
Jun 12, 2008
My problem has always been girth. I have added about 1-1.5" of length (currently 8.2" BP, 7.3-7.4" NBP) over about 1-2 years of length training, but my girth is yet to go past the 5.5" mark midshaft (I think I started around 5.2-3"). My base girth has gone up significantly to about 6.2", but not mid and upper shaft. I guess it's because I have pulled out some inner penis + jelqing/pumping has helped, but almost no improvement to mid and upper shaft.

As I said, I used to jelq a few years ago (kept it up for a few months) but got no result except base girth. Then, I pumped for probably a year or so (once a night, 4 times a week, mid-to-high pressure, about 30 min). Again, no significant gain, except possibly flaccid girth. I should probably also mention that my flaccid girth is currently no less than my erect girth.

So lately, I have been doing a (i think)) slightly modified SSJ with a clamp at my base for a few times a week, for about 45 mins or so (including warm-up). Again, as with pumping, I get very engorged after the session sometimes hitting even 6" midshaft, but it all goes away within several hours.

Now, with all that said, I'm still not giving up on girth and will continue doing the clamped SSJ hoping to see some gains eventually. But, my major problem now besides time is the fact that i have to stay hard during girth exercises. I usually resort to watching �naked people movies� for this and it works ok, but I do not like the fact that i have been watching so much �naked people movies� and would like to quit (for many reasons that some of you probably already know), but then, I wouldn't be able to do any useful girth exercises (I do believe that most girth exercises should be done hard, to be effective). And with a hectic schedule like mine (work full-time + regularly work-out + play sports), there is rarely any energy left at the end of the night to actually get horny and hard and keep it that way for about an hour. I know that probably there is nothing anyone can recommend to help me with my girth training that would avoid the problems i mentioned, but I thought i would at least post this to get it off my chest, and maybe, just maybe, DLD or someone else would have a tip or something. Thanks for reading.
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I totally understand where you are coming from. I as well have trouble being hard for girth work unless I am watching �naked people movies�. I recently quit watching �naked people movies� because of religious reasons and it also is desensitizing me as well. Im still going strong on length though maybe all come back to girth later if i find a better way of going about it.
Just use �naked people movies�, I am lost on why this would be bad.
It's bad because in large and consistent dosage, it desensetizes you to visual stimulation, and could even affect your libido. I have definitely felt some effects since i have been watching almost regularly, even though I don't watch any more than half an hour per night. Fortunately, I think i am still pretty sensitive to physical stimulation, but seeing a naked woman rarely excites me anymore, no matter how hot she is. I don't like this. When i was in a serious relationship a couple of years back, I could see that I wasn't as horny any more too, which troubled my ex as she was usually the one asking for sex all the time...
What I have done is switched to more soft-core videos, strip teases and the like. I firmly believe �naked people movies� is not a good thing, especially if you are in a committed relationship. Desensitization among other things, you really can't argue with the logic.
Alpha Effusion;333945 said:
What I have done is switched to more soft-core videos, strip teases and the like. I firmly believe �naked people movies� is not a good thing, especially if you are in a committed relationship. Desensitization among other things, you really can't argue with the logic.

Can't argue with that, it looks like a good balance.
I think this old thread is a great thread!.. since I myself got the EXACT same problem!

Im gaining girth significantly around my shaft and I myself also thinks this is cause I pulled out ALOT of my inner penis since I gained like 1.7-1.8 inches in length.

But I dont gain at all as much around my midshaft. This is the problem..I do those headsqueezes with the clamp on while clamping with my hand on the baseshaft. Trying to get in alot of blood in the middle.
It works but only temporary. I dont know if this will work in the end to make my girth clamped midshaft permanent.
After doing my exercises like for an hour I get an 6 inches thick midshaft girth. But it only stays for an hour or so. What can I do to make it faster get permanent? I dont see any improvement at all except base girth atm.
I too can only gain base girth, its one of the most frustrating things I've ever tried to overcome. Im starting to think that no number of years could make the midshaft budge any further. Im considering trying to put a clamp on he mid, figuring the pressure of the actual clamp is what makes for area growth..
Good to see my old thread bumped up.

Been a while since I started the thread, but no real difference yet. I still have problems gaining midshaft girth too. It's a fvcking bitch. But I am still not giving up. Trying the Bathmate + Jelq Device routine since about a month ago now, so we'll see how it comes along, but not too optimistic >:(
it's really heavy indeed..Im suffering like hell tbh..I thought it would be like nothing to gain girth when I was done with length... but I was wrong.

it's pain! atleast midshaft girth..

I think we need serious help, DLD, Redzulu, Fedora, all the girthgods out there, we need some feedback for midshaft girth exercises and routines.

Im seriously regret that I didnt start with girth BEFORE length. That would have been WAY smarter. >.<
oh one more thing, Us_new_kids and foolery,

how is your penis bend erect? is it straight or curved up or down?
i have a slight curve up, highest angle erection. is the base girth really ONLY from the inch and a half of length i gained, or from where the clamp and SSJ's squeeze the base?

I've been doing the erect bends for width but have noticed its not possible to increase the breadth of your dick, not possble at all. Im the same width as I was when I had 4.75" girth, width is not ever affected.
I got a slight curve aswell, but my penis is straight up in the air. I guess you meant the same and got the same type?

Maybe it's we with straight up and curved cocks who cant gain midshaft girth as easy as others?

Btw you probably gained most of the base girth from your length + ssj's I would say.
opa;351002 said:
oh one more thing, Us_new_kids and foolery,

how is your penis bend erect? is it straight or curved up or down?

I also curve a bit to the left and up. I am not sure if our inability to add midshaft girth have anything to do with this fact. But, one thing I do notice is that the my flaccid/semi-erect penis has slighty bigger midshaft girth than the fully erect one, but I don't think this is all because of the curve either, probably just because with less length for the blood to fill, the penis is fatter than when the length increases and the blood is distributed throughout more length of shaft.

Also, the upward curve does make the penis look thinner too. A straight or down-curved penis would look bigger imo.
yes, erections with great width are always downward pointing, very high angle erections are never very wide especially at the end near the head, thats definitely a lower angle erection trait. Must be gravity pulling all that blood towards the head
foolery;351287 said:
yes, erections with great width are always downward pointing, very high angle erections are never very wide especially at the end near the head, thats definitely a lower angle erection trait. Must be gravity pulling all that blood towards the head

My penis points to 10-11 o'clock and I am about 2.5" wide with about 6.5" of girth.
yes but you didnt start that wide! also, through all the girth ive gained ive had zero increase in width even when using width supersets for a month and dld bends for multiple months... this is the one area i think Penis Enlargement cant provide permanent results, at least nobodys ever shown picture proof of width increases.... oh im just jealous
I measured the other day and figured I measured wrong - but I hadn't. My base girth has skyrocketed in only a few months, but at a much higher pace then the rest of my shaft. I believe I was a pretty even 5 3/4" from base to tip when I started, but maybe those numbers are wrong - at least at the base. My base right now is 7", but I don't know how it could be that much larger so soon. I don't want to be one of those guys who says shit that is at the very least questionable. My mid shaft has grown about 1/2". Now I am concerned that my base size might keep getting larger without similar gains at mid and top. My story while similar to yours (different in that I have gained but similar to the much larger base girth), is different in regards to length. I started off at 7", and have gained very little if any in length.

Don't want to sound like a newbie idiot in that I have only been Penis Enlargement'ing for about three months, but I definitely don't want my base girth to get to some ridiculous size while the rest of my shaft, no matter how large it might be, is totally off proportionately. I just figured the whole shaft would get larger, but as you guys have learned from personal experience, that isn't necessarily true. I have only done stretching and jelqing and have no plans on using any kind of device.

Obviously what this thread needs is someone who not only experienced this same problem or situation, but who also found a way to correct it.
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Just a thought, didn't "Haggendaz" (SP?) do a workout very similar to DLD's newbie routine with alot of jelqing that increased the distal end of his penis? His pics looked like the "Baseball Bat Shape" type I'm hoping to achieve. But, there was a post from a guy that said after 5 months of jelging(approx 500-600 reps, I think), he had to stop because his head had become bigger than he wanted. Now, me personally, I would be happy with a big head because that's the first part that goes in! And if you're not so turned on, it doesn't need to be gigantic to allow for good BJ's. Just a thought...what do you guys think?
I've said it before and I'll sat it again: Sex takes place in your brain-not your groin. You've gotta find out what you can do, inside your own skull, to help achieve the goals you want outside of yourself. And to be honest, your penis is a bodypart that pretty much has a mind of its own.

If you can condition yourself to become aroused only with the use of �naked people movies�, you can also condition yourself to become aroused when, where and to whatever extent you desire.
Might be difficult, might take longer than we'd like, but it is a fully attainable goal.
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