There is much that could be said about this particular topic. DLD is one of the biggest growers and he trained everyday. Bib hung everyday, and there are others like BG over at Thunder's who talks about clampathons and never letting it turtle.
In view of the different areas that you work, length or girth, then rest can be seen a bit more clearly. Length it is a good idea to fatigue the fibers daily, but it is a relative term to be fatigued.
Hanging heavy for numerous days consecutively is not the best idea, in fact it can lead to injuries such as skin tearing and severe bruising. Manuals are the same way in general, if you pull extra hard one day then the tissue will be a bit more pliable the next day and the same amount of force could again, possibly lead to injury. Length work can generally be done more frequently and with a higher "load", meaning amount of
weight/pull and also volume.
Girth is a bit more general. There are markers for overtraining with girth, a few being erection strength, fluid buildup, bruisining, and desire is also a big one to consider. Girth for most guys can be done everyday as well, but the catch is not to push everyday to the maximum degree of intenisty. You can clamp everyday if you simply apply the clamp and trap the blood in the penis. If you clamp everyday performing three-four rotations of different squeezes striving for maximum engorgement then you are going to over train and have erection problems. The point of all of this is to say that one of the keys to Penis Enlargementing and being consistent is understanding how to vary the intensity with which you attack your sessions. If you're feeling extra horny then have an intense session, but if you're stressed and pressed for time then do some nice slow jelqs to get the blood moving a bit. It's pretty simple as far as it goes, but it's about knowing your own penis.
It has also been discussed at length about long breaks, also known as deconditioning breaks. These work very well for someone who gets stressed out, pressed for time on a daily basis, or just needs a break. I can say that a break of more than 4 weeks did help my gains. I took a nice long mental break from Penis Enlargement, worrying about my penis, and just enjoying everyday life and I came back ready to work and my penis grew from it. I have consistently gained after that long break, and will probably take another long break here soon. Deconditioning breaks are generally good in all aspects, from lifting
weights, dieting, work, school, and most of us don't consider the time off we have for vacation a time to decondition but that's all it is. It's a time to get away from things, even if it's just one area, and enjoy being free for a time.
The benefits to taking a break during the week could primarily be mental, but I believe there are benefits to taking breaks physiologically. The tissues will repair to an extent over a 24 hour period, but not to the extent of being completely healed. This is a time for the metabolic wastes from the tissue trauma to be removed and the body can begin to repair the "damage". This break would allow for the erection to be strong consistently after a day off as the tissues will not be as soft as if they had just been worked. This would help with workout consitency, and keep things interesting and from being in a grind all the time.
Generally speaking breaks are good, and most people could use one. Maybe not necessarily on a schedule but based on how they feel on a given day. I've used this type of method for a while, and I can say that I have more on days than off, but I can also say that my sessions are very productive and are getting me where I want to be. I enjoy my sessions as much on a jelq only day, as when I perform 15 Supra Slammers. It's really mostly about perspective and knowing how you feel.