I would really like to write a book one day about you DLD, the title is already chosen. Just rephrase it to " Want a �naked people movies�star Dick? Do a �naked people movies�star flick!". The tagline of the movie" The story of one man that turned hate to love, and average to huge."
doublelongdaddy;279656 said:

Simply looking in the mirror and telling myself I had a big penis would not work, I needed to see this image in my mind. The first thing I trained myself to do was look, accept and move on. This is a very good tool with self view and obsession because it denies the monster of it's livelihood. For instance, I would step in front of a full length mirror, look at my body while nude, have a thought and step away. The thought I had was final and I would not permit myself to further explore it. I had to accept it, good or bad. This was probably the most difficult thing to do because I used to look in the mirror, see my penis, have negative thoughts and stand there looking until the thoughts would change to something acceptable...that was punisHydromaxent. Allowing myself to sit with a feeling, even f it were negative, was imperative towards destroying this monster. At first I struggled. I wanted to make my physical view as something acceptable,l obsessively, but this had to change. Eventually my ritual of mirror self-attack was replaced with mirror acceptance. I realized that some times I liked the view and sometimes I didn't and this taught me that my own self view was not very reliable. Soon I was able to look at myself and really "see" myself...not my penis. What a revolution this was, I felt as thought a million pounds of weight was released from my back. I now look in the mirror and see Mike, a handsome, deserving, adequate, healthy, and competent individual. Yes, I have a penis but it is not the star player in the silver.

This type of practice helped me get to a level of acceptance and as many know acceptance is the first step in change. I next started to seek out reality on the internet. Side note: It is funny how we now have a internet of information, images and video that show us what the world "should be". When I was a child, the closest thing you could get to what the rest of the world saw as "real" was a dirty magazine. Today we have millions upon millions of outlets to show us what "reality" is...this is kind of scary. Anyway, I accepted myself as who I was and I now needed to credit myself for who I have become. I felt great about the forgiveness I granted myself but now I needed to feel proud of the changes I had made. I had written down every thing I felt was wrong about the people I had hurt and I had changed those things. I had become a better person because of the pain I put others, and myself through. This felt great but now I wanted to feel good about the penis I had created. I felt as though my eyes had a clear view and I wanted to clearly see the massive size I had created. Measuring myself, posting pictures, looking for validation from my piers never helped. I would feel good for a while if they gave me compliments on my penis size but it never lasted...I needed to believe it myself.

I would watch �naked people movies� and see these incredible films where men would look massive, then every once in a while you would catch a view from the camera that showed their "real" size and I knew I was beyond this. How was I going to change my acceptance into pride? One word: isite. To many this may mean cam, or some other video connection to your computer (fuck, I guess it could even be a cam-corder outside your computer) but the idea struck me as valid. I decided to set up my cam for self view. I put my cam in a perfect angle, an angle that gave me the best possible view of my penis and I commenced to masturbation. I found a wonderful program that records online video and I set it up and put my cam in the background. I recorded myself while I went about my normal masturbation rituals (which can take up to an hour or more when I am feeling sexual) and forgot it was recording. Half way through my masturbation ritual I remembered the video. I stopped and wondered what I looked like. I was really curious to what my penis would look like in an optimal, sexual position. To me complete joy I watched the video and I was blown away. I looked huge, everything I ever hoped to be and more. I watched the recording over and over and each time it blew my mind. I could not believe what I saw and I could not help wondering that if I had a "professional" take the same video If I would be LARGER THAN LIFE. This simple exercise truly cured my negative self-view. I could not deny what I saw on film. I know I have shot hours of Penis Enlargement video but this was different, this was sexual and what I saw in this light was incredible and I knew that this is what others saw. It changes my self view almost immediately. I not only saw myself as competent, I saw myself as huge! I even started to compare myself to those I previously felt envious of and it was night and day compared to the negativity I felt with the man in the mirror.

Today the mirror does not scare me, even when my thoughts are bad. I know that if I just walk away and accept my thoughts they will never consume me. I now know that "big penis" �naked people movies� is, for the most part, angles, lenses and other trade tricks. I now know I am everything I have ever wanted to be, my mind only needed to catch up.


Great bit with looking in the mirror and accepting the first thought and moving on without standing there wasting time rationalizing. This is important to PE or anything as well, to accept the flaws and move on to work toward them. The quicker you accept it, the more time you have to reach your goals.
k18;601393 said:
Great bit with looking in the mirror and accepting the first thought and moving on without standing there wasting time rationalizing. This is important to PE or anything as well, to accept the flaws and move on to work toward them. The quicker you accept it, the more time you have to reach your goals.

This is true. There have been times in my PE where I have looked for too long and the negative thoughts started to over take the positive and I started to see myself smaller and smaller. Even when measuring I would get myself into a frenzy sometimes to where I would get a solid measurement but then doubt it and obsessively measure smaller and smaller. The mind is a very powerful thing.
Getting girls to film my own �naked people movies� would be great! i cant wait to reach the �naked people movies� STAR cock. PE everyday guys and the gains will show!
at 10/7 will i get into �naked people movies� easily? like im talking the big leagues with __________ i wanna be known well and payed well cuz i deleiver more then they can eqsily when it comes to the sex without the size
or do i need conenctions cuz i truly beleive whoever employs me will make so much for me and i soon will be the most searched male �naked people movies�star
fuck �naked people movies� i have read a lot of negative stuff about �naked people movies� dead actors actresses diseases drugs depression i dont have a big and if i had one i wouldnt be there
i just wanna do it for like a year or two to hav e a good income and invest all the money and start my plans for life and me being in the postion of a �naked people movies�star i want more people to reconqinze that pe is out there and give all the people hope that watch me that they can become like me and bring a reality to �naked people movies� so no1 lies about their size anymore , pe should be common knowledge without surgery
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There is not a lot of money for a man in �naked people movies�. Most actors get paid anywhere from $50-$150 per day depending on their popularity and the time the scene takes. BangBrothers pays their actors $150 per day while the actresses get $600 and these guys are one of the highest paying outfits.
how much you think __________ gets payed cuz i bet i can skool him in sex and pleasure and id be way better on camera all around but what im saying is i could advertise penis enlargemnt cuz so many people watch �naked people movies� and if its in the beggining of every video more people will join the jounrey .... i would have the best body in �naked people movies� at 5,7 and at 10/7 ill be in the top charts easily
sorry if i sound cocky its just by all my research , i came to the conlcusion tat this could be a reality if anything making your own �naked people movies� site would be way better and being a star asweell
If everyone joins MOS they will naturally be unimpressed by �naked people movies�
jacob5414;605915 said:
i was unimpressed before i joined mos :p

But it is good to know how many tricks are played in filming �naked people movies�. Sometimes the way something looks is nothing like it is in real life. A great study to look at is "Is Everything Really What it Seems" this gives an explicit view of size and how different camera tricks can fool the viewer into believing they are seeing something that is truly not there. A camera can make an average man look enormous.
yeah i look at everything and when i mean everything i mean eevrything to prove/make sure im certain that my penis is allways bigger but i think ive never really came across a equal size to me besides __________/lex/napier/diesel and to me if i reach the 10/7 ill be like a __________ mixed with shane diesel haha
tkto;605914 said:
If everyone joins MOS they will naturally be unimpressed by �naked people movies�
hell fucking yeah man ur right BRO we aint lettin no fools impressing us we got the key hahaha
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jacob5414;606394 said:
yeah i look at everything and when i mean everything i mean eevrything to prove/make sure im certain that my penis is allways bigger but i think ive never really came across a equal size to me besides __________/lex/napier/diesel and to me if i reach the 10/7 ill be like a __________ mixed with shane diesel haha

As big as these men are there are still camera tricks that make them appear better. I think people watching big dick �naked people movies� only care that the dick is unreal and the camera men and directors have so many tricks up there sleeve to do this.
doublelongdaddy;607068 said:
As big as these men are there are still camera tricks that make them appear better. I think people watching big dick �naked people movies� only care that the dick is unreal and the camera men and directors have so many tricks up there sleeve to do this.
PurpleOnes;628833 said:
Really great thing to read makes me think about many things.

Thanks Bro!
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