goinfor11x7 said:
I'm proud of what I have accomplished here and eager to share it with others--even if it comes across as bragging, too bad!!! When I started out with P.E., , I couldn't get an erection to save my life. I was suffering from E.D. diabetes, and rapid vision loss from advancing glaucoma.

My diabetes is still out of control, I continue to lose what vision I have left, but my dick is doing great. I'll continue to brag about it, and when flamers like you come along, I won't stand down.

I've worked too hard to get where I am. When you're two or three times your age, come back and talk to me.

Just out of curiosity, have you ever tried medicating with cannabis? Supposedly it does wonders for glaucoma patients and helps get your vision back, even.
Yeah, I have, 10 inch, good man.

It did help me initially, but it was only temporary. I have a relatively rare form of glaucoma, whose progression they can only slow down. I've had many surgeries. I also have cataracts--the result of the glaucoma surgeries--non-operable until I'm on the verge of complete blindness.

Not pleasant, huh? I've been battling this for ten years now, so I'm grateful for whatever vision I have left--especially my near vision. This allows me to work on the computer with magnification. I'm in the best of hands--have seen some of the top glaucoma specialists throughout the country.
Well I wish you all the best, and am glad that a plant could help you out, even if temporarily. It's a shame they don't decriminalize it so that scientists could find a way to take the "high" out of the plant to help those who are sick and do not wish to be stoned or high all the time. Then you could smoke whenever you needed without worrying about your normal functioning.
Thanks, good pal. I'm going to run it by my glaucoma specialist again just for the hell of it--see if they're coming up with any new approaches using cannabis.
Goingfor11x7 have you tried the indian herb "Salacia Oblonga"?It's a really potent herb used to treat type 1 and 2 Diabetes, and all the side effects associated with the disease!Sorry guys, for getting away from the topic!!Thanks!
Thanks, Girthius, for the tip. I'll check it out. Sorry too. We're getting off topic here.
fedora said:
A mom and son (14 years old), he played hockey in a team .... his mom and the other guys moms always stood outside the locker room (door open) looking at that guy when he was changing.
Am I the only one who found this disturbing?
2hung4u said:
Am I the only one who found this disturbing?

just shows how good it is to have a big package, makes life so much easier... people like me with a small dick should just be killed off to put out of our misery
misterious said:
just shows how good it is to have a big package, makes life so much easier... people like me with a small dick should just be killed off to put out of our misery

If you let your penis control you you need to rethink your life. I think Penis Enlargement is only good up to a certain point for some people, after that you need to seek counseling.
A big flaccid size in the company of men gives us a sense of power. A potentially large penis is almost territorial and somehow it establishes a primitive order of male dominance. In contrast a massive soft size in the company of woman initiates a different feeling of power, one of individual sexual conquest...a personal foreplay.

But non-the-less, a large flaccid size is sometimes treasured more than a massive erect size. First impressions with woman when soft or massive rumors in the male lockeroom when the boys see you with a large flaccid size, it all adds to male confidence.

To say this does not matter is dishonest. I think that most men, whether their erect size be 5" or 10", they would prefer their flaccid size to be the same. Is it possible? I know it is. I have done the routines that allow this to happen (Ace Wrapped, Lazy Ass, etc.) and I have seen my flaccid size come close to my erect.

I think it is really hard on guys, personally, socially or sexually to have a small (or perceived small) flaccid size. Regardless of it's erect size, the initial soft impression we have in the lockeroom, bedroom, etc. is what we believe others judge us by and, in most cases, what we judge ourselves by.

A bit off topic, but I think allot of guys tickle their sack to get a fat semi-hard penis when naked in the company of other people.
Let me tell you, I got a 2.5 inch flaccid, it sucks nuts. It's the reason I got into pe, it seriously looks like clit. Although when I reach my goal (8x6) I could really give a shit. So what I got a baby dick, it grows into a monster. That be like getting a great surprise. Growers represent.
doublelongdaddy said:
A big flaccid size in the company of men gives us a sense of power. A potentially large penis is almost territorial and somehow it establishes a primitive order of male dominance. In contrast a massive soft size in the company of woman initiates a different feeling of power, one of individual sexual conquest...a personal foreplay.

But non-the-less, a large flaccid size is sometimes treasured more than a massive erect size. First impressions with woman when soft or massive rumors in the male lockeroom when the boys see you with a large flaccid size, it all adds to male confidence.

To say this does not matter is dishonest. I think that most men, whether their erect size be 5" or 10", they would prefer their flaccid size to be the same. Is it possible? I know it is. I have done the routines that allow this to happen (Ace Wrapped, Lazy Ass, etc.) and I have seen my flaccid size come close to my erect.

I think it is really hard on guys, personally, socially or sexually to have a small (or perceived small) flaccid size. Regardless of it's erect size, the initial soft impression we have in the lockeroom, bedroom, etc. is what we believe others judge us by and, in most cases, what we judge ourselves by.

A bit off topic, but I think allot of guys tickle their sack to get a fat semi-hard penis when naked in the company of other people.

This is probably one of the central reasons of me getting into Penis Enlargement. I had always had a 3" softie, which grew to 7 inches long when hard, but that, I think, is at the "bottom of average" when it comes to flaccid length, even though I was "large" when it came to erect length. I was such a bigger guy compared to everyone else in basketball and such, thus my 3" didn't look like much at all on me. Shit, even when I did have a nice 6" hang going because I was somewhat horny, it STILL doesn't give the effect that a 5" does on a 5'10" average build guy.

Most uneducated guys think that soft size determines hard size, and judge someone's potential penis size based on how much they themselves grow from soft to hard.

It seems most girls know that dicks can grow, at least those who have had at least a few partners. I flashed a girl at Spring Break last year, and it was probably about 3 1/2, maybe 4" long at the most (I was so plastered.) She just smiled at me and said "you know, it's not like I'm going to see your penis hard, why should I get excited?" She had obviously had a grower experience in the past. It was pretty cool to hear that from a chick, too, who knew that flaccid size didn't determine erect size.

Honestly, if I rubbed a lamp and a magic genie came out and told me (assuming this is in the future when I have gained to 9") that I could trade 1" in erect length and be back at 8" and have a 7.5" flaccid, I don't know what I'd choose. Length gains, especially flaccid gains, have always been harder for me to get than girth. I swear it seems I'll gain in EL but I'll still have that 4" flaccid when walking around in normal situations.

My flaccid size is probably the #1 thing I'd want to have change right now if I had to pick. It's all about the first impression, especially with women who tend to oversensualize about size.

Also, is it me or am I the only guy in the world whose penis shrinks when it is in water of any king (even warm or hot)?
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imagine taking out a 8 inch flaccid at the urinal and just watchin everyones reaction.. because 8 inch flaccid is 2.5 inches bigger then the average male erect size.. that shit is crazy lol.. people would think u had surgery.. well 2 years from now i hope to grow 2 inch in flaccid to get 6 inch which is an excelent flaccid size i think
doublelongdaddy said:
A big flaccid size in the company of men gives us a sense of power. A potentially large penis is almost territorial and somehow it establishes a primitive order of male dominance. In contrast a massive soft size in the company of woman initiates a different feeling of power, one of individual sexual conquest...a personal foreplay.

But non-the-less, a large flaccid size is sometimes treasured more than a massive erect size. First impressions with woman when soft or massive rumors in the male lockeroom when the boys see you with a large flaccid size, it all adds to male confidence.

To say this does not matter is dishonest. I think that most men, whether their erect size be 5" or 10", they would prefer their flaccid size to be the same. Is it possible? I know it is. I have done the routines that allow this to happen (Ace Wrapped, Lazy Ass, etc.) and I have seen my flaccid size come close to my erect.

I think it is really hard on guys, personally, socially or sexually to have a small (or perceived small) flaccid size. Regardless of it's erect size, the initial soft impression we have in the lockeroom, bedroom, etc. is what we believe others judge us by and, in most cases, what we judge ourselves by.

A bit off topic, but I think allot of guys tickle their sack to get a fat semi-hard penis when naked in the company of other people.

Really good written DLD!
I´ve played a lot of different team sports back in the days, and alot of the guys ttickle their sack or pulls their penis out and pinch their penis before they walk in to the shower, to make it a bit bigger. The power of a big flaccid is obvious in a lot of different situations.
A surefire method i've found for increase flaccid size immediately, say for if you are just concerned about the walk to the naked pool, is to just grab your flacid penis and shake it about for thirty seconds, hit your thigh with it, whatever.

Not sure that it will help for prolonged periods of time though. That's why stats of 8x6 in the flaccid department would be really great to me. I commend goingfor11 for gaining that.
misterious said:
just shows how good it is to have a big package, makes life so much easier... people like me with a small dick should just be killed off to put out of our misery

The grass is always greener, right? You'll never have a problem getting head, you lucky so and so!!! For me, the Mrs. won't go down on me. She's tried many times, but she says she feels like she's choking. I always loved a good blow job. But it just is not in the cards for me now.

Travis Dickle said:
Yeah, but you get respect. That's worth 27 blowjobs.

I though it was 25 but I may have lost track, thanks for the update:D
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