how is hanging different from using the [words=]jes[/words], it seems like the same principle, and the results would probably be the same

i don't know, am i right ?

i did try hanging before, i put some weights in a sock, then tied it around my dick, now i just use this [words=]jes[/words] thingy, i think it's better.

now i'm wondering, is there a difference, and which method is recommended, hanging vs the [words=]jes[/words]

hey, i recognize that guy from the members area, he's the [words=]MOS[/words] pecker model

>how is hanging different from using the [words=]jes[/words], it seems like the same principle, and the results would probably be the same<

Hmm, I do not really know. I have never used an [words=]ADS[/words] system, other than wrapping. But I can speculate a bit.

With hanging, in general, you can use much more stress to break the tough collagenous bonds that provide gains. For many guys, it appears that an [words=]ADS[/words] system alone does not provide this amount of force. Though I believe an [words=]ADS[/words] system would be useful to keep the bonds open created through hanging.

With hanging, you also are able to use a known force, and be more scientific about your Penis Enlargement.

Further, with hanging, gravity is relentless. The force is the same throughout the set. With an [words=]ADS[/words], the attachment can slip, or once you get past the marginal stretch, there is no further stretch.

With hanging, and in private, you can utilize many more angles of attack than with an [words=]ADS[/words]. You must find your next limiting factor, and go after it. You can also use fulcrums with hanging.

I would also speculate that the gains are more common, and more of them, with hanging.

>i did try hanging before, i put some weights in a sock, then tied it around my dick, now i just use this [words=]jes[/words] thingy, i think it's better.<

Yes, about anything would be better than tying anything around your dick. That is fairly dangerous.

Fantastic job! I don't have a BIB (yet), but still think that the overall wrapping technique and basic hanging instructions were applicable to general hanging. Definitely made me want to save for my BIB starter. My Captain's Wench starts slipping a lot at 10lbs . . .


i still can't get offer the fact that someone who is a member of this board would actually tie a sock around his penis and call it hanging....are we not educating the members properly...or are some people just special....

the vid is awesome....
chainandballer said:
how is hanging different from using the [words=]jes[/words], it seems like the same principle, and the results would probably be the same

i don't know, am i right ?

i did try hanging before, i put some weights in a sock, then tied it around my dick, now i just use this [words=]jes[/words] thingy, i think it's better.

now i'm wondering, is there a difference, and which method is recommended, hanging vs the [words=]jes[/words]

Ive got a jez [words=]extender[/words] and they are a total waste of money IMO,i saw no growth when i used mine.

I gained an inch from manual stretching then saw no growth for about a year and a half,since starting hanging ive started to see gains again.
millionman said:
i still can't get offer the fact that someone who is a member of this board would actually tie a sock around his penis and call it hanging....are we not educating the members properly...or are some people just special....
Hahhahahah! Wooohhhahahaarrhhg! Ahemahem! Oh shit - I almost pissed my pants from laughing so hard.
You made me go back and read this thread more carefully. Thanks for the laugh, man.
Well HOOS I figured I would return the favor, because every time I see your avatar I smile, and the first time I saw it I was like dying laughing. It's great. So again I thank you for the laughs.

>Bib what's your opinion on removing the gel padding from the inside of the hanger like Still does in the video?<

If your hanger is performing well, I would not fool with it. But if/when the gel becomes worn out, torn, etc, you might try taking it off. The very first hangers I ever made did not have the cushion. I put it on at the request of the testers.

If you do that, of course the amount of wrap you will need will change.

I have been hanging off and on(mostly off) for about a year. I have asked a million questios and stilll had a million more. That video was perfect. I have no more questions, I finally understand. Thanks SWM.
well i notice that SWM (if that's who that is) in the video has ALOT of flaccid hang to work with, i'm estimating at least 5 inches, if not six. which makes this look easy to do. but i don't have that. i got 3, if that, and turkey neck gets in the way and that doesn't help any. so what the hell do we do if we don't have alot of hanging meat to work with? it's very frustrating, i've been fiddling with this hanger and different rap cloth lengths and widths and etc. for weeks if not months and still can't get consistancy. somewhere i read ''the first limiting factor is skin.'' well, actually, that is second; the first limiting factor is rapping. if you can't get a good rap consistantly you won't get any gains. and you won't be hanging ''10 to 17 1/2 pounds'' for hours a day if you're wasting all your time fiddling with raps and getting pinched and all that shit cuz you can't get it rapped right. i know he makes it look easy, and it should be easy, but damned if i can get it on.
anyone else have this problem? i gave up, but i'm gonna try again. i know it can be done. ''what one man can do so can another.'' i'm just getting frustrated. i just vented so that's what that was. any tips or comments would be appreciated.

First, what is your FSL? Since you need to stretch out your unit when you wrap, that is really the only measure that matters. After wraping, if done properly, your shaft will stay extended.

I started out hanging with a 1-2 inch flaccid, but my FSL was about six inches.

Write out exactly what your wraping problem is, what you are wraping with, what you are hanging with, etc, and we will try to help you out.

Heh... I never knew not to tie around it. .-. Good thing I've only done that a few tmes.. but 90 bucks for that? :/ Ugh. anybody know of a cheaper alternative... like.. in the 40's .-.? Also, unused... since that's safer than putting trust into another person's item... heh, item.
I agree dude....
that's a lot of chips for the guys who are low income and on a budget.

can I get the bib with out the straps for $29.95?

>can I get the bib with out the straps for $29.95?<

Costs a lot more than that to make. But there are many instructions for making your own homemade device on this forum, stuck at the top.

How can guys complain about the cost of the BIB hangers? I mean no disrespect, but you guys who complain are cheap-o's. It is obvious from first looks at the thing that the labor ALONE to make one of these is worth more than $30, not even taking materials into consideration. If you don't value BIB's time at all, then beg him to buy this thing for less than what he charges. Nobody takes time and more importantly, engineering, into consideration. I think the $100+ that he charges is right on the money. Not only that, but he offers free support to everyone, regardless of whether r not you buy one of his hangers. Hats off to you, BIB.

>I mean no disrespect, but you guys who complain are cheap-o's. It is obvious from first looks at the thing that the labor ALONE to make one of these is worth more than $30, not even taking materials into consideration.<

Thanks very much. It is incredible how freaking labor intensive it is to make hangers and send them out. I am always thinking I should raise the price.

I enjoy the tutoring, and seeing guys succeed. But the actual making of the hangers is a pain. If a guy has the tools, ability, etc, to make his own, he should.

goldmember said:
How can guys complain about the cost of the BIB hangers? I mean no disrespect, but you guys who complain are cheap-o's. It is obvious from first looks at the thing that the labor ALONE to make one of these is worth more than $30, not even taking materials into consideration. If you don't value BIB's time at all, then beg him to buy this thing for less than what he charges. Nobody takes time and more importantly, engineering, into consideration. I think the $100+ that he charges is right on the money. Not only that, but he offers free support to everyone, regardless of whether r not you buy one of his hangers. Hats off to you, BIB.

I hate to jump on your bandwagon, but I agree. Amazing price is a factor when purchasing equiptment for your penis. Excellent video. I have a regular Bib hanger, but after seeing that video, Im convinced you need a Bib starter. With a starter, more of the penis is exposed to the stress, allowing for more gains IMO.
goldmember said:
How can guys complain about the cost of the BIB hangers? I mean no disrespect, but you guys who complain are cheap-o's. It is obvious from first looks at the thing that the labor ALONE to make one of these is worth more than $30, not even taking materials into consideration. If you don't value BIB's time at all, then beg him to buy this thing for less than what he charges. Nobody takes time and more importantly, engineering, into consideration. I think the $100+ that he charges is right on the money. Not only that, but he offers free support to everyone, regardless of whether r not you buy one of his hangers. Hats off to you, BIB.

Got to agree with what GM said,the level of sevice you get from Bib is second to none,the hangers are of a high quality,he replaced the two halfs of mine free of charge when i broke it even though it was my own fault,and look at the amount of time and effet he puts into helping guys out in the forum.

The price is very reasonable,especially if compared to that of a mass produced jez [words=]extender[/words].
Great video. That's the way to show the basics of anything. From there, we can launch, I think. You tell WHY you do something the way you do it, rather than just say, "Here's how you do it," without any rationale. Good job.

I would also like to tell you about an experiment I made, before I saw this video. I have a strip of heavy doe skin (leather). It's soft and stretchy, so I wrapped that just behind the glans to take advantage of the glans lip to help hold it on.

Around that, I wrapped a velcro strap (with the slotted hole end) that had a hole punched in the end of it. Into that hole I hooked a green bungee strap (about a foot long), and then I looped a similar but longer velcro strap around the instep of my foot, punched a few holes in the end of that strap for "adjustments" and found the place where there was always tension.

The effect was pretty cool, too. As you walk, you can feel you dick stretching. When you sit down, the tension ALMOST relaxes, but not quite. I wore this comfortably for a couple of hours, but had to remove it because of other business. I think it to be successful, however, in that it was comfortable and I did not strangulate my cock. Matter of fact, it felt very inviting.

Still, I cannot tell anybody where that doeskin comes from, so I'm no help. Just that here is another "principle" someone might profit from.
wtf?? i down loaded the video and it stopped a third of the way in?:(

I just bought a new lap top, can someone check the video
and post back ? im really pissed
where can I find information and pictures of bib's products. i am new to this and have no clue where to look. I am trying to read everything I can. Also with hanging do you gain girth at all?
The video was great! I was curious as to the weight almost touching the floor when it was attached to the hanger. Do you get a better stretch the further away the weight is from the penis? I guess stated another way, what would the results be if the weight was just a few inches under the hanger? Any difference? Thanks.
jkisineffect said:
wtf?? i down loaded the video and it stopped a third of the way in?:(

I just bought a new lap top, can someone check the video
and post back ? im really pissed

that's called a video codec prolem. Try downloading video lan player AKA "VLC"
Wow... I'm new to the forum and I didn't know guys did that? I thought there were some crazy hardcore guys out there that probably sit in a dark basement listening to Aphex Twin (COME TO DADDY) and do something like that, but didn't know it was a regular thing guys do. With that said.... THAT VIDEO WAS F'ING AWESOME!!! I want one of those things. I read all the posts in the thread and everyone is referring to a member called bib and are calling them bib hangers. Someone posted a link (i believe), but the site is down. Any input on how to get my hands on one? Not to sound like a total NooB, but theoretically the purpose of hanging is to increase the flaccid size correct? I live at the gym and every once and a while you see a guy walking around the locker room hanging like a babies arm. That's the epitome of "LOCKER ROOM PRIDE"... and I want IN! lol...
> didn't know it was a regular thing guys do

Hanging is, perhaps, one of the oldest and most consistently reliable forms of Penis Enlargement.

>I want one of those things. I read all the posts in the thread and everyone is referring to a member called bib and are calling them bib hangers. Someone posted a link (i believe), but the site is down.

If you wish to start hanging you must certainly read a lot more. Bib's work is a good place to start. The web address is: BibHanger Keep in mind, though, that the Bib is not the sole production hanger available, nor is it, any longer, the most commonly used hanger.

>theoretically the purpose of hanging is to increase the flaccid size correct

Not at all. Take a look around this subforum and you will shortly see otherwise.
Thanks for the info. I've seen the same principal idea done in India and/or other cultures. I just wasn't aware that it's a regular thing here. I'll check out more threads and I'm ordering one right away. :D
salve a tutti ... sono nuovo ...... sapete dirmi dove comprare un gancio??

hello to all… they are new ...... where I can buy a hook?