great videos PP - noteably "stop dreaming"

i'd just like to briefly remark on comments you've made, Stridge about questioning big Ron's attributes to be the president of the united states.

if being honest with his promise of policy overhauls and 180 reversals, honest about his publics fiancial short fallings and how he will simply rectify them, serving the people first and sticking to his guns ALWAYS no matter if he's a lone wolf or just one of few, recognising as a prerequisite, the foundational labour of the founding fathers and applying that spirit and thier ideologies to his contempary ideals for a better America and a better world, and moreover quite clearly being an upstanding, good Ameriacn man.

if those aren't the qualities you hanker for and admire in a leader then you quite obviously have an axe to grind. i don't believe this is the case.

if he is dealt the exposure his policies and priciples so rightly deserve, he will be the next president of the united states.

he'd get elected based on his tax reforms and military pull-out promises alone ... no doubt about it... its a foresighted fact.

keep pushing
We must give this everything we got. We must spread the word. Here the internet is our greatest tool and we must fight to keep it. The 2008 election media blitz is most disheartening, yet unsurprising in retrospect. It makes it disgustingly clear how money rule$ all. Only the candidates with the largest bank accounts are mentioned. Thus through repetition the wealthy embed their will into our psychics and the few and brave (not to mention sense and reason) are swallowed by the noise.

I think every day it dawns on more people that whether or not you resists them they will resists you. Whether or not you fight them they will fight you (with a smile on their faces and outstretched hand no less). However then one remembers that they have all the money and the power so what can we do? Yes what can a few hundred million people do against a a few thousand old men and riot police? Hydromaxmmmmmm...
PenilePersist said:

YouTube - Ron Paul: First Bush Was Working Towards New World Order

Ron Paul Exposes New World Order & Bush Snr.
Says American empire in trouble, dollar plunging

Jones Report
Sunday May 20, 2007

Presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-TX) was asked a question about the New World Order's agenda for a one-world government during a campaign stop in Austin, Texas on Saturday, amidst tremendous turnout and support.

Ron Paul responded, "The first President Bush said the New World Order was in tune-- and that's what they were working for. The U.N. is part of that government. They're working right now very significantly towards a North American Union. That's why there's a lot of people in Washington right now who don't care too much about our borders. They have a philosophical belief that national sovereignty is not important. It's also the reason I've made the very strong suggestion the U.S. need not be in the U.N. for national security reasons."

YouTube - Congressman Admits a Conspiracy for Global Gov't Exists

Global Governance - The Quiet War Against American Independence - Google Video

YouTube - Ron Paul on CNN talking about the debate 5-16-07.mpg
Ive only knew of RON PAUL since last week and I now am going to re-register to vote again this time around as I belive he is worth voting for and really has some teeth behind his words. He seems like a very real and truthful man with all intentions of doing what he says. I agree with everything Ive heard him say so far and am even going to send him some money for his campaign which is something Ive NEVER done or thought of doing for any politition. This guy MUST get more mainstream exposure. Our US networks are pushing him to the side and Ive never even heard his name mentioned on the major 3 news programs. Ron Paul is who I want as the next president. He will lead our country by example first and the rest will follow and like America again. We must get our respect back on a world wide level and hes the man to do it IMO. RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT!
i think the apropos word is rigged. i thought this was supposed to be balanced forum where time & questions were alloted fairly and equally.
Analysis Shows Debate Was Rigged

saw the highlights and big Ron cleaned the house again... and the polls... AGAIN.

keep pushing
Guys, I don't think you're looking at this objectively. Try googling Ron Paul - hundreds of news items from just the alst few week. He's been all over the place on TV and has had storied on the major networks and in major papers. He's getting plenty of attention,a dn actually quite a lot for a candidate who has a donut shop amongst his top twenty financial contributors.

The practice of giving minor candidates less time and questioning in debates is very standard. The fact is, even though you all really like him, he is not a strong or realistic contender for the presidency. I'm not saying this out of personal bias. I've worked in politics and have been a student of political science and elections for many years, and the odds against Ron Paul are huge. The online polling thing is interesting, but it's not really an indicator of how greater America feels, nor their awareness of Ron Paul. The libertarian activists are very organized and focused around internet promotion, and this tends to inflate his numbers as not very many people participate in the online polling and Ron Paul's supporters are not actively organizing amonst themselves to participate in order to raise his media profile.

The thing with the polling is A) we're a long ways away from an actual election when the people tend to be more open-minded and embrace fringe candidates, and B) on the Democratic side fringe candidates like Al Sharpton or Dennis Kucinitch have done very well in the past, but failed to do anything electorally. People don't chaulk this up to a conspiracy, it's just an indicator of the misleading nature of polls in terms of evaluating broad, mainstream support.

Unfortunately, these same people ignore the thing that would really help his campaign - money. I don't ahve the link handy, but a few weeks ago I looked at a listing of Ron Paul's top campaign fundraising, and it was dismal. AMongst his top donors was a donut shop. For better or worse (well, probably worse), money is one of the most important factors in a presidential race and you really can't run a successful campaign without lots of it. Ron Paul's opponents will raise tens of millions of dollars; the top Democrats will raise over a hundred million each. I think Ron Paul hadn't even cracked $100K when I checked out his profile. TV advertising and space in large media markets is a major factor in presidential elections, and Ron Paul simply won't be able to compete in this area without exponentially larger fundraising ability.

All things considered, he's recieving a ton of attention. One other thing to remember though, is that he's getting a lot of mileage out of his anti-war stance, something none of the other Republicans share. Being the sole conservative candidate against a war that has humiliated the GOP and become unpopular with their base is a popular advantage that takes the focus off of Paul's other attributes and policies. Ultimately, if he had voted for the war or was currently pro-war, he would be entirely ignored.
Yes its sad the way things REALLY work. i hope he does stand a chance. He is real!!
Well, on einteresting thing I've noticed in all the discussions about Ron Paul that I've had with various folks is that they all don't like the fact that money is such an important factor int he electoral process. Yet, at the same time, Ron Paul is a hardcore capitalist endorser of free market values, so I never understand why people find it sad that money is so necessary to advance yourself politcally in the US. If you believe ina freek market, then it's going to cost an awful lot to become the most powerful person on the planet - nothing wrong with that. A candidate's fundraising ability usually has a lot to do with how really poliitically active people feel a candidate's chances are; Ron Paul's dismal financial numbers indicate that not very many people are actually willing to bank on his candidcacy. People like his rhetoric and anit-war stance, but it's not enough to make him serious candidate, at least at this point.

I personally find Ron Paul interesting, but I don't think he'd be a great president. The next president is going to have an incredibly hard job and will need to be an extremely strong leader with centrist policies to be able to get anything done. The challenges for the next administration will be enormous and I just don't see Ron Paul's super-libertarian ideas as being what the country needs right now. The guy wants to do away with most government medical programs, put us back on the gold standard, and pursue an isolationist foreign policy (because George Washington said so). I don't think it's a bad thing to have views that aren't mainstream, but ROn Paul is simnply too far out there to effectively lead the country for four years, let alone actually win an election.

I do like the fact that he's running simply because his stances force the other candidates to address certain issue that they'd all rather prefer to avoid and it's always nice to have an originial voice involved. He's certainly drawing in the interest of a lot of folks that ordinarily aren't that interested in politics, and any increased focus on the electoral process is a good thing.
It's obvious that Paul is getting frozen out, just like Nader did. Guys like this are dangerous for the large corporations who fund these candidates campaigns and control the media, they can't be bought, they're unafraid of stirring the pot and they're more interested in helping the majority than the wealthy minority.

Nader wasn't even allowed to debate, if he were there's no doubt that he would have mauled Gore, Kerry or Bush. Ron Paul may not be mainstream at the moment, but his popularity skyrocketed (from what it was before) in the last few months despite slight media exposure. Now he clearly won the republican debate, yet the media barely chose to give him the spotlight. There's something wrong with that.

Paul has fantastic ideas and actually has a track record that backs his intentions and words up. It really has nothing to do with popularity, Paul would become an instant star with even half the coverage that Hilary or Guilliani are getting and his popularity on the internet and youtube shows that ppl are excited about him and his ideas, they just need to a medum to hear those ideas. Youtube for instance is huge right now and Paul is the no 1 most searched candidate on there, infact he's been the no most searched anything on youtube, seeing the cultural phenom that youtube has become that'd be reason enough for the mainstream press to shed a bit more light on this upstart who's gaining more support and sparking more interest by the day.

Things like money and backing are, or at least should be secondary to the person and the issues. So what if he doesn't have a bunch of rich friends lining his pockets? If anything that just makes him more credible.
He is starting to get some attention from the MSM...I am a RP junkie my self and am promoting him as much and as often as I can.. I even held my nose and changed my party affiliation just to vote for him in the primary...If he wins in the primary,without a doubt he will be president and one of the greatest president this country has ever had in our time... I allways urge people how important the primaries are...You have to change party to republican to vote for him...Like I said, If he wins the primaries, he WILL be our next president.. Please I ask people to change their party affiliation to republican and vote RP in the primaries.. Do it for our country and don't let your party be of a concern.. He doesn't care what affiliation you are or how rich or poor you are or your religion or sexuality.. He cares about everyones individual rights and we are all Americans to him...

Ron Paul 2008

Do you really want this fuck below to control of our country??? No fucking way..rudy is a bad fucking person who will make bush look like a saint if got elected....

YouTube - Rudy Giuliani in Drag Smooching Donald Trump
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Back in 2000, they almost threw Buchanan and Nader in jail in New Hampshire for trying to become a part of the political dialog.

No more dictatorship. The king is dead!!! Let freedom ring!! Our founding fathers have to have a half-smile on their faces.

Ron Paul is certainly doing better than I ever expected he would. The interesting thing is that he never could have enjoyed this sort of success without full utalization of the internet. Dean was hailed as the first insurgent web canididate in 2004, but he's nothing compared to the precentage of Ron Paul's support that is directly recruited and maintained through the internet. In my mind, that makes him the most cutting edge guy in the race.

I would still argue, however, that he also benefits greatly from the current anger and outrage from a lot of former Republicans who only have libertarian leanings (there's a big difference between liking some parts of libertarian philosophy and actually going all the way with it) that are simply pissed at the Party and Bush's administration. Of course, many hardcore libertarians will tell you that Ron Paul isn't anything close to a true libertarian either, but that doesn't change the fact that he is very politicially different than his competition.

I'll never get beyond his more 'out there' policies, such as the gold standard business and actually believing that NAFTA is a trojan horse for some sort of sinister conspiracy to unite the governments of the US, Canada, and Mexico. America has bigger problems right now than Paul's obsession with this sort of thing, and I find that his foreign policy is just too simplisitic. It sounds good on paper, but anybody that has ever taken a serious look at foreign policy will have some questions about how prudent it really is to follow an isolationist track (Paul calls it 'non-interventionist' these days, but in the past and even now in private engagements, he advocates a course of action and policy set that is very much isolationist).

Despite all that I do enjoy hearing him speak and he is performing a really important service by keeping a lot of disenchanted voters in the political fray, and even motivating those that were once apathetic. Sometimes you need somebody who's coming from a drastically different place in terms of their politics to energize a segment of the population. His online fundraising is just incredible, which he has a few really talented organizers to thank for. People will be studying that stuff for years to come, and you'll hear his name all over the place in four years when people are following the same model. Modern candidates will now need the netroots level support and the strength of traditional party backing to really make a splash, at least partly due to Ron Paul's success this year.
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3rd - Thompson - 13,932(13%)

4rd - McCain - 13,693(13%)

5th - Paul - 10,184(10%)

Come on big Ron! he's just getting started... like a tank.

keep pushing
This all came out a few weeks ago, but here's the major article detailing the problem. I think the author is fair in his presentation of the most serious issue here: best case scenario is that Ron Paul is an absent-minded politician who will let his name be assigned to anything, worst case scenario is that he's a deeply paranoid bigot that has very little grip on reality.

And, for my conspiracy-minded friends on this website, there was a mention of Ron Paul's relationship to Alex Jones:

"and has frequently been a guest of Alex Jones, a radio host and perhaps the most famous conspiracy theorist in America. Jones--whose recent documentary, Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement, details the plans of George Pataki, David Rockefeller, and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, among others, to exterminate most of humanity and develop themselves into "superhuman" computer hybrids able to "travel throughout the cosmos"

That doesn't ahve much to do with Ron Paul but it was fairly entertaining.
Ron Paul!!!

good to see you around old friend.

i can't seem to get that link to work?

i read, on a daily basis, the nuts and bolts of the race to the Whitehouse and i'm not best pleased.

bottom line here; Ron Paul has been the sole subject to a media blackout(i don't mean 100% by any network) or smear campaign... no discussion on this matter, i'm putting my foot down.

i read and watch articles and video's respectively about Ron Paul and i want to fucking kick someones cunt in!

the treatment this man has had to entertain, from live debates to network interviews to aspersion molded column inches, is disgusting and should be criminal.
its a fucking joke, a circus, a web of unfairness, exclusions, disrespect, muzzle orders, and lies.

just go watch yourself a slew of Ron Paul google/youtube news vids where the interviewer/anchor unleashes a barrage of scripted questions designed to tarnish the name of Ron Paul, rather than hear what the man has to say. this is the shit the voters watch and motivates their choices!!

not to mention the proven vote rigging and undeclared votes.

WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? why is Ron Paul the victim of this slur offensive??? its pretty clear.

i'm guna have a roll-up.

keep pushing
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