doublelongdaddy;546649 said:
Yeah, but unlike your name, he was not 2 real:) Without a picture to back up the gains it is hard for me to take seriously.
Ok, I know I gotta post up pics my self bro, but I will as soon as Im able too loose some weight, right now, Im a little over 200 lbs man, I used to weigh 160 a few yrs ago and it's been so hard 4 me to loose now since I can't run or do certain exercises due to a back injury and it's been a bitch to get on a fuckin strict diet. I will post pics but not lookin like this bro. I wanna loose at least 25 to 30 lbs, my thighs are fat as hell, LOL
rooooop;546891 said:
Why dont you just recommend other products to us DLD?
There are other extenders than the sizegenetics and other pumps as the x40/Bathmate.
Why it's always these two devices?
Is it because they work better or because you get money with your partnership to these companies?

I also think your explanation why you wont show any pictures of proof is awesome.
You know, if you would prove your gains you would boost your sales by even more, because everyone would get great motivation and hope in these products.
But on the other hand, you just "refuse" to take this money...
Not because you cant prove it, just because you dont "feel" like showing proof. hahah okay, we all believe that xD

I mean everyone has pictures of proof, every noname who cares 99% less for Penis Enlargement than you.
You earn all your money with it, it is your LIFE and yet you say you dont have any before pictures.

woah bro, slow down. I understand how you might not have seen DLD's videos, but I've seen his demonstrations in the member's section of the site and his gains are real. Also, there is a f***ing picture proof thread of DLD's cock in the "Picture Proof" section of the website. here's the link.

do you have any idea how much time and effort DLD has put into building this site and method and spreading a lot of the word FOR FREE? I first discovered this site 5 years ago, in which I have been on and off in practicing the techniques. After a 2 year break, I came back to the site and SO MUCH had been added it was insane.

As for the product placements, sure DLD may get a percentage, but CHRIST, look how much work he has done for everyone. The companies he suggests are the ones that he was able to GET DISCOUNTS WITH (FOR US!), so of course he suggests those 1) because they work and 2)---why would they continue to offer ALL OF US discounts if DLD was just like "yeah, sure, buy whatever extender or pump you want, they all work"?

DLD practices what he preaches and deserves more than a little respect. take you disgruntled a** off of here and stop planting your traps of discouragement (or trying to). Just because you weren't dedicated enough to gain, or tried to make gains when you were unable to because of time, privacy, more important life matters, doesn't mean that you should try to derail the rest of us and bring down the efforts of someone who is so dedicated.

are you mad that you didn't have enough money to get the devices suggested? if so, you can still make gains, it might just take a little longer. all of this stuff is a privilege, not a right, and we're lucky enough to have someone like DLD to open up the door to said privileges. Go to some other forum where people like you can complain together and leave the rest of us to our inspiration, motivation, and successes.
anyway, as for me, so far I've gained...oh I'd say a little less than half an inch in girth in about 3 months (I do have pictures to show this). This was with heavy pumping, jelqing, SSJ's, and kegeling. granted, my gains are almost sure to slow down soon, but you just have to slowly and safely overload your capacity and you will keep gaining at some rate. I'm at 6", started at a little over 5.5", and I'm going for a sick 7"!!! :D keep it up bro, we'll all get there with a little hard work!
Two Inches and a bit is what I have gained in girth, not the best gains but certainly official and real.
Why dont you just recommend other products to us DLD?
There are other extenders than the sizegenetics and other pumps as the x40/Bathmate.
Why it's always these two devices?
Is it because they work better or because you get money with your partnership to these companies?

I also think your explanation why you wont show any pictures of proof is awesome.
You know, if you would prove your gains you would boost your sales by even more, because everyone would get great motivation and hope in these products.
But on the other hand, you just "refuse" to take this money...
Not because you cant prove it, just because you dont "feel" like showing proof. hahah okay, we all believe that xD

I mean everyone has pictures of proof, every noname who cares 99% less for Penis Enlargement than you.
You earn all your money with it, it is your LIFE and yet you say you dont have any before pictures.

Happy goodbye.
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