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jkisineffect said:
what's the matter jazz? LPSG, CheekyCherries, �other PE site� all have links here but you won't allow links? How nice

Because you started this thread to get members over to your new site. I told Pyro I will post a BTB link on our Site, but it won't be from this thread. You are sitting here bashing DLD and even though he could give 2 fucks, I'm not trying to see you make member gains off this thread.
Originally Posted by stillwantmore
Joke's on MOS, JAZ, DLD, ******$$**** see what they dont know yet is that I got some PRIZE footage of some of Mikes little fits ...the best part...VIDEO on my Moto RAZR's not the best but you can clearly tell it's MIKE/DLD in the vids......I'm just not totally sure what I'll do with them yet.

Wow so he managed to Film DLD too through all this? Nice work, that will be worth some money on eBay.

Lets make this Drama thread even bigger...

I know a TRUE story about Stillwantsmore that nobody here knows.
All about some sexual performances he did for a DVD / Website that I could link everyone here to. I have the Hard evidence.
I personally don't want a link to BTB here on MOS. We have had to deal with people who totally squashed MOS and they are now at BTB. Why should be allow a link to them. It doens't make sense to support those that smash MOS. GS
stillwantmore said:
LOL, it really is interesting seeing how far and outta their way (JAZ, $$, DLD) are willing to go to make me look like the one blowing the smoke up everyones' asses. When it really does come down to it...sure none of it really fuckin' matters. Who DLD/Mike Salvini really is in real life or what's really goin' on behind the scenes with MOS, or why Jaz is running the show/has DLD on a Paypal card and in control of all the $$....MOS is far from not making money...they make $$$$ every month...damn good $$$$...but hey that's Jaz's business literally and from a figurative what HE chooses to disclose is ultimately HIS decision. I'm just ticked about my whole experience while I was there....going there for what I thought I was going supposedly help with videos for "Alpha Blade"...and to be compensated financially for my time there.

I feel I still deserve to be compensated. I know I'll never see the $$ even though it's a drop in the bucket for Jaz. Why DLD/Mike chooses to let Jaz run his life in such a 38 years old....well that's his business....a very pathetic business in my humble opinion.

I was not account was apparently de-activated...after I posted that I was logging out and not coming back. Fine with me. I dont need MOS anymore. I chose to come to this forum because I still feel like I can help some guys here as this place grows with my clamping experiences, as I continue to make girth gains through clamping in the coming months.

Jaz knows exactly what happened that night. $$ and I both contacted him LIVE ONLINE via video webcam AND by cell phone....while DLD/Mike was out running around in the streets of MA in his hometown in his wacked out state of mind. I'm a man of my word....and a man of honor. It's a shame other men dont live in a similar way. What was I supposed to do? Just keep my mouth shut, accept what went on while I was there....or just forget about it and take it as what it was to me....a loss of valuable time and money???.

The only reason I can think of as to why Jaz would want to just try and blow this all off and act so non chalant (in direct...sweep it under the rug, look the other way ) about this all is because he has a financial interest in MOS. But still....why not try and right the wrong?

Whatever. Like Forest Gump said "That's all I've got to say about that!"
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Let me add my two cents in. I respect SWM, DLD, JAZ, and PYRO. I'm not going to get involved in the story at all. But what I do know is SWM in now gone from MOS, which I will miss his posts here.

This is all between SWM, DLD, and JAZ, nobody else, point blank. So why are other people throwing in there "STORIES" true or false it does not matter. So just let it go, move on and continue to practice your Penis Enlargement program, and visit the site of your choice. With the intent to make progress in your Penis Enlargement regime and assisting others with theirs. That is all there is to it. I do me and you do you. Lets get back to the focus at hand, which is Penis Enlargement.
BTW Jazz SWM says he doesn't care if you link to his gay video shoot he says it was a good way to make a quick $3k and he's not embarassed about it.
jkisineffect said:
BTW Jazz SWM says he doesn't care if you link to his gay video shoot he says it was a good way to make a quick $3k and he's not embarassed about it.

I had a feeling that cute Marine boy took it up the ass, to funny. lmfao

I think thas a jop for chuck
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ said:
I had a feeling that cute Marine boy took it up the ass, to funny. lmfao

I think thas a jop for chuck
takes one to know one I guess
jkisineffect said:
BTW Jazz SWM says he doesn't care if you link to his gay video shoot he says it was a good way to make a quick $3k and he's not embarassed about it.

LMAO Its Peter North now
jkisineffect said:
BTW Jazz SWM says he doesn't care if you link to his gay video shoot he says it was a good way to make a quick $3k and he's not embarassed about it.


BTW can we take what he says to be literal. I am not.
man this thread is getting too funny now hahahaha. You go girl. Yeah you can take him literally i've never known SWM to lie.
jkisineffect said:
man this thread is getting too funny now hahahaha. You go girl. Yeah you can take him literally i've never known SWM to lie.

Where the Girls at LMAO
Why would SWM, a respected long time Penis Enlargement-er, follow the joke thats pokey anyways? That just doesn't make sense to me.
against_odds21 said:
Why would SWM, a respected long time Penis Enlargement-er, follow the joke thats pokey anyways? That just doesn't make sense to me.
maybe cause a lot of us like pokey he's kinda like chocolate ice cream you either like him or you don't. Pyro's the one running the site and he's very well liked. And the girls I was referring to was SWM and $$$$ lol
jkisineffect said:
maybe cause a lot of us like pokey he's kinda like chocolate ice cream you either like him or you don't. Pyro's the one running the site and he's very well liked. And the girls I was referring to was SWM and $$$$ lol

Well i meant real Girls LMAO where they at LMAO
well the only one I can think of is thewife who I think is a dude.
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