Hey Guys I been Penis Enlargement'ing for like 6 months so far and three weeks ago i felt ready to clamp. I'm really chasing girth but it keeps evading me. I'm at 4.5 EG and when I'm in the clamp i hit a solid 5. Man I get so jacked only to see it fade away even with ADC. My goal is six inches of girth overall because my girl thinks that she will faint if it gets any bigger. Can anyone help give me some tips or something. Much appreciated.
Hi welcome to the forums. In time with constrictors you will get to the size that you wish. You can also add other exercises to them while doing it such as clamped wet jelqs etc.

I'm in the process of revising the constrictor guide and it will be out in several weeks time but in the meantime I URGE you to read the info posted by stillwantmore in the thread linked here http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=33975 and my classic constrictor guide here http://www.geocities.com/redzulu2003/theconstrictorguideeditedbylovemuscle.pdf

They provide the answers you seek but if you need further assistance than please let us know.
Good Deal! But seriously how long does it take to see cemented results from clamping. One dude on another site told me you could clamp for a year and theres a possibility that nothing will become cemented. I do 3 x 10 minutes set the first just kegeling to get a internal stretch and the second is U bends that I found on your first Clamping Bible and lastly i do Squeezes. Is this good to start with or should I switch it up?

I'm wondering the same about cemented gains. I started out at 6" erect girth prior to Penis Enlargement. I get up to 7 1/4" clamping, but after a couple of days off of no Penis Enlargement work, my erect state goes down considerably. Are these gains only temporary at best? Thanks.
The guy on the other board is right, nothing is set in stone and if the person isnt consistent and intense with their workout than it wont cement. I'm living proof alongwith stillwantmore and many other men across the globe that constrictor's work but its not like you clamp, get big and it stays. Same with all natural pe. Stick with it for 6-8 months at least on a regular basis and you will see gains. That routine you mention sounds fine but the 'U' bend is more for length so add squeezes to it or [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, wet jelqs if you can.

The last poster, with expansion like that during a session you HAVE potential mate and should stick with it regularly and in time you might shock yourself.

Its all about sticking to it for awhile and once its cememted your at the bank ... I have took over a 2 year break and guess what?? lost NOTHING .. how cool is that!

Its a shock when your cock gets so large with such methods and than goes smaller afterwards but like I said keep to it and reap the rewards ... keep to it.

Grab yourself a pump if you can and use that too and [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s for girth.

You will notice over time your penis look different infront of the mirror, thicker and longer this is when its cememnted
Red, I read that post about some guy who clamped everyday and got nothing at the end of five weeks. I currently do a clamping session MWF and then rest on the other days. Is that cool? And Im also looking to increase my length a lil and my tunica is my inhibitor. Does clamping open the door to stretching the tunica?
Everyone gains at different speeds and intervals than others and what works for some may not work for them. Its the way of life and if you check the poll in this section on clamping gains, you will see that some have noted gains of ZERO and its a waste of time.

Five weeks in my opinion isnt long enough to see proper gains in anything, let alone clamping. Penis enlargement as I'm sure your aware from reading about the place isnt a science, well what I mean is we dont have science behind us and its mostly from experience and our own wisdom that got us where we are and the whole community spirit via all pe forums across cyberspace.

I'm pretty confident that most guys could gain respectable amounts of size with constriction work. I wouldnt be thinking about doing a side buisness in the field if I wasnt confident now would I!

You see, its allot about patience and when we see our dicks grow to such huge sizes and than shrink from the temp gain in size, we tend to loose focus and motivation. The negative feelings start, which is a trend in all humans unless stomped out.

Yes, you will loose size after a session of constrictors ... this is NORMAL and is a result of all the blood from the penis that was engorged inside it, leaving the external cavity [The portion we see] and re-entering the body again where it gets sent about the body.

The following hours and few days the penis reverts back to its normal size, or the size it was beforehand and this is because the blood and swelling has returned back to normal but that doesnt mean it was a waste of time or growth isnt starting to happen.

Growth is VERY SLOW in us humans across many aspects of our bodies with nerves being very slow to heal for example. It takes lots of hardwork and dedication to get the penis into a permanent state of enlargement.

If you stick to it with faith, determinination and execute the movements EXACTLY as outlined than you WILL gain.

Those that dont gain ANYTHING in girth from clamping, well it amazes me because its amongst the most intense girth work you could do to increase size. Think of clamping as a maximum lift in a strongman competition. Your taxing your penis to the MAXIMUM it can go and I mean MAXIMUM you can go because your squeezing that bastard while its clamped so MORE blood is forced inside and held, pushing the engorgements past ... well past its normal capacity .. this is VERY intense and when done like I mentioned, with consitency and intensity than the penis has NO OPTION but to adapt to this stress, and that is to grow new tissue and that for us is a BIGGER DICK!!

I can only assume that those who never gain from clamping have either not put the work in, done it wrong i.e. not clamped tight enough or kept the erection hard during the workout or something I have been researching and will be incl in great detail during the new guide ..... overtrained and tired which 'could' result in no growth.

I will get back onto topic with this thread now.

MWF sounds good to me but why not throw Sunday in too? So it would be 4 days eachweek with 24 hour rests between each session which is ample for a starter like you.

M-W-F-S than T-T-S-M, W-F-S-T etc etc instead of the set in stone routines on certain days.

Your penis should start to see signs of change around weeks 6-8 of consistency and by this I mean a fuller flaccid penis and the glans looking larger. You'll be no hung stallion yet, but this isnt a sprint ... it can literally take a guy a few years to reach his goal and anyone who says otherwise is talking shit unless its done #1 By surgery or #2 He's merely pumping and the massive gains seen are FLUID which is easily seen and looks a bloody mess if I'm frank with you.

Okay so you want length aswell? Constrictors do work with length and you could try the TOW stretch talked about in the guide, where you grab around the glans [head] and with the other around the scrotum and pull in opposite directions. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds and than get the circulation going again, full erection and repeat .. do it as often as you want to for your goals.

This stretch is hitting the external [outside] penis and aiming to make that longer via stretching the engorged blood pockets inside the penis. When we jelq these pockets of blood which reside inside the penis'es three chambers get engored and pushed bigger so they become larger and the penis grows.

My theory is that this stretch pulls these in a lengthwise direction and while its done fully erect + clamped will work more effectively for erect length than if done flaccid ... to me doing this flaccid is pointless if you want external length but thats my thought and not gospel.

So have another read of the guide for length ideas and see what others say here. You can also do other work for length such as 'A' blasters which are arguebly the BEST length exercise evermade!!! no BS as guys go on about them being the holy grail of length back in the day, so do your research on them .. created by the one and only > DLD so you know its quality.

Think of also doing SSJs while clamped alongwith horse squeezes and Uli's. If you want more width than you can attack it with the ATS rollors but be cautious as thats very intense but gives you width overtime as the pressure and force is applied downwards to the penis, so in time that stress equals the width in terms of growth.

Last but by no means least, try and invest in a quality pump. Vacutech make good ones and also think about getting a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words]. These will be valuable in your quest for both girth and length, can be used by themselves or combined in a constriction routine.
Big Ups Red... U know your stuff I'm gonna throw the new routine in there and be patient gains will come. DLD knows what he's talking about I tried those A Stretches just to see how it would feel and i was amazed by the stretch. Im gonna do everything you said to the letter. Thanks a ton and big ups to DLD for inventing [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] puts all the other forums to shame!
Red just givin an update... Im gonna take the rest of the week off and start fresh. Im gonna start monday with some A Stretches and some other length stuff... I've been reading that stretching the tunica leads to more girth gains. Then im gonna hop into the clamp and get right into it. First set will be some squeeze and ulis. Set two will be some wet jelqing hard and soft as you prescribed and lastly some TCS. I will have 10 minute sets with five minute breaks in between. Before I only would jelq and slap my dick til i felt it was ready to go. I think thats why me EQ has dipped a lil but i will follow that every other day schedule. Any more suggestions Red?
Sounds like a plan. Other suggestions would be to monitor your penis for coldness and numbness during the session. Its rare but can happen as I'm sure your aware from this type of work. To me pe is no dangerous than bench pressing. A risk is involved with that as the lifter could fail and drop the bar on his chest. Risks are with everything so be aware but enjoy the session. The most important thing is ENJOY and get into it. Get turned on, have a mirror to look at the thing .. get into it, visualize the woman hear them .. it helps. Lastly, your erection ... its vital that you maintain the hardest erection you can and this needs to be at least 90% and than with the exercises your working with that and pushing your size into new grounds. At first it can be scary and daunting but whe your like me and have done this so many times its like wipeing your ass haha but ALLOT more fun!

Keep us posted
Will do bro! I cant wait to hop back in the clamp. Question though, when your in the clamp are you suppose to tighten it to a point that your close to or a lil past your 100% mark or is in better to be a 90%?
You close it, so its a good tightness but not too tight that it cuts off circulation completely but its fairly tight. Your erection can be around semi when you go in the clamp and than get stimulated to maximum while in the clamp ... this works best for me.
Yo RZ i got a quick question. Since im on the one day on one day off plan do i still do manual work on the days in between. Say for instance since Im clamping MWF should i do my length routine with a couple of jelqs? Thanks in advance.
Your expertise in the girth section is a much added plus to this forum. I think i speak for us all looking for more girth when i say
YOUR THE MAN RED thanks BRother
Hey guys im backagain with questions this time my question is did your tunica respond to clamping by becoming more rigid... mines feels like the bastard got thicker on me it even holds me back from jelqing at 100 percent is there something i can do any help you can give is appreciated

This is a good sign and is the extra expansion inside the penis from the work being done to it. To resolve your problem, I would allow the erection to subside alittle, say from 100% to 90% .. you know a tiny bit, so you can work with it in manner you speak of [To jelq].

Keep us posted on how your doing buddy .... how many weeks has it been now and create a thread in the routine section, updating progress .... even better take a picture now of your penis and than in 6-8 weeks like I said with the routine, take another and you will be VERY HAPPY ....... guys forget this and because we see our manhood eachday when we piss and play with it haha we fail to notice the 'changes' as they occur .. so get the camera out.
