twins172_up;470685 said:
I can see how you can use the cold water in te Bathmate, but while in the extender? You would want you penis to be in its most pliable state to get a maxium stretch to extend, but once in the extender, how would you expose it to cold, i wouldn't put my extender in water.

The extender can be washed and it is recommended to wash the extender every couple of days, they can be exposed to water for long periods of time, most parts are stainless steel and will not rust or become damaged when exposed to water, just make sure you dry it after it's been exposed to water.
This is a great idea. I always do my stretches in the shower under warm water. I mainly do side ways stretches and bundled a- stretches followed by hand clamps and uli's. When doing the stretches, I stretch as far as I can, then hold for 30 secs then kegel hard and hold for a further 30 secs while trying to stretch further. I then do a reverse kegel and stretch even further. I'm thinking that towards the end of my workout I could try adding the cold water when I have my penis stretched to it's max.

I wonder what effect clamping while under cold water would have?
bigdex28;470728 said:
I wonder what effect clamping while under cold water would have?

I'm not sure, I've never really been into clamping. I'm not sure if this technique would be good for girth exercises but I do know it works well with stretching.
I've written a song dedicated to my penis and this topic.

"I think the penis is a stubborn mofo, he needs warmth and loving to make him grow, kind of like a spoilt kid, freeze him and he'll die, cocks aint spartan, yeah thats right, cocks aint spartan, cocks aint spartan! yay!
I think the cold would just shake him and brake him, ever seen frozen steel break? well, my cock is just flesh and blood, oh he is just a simple country boy dont let him brake, he needs warmth and a kind word dont let him brake, he needs someone to pet his head and kiss him good night tonight preferably by a busty big ass slim blonde by the lake."
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I am definitely going to try this. It seems in theory sound. I will measure or take a picture atleast mentally of lil johnny and get back in about a month to let you know of the results. Thanks for the input
I've had some interesting conversations with Irspow about the heating, he read something which basicly tells it is better to when in an extender get your penis to 110 degrees and then the cells or what become so soft it's easier to stretch them. Kinda makes sense, so I'm going to get a thermometer if it''s called that, to measure degrees. And get me a 110 degree pan of water and just keep dipping a washing cloth in it and wrap it around...

He had a great idea about a electric sock you can heat for hunters.

AlmostGod;472933 said:
I've had some interesting conversations with Irspow about the heating, he read something which basicly tells it is better to when in an extender get your penis to 110 degrees and then the cells or what become so soft it's easier to stretch them. Kinda makes sense, so I'm going to get a thermometer if it''s called that, to measure degrees. And get me a 110 degree pan of water and just keep dipping a washing cloth in it and wrap it around...

He had a great idea about a electric sock you can heat for hunters.


Yeah warm up. stay warm in the extender and you will get a good stretch. then after some time cool down but hold the same stretch!
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