doublelongdaddy;398202 said:
Well now you have both:) Nothing wrong with that! when it is time you will be ready!

Hehe :) New measurement is on December 10th, we sill see then if I am ready for the G or not :)

Damn that thing is huge :) When I started using the H again, it looked so cute and small in comparison to the massive G :)
Simyan;398214 said:
You are just a few steps ahead of me my friend. When I take the H off, my dick is nearly filling the whole thing out. I've learnt music is key to using the Bathmate :) Just play some hip hop, lie down and let your dick grow :)

hey simyan, i maybe slightly ahead girthwise, but iam so jealous of your length!!!!!!!! my personal best in Bathmate is 190. i know your mega in front of me!!!
LOL I'm just in it for the Girth game, bro. My length makes my dick look long and thin :((

fonic;398220 said:
hey simyan, i maybe slightly ahead girthwise, but iam so jealous of your length!!!!!!!! my personal best in Bathmate is 190. i know your mega in front of me!!!
hey , could you answer these questions for me, the lengths i reach in Bathmate, which is longer than my current best erection by about half an inch ,is that my true potential? when i can reach 100 percent erection? and if so when could i expect to see this cemented?
I would say it is a lot less than your true potential. You can add like 4 inches in length as has been documented through various means. DLD being the prime example. Bathmate probably will not bring many length gains but more girth gains
Simyan;398246 said:
I would say it is a lot less than your true potential. You can add like 4 inches in length as has been documented through various means. DLD being the prime example. Bathmate probably will not bring many length gains but more girth gains

thanks bro.
p.s my fave way to pass time on a Bathmate session is watching jenna haze getting fucked rotten!! he he.
I know her too :)

What are your stats bro? Where are you now and where do you want to end up :)

fonic;398249 said:
thanks bro.
p.s my fave way to pass time on a Bathmate session is watching jenna haze getting fucked rotten!! he he.
Simyan;398251 said:
I know her too :)

What are your stats bro? Where are you now and where do you want to end up :)

hey simyan, i dont have a clue how to add all that stat stuff you do in your posts, thats pure genius whizzkid stuff! for instance the coloum you have above, thats way over my head how to do that. i can only best describe what i started with and and where i want to go, about one year ago i was just over 5 inches full erection and about 5.8 inches girth, iam currently sitting at 7" 100 percent full erection and pretty much cemented 6.5 girth, admittedly iam struggling to reach my personal bests just now, because my dicks just tired, and i refuse to give the bastard a break he he, i owe most of my original length gains to bib hanging, i dont hang now to make length gains, it was like being slowly tortured, i didn't look forward to pe. my girth gains came from Bathmate, i have been using the original X-40 from day 1, long before they were popular on here, my weapons of choice currently are LengthMaster, i find that fun to use, recently acquired the size genetics stretcher, and of course Bathmate, now my length gains are pretty much grinding to a halt. iam really confused i dont know whether iam wasting my time with the LengthMaster and ads, because i dont retract my foreskin? i did try a manual stretch the other day with skin retracted and i only felt like it was stretching a small point at the glans and was uncomfortable. what i want to finish with is the 8 incher length wise (i know cliché ) and girth i think 7" would suit me. thanks for listening and sorry to go on a bit, any wise words of wisdom is welcome.
Awesome Girth! I'm so jealous! As for all the complicated digital stuff, just go to settings, top right . Then click on edit signature and type in your signature there :)

So how long id you use the Bathmate for and did you sue the DLD girth blasters? :)
fonic;398254 said:
hey simyan, i dont have a clue how to add all that stat stuff you do in your posts, thats pure genius whizzkid stuff! for instance the coloum you have above, thats way over my head how to do that. i can only best describe what i started with and and where i want to go, about one year ago i was just over 5 inches full erection and about 5.8 inches girth, iam currently sitting at 7" 100 percent full erection and pretty much cemented 6.5 girth, admittedly iam struggling to reach my personal bests just now, because my dicks just tired, and i refuse to give the bastard a break he he, i owe most of my original length gains to bib hanging, i dont hang now to make length gains, it was like being slowly tortured, i didn't look forward to pe. my girth gains came from Bathmate, i have been using the original X-40 from day 1, long before they were popular on here, my weapons of choice currently are LengthMaster, i find that fun to use, recently acquired the size genetics stretcher, and of course Bathmate, now my length gains are pretty much grinding to a halt. iam really confused i dont know whether iam wasting my time with the LengthMaster and ads, because i dont retract my foreskin? i did try a manual stretch the other day with skin retracted and i only felt like it was stretching a small point at the glans and was uncomfortable. what i want to finish with is the 8 incher length wise (i know cliché ) and girth i think 7" would suit me. thanks for listening and sorry to go on a bit, any wise words of wisdom is welcome.
ive never gotten fluid build up with the Bathmate, and i pump to the point were no more water shoots out, am i still doing somethign wrong lol i think id actually like to see some fluid build up
ownd;398267 said:
ive never gotten fluid build up with the Bathmate, and i pump to the point were no more water shoots out, am i still doing somethign wrong lol i think id actually like to see some fluid build up

hey ownd, thats seems perfectly fine to me, for instance iam currently doing between 4 and 5 Bathmate sessions a day, just because iam struggling to make length gains, iam hammering girth work. and the only time i get the slightest bit of build up is when my foreskin retracts, on the very tip of that skin, when i come out of tube 10 mins jelq each time, then all is good in da hood!
Simyan;398257 said:
Awesome Girth! I'm so jealous! As for all the complicated digital stuff, just go to settings, top right . Then click on edit signature and type in your signature there :)

So how long id you use the Bathmate for and did you sue the DLD girth blasters? :)

hey simyan, i think i started using X-40 about april 2009, it was one of my first pe products, things are fuzzy because i never kept a journal on anything i really done, and i never discovered this site until fairly recently, that would have made things much easier for me in the early days, the information and help you guys put on this site is nothing short of tremendous, as for the blasters yes they were a blast he he, dont do them now iimpossible to re-enter tube, it also not easy going in now with a decent erection, the best i can do now is the Bathmate pulls, but iam limited to the amount of that work i can do as its sore on my glans, when i pull the glans goes even tighter against top of tube mucho painio. what i will say as-well is they done a real good job in making it easier to pump in the latest gen models, big differance. i dont like X-40, just not a good fit for me yet.
Simyan;398257 said:
Awesome Girth! I'm so jealous! As for all the complicated digital stuff, just go to settings, top right . Then click on edit signature and type in your signature there :)

So how long id you use the Bathmate for and did you sue the DLD girth blasters? :)
hey, just to add in the beginnning i never really used the Bathmate that much because at the time there wasnt that much info on it, i was a noob and never new anything about pumping, i think i got discouraged about the temp gains and kinda left it in the cupboard for a while, but after overcoming my fears of the device, i got really into it.
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