Well I can't believe it has been since last Wednesday since I logged anything but I've been busy. I still have been doing my sets though so here's an update.
Hung 3 sets 15 min each with 22lbs.
Hung 3 sets 15 min each with 22lbs.
Took off today.
Now here's where it gets exciting for me.
Friday I bought another 10lb plate. Was going to buy a 2.5lb plate but by buying the 10lb one gives me more weight options before I have to buy another one.
Initially I was just going to add another 2.5lbs to my weight which would have put me at 24.5lbs but by buying the 10lb plate kinda messed me up on that.
I used 2- 10lb plates and 2- 2.5lb plates which in my head I was thinking at first that I was hanging 25lbs which in itself was great but I forgot about the weight holder which weighs 2lbs. So I hung with 27 lbs!!!! So here's how it went yesterday
Hung 3 sets 15 min each. The 1st set I hung with 24.5 lbs (2- 10lb plates, 1- 2.5lb plates, and weight holder - 2lbs) The 2nd and 3rd set I hung with 27 lbs (2- 10lb plates, 2- 2.5lb plates, weight holder- 2 lbs ) 4th set I hung 5 mins with 32 lbs, all my weight plates (2- 10 lb plates, 1- 5 lb plate, 2- 2.5lb plates, weight holder- 2lbs ) just to see what it felt like. Be a little more time before I do that again
Now today
Hung 3 sets 15 min each with 27lbs. It was awesome. It was a little struggle towards the end of set 2 and 3 but nothing unbearable. I'm not sure if I can hold that weight all week or if I develope any problems but right now it was great. Can't wait til tomorrow to go at it again.
Sorry this was so long, that's what I get for missing a few days of logging in.
Damn I almost forgot. I know alot of people will measure periodically to see where they're at but as I stated earlier in this thread I want to see it before I measure but that's not to say I don't have different ways of seeing it ie. a mark on the body or hands a tooth brush (I know, funny right, but it works for a quick comparison full length of the tooth brush is 7 3/8". ) anyway if I find myself with a good hard on I'll just take a quick look. Well the toothbrush was there so I took a look. I was at 7 1/4". In my very first post on this thread I stated that I was
6 7/8" mostly, sometimes 7" depending on EQ but that I was going with 6 7/8 cause that's where I was 95%of the time. So if you're keeping up preliminary indications shows 3/8" increase in length since October. HOT DAMN!!!!!!! Official measurement is still 3.5 months away but things are looking very promising.