Apr 27, 2011
I'm buying an extender on Friday and want to know if you have any gains from using them.
In your post could you say the make and cost of your extender, how long you have used the extender and your gains?

Thanks in advance guys :D
I have made gains with my JES extender... Used it allot in my early days of Penis Enlargement and gained about 2-3cm.

Now I using it as mush as I can due to lack of time for manual Penis Enlargement work. I have 2 kids and a fiancée that don't like that I'm mean to my unit so I try to do all my work when she is not home.

I hope the she one day will say those golden works so I can start doing my workouts more often.
Many, many, many men have purchased and gained with the SizeGenetics Extender, there are hundreds of posts to this effect. It is by far the superior extender on the market, it usually retails at around $450, you can purchase it here at MOS for $165 and they give you bonus's of 2 months of MaleExtra Pills and a Workout DVD. Extremely good deal on a superior extender.
I may have gained .5" from the SG but I was also doing the Newbie manual stretching routine.
The SizeGenetics will bring gains to anyone who uses it with dedication. It is a top of the line penile stretching device and there really is no other unit that compares to it (other than the JES which is the same extender but 3 times the price). If you want to maximize your length gains with no effort cop a SizeGenetics Extender.
Toby50;430831 said:
I've gained .75" using my fast size extender. I think any kind of extender will work. The key is being consistent and putting in the time.

This is the most fundemental theorem of Penis Enlargement.Everything works if you put in the time and nothing works if you dont.Simple as that.Most people dont have mental toughness and discipline to do Penis Enlargement.Those that are willing to pay the "price" will have results because Penis Enlargement 100% works no ifs and buts about it.But the problem is very few people are willing to pay that "price".That is harsh reality and a fact.
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At one time I would have advocated for purely manual exercises as I was very prejudice and suspicious of the erroneous claims that equipment companies would make. When I first learned about Extenders I just passed it off as useless gadgetry and this was a big mistake. I wish I would have had the SizeGenetics Extender back in the day, it would have saved me a lot of time and I know I would have made my gains in half the time. The same thing applied to pumping, it took me everything I had to allow for a pumping forum here, I just did not believe the pumps would work but since we has some hardcore pumpers I opened the pumping forum. It took me 6 years to finally try pumping and, again, I wish I had a Bathmate from the beginning, incredible girth tool and even better with expressive stretching!

Today is such a great time to be involved with penis enlargement, so much is happening and so many methods have come to fruition. I have said if before but I will say it again; get your pe collection in order, pick up these devices and you will have the ability to take advantage of all, modern, Penis Enlargement techniques.
Blue Whale;432161 said:
This is the most fundemental theorem of Penis Enlargement.Everything works if you put in the time and nothing works if you dont.Simple as that.Most people dont have mental toughness and discipline to do Penis Enlargement.Those that are willing to pay the "price" will have results because Penis Enlargement 100% works no ifs and buts about it.But the problem is very few people are willing to pay that "price".That is harsh reality and a fact.

Well itis the same with bodybuilding.

We all know that 1 hour of max load lots of protein, low carbs and low fat will make us appear more buff.
And most people wabt that body.

But how many people do actually have it?
Turnover;432234 said:
I wish I had had a Bathmate when I was first hitting puberty, my penis would be monstrous!

No shit, right? Can you imagine, I would be the cleanest pre-pubecent boy on the planet!
Think smart. Dont buy a Bathmate if it is your life saving! But ye equipment cqn help giving you extra results. And making things easier and more fun ( it feels really good to see your own cock after a Bathmate workout. Gives you that much more reason to workout more and keep up the attitude
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