Well-known member
This is a topic I've shared about in the past, under my other SN ''stillwantmore''. Long story, nother day. Anyway, the point of this thread is to throw this out there. The penis is in fact just a small bundle of skin, veins, a small artery or two, and some other tissues. Bottom line? A penis is a penis is a penis. Skin and tissue vary VERY minutely. There are of course natural variations in size and therefor the amount of tissue in a given penis, but they are in fact all the SAME otherwise from a purely physiological, and biological standpoint. That said, how could you NOT believe you can make your penis bigger permanently??? Look at these two pictures first:
Lip stretching (Penis EnlargementRMANENT)
One of the MORE disturbing 'body mod' trends I see these days, the ear stretchers...really, what will they do when they are EIGHTY???
THEN, there's the fairly new (within the last couple decades) medical practice of stretching (permanently) a LIMB. The leg is the most common. Either because of a severe injury, a birth defect, or merely a desire to be taller (as in China where there is great cultural pressure and demand for TALLER people). Look at this story. This young man, at the time of this article 19 y.o.; back then just a baby, was born with a severely mal-formed and much shorter leg. Through limb lengthening over several years, his leg is now it's normal length. His femur was cut in two places, and then this adjustable ''cage'' was bolted through the femur into his leg. He'd turn small knobs on the cage a little EVERY DAY (consistently stretched over time), and the tissues are slowly, permanently stretched.
Baby Michael
As a boy
At time of article, at 19
From the article about his story
So breaking it down simply...the LEG of a human being is probably 30X or more more DENSE with tissue than a Penis EnlargementNIS...yet many of us can't seem to figure out how to enlarge ours. I think many factors are involved, but over the last....roughly 9 years of witnessing MANY, MANY first hand testimonies, and from my own personal experience with successful gains, I conclude outside of the ''other'' unknowns the main three culprits for no gains to be mainly:
1) Little consistency.
2) Not enough force (either laterally or girth wise).
3) Lack of a real sense of dedication to the effort...which goes back to number 1.
Now, I hope this thread has somewhat inspired some guys, and maybe some of the brainier types will chime in with their thoughts as well.
Lip stretching (Penis EnlargementRMANENT)
One of the MORE disturbing 'body mod' trends I see these days, the ear stretchers...really, what will they do when they are EIGHTY???
THEN, there's the fairly new (within the last couple decades) medical practice of stretching (permanently) a LIMB. The leg is the most common. Either because of a severe injury, a birth defect, or merely a desire to be taller (as in China where there is great cultural pressure and demand for TALLER people). Look at this story. This young man, at the time of this article 19 y.o.; back then just a baby, was born with a severely mal-formed and much shorter leg. Through limb lengthening over several years, his leg is now it's normal length. His femur was cut in two places, and then this adjustable ''cage'' was bolted through the femur into his leg. He'd turn small knobs on the cage a little EVERY DAY (consistently stretched over time), and the tissues are slowly, permanently stretched.
Baby Michael
As a boy
At time of article, at 19
From the article about his story
Ever since he was a small boy, Michael Gays has dreaded his bedtime.
While other children nodded off to their sweet dreams, he had to sit and turn the screws on the metal cage that stretched his withered right leg.
Sometimes during the ten long years of treatment, the pain was so bad that he had to have morphine. But not once did he shirk from his task.
Yesterday, that courage paid off. Michael, now 19, stood tall for the first time on two legs of identical length.
His right limb has been lengthened an incredible nine inches (!!!!), after 22 operations including three in which his leg was broken.
So breaking it down simply...the LEG of a human being is probably 30X or more more DENSE with tissue than a Penis EnlargementNIS...yet many of us can't seem to figure out how to enlarge ours. I think many factors are involved, but over the last....roughly 9 years of witnessing MANY, MANY first hand testimonies, and from my own personal experience with successful gains, I conclude outside of the ''other'' unknowns the main three culprits for no gains to be mainly:
1) Little consistency.
2) Not enough force (either laterally or girth wise).
3) Lack of a real sense of dedication to the effort...which goes back to number 1.
Now, I hope this thread has somewhat inspired some guys, and maybe some of the brainier types will chime in with their thoughts as well.