Going great man! One guy I'm working with is at 35 lb. He started having some problems with skin friction. I had him switch from a sweatshirt under wrap to a moleskin wrap and it was a game changer. Something to keep in mind.
stillwantmore2;682154 said:
Going great man! One guy I'm working with is at 35 lb. He started having some problems with skin friction. I had him switch from a sweatshirt under wrap to a moleskin wrap and it was a game changer. Something to keep in mind.

I will keep that in mind, thanks. Now where does one go out and get moleskin other than going out and killing and skinning a mole? :)
IVEADREAM;682121 said:
Thanks templnite. I can't believe with 12 pages in this thread that's what he asks a question about, how I put the date. Really?

Yes really, what else would you want me to ask you ? I asked you already at page 11 about your hanging, now I wanted to know why you write months/days/years.
The temlpnite guys answer is funny in your quote, I guess when he has a kid he will only care it was born on like July, and not exact date LMAO
Moleskin is sold in shoe stores and in the foot care area of stores. It's for protection against abrasion. Really soft stuff. Sold in rolls and sheets. Of course, for this application, you want the roll. Sold online too like most things.
Well I can't believe it has been since last Wednesday since I logged anything but I've been busy. I still have been doing my sets though so here's an update.
Hung 3 sets 15 min each with 22lbs.
Hung 3 sets 15 min each with 22lbs.
Took off today.
Now here's where it gets exciting for me.
Friday I bought another 10lb plate. Was going to buy a 2.5lb plate but by buying the 10lb one gives me more weight options before I have to buy another one.
Initially I was just going to add another 2.5lbs to my weight which would have put me at 24.5lbs but by buying the 10lb plate kinda messed me up on that.
I used 2- 10lb plates and 2- 2.5lb plates which in my head I was thinking at first that I was hanging 25lbs which in itself was great but I forgot about the weight holder which weighs 2lbs. So I hung with 27 lbs!!!! So here's how it went yesterday
Hung 3 sets 15 min each. The 1st set I hung with 24.5 lbs (2- 10lb plates, 1- 2.5lb plates, and weight holder - 2lbs) The 2nd and 3rd set I hung with 27 lbs (2- 10lb plates, 2- 2.5lb plates, weight holder- 2 lbs ) 4th set I hung 5 mins with 32 lbs, all my weight plates (2- 10 lb plates, 1- 5 lb plate, 2- 2.5lb plates, weight holder- 2lbs ) just to see what it felt like. Be a little more time before I do that again :)
Now today
Hung 3 sets 15 min each with 27lbs. It was awesome. It was a little struggle towards the end of set 2 and 3 but nothing unbearable. I'm not sure if I can hold that weight all week or if I develope any problems but right now it was great. Can't wait til tomorrow to go at it again.
Sorry this was so long, that's what I get for missing a few days of logging in. :)

Damn I almost forgot. I know alot of people will measure periodically to see where they're at but as I stated earlier in this thread I want to see it before I measure but that's not to say I don't have different ways of seeing it ie. a mark on the body or hands a tooth brush (I know, funny right, but it works for a quick comparison full length of the tooth brush is 7 3/8". ) anyway if I find myself with a good hard on I'll just take a quick look. Well the toothbrush was there so I took a look. I was at 7 1/4". In my very first post on this thread I stated that I was
6 7/8" mostly, sometimes 7" depending on EQ but that I was going with 6 7/8 cause that's where I was 95%of the time. So if you're keeping up preliminary indications shows 3/8" increase in length since October. HOT DAMN!!!!!!! Official measurement is still 3.5 months away but things are looking very promising.
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Hey brother, how do you hang: standing up or sitting ?
WHat do you do while hanging ? I find it kinda boring.
BigBeardBig;682697 said:
Hey brother, how do you hang: standing up or sitting ?
WHat do you do while hanging ? I find it kinda boring.
I stand while hanging and watch TV or surf the net on my phone. I try and watch either an action movie or comedy and for me it seems to help pass the time quicker. It still gets boring at times though.
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I'll let Iva chime in, but I preferred hanging seated with my feet propped up. I don't understand men getting "bored" while hanging. Use some imagination. Read, post on MOS, build models, learn another language, etc etc. I've read many a good book and watched many movies while hanging.
stillwantmore2;682700 said:
I'll let Iva chime in, but I preferred hanging seated with my feet propped up. I don't understand men getting "bored" while hanging. Use some imagination. Read, post on MOS, build models, learn another language, etc etc. I've read many a good book and watched many movies while hanging.

I've never sat while hanging. In my (hanging room) I don't have anything high enough to sit on. Plus I figured I crush my nuts LMAO . I might have to get something though cause standing does get tiresome at times. I'm not much of a book reader but I love my movies. I DVR a lot of movies and shows to watch just for hanging time.
BTC hanging is worth trying. It's my preferred position. Just need a comfy chair your can scoot your butt near the edge of. Then, you prop your feet on something in front of you of a similar height to your chairs seat. This tilts your pelvis to the correct angle for Between The Cheeks and gets the weights off the floor.
stillwantmore2;682762 said:
BTC hanging is worth trying. It's my preferred position. Just need a comfy chair your can scoot your butt near the edge of. Then, you prop your feet on something in front of you of a similar height to your chairs seat. This tilts your pelvis to the correct angle for Between The Cheeks and gets the weights off the floor.

Actually there is no better hanging position to continually hit the ligaments than Behind the Cheeks. This will allow for ligament stretching pretty much forever. There is no position further back than BTC and as you can imagine the ligaments being no only stretched but the natural fulcrum of the pelvic bone only increases this intensity.
stillwantmore2;682762 said:
BTC hanging is worth trying. It's my preferred position. Just need a comfy chair your can scoot your butt near the edge of. Then, you prop your feet on something in front of you of a similar height to your chairs seat. This tilts your pelvis to the correct angle for Between The Cheeks and gets the weights off the floor.

The only thing that gets me is the skin stretch. I tried it with light weight but I only got skin strerch and it hurt. So I stayed hanging SD. It still worked for me to gain but I wanted to get comfortable with BTC hanging. I'll try again once I get my schedule set.
stillwantmore2;682762 said:
BTC hanging is worth trying. It's my preferred position. Just need a comfy chair your can scoot your butt near the edge of. Then, you prop your feet on something in front of you of a similar height to your chairs seat. This tilts your pelvis to the correct angle for Between The Cheeks and gets the weights off the floor.

Thank you for this post ! tried it yesterday, felt very very comfortable and nice stretch.
Hung 3 sets 15 min each with 27lbs. 1st and 2nd set went by without any problems but by the end of the 3rd set I almost bowed out or at least considered dropping my weight but I was able to get thru it.
Now I'm going to whine for a second. You guys hurt my feelings. Nobody said anything about my increase in hanging weight or the fact that I'm showing an increase in length by 3/8 of an inch. What's up? Where's the love? Naw I'm just messing :) it's all good.
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Wow bro 27lbs ? What are you made of my man ?! hehe, congrats
3/8 inch gain is crazy good
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