Jun 3, 2003
DLD Bundle Stretches change your LOT: No Joke/ This may be HUGE

I have just stumbled on one of the coolest discoveries. You can temporarily change your LOT by doing Bundled stretches. I started to mess with this yesterday. When in a fairly tight Bundle my LOT is visible at almost every level! What does this mean? It could mean the world for those who have low LOTS. I did strictly LIG stretching yesterday in a tight Bundle and my LIGS were screaming up until this morning. I just went to the bathroom and tested my LOT again Bundled and I can get tugback at EVERY increment. If this is the case then this could mean additional LIG stretch we never thought possible.
What does this mean? My Theory is this:

If we are able to temporarily shorten the ligs to create tugback at any level then theoretically we can continue to LIG stretch even when our natural LOT is lost. This is the reason I think I was able to make Lig gains for so long after my LOT was lost at sub 7:00 angles.

Hmmm. If LOT is low, so will be the exit point of the penis from the body. So if your natural LOT is low, stress placed on the ligs may be a waste of stress, simply because there is no gain potential there.

Even if your LOT is low, you could still hit the ligs, and they will get sore, but it would be taking away from the tunica where it might do some good.

I like the idea though, but I feel that tunica stretching has a bad rep. Yes it is harder than lig stretching, but what would you prefer, having to wait maybe 5-6 months to gain or wasting 5-6 months on exercises that are not optimal?

Perhaps you should get a few volunteers to test your theory out, i'm sure there's willing people here.

I wonder how this would apply to the art of hanging? I wonder if I could put my hanger on as usual...apply the weights, and, then give my penis a couple twists and, proceed to hang for a set? Alternating twist directions per set? Feedback please!

Do not twist while hanging. As the penis is stretched, the blood vessels narrow, restricting blood flow. When twisted, it will be restricted even more, if not cut off completely. Also, the shaft may twist within the hanger, even when firmly tightened, which may put pressure where it does not want to be.

Originally posted by SS4Jelq

Hmmm. If LOT is low, so will be the exit point of the penis from the body. So if your natural LOT is low, stress placed on the ligs may be a waste of stress, simply because there is no gain potential there.

Even if your LOT is low, you could still hit the ligs, and they will get sore, but it would be taking away from the tunica where it might do some good.

I like the idea though, but I feel that tunica stretching has a bad rep. Yes it is harder than lig stretching, but what would you prefer, having to wait maybe 5-6 months to gain or wasting 5-6 months on exercises that are not optimal?

Perhaps you should get a few volunteers to test your theory out, i'm sure there's willing people here.


How dare you disagree SS4...I'm going to get RED to BAN you again:D

A theory is an assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture. This is the point I am at with this. I would love to get a couple of you kids with low LOTS to be my lab mice...*evil laugh* For the next month I am going to abandon any tunica work. I think my LOT is amoung the lowest. My stretching routine is going to consist of only Blasters tightly bundled.

I completely agree with you on the tunica stretching. This is something many men never try and think their length ends at Lig stretching. I do have a complete tunica workout. I also made a forum tunica specific for those who have a very low LOT.

DLD I belive in this new method of yours and would like to test it with you.
Message me with details on what I need to do.
Originally posted by REDZULU2003

DLD I belive in this new method of yours and would like to test it with you.
Message me with details on what I need to do.

You got it!
I posted this as a reply over on Thundersplace to this same thread over there:

Ok, my goal is at least 10 inches erect. That's about 2.5" more for me. If my LOT is around 4 O'clock...what angles should I hit? How long will I be able to hit that angle and still get gains? I guess I'm mildly frustrated by this whole LOT idea because, I have a hard time beleiving that the experience of a couple of men can apply to a wide spectrum of men as far as this whole lig/tunica thing goes. Who can honestly say that just because Joe Smith has a LOT of whatever and, that he made most of his gains from hanging and, 95% of the time he was hanging he did so BTC...that the same will or wont apply to Mike Jones? What if Mike Jones has a totally different LOT, and, makes the same gains as Joe Smith? That's possible right? What about these tribes in whatever parts of Africa and other parts of the world who either used to or still do practice a form of weight hanging to enlarge their penises? Do you think they go by these "theories"? Or do they just hang as much as they can and make their dicks bigger without trying to factor in things like genetics and ligament strengths and tunica gain potential and, all this stuff? I think maybe we all have the same potential...some of us may just need more time and resistance applied to make the gains we desire and, that trying to make these cookie cutter style theories and, apply them to everyone is sili. I know most of us here would honestly like to make gains of some sort. The fact is though, not all of us will gain what we want. Who knows why? Maybe now with my new schedule which will allow me to eventually hang for my goal time of 6 hours a day, maybe I will hit my goal of 10"+? Then again, maybe I'm wasting my time and I wont gain anything? I doubt the latter though. I'm of the belief that most people's tissues are of the same genetic makeup and, that if enough resistance is applied over a long enough time that some sort of change will occur. Then again, we're all human and lazyness is a natural part of being human. Maybe all these theories we keep trying to come up with are simply excuses to explain away our lack of effort or true desire to put forth the effort needed to accomplish our goals? Whew, I dont know if any of that made ANY sense to anyone but, I had a long night and didnt get much sleep. Back to my bannana nut bread muffins!
Originally posted by stillwantmore
Do you think they go by these "theories"? Or do they just hang as much as they can and make their dicks bigger without trying to factor in things like genetics and ligament strengths and tunica gain potential and, all this stuff?

I feel your frustration and wanted to include the definition of the word THEORY.

A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena. An assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture.

With this stated I think with any theory we need to understand that it is not fact. Allowing theory to discourage your program is self-defeating. As I have stated on several occasions I only did lig stretching up until a few months ago making consistent gains throughout my program. When the LOT theory came about I did not abandon my lig stretching based on theory. I did start to include tunica stretching to take advantage of this theory. Now that I have stumbled on new theory in this area I plan on testing it. It does not mean I will change my whole program but if it eventually is proven fact I will. Using theory to your advantage is wise but allowing any one theory to dictate your program is sili.
Oh, I totally agree with your last reply DLD! I was not meaning that I was letting these theories dictate MY program. I'm set on what I'M doing. I just get frustrated when I see someone come up with some new theory and, then all these guys...usually the newer, less experienced ones who know no better...jump right on the new theory band wagon and mess up what little consistency their program may have had. Then they get frustrated a few months later when nothing is working for them.
Originally posted by stillwantmore
Oh, I totally agree with your last reply DLD! I was not meaning that I was letting these theories dictate MY program. I'm set on what I'M doing. I just get frustrated when I see someone come up with some new theory and, then all these guys...usually the newer, less experienced ones who know no better...jump right on the new theory band wagon and mess up what little consistency their program may have had. Then they get frustrated a few months later when nothing is working for them.

I agree with this statement SO MUCH. I have seen so many newbies give up before they start because their LOT is at one place or another. The other thing that becomes discouraging to others is what to do once they determine their LOT. I think a very good thing we have done is to create seperate forums that are Lig and Tunica specific. Using theory to aid our exercise is being smart but it should not replace tried and true basics.

>How dare you disagree SS4...I'm going to get RED to BAN you again<



still says:

>I just get frustrated when I see someone come up with some new theory and, then all these guys...usually the newer, less experienced ones who know no better...jump right on the new theory band wagon and mess up what little consistency their program may have had.<

You say:

>I agree with this statement SO MUCH.<

Yet isnt this whole thread based on a new theory? :D

As I posted at Penis Enlargement forums, what are the mechanisms you propose will give low LOT'ers gains from lig stretch? What theory or proposals do you have to support your idea?

Na Na Na Na NAAAAA My theory is better than yours *stick tongue out*:D

SS4 I am not contesting the theory, I am mearly saying it is a theory. My post is 1 day old...GIVE ME SOME TIME TO PROVE IT:D But to answer your question:

Originally posted by SS4Jelq
I would still like to hear DLD's opinion on why lig work at low LOT would be useful.

I guess I do not have a theoretical reason. I continue to gain using Lig specific exercise so I do not want to abandon these exercises. I have trained lig specific up until maybe 4 months ago continuously making gains. Since the LOT theory was developed I include tunica stretching also so gains from that point are cloudy if they have come from lig or tunica stretching. I guess my feelings are better safe than sorry.

>Na Na Na Na NAAAAA My theory is better than yours *stick tongue out*<


Your Tiger style is strong! But my Dragon style, will defeat it!

I think it is possible that your gains came from:

1) Tunica stretch at upper angles that you do
2) The unavoidable portion of tunica stretch even at low angles
3) Tunica gains before the attachment point of the ligs giving you a rise in LOT, but with the regular lig work you do, you compensate by gaining in this area (you cannot argue that you are an easy gainer). Hence during a session you would gain temporary length in tunica, raising the gain potential of the ligs and the lig work creates a temporary gain here too. So over time the temporary gains would cement, and because you got 'dual gains', your LOT would not change.

This raises another quesion I have been pondering. Is it best to work tunica until your LOT reaches 8, then lig work until it drops again etc? I think no, I believe that if gains are made in tunica, then the limiting factors are weakened, and I think that tunica gains would be easier than lig gains in this instance (assuming no lig work was being done). It is ALWAYS a good idea to 'ride the fatigue', and the work you have already done. I think it is best to work on the tunica through fulcrum techniques (placing stress on the lower tunica towards the base), until LOT rises to 9. Then, the gain potential from ligs would be great, and it would be good to switch to lig work, remembering that it may yet take a few months to build up the fatigue, or less depending on the individual strength of the limiting factors.

Of course fulcrum techniques may cause a curve in the erection, and if this develops and you feel it is not desirable, then stretching without a fulcrum would solve the problem (as the tighter side would automatically receive more stress).

I'm done ranting now...

Originally posted by SS4Jelq
Your Tiger style is strong! But my Dragon style, will defeat it!

LMFAO Cryin'
Originally posted by SS4Jelq
2) The unavoidable portion of tunica stretch even at low angles

So stretches below the LOT are still beneficial...No?

Go kill him DLD.

BIB came up with a good theory but it aint science fact and DLD had added some more insight which he is also testing.

I dont belive the LOT 100%.
Just parts.

Guys still gain good if their LOT is crap and not suitable for LIG work. I am working with a guy p2p over e-mails and he has a shit LOT but with my advise he is doing great and gaining fine bit by bit with lig work each month.

I reckon if ya keep the routine mixed up using shock tactics and keeping it intense, making sure ya feel it, than ya'll gain......I have.

How come you are so defensive for this LOT theory ;)
I know you are very good freinds with the maker of the theory....BIB, But surely that cant be it......your not that kinda guy :(

>So stretches below the LOT are still beneficial...No?<

Twisting my words you sly dog. The benefit here is tunica stretch, why not stretch above the LOT and avoid the ligs from taking stress away from where it is needed?


>How come you are so defensive for this LOT theory
I know you are very good freinds with the maker of the theory....BIB, But surely that cant be it......your not that kinda guy<

Yeah, bib is the coolest. But the theory makes sense, both in the theory in itself and in practice. I have an experiment going at �other PE site�, and that + independant reports support the theory.

Originally posted by SS4Jelq
Twisting my words you sly dog.

Hey I'm tring to Rally some support here:D
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