners than I ever did, so I asked her about my size and all, and she told me I was probably the second biggest she have been with..and that actually hurt me. I dont get it, why did it hurt me.

And what hurts me even more is that she have had so many partners, and now Im together with this girl and had sex with her alots of times already, so whats done is done, it's not a temporary thingy, I gotta live with this since I love this girl. I cant change that, but what I can change is being the biggest penis she ever had.

I asked her what made him bigger. Girth or length or both? She told me it was the girth. So obviously it made me so jealous for some reason..Now I want bigger girth and a longer penis just to impress and be "the one". It's annoying but it would like..make me more stimulated in my mind and I can overcome what annoys me so much by getting a bigger penis. This is actually the real reason why I came back to MoS again. And im gonna work my fucking ass off to make it happen. Even if this relation isnt meant to be in the future, I can feel well prepared for the next love. I wanna feel that Im the best, smartest, best lover the girls have been with. I know Im an excellent lover, but I wanna be the one with the biggest penis aswell.

do not care what she thinks!

Why would you?

All the men you see as sure and self strong just do not care what women think!

They fuck em go to bed,work whatever and do not play this new metro sexual crap of doing post sex psychoanalytical bed time chit chat !
It is what it is...from this point forward it is what it's going to be....What will that be? It is up to you.
Very inspirational. Makes you think hard and long ( lol ) about yourself and what REALLY brought you here. I'm guilty of a similar scenario where my ex told me about another guy she was with and how he was bigger then me. It literally shattered me! I didn't think to much about penis size until that very moment, she changed my whole world and made me feel so inadequate about myself. Also I wonder, was it there the whole time? I scoured the internet about how to cure my disease and finally found the forums where i discovered many many more guys just like myself, and how they not only cured their disease they fucked it in the ass with huge cocks!
sedative;523640 said:
Very inspirational. Makes you think hard and long ( lol ) about yourself and what REALLY brought you here. I'm guilty of a similar scenario where my ex told me about another guy she was with and how he was bigger then me. It literally shattered me! I didn't think to much about penis size until that very moment, she changed my whole world and made me feel so inadequate about myself. Also I wonder, was it there the whole time? I scoured the internet about how to cure my disease and finally found the forums where i discovered many many more guys just like myself, and how they not only cured their disease they fucked it in the ass with huge cocks!

It's interesting because this exact thing apparently happened with a woman Kingsnake apparently hooks up with from time to time. The dude that was her actual BF got insecure because she'd slept with KS previous to him and he obsessed over it. Of course she got sick of it and quit seeing him and starting hooking up with KS again. Self fulfilling prophecy. What I found really weird in the thread where this story was told though was that a lot of posters piled on and dogged this dude's insecurities. Oh the irony!

Gotta be comfortable in your own skin and let others be comfortable in theirs.
sedative;523640 said:
Very inspirational. Makes you think hard and long ( lol ) about yourself and what REALLY brought you here. I'm guilty of a similar scenario where my ex told me about another guy she was with and how he was bigger then me. It literally shattered me! I didn't think to much about penis size until that very moment, she changed my whole world and made me feel so inadequate about myself. Also I wonder, was it there the whole time? I scoured the internet about how to cure my disease and finally found the forums where i discovered many many more guys just like myself, and how they not only cured their disease they fucked it in the ass with huge cocks!

Thank you kind sir! I am happy you took the time to read this and it has helped you!
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