Yeah, and notice we didn't chip in . . .what's your point? You claim crazy stuff that you can't prove and probably isn't true if you take a cursory look at the biology and physiology of it, and there's criticism. You keep it inside reasonable limits for the whole recruitment thing and I haven't got much of a problem.

For the record, there are a lot of things I disagree with in there, and if you want to talk about them I'd be happy to take some time and cite them.
Yeah, and notice we didn't chip in . . .what's your point? You claim crazy stuff that you can't prove and probably isn't true if you take a cursory look at the biology and physiology of it, and there's criticism. You keep it inside reasonable limits for the whole recruitment thing and I haven't got much of a problem.

For the record, there are a lot of things I disagree with in there, and if you want to talk about them I'd be happy to take some time and cite them.

All you got is personal attacks and opinion. You have no experience with restoration and only regurgitate the official line of the circumcision fetishists. You cover the weakness of your arguments by casting me in a poor light, but saying someone is "one-sided" doesn't make them one-sided, no more than calling my claims "crazy" make them crazy. Your opinion doesn't count, swank. Bring us some facts. All you do is try to cast doubt on mine.
Frankly there is doubt cast on you. Every criticism you have of me is applicable to yourself by the way.

What's mroe hilarious is that you keep whining about this turning into a personal thing, yet you refuse to quite posting about the contentions between us.

Here's something novel, talk about FR and circumcision. People don't care about this stuff between you and me. It's an internet forum guy. Hit the bench and take a breather, maybe come back with a fresh head.
Oh, yeah, there it is. Now I'm getting too worked up, right? Well, I knew that one was coming, too! There it is, guys, the final one! "Look out, Kong's mad! Kong can't keep his temper!" Guess what? I'm happy as can be. I'm gonna sign off here and play some games at my store. I already got some nooky today so I'm leaving the little lady alone and having some personal time. I was never "whining", which is just another thing that you're trying to put in their head. I was just exposing your prime debate tactic, which is very clever and convincing. I'm just leaving you with a warning. It's tit for tat, now. You debate facts and I will. You attack my credibility or the credibility of my sources and I do the same. You talk about me being "whiny" or "strange" or a "liar" and I will only do the same to you.
While I am sure some are fascinated to hear about your new 'debate tactics' and such Kong, I for one am much more interested in taking the focus off you and me and placing it on FR and circumcision.

You are free to post as you please and to use whatever "tactics" you like, but all this conversation of such things does little to advance the topical debate. I have asked some specific questions regarding the physiology and origin of some statements you have made regarding FR and circumcision in several other threads that you have thus far not answered.

Lets keep things rolling on the real debate over the benefits of FR and the effects of circumcision.
As an uncut male, I'd like to chip in with my two cents.
I basically agree with both Kong and Swank on the fact that circumcision is more or less unnecessary. The only tangible benefit I can imagine from being circumcised is the issue of better hygiene, but that can easily be solved by washing more thoroughly/regularily. I don't experience any problems, as I clean under the hood a few times a day. It isn't much of a hassle, really.

I obviously can't weigh the pros and cons of having sex with a cut or an uncut penis, but I can say that I derive the most pleasure from the "gliding" of the penis inside its own skin during intercourse or masturbation. Simply rubbing on the head, or using fast, stabbing strokes without the gliding motion isn't nearly as pleasurable. So, if I were to get cut NOW, I'd have to figure out another way to maximize my pleasure during sex, since the primary method through which I had acheived that would be taken away from me. I'm not saying that sex would be less enjoyable to someone who was cut at birth (someone who has had a lifetime of honing his self pleasuring skills without a foreskin), but I am saying that I wouldn't want to get cut because I couldn't enjoy the same sensation I have been used to any longer.

There is one downside to having too much loose shaft skin, though: I tend to suffer from a turkey neck because of that. Having a little bit less penile skin would actually benefit me, but I'm sure this isn't the norm for most uncut guys. My problem probably stems from the fact that I have gained more excess skin versus actually making good gains in penis length. I have never used a grip that would have caused this, yet it has happened somehow. There is the benefit of having a looser flaccid hang thanks to the excess skin, but the turkey neck is not something I'd care to have.

I can't say whether or not I believe FR to be the holy grail for every penile ailment (if any) cut guys may suffer from. I do believe that circumcision in itself (at least a tight one) does some degree of damage to the penis, but I'm not entirely convinced that there is any way to reverse that, i.e. whether or not the new foreskin grown over the head via FR will truly fix anything. It may or may not be the equivalant of a natural foreskin; I can't say that yet with any certainty.

On the other hand, most guys seem to be loosely cut, and have a perfectly normal and healthy penis to being with, so there may be no need to fix something that isn't broken.