notoriousDICK said:
Hello all. I've been here for almost a half a year now and have been Penis Enlargementing on and off for some time. For the first time, I really began a rather dedicated clamping routine. I'm proud to announce that after intense clamping for 1 week, I gained .5 inch in girth. I took a break, just to see if its fluid accumulation, and sure enough it was there after 1 week.

That takes me up to 7X5.5. I'm going to keep clamping.

What are some gains others have had while clamping? I'm interested to know what you guys think.

Plus, from your expereince, what girth do girls seem to prefer? Should i keep going?

Here's a post I wrote last July, sounds like we've both stumbled upon pretty much the same thing. I got FANTASTIC girth gains from this and the good ol' cock o' steel to boot, ya can't beat kegeling for penile health.
And my ol' lady goes, literally, nutso over not only the girth
but the control I've gained too.

Anyways, here's my version:

Once again, just when I thought I was some kind of creative genius when it came to NPenis Enlargement, I find that I've been beaten to the punch!

I do a variation of the ***...actually thought I invented the whole damn thing, and I was "perfecting" it before springing it upon my enraptured audience, too late!...but with mine it's a mostly "hands off" operation.

What I do is this; after a good warm-up and a typical jelq/ULI session I grab a kitchen chair and a half inflated football (American style) and get ready to pump. Me, not the ball.

Now, the footbal has to be rigid, but not too hard because; A) you need it to stay in place, and, B) you want to exercise yer cock, not mash it, and, C) you guessed it; you're gonna be sittin' on it.

I get my good ol' �naked people movies� goin for some extra stimulation and I sit with the chair backwards. (For whatever reason, this helps pump blood to the area via tightening the abs, it lets you rock back farther and helps with balance.)
Anyways, I'm in the chair, on the football, watchin' �naked people movies� and kegeling blood into my cock as hard as I can as I'm leaning back, then, when I don't think I can pump any more blood into my cock, I hold the kegel and then slowly rock forward. This forces blood into the entire length of my cock and produces some considerable pressure...that's why I go slow. I've only just started about a week ago or so, but the soreness I feel tells me I'm onto something.
There are lotsa variations you can do with this and one added extra is the workout it gives to the abs, the lower back and all those other pelvic muscles.
Ol' lady sure likes the results too.

What got me started on this is one day I was thinkin' about the girth gains I've been making recently. And I realized that most, if not all, of my gains were all in the external penis. Well, what the hell was I gonna do to keep my cock from looking like a gawdamm popsicle? (Y'know; little stick, big dick.) And this is what I came up with.

Hey, if anybody tries this, lemme know how well it works for ya. Good luck.
And here's from a post I made in Feb. I swear to Gawd that a bodypillow is the shit for overnight expansion and raging erection health!

Here's another sincere vote for cardio/health and erection quality link.
Also, especially for some o' you young guys, weight training/resistance floods your body with HGH right after a good pump. I'll walk, (car crash wrecked running for me for a loooong time), then I'll do as much of my Penis Enlargement routine as I can while in the Horse stance. Not only does this give me strength and stamina in my legs it also helps circulation below the waist; crucial for erection quality, and conditions my body to see a prolonged erection as a typical, usual, desirable condition.

Here's one other thing I'm gonna recommend even though it sounds kinda far-fetched:

Get yourself a body pillow.

A full length body pillow. Somewhere on MOS, I'll link to it later if I can find it, DLD has an exercise where you cross your legs and trap blood in your erection. This works directly from the very root of your penis and is, effectively, a variation of the "Behind the Balls" kind of exercising used by a lot of us to target the inner penis for expansion.

I started using a body pillow a few years ago to help with lower back soreness when I slept. One thing I've been noticing lately is that during sleep I have erections that are not only of teenage quality (I'm 45, by the way) but that seem to last for, literally hours. One very pleasant side effect of this is that my girth is expanding virtually on its own. Not only erect girth but flaccid too.

I've come to the conclusion that this is happening because of the way I sleep; about 3/4 on my belly, but also with my legs crossed in such a way that it promotes blood-flow INTO my sleeping penis and discourages blood-flow OUT of it.
That, combined with the above exercise routine, produces some damn fine results for my penile health. Which was my original reason for finding MOS; growth, for me, was a secondary, although much welcome, aspect.

This past weekend was an extremely gratifying demonstration of that when my Ol' Lady couldn't keep her hands and mouth offa my cock; she just kept telling me over and over, "Two hands AND a mouthful...I can't fit my hands around it!" And for the first time in my life I had to be EXTREMELY careful not to be too forceful in my thrusting, especially from behind or when she was on top. She got "stabbed" once or twice and from what she said, "...not the good kind of OWWW!"

So if any of you guys out there decide to try a body pillow, for whatever reasons, chime back in and tell us if you're experiencing anything similar. I don't want to sound like some freakin' infomercial sales-yahoo, but; penis enlargement...while you sleep...for free !?! Seems like it's workin' that way for me.
sawyer said:
got a hosepipe clamp and a bit of rubber guna av a bash

What? Was that sawyer language?:) What is "rubber guna av a bash"?
doublelongdaddy said:
What? Was that sawyer language?:) What is "rubber guna av a bash"?

I think it means, going to have a bash. But, Im probably wrong.
And here's from a post I made in Feb. I swear to Gawd that a bodypillow is the shit for overnight expansion and raging erection health!

Here's another sincere vote for cardio/health and erection quality link.
Also, especially for some o' you young guys, weight training/resistance floods your body with HGH right after a good pump. I'll walk, (car crash wrecked running for me for a loooong time), then I'll do as much of my Penis Enlargement routine as I can while in the Horse stance. Not only does this give me strength and stamina in my legs it also helps circulation below the waist; crucial for erection quality, and conditions my body to see a prolonged erection as a typical, usual, desirable condition.

Here's one other thing I'm gonna recommend even though it sounds kinda far-fetched:

Get yourself a body pillow.

A full length body pillow. Somewhere on MOS, I'll link to it later if I can find it, DLD has an exercise where you cross your legs and trap blood in your erection. This works directly from the very root of your penis and is, effectively, a variation of the "Behind the Balls" kind of exercising used by a lot of us to target the inner penis for expansion.

I started using a body pillow a few years ago to help with lower back soreness when I slept. One thing I've been noticing lately is that during sleep I have erections that are not only of teenage quality (I'm 45, by the way) but that seem to last for, literally hours. One very pleasant side effect of this is that my girth is expanding virtually on its own. Not only erect girth but flaccid too.

I've come to the conclusion that this is happening because of the way I sleep; about 3/4 on my belly, but also with my legs crossed in such a way that it promotes blood-flow INTO my sleeping penis and discourages blood-flow OUT of it.
That, combined with the above exercise routine, produces some damn fine results for my penile health. Which was my original reason for finding MOS; growth, for me, was a secondary, although much welcome, aspect.

This past weekend was an extremely gratifying demonstration of that when my Ol' Lady couldn't keep her hands and mouth offa my cock; she just kept telling me over and over, "Two hands AND a mouthful...I can't fit my hands around it!" And for the first time in my life I had to be EXTREMELY careful not to be too forceful in my thrusting, especially from behind or when she was on top. She got "stabbed" once or twice and from what she said, "...not the good kind of OWWW!"

So if any of you guys out there decide to try a body pillow, for whatever reasons, chime back in and tell us if you're experiencing anything similar. I don't want to sound like some freakin' infomercial sales-yahoo, but; penis enlargement...while you sleep...for free !?! Seems like it's workin' that way for me.

Very interesting!

how much have you gained, girthwise from this? or would you say the girth gains are from the football?
Hey VK,
I gotta admit that I haven't done much dedicated girth work for about six months or so, nothin' like the "footballers" anyways. But I do have to say that I gained the lion's share of my girth (1"-1.25" gained) by doing the footballs in about 8-10 months. And in those 8-10 months I actually only put in a total of 50-60 hours of work.
Like I said, "They're intense", plus I really think that I'm lucky in the girth gaining department, length comes much more slowly for me.

Now, for the body pillow stuff, and bear with me 'cuz it's kinda hard to explain; have you ever noticed the differences in your erections at times? Sometimes it'll seem like you're hard...but not fully engorged? It's almost as though not all of your penis is actually engaged, if that makes sense. You're hard but not as thick as you've been in the past, or your shaft is hard but the head is lagging behind, and so on.

But at other times you feel as though you couldn't stuff even one more lousy red blood cell into your cock. You're just as full and hard and vascular as humanly possible. Sometimes your cock is full and heavy and....well...impressive, without even being fully hard and then your erection just improves from there. You're cock is so hard that bending is waaaaay out of the question and the skin is stretched drum tight.

Well that's the erection quality I've been experiencing for quite a few months now and I really think that it's due to the pillow. Between my body, the pillow and the mattress there's a hollow spot, a cavity, and my night-time erections are free to fiil it. Add to that the blood trapping effect from crossing my legs and I'm damn happy with the results.

The difference is much like that between a regular old hard-on and a clamped and kegeled hard-on and I fukkin' love it! (Now I really, really, really gotta get back into some kinda shape, 'cuz my erections last longer then the rest o' my fat ass does!) And that's another added bonus: not only do I come only when I want to but I come like a fucking mad-man and my cock is ready to go again, literally within five or ten minutes or so...I ain't even got time for a nap and a sammich ! Needless to say; my Ol' Lady likes it too.

As far as buying one o' those body pillows, hell any good size department store has 'em. If I remember right yer litlle profile thing there says you're in Ontario? I'm assuming you've got a Sears, Target, K-Mart, Wally-world or something like it up there. Grab yer Missus (or Miss) one day and tell her you wanna go pillow shopping...I'm sure she'll jump at the chance. Mine can't DRAG me out shopping, so I know how she'd freakout if I ever was the one who wanted to go.

If you try it and ya like it; let us all know about it!
Good luck, man!
Thread. I'm gonna bump the shit out of you, and according to my calculation you will land back on earth on the 31.03.2012 :)

Anyway, Thanks Notorious and Max for sharing this exercise. This sound like a killer advance girth exercise to obtain that extra expansion. I am thinking behind the balls clamping and this technique will/should cause some serious expansion. This is truly an exercise for experienced clampers or should I say constrictor's.

Maxameyes, great gains for the time invested. Have you made additional gains from it since then?
Here ya go, same answer, different thread, related subject:

I never measured, before nor after, but just as a rough guess after being on MOS awhile I'd say about an inch, inch and a half in length-almost the same in girth. I'm right about 7x6" now. Enough for the Ol' Lady to go...ooooh...OH...OWWW.

Like I've said before; my primary purpose for finding MOS was restoring penile health and erection quality after a car wreck-and untreated meningitis-so the gains were just frosting on the cake.

I really don't Penis Enlargement in pursuit of gains anymore (variety of reasons) I just like playin' with my dick.
MAXAMEYES;477863 said:
I really don't Penis Enlargement in pursuit of gains anymore (variety of reasons) I just like playin' with my dick.

Me too, but now I've gone blind:) ...and my palms could used a shave!
Well, we all know: you jus' a nastee fukker!

doublelongdaddy;477867 said:
Me too, but now I've gone blind:) ...and my palms could used a shave!
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