Over my Penis Enlargement career I have found length to be the most difficult for me to gain. For me it's honestly been a question of working enough on length vs. girth. It seems to be a bit easier for me to gain girth than length so I tend to lean more to doing girth work because it is more efficient. Here lately though I have noticed my length increasing fairly steadliy and quickly because of pumping and jelqing for 2-3 sets everyday. That varies though as sometimes I am unable to have a sessoin and I'll take the day off instead of forcing the time issue. This seems to help with growth, so it could be that we don't allow ourselves enough rest in both areas that we don't see gains like we want.

I've been reading a bit over at T's place about gentle tension for a prolonged period of time and then an increase of force being a possible key to growth. With the way a pump works at low Hg this would be the low tension over a period of time, and the jelqing would represent the increase in pressure needed to expan the tissues in all areas. This would also work with hanging and then Penis Enlargement weights or any ADS.
coolbreeze said:
being devils advocate....is comparing these tissues accurate? The penis is much more of a dynamic organ compared to the ear, and I dont see how one could function with balloons implanted in their penis as they do for skin grafts. Its totally different

Also - those tribes with rings are not African, they are in asia I beleive and the neck does not get longer...the collar bones become deformed and with use they cannot keep their own heads up without those rings on. Not very functional.

Firstly, you are wrong about where this is practiced- it is an african tradition, not asian. Next, the necks of these woman do actually get longer over time, and though no its not very functional, this is a part of their culture and makes them more attractive to the men there. Also, I wasn't saying that it was the exact same thing- obviously your dick is different from your neck- or your ear- but the comparison was between the way tissues can be augmented through certain processes. I thought that people would be smart enough to see that connection, but apparently I was wrong. I'll try to spell everything out in the future and not use too many big words :cool:
This brings me to a question I thought about.......is working length and girth in the same session counter-productive?
It hasn't been counterproductive for me, at least during the first year or two of P.E. Now that I'm into my third year, and doing strictly bundled stretches, I should have an answer to your question by the end of my third year--come October.

Did you pull her out of your box?

Shit!! Does she have some kind of pump hidden in her dress?

Is this how you're going to send me to bed?






Its funny how he just totally threw the subject off track with that...shows our attention span....lol...

yeah sorry but i could not help myself i dont know who it is :s but i think there is a pump there ?:( on the floor in the background :D
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very sexy lady there ;)


what i have found harder to gain for me is girth i gain my girth of 5.0 and have been stuck there for about a few months :( my length is increasing lovely. i havent measured for a while yet and i can nearly get 3hands on my cock. around 2 and a half hands it is at :D

i have gained 1.2 el and .5 eg in 8months got another 4 months left to i hit a year i hope i gain at least half of my previous gains. which should bring me to very close to my goal. 7.8 x 5.25

i have added clamping into my schedule now. looks like this

am wake up call if i have a morning wood i would masterbate and edge then clamp 2 10min sessions.

pm after a shower warm up i would stretch(30mins) and wet jelq(20mins)

before bed i would try and clamp off again.

i have only recently strated randomly clamping. got the idea of bigjoe or bigbuttlover i think ;) i dunno lol.

but recently my length and girth is coming along nice and my cumming is shooting :D

MOS rocks, dld you legend;)
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