kong1971 you are doing a great job buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!
more power to you.
circ or not it is a criminal offence to circ a child under 18 without their consent / unless absolutley medically neccesary.
and circ rate is declining everywhere, intrnational figures frm the WHO (world healh organisation) have circ as 20% or there abouts of the world population..so 8 out of 10 guys are intact in the world, im not goping o get too deep into this but believe me i could. if your circ and happy ood for you, but theres no ecuse for doing it to a child unless medically unavoidable.
personally im a natural 7x5.75, and i love my foreskin, my glans is shiny and smooth and goddamn it feels sooo good. im very good at edging and ejaculate only when i want to.
the forskin just about covrs it erect and it feels great, if id have been cut i would find and revenge the person/s involved.
on a side note i hve had my nuts altered through surgry for medical resons and they cause me pain often cos of it (testicular fixtion to stop twisting) and knowing that they are "altered" makes me deeply upset and the pain makes it wore feeling...i guess you could compare it to being cut in some ways like th faxt im diffeent and it hurts etc and i can totally understand the psychology behind it..itspinful to accept and think about so i just prefer to try to ignore it.
i know everyones different but children should be protected, my dad was cut at 5 by a guy who had noting to do with him..the psychological trauma literally destroyed him and turned him crazy, so i grew up wihout him. he evn denied he was cut when my mum said he was. he got very angry etc.
so anyways, my foreskin is clean, always has been and i dont get any smegma and i dont smel, never had a foreskin infection or any of that bullshit the circ industry says foreskin causs, its also very good to pull the skin back and let the frenulum get a little taught and just holdit, man there like 101 things you can do, you cn even just pul and hold the skin back and just rub the head like cut guys if you want.
also remember that circ was and still is covered by general insurance in the usa so thats an extra 1-200$ for each circ they do, its like commission..if yu are aware of the situation you will see where circ is now requird to be paid for privately the rate has actually droppe significantly..a good step in the right direction.
if your cut and love it then more power to you and i wish you well, but i hope YOU chose to be, because if it ws imposed upon you then youve been robbed
anyway, just wanted to post a reply kong1971
take care all of you cut or natural