
Dec 15, 2010
Hey guys,

Just wanted to tell you the extraordinary results I got from the extender. I also like looking at the details on Penis Enlargement... what makes our penis respond the best, etc.

My main thing is I used the sizegenetics a lot. I took frequent short breaks, but strapped right back in. On some days I lost count how many hours it was in. Half the day sometimes longer. This was done for about 2 weeks.

I dident have time to do the manual stretching half the time, and I haven't got my Bathmate in yet. So this was mainly the extender. I decided to measure and my penis and I went from 6.5 to 7.0" length increase! Is this temporary, or what? I havent had time to use the extender the past few days and the length is still there.

To me, this seems to indicate the longer you can be strapped in, the faster the results!
thats fuccen amazing!!!

half a inch is two weeks!! you gotta be proud of that bruh.
but tell us a little more bout your routine with the extender cuz, how long are you using it for each set?
and how long are the breaks?
this is making me reconsider on getting the SG extender aha
Sorry, I looked back at then I got the extender and the timeframe from now till then was 3 and 1/2 weeks. But still, thats fast. I got this idea from someone I was talking to who found a way to use the extender when he slept and got amazing results. I thought ok, lets see if I can replicate a nights sleep 8-10 hours when I'm awake and see what happens.

Any pill that increases blood flow is SO important when using the extender. It will make results come so much faster. Same principle as taking whey protein or something when you lift weights.

I usually (not all the time) did the manual stretches, then went right into the extender for usually around 1.5-2 hours and rested for just a few mins and strapped back in. A typical day was more often than not most of the day. 10+ hours easy. Some days (only a few) were 3-4 hours. There has to be something connecting long hours and gains. These results have to solidify that! I cant wait to see results when I combine manual stretching, the extender and the batemate!
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Thats how I feel. I worked as hard as I could and found that pe works. The harder you work at it the more successful you are.
WOW!!! This is a record gains! Keep pushing, keep at it, lets see how far you can take it!
Michcool125;438846 said:
Any pill that increases blood flow is SO important when using the extender. It will make results come so much faster. Same principle as taking whey protein or something when you lift weights.
That is junk science. Do you really think your body is somewhat starving the cells now and that "increased flow" is going to wake them up and nurture them? You don't seem to understand how nutrients transfer into cells.

Do you ever wonder why increasing blood flow isn't the first thing hospitals and infirmaries do? Why isn't increasing blood flow a common known remedy? Why don't body builders and other athletes also increase blood flow?

It's because it's junk science and it's dangerous. Increasing blood flow with a pill can only be done two ways: 1) dilate vessels; 2) increase heart rate. One drops blood pressure the other one raises it, both of which have long term negative side effects. Comparing increasing blood flow to eating protein while lifting is not valid. I don't know how this blood flow thing ever got started. You have plenty of blood flow to where it's needed as long as you're healthy. The human body is well-documented to increase vessel size to areas that demand it: both permanently and temporarily.

If you want to be sure of proper blood flow stay on a regular exercise routine and eat right: your body will do the rest naturally.
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Congrats on the results. But honestly i think everyone can get this with the sg/Bathmate workout. We are starting to see a new breed of super results. Coming from these types of high intensity workouts.

More is more as we say on mos ;)
Aimingforthetop;439009 said:
Congrats on the results. But honestly i think everyone can get this with the sg/Bathmate workout. We are starting to see a new breed of super results. Coming from these types of high intensity workouts.

More is more as we say on mos ;)
haha, this might be true :D
I just hit 195 dBPXL (d as in documented - I have a picture), BPXL as I see is at 200 now. And that's the first measurement with a 2 out front that I have seen in my life. Pressing and bending myself quite a bit to get those last 5mm but oh well ;)
That's with 90mm of rods btw (2 large - 1small, or actually 1 large, 2 medium, 1small in my case)
Aimingforthetop;439009 said:
Congrats on the results. But honestly i think everyone can get this with the sg/Bathmate workout. We are starting to see a new breed of super results. Coming from these types of high intensity workouts.

More is more as we say on mos ;)

It will catch on! Once guys see how quickly the rest are they will follow suit.
Junk Science? I really cant see compairing this to junk science like global warming... I'd really like to see DLD's take on this as far as I know, he endourses the maleextra pill that increases blood flow, and says results come faster. Correct me if I'm wrong but I could of sworn I read this from DLD.
Michcool125;439052 said:
Junk Science? I really cant see compairing this to junk science like global warming... I'd really like to see DLD's take on this as far as I know, he endourses the maleextra pill that increases blood flow, and says results come faster. Correct me if I'm wrong but I could of sworn I read this from DLD.

What is your question?
Keep in mind cells are fed through interstitial fluids, subcutaneous fluids and the like. There aren't blood vessels going to every cell. Increasing flow will not cause the osmosis-like transfer from occurring any faster. I guess pressure might, but who wants an aneurism? :)
Not so much that, but as to the EFFECTIVENESS of it in helping increase size when using is when doing Penis Enlargement exercises. This is because MoreGains123 has doubts as to the effectivess of it working to help increase size.
How does making either your heart pump faster or your vessels dilated help you to grow new tissue?

Go see your local doctor and ask them if you should "increase your blood flow" to help you heal faster. After they laugh, ask them to explain it to you. I'm not messing with you, I'm serious. You can cause serious medical issues by hopping up your circulatory system.

Heart attacks and aneurisms are probably the worst possible side effects. Loss of sleep, restlessness, sweating and anxiety are common too.

If you're a healthy specimen, your body knows what to do: let it do it. Just eat right and get exercise.

Also, watch out for Yohimbe in particular because you can overdose on it (Yohimbe is a common active ingredient in male enhancement pills).
Blood flow has everything to do with how a body heals. That's why I had to stop smoking when I had a compound fracture to my lower leg. That's is why people with diabetes often get major infections in the feet and lower legs. If a part that is injured does not get enough blood your asking for trouble.

Now does a pill that "increases" blood flow actually work? I don't know. Does a penis get enough flow under normal circumstances? I don't know. Are the side effects worth the benefit? Guess that is up to the user
cool thread
You can also do lunges. This guy has some good videos on Youtube. Lunges increase blood flow to the penis. Add this to a routine with pills and exercise and you have a unstoppable combination.
Turnover;440193 said:
You can also do lunges. This guy has some good videos on Youtube. Lunges increase blood flow to the penis. Add this to a routine with pills and exercise and you have a unstoppable combination.

That is the rumor right now and I believe it big time!
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